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Re: Get that thing off your chest... Now...

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2013 11:52 am
by arachni42
dramspringfeald wrote:She doesn't eat much do to the ulcers and other stuff.
Mucositis? That always seemed like a particularly horrible side effect to me. :(
dramspringfeald wrote:It's ok Delta m.m once you come to terms with the fact that there is no money for the cure it kind of makes you a nihilist. The head of the CDC said in the late 70's "the greatest mistake in the medical community was curing polio" that statement tells you exactly what is going on. all those "charity walks" for the cure mean bull once you remember the companies that are "studying the cure" also made $800 Billion last year in profits on the radiation and Chemotherapy not to mention pushing fears of shortages so that people would donate even more. 100 years of treating it only 7 accepted treatments approved by the CDC. 100 years in flight with 1/10th the budget made it to mars, jupiter and the moon. There is no cure because there is no money in it.
That's not true.
(BTW, polio was not "cured," it was prevented/stopped. Our experience with it has and will be helpful in developing vaccines against certain cancers that are caused by viruses. It's also prevented a great deal of suffering. If more people out there were suffering from polio, I don't think that would be much comfort to the hearts of people suffering from cancer.)

Polio is easy (as long as people use the vaccine). Space is tricky, but predictable. "Curing cancer" is hard. ... ancer-yet/

Keep in mind that currently some cancers are curable depending on how early they're caught. But there are a lot of cancers out there.

Also... can you please give me a source on that quote. I'm skeptical, especially since the medical community didn't cure polio. (And even today, we haven't eradicated it.) I hope it's not one of those "Salks on his deathbed regretted making the vaccine" myths. I find those very upsetting.

Re: Delta m.m
I'd never mistake you for an emo; it's obviously pretty rough out there. Despite being in a safe place you're seeing other people's suffering all of the time and you're powerless. Of course you're not happy. You may not be able to change the world as a whole, but don't underestimate the value of helping one person when you have the opportunity.

Re: Get that thing off your chest... Now...

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2013 5:24 pm
by ebi brain
An RSI flare up and only 3 weeks to study for an exam that will decide whether I get kicked out or not.


I'm screwed >_<
And I'm watching Switch Girl season 2. Season 1 was awesome. Season 2 started awesome but then there were SO many attempted rape scenes. And ofcourse, there has to be a scene where the girl gets blamed for it (she was unconscious and the guy brought her up to his room :/ But when she tells the boyfriend what happened he gets all angry with her). WTF. >:0 Not sure I'll be looking out for season 3.

Re: Get that thing off your chest... Now...

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2013 5:52 pm
by Amorphous
This sounds grossly offtopic and somewhat petty, but I really need to get this out of my system before I go crazy.

I finally managed to release my (belated) Nano project last night after probably spending WAY too much time on it, and a bunch of things went wrong with the release, from ren'py throwing errors at me during distribution to my webhost acting up to patching things up throughout the whole day as things broke and links screwed up and's been surprisingly exhausting. Not to mention entirely embarrassing, as this makes me feel even more newbish than I normally do.

I even managed to suffer a small panic attack after waking up this morning, checking my email, and realizing that some of my friends had run into the 'failed download' problem...cue Amorphous freaking out the rest of the day trying to get everything working AAAAHHH (...I think everything's working now, finally...)

Also, this is the third game (although first VN) I've released, and every single time I've managed to completely screw up the release somehow, and it's always been different issues every time. I just hope that by the next few games I can iron this all out so I don't end up panicking every time I want to complete a project.

Re: Get that thing off your chest... Now...

Posted: Sun Apr 14, 2013 11:25 am
by ofdawnandtwilight
-Content deleted-

Re: Get that thing off your chest... Now...

