Magical Boutique

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#46 Post by musical74 »

General rep 42.6 before it started to crumble...

Regarding the full weekend rest: hmmmmm maybe make two weekends *full rest* and the other two have saturday be the *customer heavy* day? This way you get a chance to rest up (on the full rest weekends) but it's business as usual for the two weekends where Saturday is customer heavy? And if you do implement this, make it *OK this weekend is full rest, so the next weekend, Saturday will be customer heavy*.

I like the idea of closing the shop for a bit. If you are in dire need of ingredients or potions - or both! - close the shop for a bit, and let your stocks get back up. But when you close the shop, have a minor penalty for each day the shop is closed, you lose .1 reputation or something. So you have can the shop brimming with potions and stock, but you lost a point of reputation because you shut the store for 10 days. Also, if the time spent where the store is closed is long enough, 2 weeks for example, have Framboise remind you, in her own way, that you need to have the doors open if you want any business =)

I would say, leave the schedule part MIGHT not be a bad idea to implement this, in case you just want to close the store for one day, but...leave sunday as a day of rest and no penalty. If you want Saturday as a day of *store not being open*, you lose .5 general reputation. If you want to mark monday through friday as a day of *store just not being open*...lose 1 general reputation. I don't really like the idea of having the ability to choose what days the store is's a nice feature sometimes, but I don't like it here.

Did I mention I must have this game when it's completed? :)
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#47 Post by DaFool »

Sweet, an update...

Don't know if this has been suggested already...

how about a limiter type system where after a certain exp level (or morale / reputation / salary etc, or combination thereof),

the girls can power-up into GODDESS mode, sprout angel wings, and you can duke them out arena-style in the form of a mini-fighting-game.

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#48 Post by dizzcity »

Heh heh heh... busted the reputation barrier. :D (See attached screenshot)

Anyway, a few things I learned:

1) When your reputation falls, your overall reputation falls much faster than your ingredient reputation. And since, overall reputation affect how many customers come into your store per day, while ingredient reputation affects what type of items they buy, if you concentrate on one type of potion alone, you can eventually build that up to almost infinite amounts. (Note that in the demo, this only works with Weak Heal, and maybe Weak Cure. The rest don't generate enough demand to make a profit). This screenshot was taken after three business cycles. I had morale at 100 for both Dalmaryon and Framboise, stocks around 700 fennel, and just ran out of potions when I hit this.

2) There may be a problem with the overall reputation going up too fast. It's an exponentially-increasing curve - the higher your reputation, the more customers come to your store. The more customers come (and are satisfied), the faster your reputation grows. Eventually, you're going to skyrocket and crash, no matter how many people you employ. See if you can come up with a better formula for calculating reputation. (Maybe have a diminishing returns curve, where it shoots up fast in the beginning, but slowly levels off at a certain number of customers unless you run an advertising campaign). The idea of competitors influencing number of customers might be a good one. (Market share...heh, heh... I'm starting to remember some lovely old games like Theme Hospital.)

3) The no-customer day is completely useless if there is a double-customer day. I just realised that. :oops: It's exactly the same as having a continuous flow of 7 working days. (Well, actually, there is a minor difference, but you see my point...) Two no-customer days might work, but then it would be too easy. Maybe you would have to pay your workers double if you want them to work on Saturday or Sunday.

Heh heh Heh...
Heh heh Heh...
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#49 Post by monele »

First, a forgotten question from DaFool :
Question: you can draw girlishly cute characters, too, right? Because the ones from UP are sexy (doesn't mean they're not cute too, but good as they are they won't fit in this setup).
Well, I hope I can ^^;. But even if not, it might not be a problem :).
The thing is, though, that I plan to have cuties, but also sexies. From late teens up to adults. And probably not just females (compared to UP ^^;...) since this is less of a Ren'Ai game than a simulation game. Even if love is still lurking around the corner.

Ok, onto other topics :

Weekends : Good point about double-day killing the concept. I guess I'll really make a two days weekend with only regular days otherwise. It shouldn't be *too* easy, since its main purpose will be to let your workers rest. To avoid abuses, having someone work during the weekend means either paying them double wages, or suffer from a morale loss (who likes to work during a weekend? :( ).

