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Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 11:31 am
by monele
The things you've been able to make Ren'py do are... wow
Probably one of the most important things for me ^.^. And I hope to see more people trying new stuff :D
The term 'Suburbs' seems a bit out of place
Yeah... I've never been good at these things ^^;... If anyone can point out a better word, I'm all for it :)
I would have preferred a set, drawn avatar for the player
I hesitated a lot over this. Then, since we wanted to release it quickly, I just ignored it.
I've made tests about being able to choose your avatar though... so it's still a possibility... if only for MagBou2.

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 1:13 pm
by musical74

OK played it through...loved the ending....LOL

OK Pros:

Music! YAY!
There's a lot more background info on who Pom is, also more background info on the lady who's kids are makes it better I think.
The writing. DEFINITELY the writing, the story surrounding the tax collecter was well done and had me laughing. I felt for all three characters, and that makes for a good story.


POSSIBLE glitch, but when you rest on the weekend, it seems to be recover 3 morale as opposed to 4.
Slightly harder than the demo to make money - but overall I think this is a good thing...saw a *base price* and a *current price* is this changed? Seems the player is selling potions at a loss...
Saving the Captain's men is HARD!!!!

All things considered, it's very well done, and the cons are all very minor. This is great that you were able to finish it Good stuff!!!! :)

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 1:33 pm
by chronoluminaire
Wow, I so want to try this out!

...But it'll have to wait until April, really... Many words still to write... *points to sig*

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 1:37 pm
by DaFool
musical74 wrote:(um, can I still date Framboise?)
Sorry you didn't get to date her :?
But you get to live with her under the same roof! 8)

Okay okay, datable characters are planned for the sequel MagBou2...coming 2008 or something :?

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 3:29 pm
by monele
OK played it through...
You know, I'm glad the project wasn't dumped ^^ I would have felt bad leaving you without nothing when you were so eager XD
There's a lot more background info on who Pom is
Yeah, I really wanted to put that in. I just had my lack of motivation right when I should have written Pom's intro ^^;
The writing. DEFINITELY the writing
No way ^^;;;... If there's *one* thing I didn't put much hope on, it's the writing ^^;... Well... thanks! That'll be one less fear during future projects I guess ^^;
POSSIBLE glitch, but when you rest on the weekend, it seems to be recover 3 morale as opposed to 4.
Nyo?... let me check... I know I touched that at some point >.>...

Summary :
-5 working on weekend
-2 working on a week day
+1 if paid
- (salary-realsalary)/salary * 10 (the less you pay, the worse it is)
+3 on resting

You were right ^^... I just forgot to change the message but it was really adding 3. This means that if they work 5 days then rest for the 2 weekend days, they'll end up with +1 morale compared to the previous week.
This is only because I didn't have time to put vacations in... :)
Slightly harder than the demo to make money - but overall I think this is a good thing...
You know, the money isn't really *that* important in this game. You just need to buy *one* item to be okay. Salaries and stuff are usually all right once your rep gets high enough.
But I'm curious : are people playing for the money? Trying to "high score"?
saw a *base price* and a *current price* is this changed?
Each recipe has a reputation in percentage. It's 10% at first for base recipes. Others might get less. Basically, under 50%, you sell lower than the base price. Over 50%... you sell higher :). You always start by selling potions cheaper than it should, because they're not well known. As they're bought, their reputation grows and you get more and more money out of them.
Not the best system though ^^;...
Saving the Captain's men is HARD!!!!
Kuku ^^... Naaw~... really? I'm curious, how do you do it? (put in a spoiler tag or pm me)
...But it'll have to wait until April, really...
Ahhh you Nanoreners! *shakes fist* :P
But you get to live with her under the same roof!
And she punches you if you try anything weird! :D
Okay okay, datable characters are planned for the sequel MagBou2...coming 2008 or something
We'll see, we'll see ^^;... Though yeah, I'd love to have something ren'ai related this time.

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 5:10 pm
by kara24601
Well , I wasn't trying to get "high score" but I wanted to be able to afford the items at the furniture store. The first couple of playthroughs I kept having problems making enough money just for extra shelves , partly because I was new to the game and hadn't yet exactly got the hang of it ...partly due to tech errors ( which were largely resolved later after figuring out I needed more than one and all ) ...and just not making enough period....eventually I got the hang of it and now I'm doing great , even during the "low" times it's not so bad as I've gotten to the point where I have a good amount of shelves , both Fram and Pom have their own chariots to make gathering faster and easier...blah blah blah...It's really alot of fun , it was a bit frustrating for a while and at first but like I said it took me a while to really get the hang of it and I'm having a blast now.
Past the fake tax collector business but not seeing any new cutscenes...yet. :lol:

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 5:14 pm
by DaFool
You don't really need shelves if you play efficiently
But there's just enough money anyhow :D

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 5:22 pm
by mikey
fake tax collector
Was this a spoiler? :?

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 5:24 pm
by DaFool
I believe it is.

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 5:24 pm
by kara24601
I thought everybody knew about it already.... :?

:oops: Sorry!

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 5:28 pm
by DaFool

Nah, I'm just happy you're posting.

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 6:03 pm
by monele
Just think that a lot of people will only play it by April ^^;...
Could you edit your posts about it and add the "spoiler" tags around these parts? For others' sake ^^

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 6:06 pm
by mikey
Well, no one died or anything, but that's still (as everyone says) the best scene just gone for me. :(

EDIT: I agree, spoiler tag or rephrase it.

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 6:09 pm
by DaFool
edit: nevermind. way too much adrenaline got to me.

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 6:10 pm
by kara24601
ok , fixed...apoligies. :oops: