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Re: Guestbook

#3841 Post by Avantharis »

Hello everyone!

I like rpg (tabletop), games (rpg, strategy, Vns), anime & manga (shoujo), and japanese fashion (boystyle and lolita). While I love drawing (I try something close to shoujo, also I like do character design) and study graphic design (but I also got a bachelor decree in history), for a while I have been thinking of trying both to write stories and maybe one day a game and much because of Christine Love games I found about Ren´Py, which inspired me to see what is possible.

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Re: Guestbook

#3842 Post by paradigmshifty »

Hi I'm Tom. I've been lurking and getting lots of useful advice here since last spring.
I'm 28 and work as a freelance web developer pretty much. I'm from the UK, I like electronic music and all sorts of fiction (I've wanted to make interactive fiction for a while now).
I'm going to take part in nanoreno this year! I have some experience with making music and coding and I am happy to help people out if I can.

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Re: Guestbook

#3843 Post by Doedelzak »

Hello there !

Am I the only french guy around here ? I'm afraid visual novels are pretty much unknown in France. That's a shame.

I'm 28, and I work in public administration. I don't like the job, but it brings me food, somewhere to live, and time to make music and visual novels. I'm happy with that.

I'm a musician : I play the piano and I compose music on computer. In my games, music is very important. I love to compose for the stories I imagine, and to imagine stories while I compose music. The two activities are linked in a wonderful way.

I'm currently working on 2 Ren'Py Projects : "De Profundis", and "12". The first is made in collaboration with a friend of mine, and currently lasts for 4-5 hours (the complete game will probably last for 8). The second is made with my girlfriend, who draws all the graphics, and is around 5% of development. She also draws for De Profundis, but this one is pratically a text-only game, with lots of music and sound (should I say : a musical novel ?).

Sadly, my english is basic. Me and my friend write in french. A translated version of our games is already planned, but it will take time.

Well, everything takes time, a lot of time. I'm sorry you wasted yours reading this, so I'll stop here !

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Re: Guestbook

#3844 Post by Zathura »


Not sure where this is all going, but figured I'd go ahead and register, for future use.

So, basically, I'm an avid reader, and casual writer. Lately, I've been getting into VN's, and have developed a great appreciation for the medium.

I decided, some time ago, that I would see just how difficult it is to make something with Ren'Py, and after about 30-minutes, gave up all hope. (Not a programmer...have never succeeded at a programming language...EVER)

Well, that was about 2 years ago.

Now, as I said, I've been reading more VN's than playing video games (not meant as any kind of slur on the medium), and decided to give it the old college try, and actually see if my soggy brain can absorb enough to make an appealing kinetic novel.

Right now, I'm not actually trying to MAKE anything at all. I've simply started a learning project, without an end goal in mind. It's essentially just a sandbox in which I can try out new things without getting frustrated, or upset that I can't "create my vision" or something like that. :P

At the moment, I'm a little overwhelmed. I've got the Ren'Py documentation bookmarked, and it's usually open in another tab while I'm messing with it. I've also watched the tutorial twice, and have a .txt file full of commands and notes; kind of a "cheat-sheet" for myself.

Still running into issues with proper syntax, ordering of commands, etc. Trying to figure out what I can on my own. The documentation is helpful, but doesn't seem to be as in-depth as I would like. I'd like to learn what I can about Ren'Py's programming language before I delve too much in Python itself, so that I have an idea of what will be helpful, and what is redundant / unneeded, so I don't end up learning (or trying and failing at) a whole programming language only to find that I needed a handful of lines to pretty up a menu, or something. :/

I'll have questions, sooner than later, I imagine, but as I said, I figured I'd at least go ahead and introduce myself. :)

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Re: Guestbook

#3845 Post by ItsATenothLife »

I've been self teaching myself Python coding for over 5 years now and been working with Ren'PY too. I'm very open minded and love creating Visual Novels where you can get many different endings and relationship results. I normally work alone on projects, however I'm open to work with others and lend my skills and hoping maybe also vice versa.
I love working on deep meaningful games that others will enjoy and find fun! I also love to create long playing games, rather than short ones. When playing others games I don't mind if there short or long.
I hope to make some good friends and connections here and submit my work and projects for you all to enjoy!

name: Tenoth
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Re: Guestbook

#3846 Post by oujibird »

Hello, hello, hello!

I'm Nate (or Nathan, if we're being formal here), and, boy, do I like any kind of art medium out there! I draw, write, adore animation even though I'm too impatient for it myself, and am currently learning how to play acoustic guitar. I must say, though - drawing is my primary focus! I've been drawing ever since 4 or 5, took classes from elementary to the end of middle school, and have been working on digital art ever since the start of 8th grade (hey, that's a good four years of digital art under my belt)!

Oh, how I dream of working on a project as a concept artist or in character design... [wistful sigh.]

Anyways, my dreams aside for now, I'd like to mention that I've had an avid interest in VNs since I was about 11 - and I'm 18, going on 19 now! Wowza, that sure is a while now, ain't it? Yes? No? ...Maybe?

