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UPDATE 12/7/2020!

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2020 5:28 am
by SweetChiel
Hey guys! What's up?
Sorry for being late, I overslept ><;

My mood for drawing have never been better ever since I drew Zhongli fanart so I got a little carried away last week--but that doesn't mean I forgot about Bermuda! Here's what I did:

- Intense polishing on Spring events​. Things got complicated when Maya and his group delved intoSpring Village's the social problems and I had to polish many conversations. Sentences got deleted, simplified, and even completely changed. But I'm really happy with the result! I noticed many loopholes I never saw before--my poor proofreaders! It must've been hard on you QuQ

- Added a short Bad End at the start of Route Branching (Autumn Arc). ​Remember last week when I said I fixed a bug where readers are forced to enter Guntur's route? Well, if a reader got equal amount of bachelor affections, they'll get forced into Guntur's route again lol. To fix this, I added a bad end (yup, if you didn't get enough affection/equal affection of all 3 bachelors, you'll get a bad end so beware! ). There's no such thing as a reverse-harem ending in my games so don't try it X"D

- Programmed in 15 pages!


I'm sorry, I fall a little short of the weekly quota QuQ
Lots of things are happening now; there's my newfound passion of semi-realism painting and Christmas is coming --I haven't even found the perfect gift for my bf yet--and before I knew it, it's already Sunday so... yeah. This happens x_x

​Besides the things above, my days are so-so~
Ah, but, let me do a special shoutout to Yanonako who commissions me ^///^ Thanks to her, I got enough to buy gifts for christmas~ and she gave me permission to post it once it's finished! So look forward to it guys!
Oh and one more thing! If you're my $5 patron on Patreon, last week's Zhongli Bonus is now available for you! ​The bonus includes step by step GIF, raw .psd file, and the ginko leaves brush I used!

Hmm... I think that's all for now OuO
Thanks again for reading and stay safe everyone!


Q&A session part 23! If you have any questions for the bachelors, type away!

1. What do you wish for Christmas?

Kahlil: "Sweets! Lots and lots of sweets!"

​Guntur: "A new ceramic coated double sided frying pan."

​Arya: "Peace and quiet."

1. Do you have plans for the long vacation ahead?

Kahlil : "I really want to snuggle in a warm blanket and catch up with my Netflix's TV series. My recent favorite is Sherlock Holmes!"

Guntur: "Sherlock Holmes? Sure, after that watch Dexter with me."

Arya: "Fucking hell--none of you are planning a trip?"

​Guntur: "Gas costs too much for a trip."

Kahlil: "Going outside at this kind of weather? Nu-uh, my skin will get bad!"
Arya: "...There goes my peace and quiet."

Kahlil: "Aww, you're just saying that. If you don't like our company, why do you even visit in the first place?"

Arya: "Shut the fuck up!"

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UPDATE 14/12/2020!

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2020 9:47 am
by SweetChiel
​Hi guys! Sorry I'm late!
I had a really long week, thanks to my laptop acting up again ^^;

Remember last month where my laptop got this severe lagging and I had to reinstall my macOS? Well, the problem returned with vengeance--I was hoping it could last until Christmas/Chinese New Year so I can use my red envelopes to replace its HDD to SSD, but it can't wait any longer so I had to run with my mom again, trying to find a new laptop service store.

Why didn't I go to the last service store you ask?
Because I suspect the guy from last time didn't do his job properly. I mean, it's only been a month since I reinstalled it, why did it come back? x_x A few years back, some of my HDDs don't last a year and a friend of mine just told me that HDDs are supposed to last for around 3 years? So maybe, just maybe, the guy sold me used HDDs?

When I talked to my mom about this, she became angry and we ran around, looking for a new store to go to. We didn't have much luck though, because apparently,  people rarely installed both macOS and Windows to their computer/laptop so I had a hard time trying to find someone who can help me with this.