Closing the shop : Guess I will be going for the reputation loss thingie then. Might also have a special meter that forces you to put at least a few weeks between each closing. Let's say that it will remember the reputation loss factor and make it go down slowly with each worked day (weekends counting as worked days for that purpose). So if you go like this : "work, close, work, close". You will still lose reputation, almost as if you never opened in-between. This is to represent the fact that a shop that opens randomly and only 2 days a week might not be very popular.
Opinions ?

DaFool and omega kawaii super fukufuku taisen : Uuuuh... we'll think about it for an add-on :P

dizzcity : you crazy you o_@... But you're right about all this reputation problem. Let's see... here's an idea : have potion reputation limited at 100 (or whatever arbitrary value) and have the shop reputation be the sum of all your potions reputations. This means going for a single potion will quickly have a limit. To get further clients, you'll need to diversify your wares. On the other hand, if you feel you're not ready to handle the load, you can stay with only a few fully popular potions. Is it good or will it be too easy to keep making money at a comfortable level ?

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#50 Post by dizzcity »

monele wrote: dizzcity : you crazy you o_@... But you're right about all this reputation problem. Let's see... here's an idea : have potion reputation limited at 100 (or whatever arbitrary value) and have the shop reputation be the sum of all your potions reputations. This means going for a single potion will quickly have a limit. To get further clients, you'll need to diversify your wares. On the other hand, if you feel you're not ready to handle the load, you can stay with only a few fully popular potions. Is it good or will it be too easy to keep making money at a comfortable level ?
That's good, although it will still be too easy to make money at a comfortable level. UNLESS, you include the concept of missions and mini-objectives. i.e. In order to prepare for a plague, the King orders you to sell 500 Weak Heals in 4 weeks. If you've been completely configured for Bull's Strength, that would seriously throw off your gameplay style. Or, your good-for-nothing cousin has arrived with a debt of 4,000 gold coins that you have to pay off in three weeks time, or else the loan sharks will get him. If you manage to pay them off in time, he promises to be your lifelong servant (free employee!) and hand over the secret recipe passed down to him from your grandpa. Etc. etc. Something with both a time limit and an specific target objective for a variable.

(Hehe, this reminds me of the old days when I used to write quests for MMORPGs. :))

A smart man follows the rules, a dumb man breaks them. A great man bends the rules and thus creates them. Profile.
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#51 Post by musical74 »

Ah, Theme Hospital (which I still have)...*Doctor, attending Psychiatry, please!* Love that game...

Back to topic: I think the idea of random events is a good one. It breaks up the monotony of a sim. For example, in Theme Hospital you had EMERGENCY status, where you had tto cure a set amount of people within a time limit. It made things interesting because that could happen at any time - even at the beginning! By adding *random events*, it makes the game more interesting. Have both positive and negative random events. Examples of negatives would be like dizzcity mentioned (plague alert, someone NEEDING money), where as positive random events would be opening the mail and finding out you've won $1,000 in a contest (who has the cutest gather? :)) or discovering a cache of ingredients hidden away while cleaning the place one day.

Dizzcity: DANG!!!!! that's one heck of a reputation!

Regarding the reputation: after getting the general rep up, watching it fall like a rock, and having a couple days of *no customers showed up today...* I was able to build my reputation back up, and surpass it...think it will be awhile before I can get the rep that Dizzy had tho..

Regarding the closing of the shop: when you close the shop, I would rather it be closed for blocks of time, rather than *open this day, closed this day, oepn this day, closed this day*. IF the player chooses to go the *open pne day. closed the next* for a week or more, the reputation penalty should drop faster, maybe MUCH faster, because the customers can't tell when the store's going to be open or not. If you have the store closed closed for a week to build up supplies, ir won't have the rep loss that the open-close would, because the customers KNOW it's closed for a bit, rather than *is it going to be open today or not?*

Another thing I thought about was expanding the shop a little. By that, I mean, expanding the shelves so you can put more infredients and potions in, getting the word out via some kind of promotion, posters advertising your store, and maybe remolding the store when you have the funds to do so. Just an idea...what do you think?
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#52 Post by monele »

First, I want to say I'm impressed by the interest you express. It's still very basic, with almost no characters nor events and it seems you're already spending hours playing it? Man... I should have started with this project ^^;.

dizzcity : Still too easy to make money... yup, true. I'll have to think of something. I admit I'm sometimes tempted to just remove that very generic sale thing and only have "quests". But hey, even in regular RPGs, you have random monster encounters to more smoothly link each quest with the next one, I guess.