Posted: Sun Apr 14, 2013 5:38 pm
by Delta m.m
DaFool wrote: Delta m.m >> I'm pretty sure if you make a game (VN or whatever) that's straight from the heart about Syria (from a native) it will become popular and end up on Kotaku, Destructoid, Siliconera, etc. Let the outside world know about the plight of the people there. That's how you're going to change the world. And you don't have to be pro-Assad or anti-Assad. Just tell it honestly and people supporting both sides will clamour to stop the fighting.
I appreciate the thought, but a game is nothing but a game, it can't do anything, can't help anyone, "both sides will clamor to stop the fighting"?, there is never two good hearted persons fighting each other (without a misunderstanding, or a third party tricking them), it's always good and bad, and there's a type of people I think you've never seen before (and I hope you never encounter such people), the kind of people who enjoy seeing others suffering, they just get delighted by seeing someone crying, by torturing, by killing, with those you can never hope for the fighting to stop out of good will like you said...
but I'm not talking about Syria in general, I'm talking about this whole world, everywhere, Syria is just one case, look at Somalia, look at North Korea, look everywhere, even in your city (what ever it was) someone is suffering, there is always someone sick with no cure, someone hungry with no food, someone kidnaped, someone killed, and everyone else doesn't care like they are in a totally different world...
and on the other side you find those getting benefit from that, you need money to get a cure the cure company make billions, your hungry, your country has the greatest deposit of Diamonds in the world, and the large corporations and their puppet "leaders" are swimming in money...
it's just that Mafia leaders are the presidents of countries and large companies, nothing changed...
people with such powers can change the world...
Blane Doyle wrote: We don't want to admit that things happen in the world so we make a thin attempt at it on film, on paper, on zeroes and ones and no matter how true to life it is we indulge in it because it is fantasy. Different people want to see different things but each person wants to escape from their reality into another one that's like looking into a mirror, it's so close so real but it's WRONG. It's backwards, the good guys always win, the people who die are remembered, that lonely girl gets her dream boy, it's wrong because most times we don't get what we want but we lose ourselves of only for a moment to see someone else get it for us. Because in reality bad guys do win, most people who die are forgotten in days, and the dream boy is nothing like he seemed... who wants to live in a world like that 24/7?
No matter how fancifal and stupid or realistic and horrifying. If only for a moment we want to escape and we have the means to. So we do.
EDIT: I may or may not be having a bit of an issue with being overly cynical at the moment for multiple reasons that include "I need to see a therapist and be on medication but I don't and I am not" right now so don't mind me. I'm just being extra imbecilic today. (And self hating apparently but that's not new at all.)
that's no imbecility, it's the truth, it's human nature, they try to forget about everything, to live in their imagination, they all want to do something, they all want to be heroes, so they play computer games, they read a story, they watch a movie, but never change the real life, they don't look at those who need real help, and if they do it's mostly just those around them, the world is messed up, then they go live in another one...
and people who try to live in reality just get depressed, they don't consider changing the reality they hate, and back to the PSP they go...
and all those people hate them selves and think about suicide...
inside them they want to do something, but they just convince them selves they can't.
they feel empty, without purpose, "why am I alive?" they say...
Blane Doyle wrote:
It's so easy to lose yourself in that isn't it? Why would they change that when people want to escape, for whatever reason they have into whatever world the media attempts to portray for them? Some are good some are bad but in the end it's all one big escape from reality that we need to distract ourselves with for our own sake, our own happiness and sanity.
most of those truly happy all the time, are nothing but ignorant, they don't have problems (or ignore them), they don't feel for others, and then they are happy and watching TV.
arachni42 wrote: Re: Delta m.m
You may not be able to change the world as a whole, but don't underestimate the value of helping one person when you have the opportunity.
Reikun wrote: @Delta m.m;
Even if you don't change the whole world, never forget that your actions however small do have the power to make someone else's life better.
why dose everyone think like that?, that's the same almost everyone say, changing the world IS possible, and it's been done before you know, sometimes all it take is the will of one man...
look at Hitler, look at Napoleon, look at Stalin...etc. they all had great power, and changed the world but for the better? maybe not...
those people are not better than me, nor than you, if they did, I can do, but this time I'll make it a better world...
helping someone is just like a drug, you use it to feel good once in a while when you have "the opportunity", and put it as an excuse for not Going to help everyone...
in that case you don't help them because they need help or because you're good, it's just because you want to feel good about your self...
if you're really good, then you must try to help all those in need.
you know why are you YOU??why you're not someone else, why you're not the neighbor next door or your friend at school, the answer is in video games, in video games why don't you play with that normal soldier that get's killed, why don't you play with some guy just passing the street?, because you are meant to be the Hero...
because you are different, and you are the one supposed to do something, if it's not you, who will? it's one life you get, so what is this life if you just passed it like everyone else, get money eat drink sleep then again until you die, did nothing, end of story...
you can if you will, change the world...
I know I can't do it alone, but I can gather those who are willing, but that is the hard part, because usually all you get is someone laughing at you....
but the answer I have is a question:
What have you done in your own life ?
and most people don't say "nothing" or they will destroy them selves, so they say "I've done a lot, for example..."
and then it's my turn to laugh, (although I try to hide it because I don't want to hurt them).

