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Re: Swan Lake [BxB] [Romance, Fantasy, Kinetic] WRITING ~95%

Posted: Tue May 24, 2016 3:29 pm
by MoonByte
Infel, not just you. How this escaped me until now is beyond me.

It looks gorgeous, sounds intriguing and I honestly can't wait to see the finished game :D
This goes definitely on my watchlist!

Re: Swan Lake [BxB] [Romance, Fantasy, Kinetic] WRITING ~95%

Posted: Tue May 24, 2016 4:36 pm
by audrenes
infel wrote:I'm a bit upset that I didn't catch this thread till now DX. But I'm glad I did =D. This looks very interesting and since I love fantasy it attracted me real quick =D. To make it even better it's a BxB game, which is something I love. Another thing I really like is the art. It's a very nice style =). It's cool to see this game is in good progress. I wish you the best of luck and will play it when it comes out =).
Haha, better late than never? I'm glad that you're interested in it! I'm very proud of my progress so far and I hope you enjoy the demo when it comes out!
MoonByte wrote:Infel, not just you. How this escaped me until now is beyond me.

It looks gorgeous, sounds intriguing and I honestly can't wait to see the finished game :D
This goes definitely on my watchlist!
Thank you! I'm really glad that you like the little art and story I decided to reveal so far! The demo should be coming out in August, but I've just decided that I'm gonna work on a small side project for Yaoi Jam instead since the BL elements here don't show up until after Act 1 (aka the demo lol)

I hope you enjoy it when it comes out!

Re: Swan Lake [BxB] [Romance, Fantasy, Kinetic] WRITING ~95%

Posted: Sun May 29, 2016 8:25 pm
by audrenes

Update 5/29/16

- Uuuupdate aaaart!
- -> Does it look familiar to you? It should, since it’s the finished version of the album art from the 5/1/16 update!
- -> Check it out!
- I finished King Gerald and Queen Alethea’s sprites during last night’s stream!
- -> I may either draw the rest of the main line arts to make sure I have a consistent art style in the sprites? I only have about three more I can stream, so I may do just that?
- I started to work on outlining one of the BGs.
- -> I remembered why I hate working on BGs.
- I’m thinking about selling prints of the artwork when the project’s completed.
- -> I’ve never sold prints before though, so if anyone has any advice for that, I would love to hear your thoughts on it!
- I’m still participating in YaoiJam!
- -> Buuut, since the demo for this won’t have the BL elements, I’ve decided to start up another game from scratch.
- -> (I yelled at myself already.)
- -> The game should be short and not be time consuming!
- - -> ~10-25k words, 10-11 CGs/BGs/Intro art, and 3-6 Sprites
- - -> (If it spirals into a 42k+ VN, I’m going to fly to the sun BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT I SAID FOR THIS VN, BUT LOOK AT WHERE WE ARE NOW)
- -> So the demo for this may be pushed back a little bit?
- -> Saturday’s streams will focus on Swan Lake stuff, others may focus on my other project. I’ll try to juggle them evenly.
- -> Who knows, maybe I can get both done by August!
- - -> (Pray with me, if that’s a thing that you do.)
- Want more frequent updates?
- -> Follow me on tumblr!
- Want even more frequent updates?
- -> Follow me on twitter!
- Like my art?
- -> Commission me!
- Wanna watch me do what I do?
- -> I stream at Picarto!
- -> Set in stone date and time is Saturdays @ 8 PM EST (though, I may change it to 9 PM…)
- -> I announce streams on tumblr and twitter for scheduled and unscheduled streams!

Thank you for the support!

Re: Swan Lake [BxB] [Romance, Fantasy, Kinetic] WRITING ~95%

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2016 1:40 am
by audrenes
6/6/16 Update

- A couple of hours off… because I fell asleep.
- Updates now may not be as much?
- -> I’m at that point where I’m developing the art assets and that takes A While to produce.
- -> Like it took me two hours to lay down the base colors and some of the shading for this sprite.
- - -> It takes Forever to do.
- - -> I thought about switching off to the sprite style I use for Kiss Me X, but I realized that it changes the feel of it?? So I’m not gonna use it. And by extension, every thing is gonna take forever to do.
- -> Also, my focus has shifted into getting KMX completed by August. If I get anything done for this, it’ll most likely be done on the weekly stream.
- So, I’ve decided to change the ending.
- -> I mean, it’s still gonna end the same way, but getting there will be different and some of the results?
- -> Really hard to explain without giving it away, but let’s just say I’m reducing the death count… technically.
- -> Also, some other things will change because it’s more… practical?
- -> But anyway, you know what that means??
- -> I have to edit more scenes :^)
- Socials
- -> Tumblr
- -> Twitter
- -> Picarto
- - -> Streams @ Saturdays 9 PM EST

Thank you for your support!