But today, my laptop is finally up and kicking again! Cleaned, with a brand new SSD, 5 years warranty, and reinstalled macOS + Windows 10!
Thanks, mom! For the early Christmas gift! x'D

I usually used Windows 7 so I have lots to learn with Windows 10~ I took special care, calibrating the display's brightness, contrast, and color balance and so far, thank goodness, every software works and no significant problem popped up. Ren'Py also works beautifully so two thumbs up for the big bro who provided great service with a smile. He was so patient and even installed extra things that I didn't ask to; Direct X, CC cleaner pro (for both windows and macOS), VLC, Java SDK, Paragon NTFS, and many more to ensure I have all the basic survival kits I need. The guy I usually come to, usually only installed microsoft and adobe photoshop + after effect. I had to download the rest myself.

So... yeah... that's why I'm late writing today's weekly report >< I've just returned, took a bath, and ate before I can finally sit down and write here with relaxed heart (this laptop have been giving me anxiety all week rofl)

Erm, sorry if I rambled too much, I just want to explain what I went through QuQ Without further ado, here's Bermuda's progress last week:


- Programmed in 15 pages! ​I know, I didn't make the weekly quota again Q_Q please forgive me in the spirits of Christmas~ *runsaway ​​Jokes aside, I'm sure you can guess the reason why I've been slower than usual... yep, the lagging. Fortunately, it's gone now!

- Added more expressions to the new sprites in the Spring Arc + Fixed small details I missed on their body

- The usual polishing + I've found a new BGM for the Spring Village's castle! If you want to listen to it, click here​! ​Yes, the title is 'Elven Forest' but the I think the solemn and peaceful tone fits the atmosphere ^u^ What do you think? I want it to represent 'calm before storm' *hinthint

Welp, I think that's it. The majority of the week was spent trying to fix my laptop again and honestly, I'm glad it's all over! 

It was really frustrating. The lag was so bad, I had to wait a few minutes every time I tried to program a line or two and sometimes everything will freeze and I will have to wait with bated breath, praying so Ren'Py won't crash and screw me over T_T

Thanks for reading guys!
I hope your week was better than mine and here's hoping for a more productive week!


I'm really exhausted so I'll take a break from the Q&A session ><
But if you have any questions for the bachelors, type away and they'll answer them next week!


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UPDATE 21/12/2020!

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2020 11:38 am
by SweetChiel
​Hi, guys! What's up?
Thanks for waiting! I was busy fixing up bugs and polishing Chapter 5's script ><;

​- I found a scene with a choppy/clumsy time skip, so I had to step up and re-write it. I also added small scenes here and there to make the flow smoother. The small scenes includes branching reactions depending on whose route you're in ;) 

​- Fixed a few bug where Arya's base sprite didn't line up correctly with his mouth & brows. This is quite comical but hard to fix because I have to manually fix their position by counting the pixel x_x (I don't know how to better explain it)

- More polishing! Sometimes, I wonder what I was thinking when I wrote Chapter 5 ><; so many mistakes with my grammar and sometimes, I got bored reading what I've wrote :'D I had to watch Pride & Prejudice TV series to help me get some inspiration lol.

- Last but not least, I programmed in 20 pages!  Yes! I reached the weekly quota! X"D


I'm planning to keep this up, but with Christmas and New Year right around the corner, I'll have to take a few days off to celebrate with my big family \(>w<)/ let's enjoy our vacation, everyone! 

Therefore, let me apologise in advance if I can't reach the weekly programming quota m(_ _)m *bows
​See you guys next year!



There's usually a Q&A session here, but today, let me ask you a question!
*minor spoiler below*


What will you do if Arya got angry at you. Sit down and coax him,  act cute, or...? x'D
Feel free to answer as detailed/as hilarious as you want!


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Re: [IndieGoGo LIVE] Nusantara:Bermuda Triangle [GxB]

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2020 2:46 pm
by XxshimyxX

I don't usually comment... I am one of those silent observers who comes by once every few months to see what's new with the forum and I have got to say I have been there ever since you announced this project and I have been there when you released Nusantara too! Which I have immensely enjoyed. Getting to the point, I have seen many people quit halfway on the games they're making so whenever I log on here and see you post updates regularly, I feel overjoyed so I'm rooting for you and your progress over the years and look forward to your updates :) I will always keep an eye out for your thread when I visit and give out a cheer for all the hard work, love, and soul you're putting into this

Re: [IndieGoGo LIVE] Nusantara:Bermuda Triangle [GxB]

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2020 6:20 pm
by crystalscm
I'd give Arya a good slap on the back and say cheer up, or he's gonna lose 10 years of his life!
I'm curious how he'd react if Maya acted cute though, aha.