I have this problem here: I Always Write Long Posts...I'm really sorry.

Re: Get that thing off your chest... Now...

Posted: Sun Apr 14, 2013 6:01 pm
by Blue Lemma
You don't have to be a future-major historical figure to change the world for the better. You just have to change things for the better, even if just for one person. That makes the world better. That's something anyone can do, whether it's on a small scale or a huge one :)

Re: Get that thing off your chest... Now...

Posted: Sun Apr 14, 2013 7:27 pm
by Applegate
What have you done in your own life ?
and most people don't say "nothing" or they will destroy them selves, so they say "I've done a lot, for example..."
and then it's my turn to laugh, (although I try to hide it because I don't want to hurt them).
If the only important things are world-changing things, your life will be very bleak. A person is a very tiny part of the entire world; Even if you gather a group of a thousand, in the face of the world population, you're still just a tiny portion. Gather a hundred-thousand, you're still just a few. It takes millions upon millions to be a "big group", and getting that group to move towards a cohesive and mutual goal is as easy as herding lolcats.

Honestly, I think you need to let go of the idea that people must accomplish something "for the sake of the world" or you will laugh at them from your throne on high and ridicule them. That's just arrogant and speaks volumes of childish delusions of grandeur.

Napoleon, Stalin, Hitler, these people possessed something few people nowadays exhibit: Charisma and force of personality. They had the right circumstances at the right time that enabled them to do what they did, and they did not single-handedly do anything. Everyone has always relied on someone else.

Just because you think everyone should be trying to change the world doesn't mean they should. If everyone did as you pleased, everyone would always be at odds with everyone, because the world can't take being changed in six billion ways simultaneously.

Re: Get that thing off your chest... Now...

Posted: Sun Apr 14, 2013 7:58 pm
by Jason
I can't help but feel guilty for the past projects I've left behind due to irl work and issues over the years that I was active here. I want to apologize to battler, carosene, netravelr, darkspartan, azurextwilight , and especially to the people who waited for Sakraloto/us project to become a reality >.> . Making a game ain't a joke and I learned it pretty much the hard way...

That's why last March 30 I retired from my web development work and decided to risk things to focus more on drawing and game making. If I ever post a project here guys, I'll make sure it has a demo.

Re: Get that thing off your chest... Now...

Posted: Sun Apr 14, 2013 8:01 pm
by Delta m.m
I'm not saying that I want to be a "great historical figure",
being a great man or self achievements won't make me feel better, I'm not looking to be famous or to be remembered by history, what makes me feel better is more people feeling better and less people feeling worse, nothing else.
maybe I just don't like small scale :)

