[NaNoRenO '11] Anton's Vacation {Episode Zero}

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Re: [NaNoRenO '11] Anton's Vacation {Episode Zero}

#31 Post by KomiTsuku »

Status update: Due to some major questioning about our readiness, Anton's Vacation Ep:1 is being delayed until between May 13th and May 20th. This will help me ensure that you all are getting a game that is of at least mediocre quality. We are adding a few more scenes, working on a proper updater, galleries, and testing a few changes to the back end. So far, there is an expected 18+ CGs and roughly 25k words. There will be a very limited release beforehand to a few people to test it. If you are interested, please shoot me an e-mail at chief@idhasstudios.com, a note here, or just post. I apologize on the brief additional delay.

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