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Re: NaNoReno 2017 General Recruitment Thread!

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2017 5:51 pm
by yoshibb
I'm hoping to be able to join a project for Nano this year. I've done two Nano projects solo the last two years and I recently finished my first commercial Visual Novel. I am primarily a CG and Sprite artist, but I am willing to do Backgrounds too. My primary interest is GxB, otome games, but I may be willing to try other subjects.

Here's my portfolio:

If you're interested in working together, send me a message :)

Was able to find a team. Good luck everyone!

Re: NaNoReno 2017 General Recruitment Thread!

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2017 6:21 pm
by Katy133
For this year's NaNoRenO, I'm working on a Medieval fantasy GxB story where you play as a retired, female adventurer with two possible love interests.

I'm currently looking for:
-Musicians: Specifically a person who can create 8-bit style music with a Medieval tone.
-Proofreaders/Playtesters: People to play a rough cut of the visual novel to check for spelling and grammatical errors.

Re: NaNoReno 2017 General Recruitment Thread!

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 3:02 am
by Sayumi101
Hello there everyone!
This year I was thinking of taking up another NaNoReno project, and since my laptop screen is of very shoddy quality, I am in need of a colorist.

Workload - 2 sprites (one male, one female side image) and 3 to 4 CGs (relatively simple, no backgrounds)
What I will provide - Line art (possibly base coloured because my lines are shaky and don't want to inconvenience helpers more than they already are, lol) Approxumate sample of my art can be seen in my avatar pic.
Project details - It will be a lighthearted GxB romance game wherein the ridiculously rich main character, getting wind that her parents will announce her engagement on her 18th birthday, actively persues her older childhood friend who only sees her as a troublesome little sister. (Welp, that's it for shallow summaries. But that be the approximate idea. I can provide more info later if need be ^^)
Will get to drawing exactly as March rolls by. ALSO, for now, I have one completed project under my belt so if you want to take a look at my 'style', feel free ^^.
Contacts can be arranged through PM or emails.

Please send me a sample of your work as reference. (Also if you want to conpletely take over the sprites/CGs and not tolerate my anatomically challenged self, you are welcome to!! -is shot-)

Re: NaNoReno 2017 General Recruitment Thread!

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 9:40 am
by Hojita
Hi guys!
This would be my very first Nano time and I would love to join.

Currently, I'm looking for doing one o more the following stuff:
(I may be joining more of one project depending of the demanding time I stimate based on the work I get to do. I know i'm listing a lot of stuff, but I think it's better to show everything I can do instead of just a litte).

-Proofrearing/advising and mentorship, focusing mainly in narrative structure and character/world building. As a profesional screenwriter, I can and I wanna give some advice and help the team to improve all we can in story's aspects. Also, check for errors and inconsistencies. I can't do grammar check since english is not my main language.
But!! As spanish IS my main language, I can give you all the previously said, plus gammar check if your story is writed in said language.

-Translation - I can help you translate and check grammar for your project from english to spanish.

-Beta testing. If you need someone to check errors and stuff and you project will not be longer that 1 hour, I can check it for you and do a detailed document. I can't do beta testing for longer projects since I don't have so much time available, sorry.

-I would love to do sprite CG but it would consume so much time and I don't have a decent portfolio ready to show. You can check my DA under my avatar anyway


Besides that, I have some short projects on head long ago. I gonna show them hoping someone may get atracted to them and finally doing them.
Two of of them are ideas for yurijam I didn't used since I was bussy with university to join.

-Yuri idea 1: A native-kind girl from a small community is willing to obtaing her village to believe in their gods again, but with no result. She decides to search for the main goddess and ask her for help. It's a comedy kind of story with some 4th Wall breaking and non sense
-Yuri idea 2: In a weird world, a girl is capable of healing other in more that one way (not just phisicaly, but also healing the souls and feelings). She hates this power, but two beings, kind of angel and demon, are interested on her and want her to keep using her capacities.

For these, I would like to search for:
-CG and background artist
-English proofreader.

-BxG? idea: A goddess lives alone in a world full of white. Without feelings and so, she doesn't have sense of time. Suddendly, a big (very big) white wolf shows off, and changes things for her in a world she is suposed to fully control (I swear this doesn't have zoophilia)

-For this one I'm only searching for help with:
-Art. But, I'm searching for very a specific style, pretty detailed and no so cute/anime oriented. If not found one, I would do art my self.

You can send me a PM for anything of the things I just showed up.
Hope to get something and good luck for everyone!

Re: NaNoReno 2017 General Recruitment Thread!

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2017 2:47 am
by pyopyon
//rolls up late 2 tha party 'cause I wasn't sure about joining in the first place


I'm owl. and I'm working on a GxB/BxG slice-of-life story called "Pairs" (working title, ofc!) a fluffy game. It's a superhero VN that explores relationships. Players can choose to be a human, villain, or hero and... more~☆~☆~

- redacted -

Hope all is going well for everyone's NaNo's!

