Katawa Shoujo Act 1

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Dave the Twisted
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Re: Katawa Shoujo Act 1

#31 Post by Dave the Twisted »

I just got done with one of the endings. The Emi ending, precisely, but as the credits started rolling, it shut down and gave me a traceback.

Code: Select all

  File "F:\Program Files\ren'py\renpy-6.8.1\Katawa Shoujo Act 1\renpy\main.py", line 92, in run
  File "F:\Program Files\ren'py\renpy-6.8.1\Katawa Shoujo Act 1\renpy\execution.py", line 230, in run
  File "F:\Program Files\ren'py\renpy-6.8.1\Katawa Shoujo Act 1\renpy\ast.py", line 558, in execute
  File "F:\Program Files\ren'py\renpy-6.8.1\Katawa Shoujo Act 1\renpy\python.py", line 912, in py_exec_bytecode
  File "/Users/delta/Documents/ks svn/Katawa Shoujo Act 1/game/ui_labels.rpy", line 924, in <module>
  File "F:\Program Files\ren'py\renpy-6.8.1\Katawa Shoujo Act 1\renpy\exports.py", line 592, in pause
  File "F:\Program Files\ren'py\renpy-6.8.1\Katawa Shoujo Act 1\renpy\ui.py", line 69, in interact
  File "F:\Program Files\ren'py\renpy-6.8.1\Katawa Shoujo Act 1\renpy\display\core.py", line 1356, in interact
  File "F:\Program Files\ren'py\renpy-6.8.1\Katawa Shoujo Act 1\renpy\display\core.py", line 1868, in interact_core
error: Event queue full

While running game code:
 - script call at line 1008 of /Users/delta/Documents/ks svn/Katawa Shoujo Act 1/game/ui_labels.rpy
 - script at line 924 of /Users/delta/Documents/ks svn/Katawa Shoujo Act 1/game/ui_labels.rpy
 - python at line 924 of /Users/delta/Documents/ks svn/Katawa Shoujo Act 1/game/ui_labels.rpy.

Ren'Py Version: Ren'Py 6.9.1h
Is there some bug in the game or was it just a result of playing on my fossil of a computer?

That aside, I enjoyed the game immensely. It made me think about some things, particularly communication and the inevitable faux-pas. The line given was "It's only an issue if you decide to make it one." The whole thing got me thinking that perhaps making an issue of it would be favorable in some cases. More on that if I think of some good and non-confusing ways to word it.
For my next project I'm going to need a working toilet, a pair of pliers, a jar of cheez-whiz spread, 100 q-tips, a TV remote, a gearshift lever and a whole lot of duct tape. This is gonna be awesome.

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Re: Katawa Shoujo Act 1

#32 Post by ojisan »

What an excellent game. The characters seemed so well thought out and the artwork was so beautiful.
I do have a few language and cultural quibbles. I used to live in Japan and my wife is Japanese, and there are some minor suggestions that could be done to improve this game. I stress the word "minor".
Anyone know where I can send these suggestions?

1) The names of some of the characters seem extremely odd. I did google searches in Japanese, and found no reference to these names.
Iwanako - was she named after a fish (Whitespotted char)? Very strange name.
Muto - should be spelled "Mutou" if you are going to spell one of the character's names as Lily Satou
Hakamichi - This could also be read as "road to the grave". I don't think anyone in Japan would like that sort of name.
Yamaku is the name of an inn. It sounds like a very rare name.
http://www.naganoken.jp/100meizan/list/ ... page&id=18

2) When the nurse and Hisao first meet, don't you think they should bow? It's still very western in Japan to shake hands. It seemed strange to read about people who want to shake hands.

3) The game Risk - may be too alien for Japanese readers. Why not substitute "go" or "shogi"? But then, those games are really old school. When I was at a Japanese university, I saw students playing "Uno" in the back of the class.

4) The outside of the teahouse is, in the photo, actually a ramen shop.

5) Turkey sandwich? Why not make it "omu-rice"?

Overall a good game, and I ended up with the Shizune ending (66% completion), but I think there may be better endings. Congrats to the developers for their hard work and a job well done.

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Re: Katawa Shoujo Act 1

#33 Post by busterj990 »

I really enjoyed the demo and can't wait until the full game. I really loved the artwork. it was kind of confusing with Shizune and Misha at first but it was easy to get used to. :)

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Re: Katawa Shoujo Act 1

#34 Post by teankun »

The web site says "Katawa Shoujo contains adult content". How "adult" is "adult content"?
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Re: Katawa Shoujo Act 1

#35 Post by Samu-kun »

The demo is all ages. The full game will contain 18+ content.

