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Re: Guestbook

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2015 5:01 am
by Noekony
I'm no new here, but I don't send a lot of posts.
I'm into making games with good stories.
What do I have:
- Basic knowing of RenPy engine
- Good at character's art(on a paper, trying to ace on tablet)
- Bad at background art(I hate architecture ^^, love nature)
- Like writing, especially it's good on my native
- Not very good at English, it's not my native lang
- Absolutely noob at composing : I've always hated solfedgio.
- Adoring of visual novels and otomes, usually amateur and non-commercial. You may call me very high-tasted gamer, 'coz I've played 100-150 ones.

Now I'm very interested in practising my English and drawing on a tablet(mainly colorful).

If you need a beta-tester, critic for ur new game, penpale or wanna share your experience in English or art on a tablet in the exchange of mine in arts on a paper or RenPy, you are welcome to write me in pm.

Re: Guestbook

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2015 6:33 pm
by DorkJoy
Hey there!
I am currently learning Ren'Py to get my bearings on visual novels making. One of my future projects would be making a very long VN with 10 characters you can create friendships and romances ala Social Links from SMT: Persona. Kinda bold statements to make at this point in time, but hopefully as time passes and I get more experience and skills that dream might slowly become a reality. Small steps!


-Newbie at Ren'Py
-Not an artist, most I can do is doodle maps and stick figures
-English is not my first language.

Good to meet you all!

Re: Guestbook

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2015 12:32 am
by juunishi master
Hi there

This is my very first post here. Some things about me:

- Sometime I write in broken English; very sorry about that. English isn't my native language.
- I have a bit experience with programming (I took information technology at the university). My skill on Gideros (Lua scripting) and Unity (C#) are on beginner level if I say myself.
- I haven't started using renPy yet. I will. I. Will.

- I write stories. (Mainly not in English. Sorry.) Fantasy genre, a lot of yuri tendencies.
- My current position in the studio when I write this post is a game designer. I'm still learning to be a better one.
- Total count of visual novels I've played (and finished) when I write this post: 5. (I WANT TO PLAY TOKYO NECRO FROM NITRO+ SO BADLY.) Currently playing fault: milestone one.

I think that's all from me.

Re: Guestbook

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2015 4:44 pm
by BubblegumPatty
Hello I'm Patty!
I hail from Minnesota, USA, I'm an Artist and a gamer who wants to make games, and I have absolutely no experience with programming.
I'm trying to make my first game, a supernatural based dating sim, and i'll primarily use this forum to find solutions to my (many) programming woes or to offer my services in art.
So... You won't be seeing very much of me.

Re: Guestbook

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2015 8:26 pm
by PeroxidePrince
I'm PeroxidePrince and I've been lurking these forums for a startlingly long time whilst I've been learning how to use Ren'Py.
It seemed fitting to make an account at some point so here I am!

Re: Guestbook

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 2:03 pm
by EternalNewb

*waves awkwardly*

I'm new here.

Sort of. I've lurked a bit, here and there. I finally decided to download Renpy and try to see if I could figure out how to make a game. That's...going.

I've always loved to write. I've thought for awhile now that visual novels were an interesting format for telling stories.

Anyways, after I did that, I figured it would probably be a good idea to make an account on here.

Re: Guestbook

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2015 6:19 am
by myrt
First post here!

I'm primarily a manga fan, love anime and some light novels too but not as much as manga. I'm still relatively new to visual novels to be honest. I was (and sort of still is) an avid reader of Western literature, but I reckon these Japanese medium have just an incredibly unique way of depicting "slice of life" as a genre. Well, you could say I'm an advocate for slice of life in literature, if such a thing exists.

Me being me, even though I like all sorts of things, I prefer learning about the mechanisms rather than just enjoying eventually I'd like to make a few games too. I'm currently lacking most of the skills required to make them, but I've picked up some interesting skills over the years:
-I write short paragraphs and primarily dialogue, resembling the light novel style.
-Photoshop & scanner...though I don't have a tablet. Will save up for one though.
-Music / Composition
-Administrating sites...I don't see how this will be useful though lol.

What I'll need to learn / brush up on:
-Digital art, particularly colouring

Anyway, nice to meet you and please take care of me! ^^;

Re: Guestbook

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2015 8:06 pm
by nightcross45
Hi all,

I'm new to this site and figured I would drop by and say hello. I have recently played a few visual novels such as Fate Stay Night and Steins Gate, and they got me interested in making my own. I will be looking to pay artists for their talent and look forward to working together with ya'll :)

P.S: Currently producing my first VN

Re: Guestbook

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2015 11:08 pm
by Mrbadguy
Howdy, all.

Name's Mrbadguy. Despite my choice in alias, I'm not that "bad," in the usual sense, just a bit of a grump sometimes. :lol: I chose the name in part because it's the title of the solo album of one of my favorite singers in rock, and also because I'm a Guilty Gear fan and Sol Badguy's my favorite character.