Merry Christmas!

Re: [IndieGoGo LIVE] Nusantara:Bermuda Triangle [GxB]

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2020 11:40 pm
by SweetChiel
XxshimyxX wrote: Wed Dec 23, 2020 2:46 pm Hello!

I don't usually comment... I am one of those silent observers who comes by once every few months to see what's new with the forum and I have got to say I have been there ever since you announced this project and I have been there when you released Nusantara too! Which I have immensely enjoyed. Getting to the point, I have seen many people quit halfway on the games they're making so whenever I log on here and see you post updates regularly, I feel overjoyed so I'm rooting for you and your progress over the years and look forward to your updates :) I will always keep an eye out for your thread when I visit and give out a cheer for all the hard work, love, and soul you're putting into this
Hi, XxshimyxX!
I know the exact feeling! That's why I update weekly, to give you some kind of reassurance & I think communication is also important so don't hesitate to drop a comment of two~ ;) but of course, I also don't mind if you prefer watching me from the shadows! *looks behind & refilled a plate of cookies I provide for my lovelies*

Of course, thank you so much for your support! >///<
I know that I'm not the fastest gamedev, but I'll do my best to meet your expectations! m(_ _)m *bows*
I hope to see you around~

crystalscm wrote: Fri Dec 25, 2020 6:20 pm by crystalscm » Fri Dec 25, 2020 6:20 pm

I'd give Arya a good slap on the back and say cheer up, or he's gonna lose 10 years of his life!
I'm curious how he'd react if Maya acted cute though, aha.
Yep, do you hear that, Arya?
If you keep getting angry, happiness will escape you!

Arya: *snorts & gives the middle finger*

Ah... this child of mine =u=;
His reaction might be different if you're in his route though! Acting cute is one of them and I hope you'll get a pleasant surprise X'D

Thanks for dropping by & for the support, crystalcm! >///<


Merry Christmas & Happy Early New Year!

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2020 11:42 pm
by SweetChiel
​Morning, guys! It's that time of the year again!
How did your week go? Mine was pretty loud. Because we can't go to the church during pandemic, my mom and my neighbors were having online masses and I could hear them singing x"D In addition, a lot of their relatives visited. Some even releases fireworks at night and I was like, '??? It's not new year yet!'

I usually go to my uncle's house for Christmas and New Year count down, but because his area is about to be declared 'red zone', I don't think I can go there so it's too bad Q_Q I was really looking forward to gather with the big family. It's a once a year thing. But as if trying to compensate me, the noises around my house were loud and festive lol. We have nonexistent soundproof and while I don't mind the noise, it was impossible for me to focus working, so...

*bows* m(_ _)m
I've decided to take a break/vacation until next week--at least until New Years where everyone had their fill (with more singing & celebrating lol). In the meantime, here's a little something from me:

Happy holidays and see you again next week!


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UPDATE 4/1/2021

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2021 4:57 am
by SweetChiel
​Morning, guys~
How was your New Year's Eve? I thought I could watch the sunrise with a mug of hot cocoa, but of course, things don't always go as planned. When the clock stroke midnight, my doggo, Juno, was scared of the fireworks that ensued 😂 poor​ guy was shaking so I had to stay by his side until I fell asleep lol.

My vacation started with cleaning the house. I was once again reminded of my pitiful stamina x_x
My mom and I cleaned the house, as in mopping the floor, changed our bedsheets--but the most painful was to scrub our dirty porch :'D my back could attest to it rofl. We made a mistake of choosing white coloured tile; I'm sure my neighbours are astounded with the difference 'before' and 'after' the hard scrubbing X'D After that we bathe the dogs. Kiara, my husky, took the longest. Her fur was beautiful but boy, was it high maintenance. She was also scared of the hair dryer so I had to manually use a towel + paper towel over and over again. RIP my muscles.