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Re: Katawa Shoujo Act 1

#36 Post by teankun »

Oh. So there won't be a tamed down option of the full version?
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Re: Katawa Shoujo Act 1

#37 Post by Samu-kun »

Uhh... If I recall correctly, I remember reading somewhere that the H content will be toggleable.

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Re: Katawa Shoujo Act 1

#38 Post by teankun »

Oh, so I can switch the hentai off so I don't have to worry about nudity or body fluids or the like?
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Re: Katawa Shoujo Act 1

#39 Post by Nya-chan Production »

ojisan wrote:3) The game Risk - may be too alien for Japanese readers. Why not substitute "go" or "shogi"? But then, those games are really old school. When I was at a Japanese university, I saw students playing "Uno" in the back of the class.
I think that it's a perfect game for Shizune =3

I have just finished it today... er... tonight... and

I must congratulate you, guys. It's a perfect piece with a lots of used potential. Can't wait to be TLing it (and, honestly, as a learning scripter - can't wait to see how you did some things I stood in front of with mouth wide opened).

That said, I finished the game in following order: Rin, Kenji (twice!), Hanako, Lilly, Shizune, Emi.

The first play was fairly easy, I wasn't aiming for anyone in particular, maybe Rin/Hanako, and it ended up at the mural. Good.

Second playthrough, let's aim for Hanako. Hmmm, hmmmm, hmmmm, Kenji's end. WTH.
Loaded, tried again. Kenji's end.


So I tried again and this time, it ended up fine. There's the first (little) problem, at least for me.
The paths are unbalanced. Maybe it was supposed (and in that case it isn't much of a problem), but since the paths of Shizune and Hanako/Lilly interwine, it's more difficult to get on their paths than on the Emi/Rin duo. Basically, I always knew how to get on Emi/Rin's paths, but as for Hanako and Lilly, it's a little bit hidden.

As for the girls:

Rin is AWSMSUPEREXTRAGIGADRILLBREAKERGREAT! I knew that my fav would be Hanako or Rin, but didn't expect something like this, Rin is... how to say it... simply captivating. I reread her statements few times everytime she was speaking. Please, if you can - say to her writer that he did AWESOME job.

Hanako - my second fav. Shy girl, purple hair. Nothing much to add. it was nice to see her progress, though it seemed a little too fast, maybe. But we don't have years for that :>

Shizune... my feelings are torn. On one hand, she has great character (Machiavellian :> ) and is one of the best drawn girls (her =3 face is great)... on the other hand, she has always Misha with her (I don't like Misha... hahahahaha... ;___; ) and, as the most of the local players, I couldn't really get into her character, mainly due to Misha's interpretting. It's fairly hard to see two girls, Shizune serious, Misha laughing, and not atribute the laughing text to Misha, even if you read those "..." before (and I understood that it's signing almost instantly).

Lilly was a VERY NICE surprise for me. I usually dislike blonde characters (with blue eyes, even!), but Lilly has so good script and graphics, that I couldn't help myself but to somehow end up liking her.

Emi was a little letdown. Her path here is short and there's pretty much trouble of her BGs being the most recognizable as "real" against her drawing. She feeled the most fake and "drawn" to me.

Overally I liked the girls being very consistent.

Muto and nurse were fine (I don't like nurse-san... ;___; ), Kenji worked as a great stress reliefer and his end was fairly good. I believe that there are a few men in the world who think like Kenji :>

The main character... he could talk less about how he feels out of place, especially when he's on the festival and he's being accompanied. But, well... he's main character |:

Overally, great thing, with some slight things to improve, but even without improving them - certainly one of the best games (I am ashamed to call this demo) out there!

See ya around the full version :>
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Re: Katawa Shoujo Act 1

#40 Post by Jo'ogn »

Different! Lilly all the way! ^_^
And Rin partly reminded me on myself o_0; *spaces out*

How did you do that thing with the alternating "test sound(s)"?
Is it because you have your own "Preferences" handler?
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Re: Katawa Shoujo Act 1

#41 Post by ParsonSyunOwen »

Late to the party on this one, It seems. Might not have even got here at all if not for my video card dying and banishing me from my MMO... turns out Ren'Py is one of the few gaming engines that can be played using on-board video. Score one for minimalism.