That aside, I've been lurking around the Lemma Soft Forums for maybe... a month, month and a half? Why register now? Well, my reasons aren't much different from the other new members who've introduced themselves here; I've been getting into visual novels lately, toying with the idea of making a couple, and just recently caved in to my desires and downloaded Ren'Py, which I've been playing around with since. Currently, I'm working on two projects, which are still in the outlining stage. One's a cyberpunk mystery sorta deal, while the other's... kind of a grabbag in terms of genre and content. To put it as succinctly as possible (I hope), it takes some storytelling cues from John Woo's "heroic bloodshed" films, such as The Killer and Hard Boiled, which means that there'll inevitably be copious amounts of bullets and bodies, but at the same time there's a bit of a slice-of-life element to it, since I intend to follow the main characters outside of the lives of violence they lead. Throw in a bit of romance and you can see why I couldn't exactly sum up the yarn's premise with a one-or-two-word genre name. These'll be the projects I'll discuss the most here, since they're both VNs, but they're far from the only things I have in the pipeline.

Other tidbits to know are that I'm a writer by trade, and an aspiring musician. Can't draw all that well, though. My work, comprehensively, can be rated 18+ for extreme violence, instances of gore, vulgar language, sexual content (though nothing too explicit, due to lack of experience writing such things in-depth), the occasional instance of gun porn (Link to the TV Tropes page, for those unfamiliar with the term), and gratuitous rock music references. Suffice to say, my games should never be played in the presence of small children, or adults with the mentalities of such. Outside of my dipping my toes in the uncharted waters of creating visual novels, I'm an avid gamer, anime-watcher, reader of comic books, manga and novels, and a movie buff, all of which worms its way into my writing in some way or another.

Once I've familiarized myself with the community, I may offer my services as a writer to those who might want them. Still debating with myself on that one.

Anyways, gonna cut this short before I start rambling, as I'm wont to do. It's a pleasure to meet you all, and I can't wait to talk shop with you guys. :)

Re: Guestbook

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2015 1:56 am
by Modern Sapphire
Yo guys, first time posting on a public forum, actually

I used to read this forum a lot a couple of years ago when I was teaching myself how to code in python. I was really into visual novels back then, and since then I've moved to Japan and work as a marketer. I'm getting back into the creative swing of things recently with writing music and writing stories. I'm not that good a professional artist but I can draw.

I've been writing music for 7 years and have taken the time to learn about music technology and theory, so that's definitely my strongest department. I've always been self-employed so I know my way around the business side of things too. I have a lot of life experience and I think that translates into my writing.

I wanna release a short story and get it on steam as a project, and I also wanna help you guys with your projects, so you'll see me posting about music and stuff from time to time

Look forward to meeting some of you


Re: Guestbook

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2015 9:53 am
by curry nochi rice
Hello darkness my old friend.

Re: Guestbook

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2015 9:17 pm
by lacymuffinz
Hayya guys!
I'm not completely new but I am still pretty much a noob :lol: I preferred to be called Lacy :) Nice to meet you all!
-I've known about Ren'py for about 4 years?
-I love visual novels! My favourite thing about them are the choices and multiple ending, i feel like it really makes the player feel completely immersed in the story.
-I'm an animation student:DDD
-My coding skills are weak bruh, I'm defo more suited for creative things but I’m willing to bust my head open to get to wraps with ren'py
-I love anime, ao no exorcists, Tokyo ghoul, donten ni waru, higurashi, death parade, sengoku basara ahhh gosh the list could go on! XD

Be prepared for horrible spelling mistakes, noobie coding questions and hopefully a few interesting visual novels! :)

Re: Guestbook

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2015 10:00 am
by cath-mg

Name's cath-mg aka Catherine. I've lurked around for some time and made an account just recently because I wanted to participate more in the forum. I find this place magical because it's full of creative people and I would like to know more about English otome games too, not just the Japanese ones (I've played tons of them and are kinda obsessed with them hahahah).

I discovered Renpy around eight months ago or so, I think. I was in a team that made a KHR fangame (otome, visual novel style) but resigned because real life issues. I get absorbed in programming, writing, and drawing, to the point that I would stay up all night doing them. I plan to make a game and participate more in the forum. Looking forward to see more great games being released and maybe working with some of you for a project :)

Re: Guestbook

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2015 7:32 am
by sweetstrawberry
Hello, everyone!

I'm sweetstrawberry and I'm new to both forums and visual novels (tbh, I really only started playing them this year).
Currently, I'm working with PeroxidePrince on a visual novel as a writer, under Stardust Soda.

That's about all for now!

Re: Guestbook

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2015 10:09 am
by Malyce
Hi ! :D

Is it a place where we introduce ourselve ? So :

Name : Vanina
Location : France (yes I'm French, so if I speak english very bad, you will forgive me ? :wink: )
Website : Not yet, I'm planning to create a small little blog about VNs and Ren'Py.
Comments about LSF : It's been a while I read the forum without registering or participating. But I have too much questions to ask, too much answers to find, and too much people to thanks for helping a real newbie like me xD

I hope my origin will not be a problem for comunication, it's been a while since my english class, I have to work on it x)