I know very well that I can't do anything alone, I know that big changes requires many people to participate, the problem is those many are not, and what I want is for them to want this, and what motivates me isn't a high throne, and I'm not ridiculing anyone, a dollar is the most important part of a billion dollars but you can't compare one dollar to a billion, I respect everything others might do, but that becomes laughable when you compare it with "I want everyone to make the world better" especially when they were laughing at you a moment ago for saying that you want to help people just because your saying you want to help A LOT of people which is out of their and your current abilities, and they see getting such abilities as impossible.
Applegate wrote:
Just because you think everyone should be trying to change the world doesn't mean they should. If everyone did as you pleased, everyone would always be at odds with everyone, because the world can't take being changed in six billion ways simultaneously.
and I don't want people to do as I please, good is right, and evil is wrong, all of us say that it is wrong that someone is starving and you have food, and you can help him and you don't.
well maybe it's not six billions, but it's only two, good and evil, anything else I'm not asking them to change..., I won't tell you what color your car should be, and I won't prevent you from getting money,but I'll tell you you shouldn't step on others in the process, and if that will force two groups of people to be at odds then that's welcome...

I think you misunderstood me for someone who wants to be an Emperor of the world or something,so please make sure you read my previous posts , I'm talking about helping people in need, about bringing back smiles to sad faces, is that so wrong?
or is it wrong to believe I can and try to
I've said before, I'll do it or I'll die trying, and I'm willing to take the risks...

Re: Get that thing off your chest... Now...

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2013 8:52 am
by ebi brain
Hakuoki US version's finally back in stock over at PA! :D

And of course, I'm broke. *crosses fingers for a sale/it'll stay in stock for another 3 months XD*

Also those "indent" errors in Renpy piss me off. I can never get it right the first time >:0

Re: Get that thing off your chest... Now...

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 12:24 am
by Razz
It's been a zoo at work lately. We lost half our staff in one month, and it wasn't even a mass layoff, it was people fucking up over and over again.

First girl: just stopped coming in after she got a new job, no warning no nothing.
Two girls: Got fired because one of them sold alcohol to a minor. The minor in question was the other girl working there, and another employee witnessed this.
One guy: Quit because everyone wanted him to quit for being awful at his job.
Supervisor: Quit normally. Just moved.
Final girl: This is the kicker. This girl gets off on tattling on anyone and everyone. She was the one who saw the alcohol being sold and if you say even the smallest thing out of line she will tell management(while being friendly to your face of course). ...This girl stole $200 in cash.

Just....ugh. I've been working non-stop since the two girls got fired now its going to get even worse.

Re: Get that thing off your chest... Now...

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 1:31 am
by Sunlit-Dreamer
I feel your pain Razz. Oh how I feel it. Went through a similar situation while working at Subway last year. (So many people quitting, getting fired, walking out on us literally during lunch rush, etc) Had to quit because it was taking up too much of my time so I couldn't focus on homework as much. (Didn't quit until they had someone to replace me, couldn't leave them with no help since we even had to ask the BIG boss to help us out. It was seriously just me, manager, assistant manager, and the boss who was in charge of ALL the Subways.)

Even today the Subway at the military base has constantly changing employees who just can't handle the lunch rush.

I wish you tons of good luck Razz. Just hold on a while longer. I don't know when, but new employees (that are hopefully trustworthy and willing to actually WORK) will be hired. Sorry that I can't really give any advice. All I can really say is endure all of it, eat, get lots of rest, and face everything one day at a time like I did.

Re: Get that thing off your chest... Now...

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 3:14 am
by teacup
It's never nice being woken up by an earthquake that shakes your bed uncontrollably and knocks things off of your walls/shelves. Considering the bombing thing that happened earlier today, I thought something horrible was happening. It scared the crap out of me and now I know I won't be able to go back to sleep ;-;

Re: Get that thing off your chest... Now...

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 3:44 am
by DeeKay
As long as you're okay..

Dang, seems like you need a real hug ! I can only give you a virtual one from here though.. :(
*sends a big hug and positive vibes over the web*

Re: Get that thing off your chest... Now...

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 5:50 am
by Delta m.m
teacup wrote:It's never nice being woken up by an earthquake that shakes your bed uncontrollably and knocks things off of your walls/shelves. Considering the bombing thing that happened earlier today, I thought something horrible was happening. It scared the crap out of me and now I know I won't be able to go back to sleep ;-;
yeah, I know that feeling, glad you're ok, it's what matters the most.