Re: NaNoReno 2017 General Recruitment Thread!

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2017 4:15 pm
by TheForeverLoneWolf
Hello everyone! Sorry for the late thread! I'm recruiting here on behalf of Watercress, a long term studio who's participated in the past two NaNos with Palinurus (2015) and Fare Thee Well (2016). If you want to have a look at our content, feel free to find Palinurus on Steam, or our page if you want to see our unmodified projects.

Anyways, we're recruiting for any position really, but we're looking for writers and artists in particular. We currently have four writers, two artists, three coders, and six musicians, many of these being long time Visual Novel developers (with members from Watercress, NewWestGames, Vanguarda, and Tinman).

Our concept revolves around the theme of escapism, and how it can affect the way you see the world around you. For a short excerpt from the original proposal, look below:

Imagine that you are a young girl, with a promising life ahead of you. Your family is accepting and supports your dreams. Your father works so you don't have to, and he's always one to offer advice and drink tea by your side. Your mother stays home just to care for the family, whether it's with a warm meal or a calming story from one of your favorite childhood books. You have an older brother who's caring, perhaps doting to a fault, and he's always the first person to defend you. Your family is picture perfect - the American dream.

You've just recently met the girl of your dreams, one that would be willing to go to the ends of the earth for you. She has beautiful deep blue hair, teal eyes, and her beauty's only matched by her cute quirks; she's the best friend and girlfriend you've ever had. In fact, you can't remember anyone more angelic than her. You've always had a lot of friends, that's for certain, but she's your one true love.

And then, you wake up.

So, this NaNoRenO, I've decided to do another heavy hitting game along the same vein as FTW and Pali. While Pali's theme involved sentience (and more widely, accepting yourself and others as human beings and equals), and FTW's theme was centered around accepting loss and learning to deal with regret, this proposal is all about escapism. If I were to describe it in a single sentence, it would be something along the lines of 'The story of a young girl's dream world, and how it affects her reality.' It is important to note that some events in this game will be controversial, and should be handled with the utmost care and maturity. The story is divided into three different Acts spanning roughly two hours of gameplay (give or take).


I will add that this game will be deep, and will touch on many controversial subjects. If you aren't comfortable with this, then I understand if you don't want to work on it.

We have a lot of headway already, with some concepting and plot oulines done (all within the rules of NaNo), so if you want to work with veterans of the field on a project that will be released on time, feel free to message me. It is a multistudio collaboration, and we want to make sure we all get exposure, and form new friendships!

Thank you for your time!

~Wolf, Watercress Studio Director, Lead Writer

Re: NaNoReno 2017 General Recruitment Thread!

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2017 8:39 pm
by Thee Forsaken One

I'm a writer and coder looking for a group. I've worked on games like Backstage Pass, RE:Alistair++, The Stargazers, Queen of Thieves, Menagerie, The Reject Demon Toko and a couple of others so I have plenty experience with both writing and coding.

Feel free to contact me via PM or twitter. We can discuss whatever project you have in mind. :)



Re: NaNoReno 2017 General Recruitment Thread!

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 12:41 pm
by revlith
Hi! Sorry this is a bit late! I'm currently working on this game. On which I've done the coding, background colouring and audio sourcing+implementation.

I'm thinking of making a game where the player is a trader npc in an RPG world. I was thinking something similar to banner saga in art style, but I'm open to changing it depending on what tone the story ends up having. The story is based around the protagonist and the RPG hero that comes to buy weapons. This game would also have a trading mechanic, where the player tries to barter with characters such as trying to sell a useless item at a high price.

I'm confident that I can do the scripting and a fair amount of the art and audio. But what I'm really looking for is a writer.
Writing needed would be about 5 random events, some dialogue for the bartering and the (?) events with the hero.

If anyone's interested in doing some of the art I'm better at colouring then line art. So if your interested in line art that's very cool, and if you have a preference on character or bgs then I'm cool with doing whatever. Here's some sketches and colouring I've done (EDIT: I've added some paintings I've done) and I'm very opening to collaborating.

I don't really have time to make a large game, so I'm thinking that this would be more of a snapshot into this npc's life and world.

Please pm me if you're interested, and I'm happy to communicate over skype, discord, slack or email.

Re: NaNoReno 2017 General Recruitment Thread!

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 4:37 pm
by NathanMorrisonVA
Hey! My name is Nathan Morrison, Im a Voice Actor! If you need a voice actor for your game send a message my way!

If you are interested here's my 2016 demo reel:

If you wish you can also check out the videos on my channel and on my voice acting playlist to see what else i am capable off

I wish you all luck on your games and look forward to seeing what comes out of this!

Re: NaNoReno 2017 General Recruitment Thread!