Missions *will* be there. For now, it's not planned to have random missions. They should all further the "plot" in some way or another. But that also means it won't just be enough to compensate a broken sales system. So I still have to solve that ^^

Yet... random events sound good. But they would really be "chance" cards of sorts. Things that would raise or lower some stats or factors (money earned, number of clients, a potion reputation, a worker's morale or talent, etc...) and maybe only for a span of time.
Eheh, Cutest Gatherer Contest... yea... XD

Closing of the shop : blocks of one week ? I like the idea. Makes you think before closing. And of course, the reputation thing still applies. You'd need something like 2 months of consecutively worked days to cancel one week of closed shop. That means that if you close the shop again before that, your reputation will fall much quicker during the week.
Then, you could choose to close for 1, 2, 3 or 4 weeks ? The idea is that closing for 2 weeks is better than closing for one week, and then closing for one week again. But of course, after 2 weeks, you'll have to wait 4 months before being able to close again without a penalty.
Sounds good ?

Expanding : no worries, it's planned. The main interface will have a "go to town" button on Saturdays that lets you explore the place where you live. Ideas so far :
- ingredient merchant : only the most common goods and at prices high enough to have you think twice before using it as your only ingredient source :)
- potion merchant (maybe) : for cases of *extreme* emergency. But this might defeat the thrill of missions so I'm not really for it.
- the inn : held by a beautiful woman, you can go there alone, or with some of your workers. The price is a bit high, but morale will go up a lot. And who knows... maybe you'll get along with the owner ? ^.^
- commodities merchant : not enough room on your shelves ? Get new ones ! Not enough room in your stocks ? Build extensions! In need of a vehicle for your gatherers ? Get it there!
(pretty much anything that can be bought and doesn't fall in the other categories should be here ^^; )

About promotion : you might remember that part from the intro when Framboise goes out to tell people about the shop. I might include this as a "talent". Maybe everyone could do it... we'll see. The idea is that the character will try and promote the shop. Depending on his/her morale and probably charisma, the reputation will go up or down.

Task done screen : Not sure if I mentionned this but each character will have personal lines for each talent. And probably not just one. So Framboise won't always say "I'm back, look what I found" and Pom will have another set of lines for the same task. Who's Pom? Fufu~ :)

Scholars : not sure yet but I might include this class of workers, with the associated talent "Search/Study". Scholars would be sent to libraries all around the world to look for information about recipes. It's the same as gathering (with trips and all).
The only thing I'm wondering about is wether they would bring back parts of recipes (completing them after many tries), or random info about existing potions that let you improve them which translates into either less ingredients to use, or a higher price, or a lower difficulty (faster to brew).
Just thought about this too : just as with gatherers sent into dangerous places, you would have to send bodyguards with the scholars so they can look for secret scrolls in catacombs and other rarely visited places.

Throwing ingredients away : At times, it might be useful to just throw ingredients away if you just can't afford new stocks but still need the room. Then again, every Saturday you could go to the ingredient merchant and sell them there. Maybe it's a better alternative (except for the time obligation). Thoughts ?

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#53 Post by Jake »

monele wrote:Closing of the shop : blocks of one week ? I like the idea. Makes you think before closing. And of course, the reputation thing still applies.
If it were a real shop, and I'd intended to buy something from them, I'd think much less of them if they suddenly decided to close one thursday totally randomly than if they'd had a sign up in the window for weeks announcing that they were going to be closed that day.