I had never been so tired in my life--I really need to go exercise more in the future! :'))

My body is still sore and while I'm still in the vacation mood, I've decided to do a little work :'3
After cleaning my house, my head felt clear and the usual plot polishing went better than I expected!

​I also discovered something wrong with last week's update ><;
The update suddenly jumped from 100ish page to 200ish page rofl. I must've been sleepy when I posted that update.


In any case! I've programmed in 13 pages this time!​
A slow start as usual--I need to dispel this vacation mood >< I kept thinking about Chinese New Year and red envelopes when it's still a month away lol.

On another note, I'm a little worried about the amount of CGs for this final arc O_O;
It's a lot ​and I'm going to start looking for references; romantic ones + ones with a big crowd for the Spring Festival event.

Speaking of Spring Festival, I'm in the middle of programming it and I think I got the festive mood just right, inspired by the New Year celebrations happening all around me \(-^.^-)/



Once again, I'd like to thank my supporters who stick around despite my many flaws and through thick and thin*bows m(_ _)m
Especially to my regular patrons on my Patreon, both old and new, who have helped me through the years and supported me to keep doing what I love QuQ

Tabetha Aldridge, K D, Sieuc, Vicki H., K.H, Junesong, Raegan Maisey, Hollow Vesta, Chihirchan, Venron, Kyla, Yanonako, Elyanth, Konor Kurozora, Sydni Harris, Sandra, Empty My Bank Account, Tigeress13, Karolina Cyrus, Maria Aprilia, C, Bea Orantes, Anna B., Reina Lee, Maya, Jess, Tawni Meyer, Little Mink, Dorkium, and OtomeQueene.

You may not know this, but I've been keeping all of you close to my heart >///<
I wish you health, wealth, and a very happy new year! Yay~!



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UPDATE 11/1/2021!

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2021 5:25 am
by SweetChiel
​Hey, guys! How did your New Year celebration go?
I stayed at home but my mom's friends sent us a lot of food so it feels like we had a feast :3

I tried eating as much as I can before they go bad--which is a bad idea. I overate + with how I've been sleeping late, I got a mild stomach flu as a result QuQ One night, I felt so bloated and sick, I had to go to the toilet back and forth until it was 4AM. Fortunately, I recovered quickly and I felt better after only a couple of days. Remember not to overeat and get plenty of rest, guys!

With that said, Bermuda's progress is doing well~


I programmed in 23 pages this time! ​Most of it is Arya's scene and gosh, I'm so satisfied with the polished version! >///<
We're still at the part where it's calm before the storm though. There's also a comic relief/humorous scene before the serious part continues--this is one of my most favourite scenes in the whole game so look forward to it! X'D

​Ah, before that I'll have to make alternative sprites​ for Maya + 2 other female characters O.o
It's a Hot Spring scene so they'll have a different appearance ><

Overall, it's just an ordinary week~
Here's hoping for a productive week! Cheers and see you later, guys!


Q&A session part 24!​ ​If you have any questions for the bachelors, don't hesitate and type away!

1.) It's a bit late, but do you guys have any wishes or new year greetings to say to your fans?

Guntur: "Happy New Year! To you who had it hard last year, don't lose heart and keep going! Cheer up, eat plenty of good food, and let's live a good life!"

Kahlil: "Happy New Year! Best of luck to the year ahead! Let's look back, smile, laugh at the silly things we've done, and look forward to a new day!"

Arya: "Happy fucking New Year, little shits. Don't get ahead of yourself and take fucking care of your health. Having a goal is great and all but hospitals are damn expensive."

2.) Do you guys look forward to Chinese New Year?

*Guntur and Kahlil looks at each other*

​Guntur: "We're not Chinese but if it's another time for celebration, I'm in."

Kahlil: "Yeah! I heard there are gonna be drum, Lion Dance, and red envelopes!"

Arya: "Red envelopes are usually given from parents/elders to their children. Read my lips; children. Are you a child?"

Kahlil: "I'll always be a child at heart!"