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 7:34 pm
by Yunou
Hello, I'm a sprite artist looking to join a project. I prefer BxB or GXG.

Click here for some of my work.

I am pretty much only looking to do 2 - 4 sprites, but I'm flexible. I'm down for however many expressions. I can also do chibis and general character designs and I can make clean (albeit not super creative) logos! I cannot do backgrounds or GUI.

I am also okay with NSFW projects, mature themes and content, but not excessive violence.

Feel free to contact me by PM here or on Twitter (@junosoul)--we can later talk on Discord.

If you contact me, please let me know a summary of your project, what your team is looking like so far, and any other information you think is relevant.

Re: NaNoReno 2017 General Recruitment Thread!

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2017 1:29 am
by Sunniiee
Hello I've found a team to work with I hope everyone does to. I hope everyone finds a team too~ ^u^
Hello I'm Sunniiee, a 2D artist and I'm interested to join 1 project if you're interested in having me. You can check out my art below.

Can do: Character Sprite in 2D with different poses, chibi, and a bit of backgrounds if you're interested in what I can do.
I can only do 3-5 backgrounds depending on complexity. Though I'm willing to make more if it's not that complicated.
Won't do: Furry, Gore, Porn, NSFW, Nudes, Super Muscley Characters (sorry!)
Interested in: GXG, BXB. Or Friendship themed stories. I like fantasy stories but don't mind if it's slice of life or really any genre.
Won't probably join: If it's too angsty or tragic.

You can PM me but I'm more active on my email. :D

I'm really new at NaNoReno but I'm excited to work on a project with people. I'll try my best. I'd also like to tell in advance that I'm a college student on semester break. I'll be free on the 1st to 3rd week of march but my classes will start on the 3rd week (March 20 onwards) so I might not be as active by then but I'll make sure to keep you updated if ever something happens.

Art Portfolio/Websites:

Sample 2D Characters: ... 17~mv2.png ... 0_s_2.webp ... 83~mv2.png

Chibi Sample: ... f~mv2.webp

Characters w/ Background or Background Only: ... 00_s_2.png ... _s_4_2.png ... 8_s_2.webp

Re: NaNoReno 2017 General Recruitment Thread!

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2017 10:42 am
by Noyemi K
Hey folks, I'm Noyemi! I'm looking to do some music for 2017's NanO.

That's right, I'm a composer. I have a lot of different styles that I can do, but I really prefer doing more contemporary-styled stuff with synthesis and strong rhythm lines.

Revival Hell Diary
Violet Hill
Orchestral stuff

All my time's parcelled out now! Thanks to all the folks who asked.

Re: NaNoReno 2017 General Recruitment Thread!

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2017 11:44 am
by wingcinna
Hello everyone, My name is Shida and I'm an artist~
I hoping to work on my first NaNoReno team this year. I love doing fantasy character designs and sprites. I'm comfortable with doing a 2-4 CGs as well, but I'm not so confident in my background art (I'm willing to try though!).
GUI's are out of the question, sorry.
I'm comfortable with any project that doesn't include extreme gore or full blow 18+ action.

Feel free to PM me if you're interested or would like to see more!
Thank You!

A few samples of my art work:

sample 1
sample 2
sample 3
sample 4
sample 5

The sprites I have made:
free sprites

Re: NaNoReno 2017 General Recruitment Thread!

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2017 11:59 am
by Desichan
Decided to do a project with a friend of mine, good luck to anyone else seeking to do a project!

I'm an artist.
I can do sprites, and simple cgs. (I can do more complex cgs, but I can't guarantee their quality.)
I really can't do backgrounds or a GUI, haha. Trust me on this.
I have minimal experience, on a number of games I've tried working on, on my own.
I'd love working on a GxB game, or anything that seems fun.
I'm willing to do minor gore.
I won't do anything remotely sexual, or muscular people.

Some example art: ... 1_1280.png ... aveh9q.png ... 1_1280.png ... 1_1280.png

Anyway, let me know if you're interested!

Re: NaNoReno 2017 General Recruitment Thread!

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2017 4:38 pm
by Shinoki
I'm an artist, anime-style.

I can contribute character designs, character sprites, and maybe CGs (cut-ins and chibis are the easiest).
I can't do backgrounds or gui. Males and mecha aren't my forte.

My preferences for project: GxG.
However, if you want to make a BxG game, that's fine too as long as I don't have to draw guys past chibi form.

Art examples:
(Uh, I don't really have a portfolio and I guess I don't post most of my paper drawings. But, I post some of my art on twitter)

Aside from art, I can also proofread, edit, and idea bounce. As a native English speaker, I could probably help with that stuff.

Please PM me if you're interested.
For communication, I'm open to basically anything, but Skype doesn't quite agree with my laptop sometimes, so I'm not so sure about using Skype.

Hrm, yea, I'm taken for this NaNo.