Some comments, pardon me if I'm repeating what others have said:

It's difficult to get a handle on Shizune, because her personality tends to meld with Misha's. (This is, in fact, noted in the dialog.) You never feel like Shizune is saying everything, even though most of what comes out of Misha's mouth is actually her words. Suggestion: When Shizune is 'speaking', display her character alone onscreen while Misha talks from offscreen.

In a similar vein: whenever Lilly's eyes are open, she's looking directly at the camera. This isn't wrong per se, but creates the impression that she's meeting your gaze, which doesn't jive with her blindness. Actually, looking at the sprite again, it's more than that- her body is quarter-turned as usual with VN sprites, then her eyes are turned further, thereby looking directly at the camera. That doesn't make sense if her eyes don't function, unless they DID function at some point and it's vestigal. If you align her eyes so that they're always pointing where her nose is pointing, it might look more authentic.

Kenji is annoying. Not even funny annoying, just obnoxious. Painfully so, even. Every time he showed up and did his schtick, I wanted to kick him clear out of the code.

The Nurse bears a distracting resemblance to Gin Ichimaru from Bleach... I didn't much care after the second day, though.

I'm accentuating the negative, and I shouldn't be, because despite these small problems (And Kenji), this is top-notch work. Art and writing are high-quality, the plotline is sensitive, and the characters are well-realized. The plot is pleasingly twisty, too- you have to pay attention to steer toward the proper storyline, but if you go astray it's easy to recognize it, restore to a save, and get back on track, which makes for a very relaxing play. I look forward to the full game.

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Re: Katawa Shoujo Act 1

#42 Post by Jo'ogn »

ParsonSyunOwen wrote:but if you go astray it's easy to recognize it, restore to a save, and get back on track, which makes for a very relaxing play.
Ah, right, this is sth that I do NOT like! Rollback is obviously deactivated at every menu. I had to skip through the whole thing again only to see what happens if I decide to "play the game of risk" defensively, or aggressivly. One of the things that appeal to me in this ren'ai genre is the rollback feature. I usually avoid the 'obviously correct' choices in hope that a game for a change has not taken the 'conservative approach'. The absence of rollback doesn't make the experience 'better' for me.
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Re: Katawa Shoujo Act 1

#43 Post by ParsonSyunOwen »

Jo'ogn wrote:
ParsonSyunOwen wrote:but if you go astray it's easy to recognize it, restore to a save, and get back on track, which makes for a very relaxing play.
Ah, right, this is sth that I do NOT like! Rollback is obviously deactivated at every menu. I had to skip through the whole thing again only to see what happens if I decide to "play the game of risk" defensively, or aggressivly. One of the things that appeal to me in this ren'ai genre is the rollback feature. I usually avoid the 'obviously correct' choices in hope that a game for a change has not taken the 'conservative approach'. The absence of rollback doesn't make the experience 'better' for me.
Like the Grand Inquisitor says, "Save often!" I mean, they even give you a convenient eyecatch at the end of each day to remind you...

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Re: Katawa Shoujo Act 1

#44 Post by ParsonSyunOwen »

Okay, so I just tried Shizune's path, start-to-finish, and there's a problem. She dominates the narrative too much. Once you start hanging out with her and Misha, the game becomes a three-person play. Everyone else falls out of focus, and the game becomes less about Hiseo learning to deal with his new life and schoolmates and more about he and Shizune doing the Tsundere dance.

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Re: Katawa Shoujo Act 1

#45 Post by V2Blast »

Finally created an account... I felt that this game (or one-act-of-a-game so far) warranted commenting. :D

ParsonSyunOwen, regarding Shizune: Her dominating the story if you take her path seems to be partly a result of her personality. She's an aggressive person (along with Misha, at least), so they basically take over Hisao's social life. And it seemed to me that the distinction between Shizune's actual words and Misha's own opinions injected into the translations was intentionally left blurry.

Anyway, for just Act One (of 5 or so, I believe?) of a game, this is a pretty long game. Very well-made. I liked Rin's quirkiness, and Hanako's shyness; Shizune/Misha's aforementioned social aggressiveness kinda made me like them less. Lilly was nice. Emi was a bit annoying, if I recall correctly (I played through all of this game's endings a week or two ago).

(Perhaps I'll think of more things to say later.)
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