Re: Swan Lake [BxB] [Romance, Fantasy, Kinetic] WRITING ~95%

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 5:41 pm
by audrenes
Update 6/13/16

- Well, I have nothing to update on.
- Actually, I’m at that point in development where updates are gonna slow down a bit.
- -> Particularly because art assets are gonna take a while to produce the way I’m making them.
- -> And also because I’m really focused on completing the game I’m working on for YaoiJam.
- -> But mostly because of the former.
- So! I’ve decided that I’ll update once or twice a month!
- But still, there may be little progress until YaoiJam ends.
- -> I promise you, though, that I’ll be up to speed with Swan Lake by August!
- -> I intend on finishing this project because my goodness, it became more than I thought it was going to be, and I’m so excited to show y’all the work I’ve done for it.

Thank you for the support!

Re: Swan Lake [BxB] [Romance, Fantasy, Kinetic] WRITING ~95%

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2016 6:22 am
by TsukiShima
This is so beautiful! I wish you all the best and I'm looking forward for this!

Re: Swan Lake [BxB] [Romance, Fantasy, Kinetic] WRITING ~95%

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2017 8:04 pm
by audrenes
Update 1/1/17

- Happy new year!
- New year new things to talk about!
- First of all, I would like to announce that I’ve tentatively changed this project’s title to Sunrise Revolution.
- -> It was to differentiate it from the original source material in general but also because of the following point.
- This project has gone under a complete re-write!
- -> After stepping away from the project to work on KMX, I’ve realized that there were some things a lot of things that I wasn’t happy or satisfied with.
- ->I didn’t world-build enough, even though I established Otto as a magic user, he didn’t really do magic. The ending felt kind of rushed and anti-climatic. There were some things in the dialogue that made me go Yikes. Also plot holes. Lots of plot holes.
- -> So! I re-wrote it! I kept some bits from the first draft, but for the most part, it’s almost a complete re-write.
- -> Actually, while I was re-writing the script, it got to the point where it didn’t really feel like an adaption of Swan Lake anymore? It felt more like I just took some elements from it like the names and clumps of the plot. Because of that, I felt like keeping the project under the title Swan Lake wasn’t appropriate anymore so I looked for a new name.
- -> First Draft Stats:
- - -> 42005 words
- - - -> {ACT 01: 6647 | ACT 02: 12513 | ACT 03: 16582 | ACT 04: 5445 | EPILOGUE: 818}
- -> Rewrite:
- - -> 66121 words
- - - -> {PROLOGUE + ACT 01: 13446 | ACT 02 + INTERLUDE 1: 15750 | ACT 03 + INTERLUDE 2: 24392 | ACT 04 + EPILOGUE: 12536}
- - I will be looking for beta-readers in the future, since there are some things that I’m worried about not getting right. But first, I want to re-read the script myself to go back and edit in/out info to keep the story consistent.
- The art should change as well to fit a style similar to the image for this update.
- -> It would have been really inefficient if I kept with the painterly art style I was going with. Plus there’s a few Easter eggs I want to include that needs to have the art style like this.
- The game may be a mix of RPG and VN?
- - This is super tentative, though and is not final.
- Even with this update, I’m still prioritizing KMX since I’ve made pretty good progress on it already. (Also because I really want to complete a project this year.)
- Contact: twitter | tumblr

Thanks for the support from 2016! I hope we see more of each other in 2017!

Re: Swan Lake [BxB] [Romance, Fantasy, Kinetic] WRITING ~95%

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2017 9:15 pm
by audrenes
TsukiShima wrote:This is so beautiful! I wish you all the best and I'm looking forward for this!
Sorry for replying so late! But thank you and I appreciate your support!

Re: Sunrise Revolution [BxB] Fantasy/Adv. (RE-WRITTEN)

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 6:46 pm
by audrenes
I'm still editing the script to add in more world-building stuff and additional info, but I made a really rough animatic/storyboard sequence for the game! The song will be changed in the final version, but it'll more or less have the same sequence of images. There are more notes in the video's description.

Re: Sunrise Revolution [BxB] Fantasy/Adv. (RE-WRITTEN)

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2018 11:16 pm
by Tomoyo Ichijouji
Hey there! Was gallivanting around here after a long absence and I remembered this project. No pressure if stuff's happening, but I'm curious about this project still! =)

Re: Sunrise Revolution [BxB] Fantasy/Adv. (RE-WRITTEN)

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2018 10:08 pm
by audrenes
Tomoyo Ichijouji wrote: Sat Apr 28, 2018 11:16 pm Hey there! Was gallivanting around here after a long absence and I remembered this project. No pressure if stuff's happening, but I'm curious about this project still! =)
Hey! I wanted to semi-completely rework the story and I don't want to do that until I'm finished with Kiss Me Not and right now that project is getting some touch ups in its writing because I've accepted that it's not gonna be as short as I expected it to be. I wanted to work on it more over the summer but I have to take some classes... Either way, I really need to kick it into gear if I want to use it as my senior thesis... But I still want to give Siegfried and Otto the story they deserve. And I have to do some research on it as well as possibly figuring out how to give the game more interactivity. (I've been thinking about making it into an RPG????)

In short: it's still happening!! Just not for a while because of life and priorities.

Thank you for your support!!!