I'll have to admit to having not had the time to even look at what you've got so far since the video a week or so ago, but by way of suggestion from what's been in the thread - perhaps allow the player to open and close any days they please, but adjust reputation based on how regular they are and how far in advance they plan it? That way the canny player can take every other thursday off because that's what fits into his cycle well, and their reputation won't be harmed, but the thoughtless player will take days off randomly and suffer rep hits in accordance?
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#54 Post by monele »

I kinda like the week-block idea. But you add an interesting part : warning clients before-hand. This might be a bit trickier to script (*a bit lazy >3>*) but one could schedule a few closed weeks with a minimum of a... say... one week warning?... and have the possibility to close at once at anytime until then, at the cost of a loss of reputation.

In the end I don't want to make this *too* complex ^^;... Just have it be slightly realistic and, most importantly, demand a little thinking.

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#55 Post by DaFool »

monele wrote:First, I want to say I'm impressed by the interest you express. It's still very basic, with almost no characters nor events and it seems you're already spending hours playing it? Man... I should have started with this project ^^;
And it all started with one little 1mb file... and look at the conversations its generated :shock: I still haven't found time to read through all.

Seriously, before you know it this thing will become a full-fledged RPG... oh wait, it is already... damn.

Regarding quests, I know it might be a redundant thing, but keep them modular so that, for example, Magical Boutique Expansion Pack written by dizzcity can be easily imported.

It's not that there is no interest in UP on the other hand, I am just waiting for the story to finish. While here, while there are not yet many quests,

click, click, click...

click, click, click...


click, click, click...

Heyo...another hour has passed! Back to work...

Click, click, click...

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#56 Post by monele »

Regarding quests, I know it might be a redundant thing, but keep them modular so that, for example, Magical Boutique Expansion Pack written by dizzcity can be easily imported.
Ah! I'm glad you bring this topic on the table ^.^. I wanted to ask about this. I do want to have modding possibilities (Ren'Py compiling unpacked scripts will tremendously help in this). I already have separate files for everything that is "data" (all values, ingredient lists, locations, characters...). This means one could possibly extend the game with their own recipes and stuff, needing unique ingredients, along with the locations you find them in. Just add the modified script and new media, and run the game... voila~.

But what I *really* want to try, is to have a custom quest opportunity. It might not be great for overall continuity, but hey, some TV series are written by multiple authors and it's rarely obvious (well... it isn't to me ;o; ). So yea... just so I know, who'd be interested in any of these ?
It's not that there is no interest in UP on the other hand, I am just waiting for the story to finish. While here, while there are not yet many quests
Eh, yea *sigh*... the power of gameplay ^.^;... (I sound sad but I'm actually amazed at how much amusement it can provide ^^).
UP has just become a huge mountain, though... translating 1 hour and a half of text to english is... a daunting task @_@... I really can't find motivation for this lately.

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#57 Post by dizzcity »

monele wrote: But what I *really* want to try, is to have a custom quest opportunity. It might not be great for overall continuity, but hey, some TV series are written by multiple authors and it's rarely obvious (well... it isn't to me ;o; ). So yea... just so I know, who'd be interested in any of these ?
I would, obviously. :) In fact, I was thinking about it from the beginning, but hesitating as to whether or not to bring it up, as this is your baby, not mine. (Actually, I was thinking very much along the same idea of customisable quests for a different dating game I was planning... my sixth project or so. Assuming I ever manage to get to it. :?)

So yeah, if you program it, I will write it. :) And I do have experience at coordinating multiple storylines together to form a cohesive whole, as well as quest development in general.

A smart man follows the rules, a dumb man breaks them. A great man bends the rules and thus creates them. Profile.
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#58 Post by monele »

Alrighto. Well hm... one thing you can already do is tell me what you feel you'd need as far as customization goes. Hmm... I guess you'd need more information about the way quests are implemented though :/... *shrugs*... do you already have a few stories in mind or something maybe ? (pm me if you want to keep the surprise)

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#59 Post by musical74 »

It's FUN!!!

Regarding the one-week block for the store being closed: It's a good idea to give the customers advance notice, preferably at least a week in advance. You will still lose reputation (store is closed) but the reputation won't fall as fast, because they had advance notice and are expecting it. Say, if you tell them a week in advance *we will be closed between X and Y* your rep goes down .1 a day where as if customers find out the hard way the store is closed, it's a .5 drop in rep for the first day and a .2 drop for the rest (.5 because they were so not expecting the store to be closed). Maybe every 6 weeks instead of every 8 weeks for no real penalty?