*Arya gives Kahlil a disdainful look, snorts, then opens his laptop to get back to work*

​Meanwhile, me: QuQ (I wish Arya can tell me the secrets to staying focused and work without getting distracted)


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New Year's Greetings Surprise Bonus!

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2021 5:53 am
by SweetChiel



hope you like the surprise ><
I should've posted this before the update, but I forgot QuQ

UPDATE 18/1/2021!

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2021 3:26 am
by SweetChiel
Morning, guys! What's up?
I worked hard last week~ I did both programming and drawing OuO)b

- Finished off the bachelors' hot spring sprites. There's one pose for Kahlil, two for Arya (One might end up not being used tho), and four for Guntur (Including the smoking pose sequences). I'm getting good at programming + adjusting their expressions :'3

- Finished drawing Maya's hot spring side image + 3 Super Backers' hot spring sprites (Damaris, Vivian, & Farren). The screenshot/sneak peek for the new female sprites is available at my Patreon~


Last but not least, I programmed in 20 pages!
I had to tweak the Hot Spring script a bit though. I overlooked something important and polished it at the same time >< not finished yet and still not satisfied with it--I'll work on it little by little!

Overall, my days were filled with planning, drawing, and programming. Nothing unusual but fulfilling~

There are some lines I want to change/polish within the script. Hopefully, I can do it smoothly without overthinking again ><; seriously, I could ponder on a few lines for hours which is not good Q_Q

Welp, that's it for now and I hope you guys had a great week!
Let's continue to work hard!


P.S. A special shoutout to Seraiden who recently had a hernia surgery~ rest well and I hope you get well soon! -^.^)/

Q&A session part 25! If you have any questions for the bachelors, don't hesitate and type away!

1.) What would you do if you were in front of a table packed with food?--by: Sesame seed

Kahlil: "Eat what I like and leave the rest for Guntur."

Guntur: "Eat what I can and pack the leftovers."

Arya: "Who the fuck would've left a table packed with food alone?"

Arya: "And you two! How dare you eat from a table full with food that is not yours! This is a trick question! The food is a trap, who knows what has been added to it, I won't be fooled!"

*Arya is suspicious and left the table full of food alone*

The Fools (Guntur & Kahlil): "........."

Me: *facepalm* "Arya, it's just a question."

2.) What are the boys' favourite color(s)? --by: PangHerHeart

Guntur: "Black and Red! The strongest color of them all!"

Kahlil: "I used to like pink but it's kinda bothersome to get mistaken as a woman and get hit on."

Guntur: "I can relate to that. It felt like I was being tricked on. Not to mention that you're-"

Kahlil: "-Shh! No spoiler!"

Guntur: *shrugs his shoulder* "What about you, Arya?"

Arya: "......Blue. That is, before I lost my eyesight."

Arya: "I've forgotten what blue looks like now."

Guntur & Kahlil: "Arya..."

Arya: "Fuck off! Get off me!"

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Re: UPDATE 21/12/2020!

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2021 6:39 am
by NekoKarasu
SweetChiel wrote: Mon Dec 21, 2020 11:38 am

There's usually a Q&A session here, but today, let me ask you a question!
*minor spoiler below*


What will you do if Arya got angry at you. Sit down and coax him,  act cute, or...? x'D
Feel free to answer as detailed/as hilarious as you want!

I'm lateeeee, sorry I don't frequently check this post, but if it's about Arya... I'm in!!

If Arya got angry, I will... tease him more I guess "why you angy you adorable dork!!" , angy Arya is adorable Arya XDXDXDXDXD

Re: UPDATE 21/12/2020!

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2021 6:20 am
by SweetChiel
NekoKarasu wrote: Fri Jan 22, 2021 6:39 am
SweetChiel wrote: Mon Dec 21, 2020 11:38 am

There's usually a Q&A session here, but today, let me ask you a question!
*minor spoiler below*


What will you do if Arya got angry at you. Sit down and coax him,  act cute, or...? x'D
Feel free to answer as detailed/as hilarious as you want!

I'm lateeeee, sorry I don't frequently check this post, but if it's about Arya... I'm in!!