Well, in any case, VNs have been a big part of my life, they have - from all the numerous free projects way back on newgrounds, to the more recent BL titles recently being marketed (all your bishounen are belong to me, Nate! ...well, as long as they have a tragic backstory that makes me want to hold them. Ah... cute, sad boys... please, cry into my shoulders. I'm here for you). ...Ahem. Ever since falling in love with VN characters, I've had a love for writing and brainstorming characters of my own (all of different races, ethnicity, gender and orientations); as such, I'm inclined to join someone on their project, no matter the genre, if I'm to be a writer!

I hope to help any and all who ask me for whatever it is they need!

Let's have a chat sometime, yeah? ( •̀ω•́ )

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Re: Guestbook

#3847 Post by CalypsoTea »

Hi, everyone! I am an illustrator with a really deep love of visual novels and otome games. I'd like to try making one myself at some point! I love video games (especially Harvest Moon and ones by Bioware), D&D, romances, and tea. It's nice to meet you all, and now I shall go run off to be super-shy and/or super-exhausted. ^_^;;;

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Re: Guestbook

#3848 Post by Melorice »

Oh, hey !

So I'm Marie, a young girl loving visual novels and otome games !
I lived in France, well, visual novels and otome games aren't very known here, so every time I can, I invite some friends to play one !

I enjoy writing (I write a lot of short stories, beginnings of novels, fanfic...) and I draw too but haven't found my style yet. (I'm sorry my English is bad so it may be hat to understand what I mean)

I'd love to make my own game but I think I'm too lazy for this...

Well, I love chatting with people so if you want to discuss, I'm always here guys ! *^^*

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Re: Guestbook

#3849 Post by laspis »

I've been lurking around the forum for a while now. I love visual novels and lemmasoft is a great community. I think that's all I have to say for now.

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Re: Guestbook

#3850 Post by Gambit74 »

Wow, can't remember the last time I was here. Been so busy with work and all lately, but I finally found time to resume writing again :D
Nothing to see here, folks. For now, anyway...

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Re: Guestbook

#3851 Post by Awesomepigman »

HI! I'm awesomepigman!
I've been stalking these forums for too long without a profile and finally made one to participate in nanoreno this year. I work with my friend who has yet to create an account. We create otome games and occasionally other types of visual novels, however nanoreno will hopefully be our first official game release! Together me and her form a team called dtsgreg which our games will be released under (from this account).
Anyway I don't know what else to say :P .
Um... OH! Despite my username I am a girl not a man... that seems to always cause confusion but it has been my username for quite a long time.

Well byebye ^.^

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Re: Guestbook

#3852 Post by thankthebear »

Hi. My user name is ThankTheBear and I have made a few things on the internet -- mostly videos (I've done some reviews and...(ahem) Let's Plays) and I wrote a little for a Magic: the Gathering website last fall, though it was evident my work didn't exactly fit. For probably similar reasons as everyone else, visual novels hold an interest with me, and it's refreshing to see an inclusive community based around them.

Honestly, I don't do well on forums. They're a great way of meeting people who like the same stuff, and I'd rather not seem like too much of a total old-school jerk, which tends to happen in some fashion or another. Maybe if I'm aware of this I can prevent it! More likely, I'll stick to just reading topics.

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Re: Guestbook

#3853 Post by Rated Z »

Hi there,

I'm an actor and all around creative type in the southeast USA. Creating a game has always been on my bucket list, so I finally decided to take the plunge and make the kind of game that I'd want to play. I'm going to try and use NaNoReMo to learn Ren'Py and then really bear down and make some of my dream games right after that.

Thanks for having me here!

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Re: Guestbook

#3854 Post by badbaddon »

Name: I go by whatever
Location: Somewhere I don't want to be but it's okay
Website: (just my art)
Comments on Lemmasoft: Looks like a helpful place full of people who like doing what they want, how they want.

I'm pretty much a newbie and as frustrating learning something new is I'm going to finally try. I've been following "Ren'py" for maybe a year or two and have been inspired for such a long time but my lack of confidence got the best of me (and lack of attention). I do art and hope to incorporate my own stuff into my future projects. I like the idea of taking something and giving it a different "spin" to it. I just hope to get some work done soon!

(Now I'm off to actually look through all these 250+ posts)

Good luck to everyone! (I know you can do it.)
Last edited by badbaddon on Mon Mar 02, 2015 2:03 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Guestbook

#3855 Post by uminee »

mmh hi! i’m uminee. it’s nice to finally sign up here :oops: i’ve always enjoyed playing VNs but never felt brave enough to try making one until now :lol:

location: really, its over the amebow, but i was born in Osaka
website: none yet.. maybe never.. well mmh i do have a tumblr now
comments: i admire alot of the people on this site (i think PyTom is a great person for creating Renpy free to use in the first place) and i will try my best to contribute to discussion/feedback/ect.. i do have a bad habit of typing in lowercase letters, so if this really bothers anyone please let me know >.^
mushrooms: yes
undies: n-no that’s… private >.<

well happy nanorenoing and GOOD LUCK with your projects everyone *^.^*

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