Maybe an interesting side on visiting the inn: If you visit frequently enough alone, maybe your workers get jealous? Like Framboise wants to know why you visited the inn 4 times in 10 days or that going to be too hard to implement? Or if you bring Framboise to the inn with you enough times, she and the inn owner become friends too?

Regarding the random events: if you DO implement this, try to spread them out. By that, I mean you don't have 5 random events one week and none at all for the next 3 weeks. Also, I like the idea of the effect only lasting for a little while. Let's say Framboise wins the Cutest Gatherer Conest! Because she's so happy, her efforts increase for a week. But before too long it isn't as important, and next month someone else wins the for that week her efforts are lessened because she's depressed about not being the cutest gatherer anymore.

Something I got to thinking about was a reward/punishment system. For example, after Framboise finds a recipe you don't have, you reward her in some manner. Or if you send her off to the Lake for gathering and she decides to spend the day sunbathing instead, you punish her in some manner. Is it possible to have a reward/punishment option for this? You would want to reward your employees when they are doing well and punish them when they screw up...

*Wonders who Pom is, and whether Framboise will have a rival or not*
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#60 Post by dizzcity »

monele wrote:Alrighto. Well hm... one thing you can already do is tell me what you feel you'd need as far as customization goes. Hmm... I guess you'd need more information about the way quests are implemented though :/... *shrugs*... do you already have a few stories in mind or something maybe ? (pm me if you want to keep the surprise)
It seems to me that all a quest writer needs is just a basic list of variables available and how to change them. As well as a custom script for inputting time limits. Let me see if I can write a pseudo-quest example to see how best to do it:

Code: Select all

[b]Event Start Time:[/b] %d (days since start of game)
[b]Event Duration:[/b] %d (time limit of quest - number of days. Default is 1 for instantaneous one-shot events, longer if there is a time limit.)

[b]Starting Conditions required:[/b] (list of variables and their values needed if quest is to start - default is "None")
$ Framboise_Gather_Level = "80"
$ Relationship_with_Framboise = "20"
$ Days = %d (event_start_time)

[b]Starting Flag:[/b] (Actual action taken by user to trigger this event. May or may not be linked directly to variables)
eg. Send Framboise to Gather Clover at Plains of Tranquility

[b]Quest Starting Script:[/b] (Script to be shown)
 f "Sir, sir, look! I was gathering Clover today and I found a Four-Leaf Clover!"
 f "I feel so lucky today!"

 $ Framboise_morale += 20

 "Hmm... I remember an old saying my grandfather used to say to me. If I can find and string 5 lucky four-leaf clovers together, I can get a luck charm to draw in more customers."

 "But I had better hurry. It looks like these clovers only have a lifespan of about 7 days before they die."

 "I had better send Framboise out to gather more clovers and hope her lucky streak continues."

 $ Lucky_Clovers = "1" (set var. Lucky_Clovers = "1")

(End of Start Script)

 $ quest_day = "1"


[b]Quest Ending Conditions:[/b] (conditions required to trigger Ending Script)
 $ Lucky_Clovers = "5"
 $ quest_day < %d (event_duration)

[b]Quest Ending Script:[/b] (Script to be shown at end of quest)

 f "Sir, sir! Here's the last Lucky Clover!"

 d "Good, now let's string them together and make a charm."

 "{color=red}{b}You string the Clovers into a charm! Your customers are pleased and spread word of your lucky charm. Reputation +20"

 $ Overall_Reputation += 20

 (End of Quest)

Hmm... it seems to be rather tough unless everyone has access to the full script. I'm not sure exactly how the variable are used or what formulae are required to calculate such things. It may end up that you will have to manually configure each submitted quest to integrate it into the game, which is more complicated than really necessary. Right now, since I don't know anything, I'm just writing pseudo-code. I don't know... you're the programmer here, monele. Is there any way of making it easier?


EDIT: I found out who Pom is. ^_^ He's the potion-brewing kid mentioned in one of monele's earlier posts.
A smart man follows the rules, a dumb man breaks them. A great man bends the rules and thus creates them. Profile.
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