If Arya got angry, I will... tease him more I guess "why you angy you adorable dork!!" , angy Arya is adorable Arya XDXDXDXDXD
It's okay! You're welcome to join the time anytime you want~
Your answer made me smile, NekoKarasu x'D

As always, thank you for your support~ I'll work hard to reach your expectations! >:)

UPDATE 25/1/2021!

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2021 6:26 am
by SweetChiel
​Hey, guys! Thanks for waiting and I'm sorry for being late!
I had too much fun programming the comic relief scene, overslept, and had to do something else before updating >_<;

I was pretty productive last week, especially in terms of programming~


I programmed in 20 pages~ ​​

I also polished a Close Up scene with Damaris , one of the Super Patrons' OC (This includes her Close Up sprite, her expressions, + 1 item icon)

​We're entering what I like to call 'The Prelude before Climax'. This Prelude consists of a few big scenes, their purpose is to slowly increase the tension, preparing the stage for the antagonist + uncovering the mysteries before the final fight begins at page 400ish.

The reason why it takes so long and why it takes so many pages just for a fight is because...the closer you are to the ending, the more branching there would be. Depending on which bachelor route you're on, the fight will develop in a different way so look forward to it! ​The rest of the pages are the good and bad endings, including epilogues~

So... yeah. That's it for today's update~ now you can imagine what I've planned for you, right? -^.^-
I'll be busy programming as usual next week but if you need me, I'll be here!

Q&A session part 26! If you have any questions for the bachelors, don't hesitate and type away!

1.) What is your favorite holiday/celebration?--by: Sesame seed
Kahlil: "Halloween and Valentine! Because I get to eat lots of sweets!"

Guntur: "National Food Days! There are lots of cheap foods and free coupons. Who wouldn't like them?"

Arya: "...Chinese New Year and Christmas. Go figure."

​Kahlil: "Because you'd get red envelopes, right?"

Arya: "

2.) How much do each of them like hugs? --by: MermaidVictory

Guntur: "I don't mind it, but people are usually to scared/intimidated of me to think of giving me one. Unlike this guy over here."

Kahlil: "Hugs? I love hugs! I can't get enough of them--they cheer you up and make your days better!"

Guntur: "See? He's someone who wouldn't mind holding a sign with 'FREE HUGS' on it or wear a mascot costume to give hugs to children."

Kahlil: "Those are great ideas! I haven't worn a mascot costume before!"

Guntur: "Good for you then. Arya on the other hand..."

Arya: "Don't. Even. Think about it."

​Kahlil: "Tsk." *pulls back his outstretched hands*

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UPDATE 1/2/2021!

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2021 3:16 am
by SweetChiel
Hey guys! Thanks for waiting!
I have to make this quick though, I had several rainstorm the past few days and I've had several blackouts + my internet connection is unstable. Rainy season can be really troublesome, huh? QuQ

However! I'm still going strong with Bermuda's programming!



I've programmed in 23 pages this time and the exciting part is right around the corner!
But before that, I need to make a different version of Spring Village's backgrounds (the castle grounds included)!

If you remember the Ruins (the buildings that got half submerged in a marsh), yup, it's like that. There's a 'ruined' version and 'original' version. There's a lot to be done but I'll do my best to finish them next week + more programming >_<

I also did the usual polishing and they're doing awesome! OuO)b

Unfortunately, I have to cut this short. There's no telling when my internet will be down again x_x;
Is the rainy season also making trouble for you? Wherever you are, I hope you guys are doing okay! Stay safe, stay hydrated, and keep washing your hands!


Q&A session part 27! There's only one question submitted for today ><
If you have any questions for the bachelors, don't hesitate and type away!

- What instrument would you like to play/learn to play? -by : Sesame seed

Guntur: "I can play a little bit of guitar but nothing too complicated."

Kahlil: "I don't know how to play any instrument, but someone once looked at my hands said, if I put in the effort, I might be able to play piano well."

Arya: "You're asking me if I can/want to learn music?" *scoffs*

Arya: "My father once offered to teach me how to play the organ, but I'm fucking tone-deaf."


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