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Re: Summoner Sweetheart [VN & RPG Dungeon Mix] [FREE]

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 2:13 pm
by wakeupbree
I'm new to this but the only thing that I would say was both a nice touch and actually really annoying was the fact that the playable character was voiced. It takes away from actually feeling in control of the character for me personally. Great art though. It was more enjoyable than I thought it would be.

Re: Summoner Sweetheart [VN & RPG Dungeon Mix] [FREE]

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 11:44 pm
by selenity136
I tried playing the dungeon part of the game, but like mionhax, I didn't see any of the characters but when pressing QWER I could hear sounds and got the "You Win' message from the battles. Could it be my graphics card is not up to date?

Re: Summoner Sweetheart [VN & RPG Dungeon Mix] [FREE]

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 6:55 pm
by Ghost-Rain
Is there a guide for endings somewhere? I can't seem to get any good endings. ((Or endings in general. I just get the developer's note about the endings))

I have never played LoL, but this vn is still really fun. Gotta focus on one guy...but even if I do that I can't seem to get any endings.

Re: Summoner Sweetheart [VN & RPG Dungeon Mix] [FREE]

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2015 7:55 pm
by sakurakimuchi
This game is REALLY hard. Like, I've been playing for hours but haven't achieved a good ending.

I really think you guys should upload a guide or something, because I can't seem to get Cyrus' good ending and when I tried Daniel's I just got stuck when I tried to do the combo thing, because really I tried the combination but it just won't work, it's annoying and I'm getting frustrated with this, which is a shame because it looks like a nice game. And btw, where can I find Cyrus in the 3rd day? He just won't show up.

Also, I know I'm being really annoying right now but the game crashes like hell, is it with me only? Like, not only in the dungeon, but sometimes when I try to load it just crashes, I'm so mad. lol

Re: Summoner Sweetheart [VN & RPG Dungeon Mix] [FREE]

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2015 1:04 am
by Reiyane
I was a bit disappointed with this game, to be honest. Especially with the dungeon part - the crashes were incredibly annoying. But the worst part was that I couldn't see any characters there, only background, so fighting was almost impossible. It's actually a bit reassuring that I wasn't the only one with that problem, but still...

The guide would've been great as well. Or some kind of status screen in game to see if the choices were right or not - some of the choices weren't so obvious (Cyrus is such a complicated character xD)

I loved the art and the voices. The story seemed interesting as well.

If not for the bugs, this game would've been amazing.

Re: Summoner Sweetheart [VN & RPG Dungeon Mix] [FREE]

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2015 12:05 am
by sakurakimuchi
Alright guys, the only good ending I got was the one with Cyrus (the other two I couldn't finish because the guys stopped showing up on the map no matter how hard I tried looking for them) so if anyone wants a guide with that, please let me know.

Re: Summoner Sweetheart [VN & RPG Dungeon Mix] [FREE]

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 3:39 pm
by Alyn
Hi! I would like a walkthrough ;)
I got disappointed too... The game is so very beautiful and we can really see the effort put in there by the developers, but the jogability is rather... lacking. It's lacking a certain something that captures the interest of the player. Rather than putting effort in making the voices, I think it would be better if this effort was put into making the endings like... "grand finales". It's almost certain that a first time player will not get a good ending, and the developer's ending is a major turn off! It's totally out of context and the player has no idea what's happening! The deadline should have been explained more enphatically ingame, and the player should have a hint when the game ends before the deadline (it would be good to have a random event explaining, with some kind of story not to leave the player hanging). The ending is the goal of all player; with endings like this, I could not bring myself to try this game for more than an hour - and normally I don't stop playing until I get every ending and CG.
I found a playthrough in Youtube (Angielovescatz) and that was the only "walkthrough" I found. Even with the videos, I didn't find anything new to the route I had managed to play (I chose Cyrus), so perhaps with an actual walkthrough we can see other ways to play and real endings.