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Re: Summer Found Me [GxB][Slice of life]

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 4:52 pm
by RainbowMusicAddict
I really love this.
I noticed not many people like Alden,
I did. xD
I liked all the characters pretty equally.
I really liked how you made Alden's character,
because there are MANY people who feel that way about someone,
and they don't know the person at all.
The way you had his story played out,
the character (I named her Aine) realize that she didn't know him in pretty much all the route, except his bad route.
It makes since, because she didn't really get to know him. The bad endings though made me sad D:
I really REALLY love the CG style~
They were very amazing.

SINCE I'm a completion-ist.. >.>
I cannot figure out how to get ending 8 o-o;
I swear I've tried like everything.
And continuously got the same exact endings >.<
I don't want it given away,
so maybe a hint?
you know what would have been a little interesting..
is to have it where you get the three choices for each of the guys and have one give like 2-3 points, one give 1 point and the other 0, or maybe one -1 another 0 and the last 1.. I have no idea, just a suggestion thing if you make another VN. Sorry if this is unneeded xD;

Re: Summer Found Me [GxB][Slice of life]

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 2:46 am
by icebluehost
I've always had a thing for bad boys so yes, Devlin is my favorite. Seth comes at a very close second because he really would be the kind of friend I'd have. He actually reminds me of my own bestie and how we'd interact with each other XD (no, it will never blossom into a romance because one, she's a girl and two, I'm not into girls) She's the more anti-social, less cheery one. I'm the bubbly energetic one who drags her into the craziest activities like dancing or *gasp* karaoke! And Alden is a really nice guy, but yeah, I usually fall for bad boys in my little fiction world. (Because Lord knows what would happen if I did meet a bad boy type in real life)

Overall, it was simple but not boring. I enjoyed playing it ^^

I've gotten all the endings but one. Ending 9 isn't the one with the mystery guy. I think it's Ending 8, because that's the ending I haven't gotten so far. And I can't seem to figure out how to get it. Any help would be appreciated XD

Re: Summer Found Me [GxB][Slice of life]

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 7:24 am
by RainbowMusicAddict
icebluehost wrote:I've gotten all the endings but one. Ending 9 isn't the one with the mystery guy. I think it's Ending 8, because that's the ending I haven't gotten so far. And I can't seem to figure out how to get it. Any help would be appreciated XD
I am with icebluehost.
I've done everything even winning the card game with Seth and meeting the mystery guy,
and all I get is Endings 7 and ending 9,
Or Ending 4 and and ending 1.. ;~;
I wanna see this mystery texting dude who stole my phone!
The nerve! but then again he did give it back I suppose o-o
anyways we both would like some help with ending 8!
Please :D

I found out HOW to get Ending 8!
I chose to LOOSE the poker game, and I got ending 8 finally o: So if you want to see the mystery guy make sure to loose the poker game and get Seth's inbetween ending. Where you have like 12-15 points on him.

Re: Summer Found Me [GxB][Slice of life]

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 11:09 am
by greenheartnellie
Yes I've been waiting for a new one! :D I'm going to download this one and play as soon as possible.

Re: Summer Found Me [GxB][Slice of life]

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 7:56 pm
by ixWishing
I managed to get 2/10 endings so far...
Q______Q .
will there be a walkthrough?

I ended up getting Alden's bad & Delvin's good Endings @_@

Re: Summer Found Me [GxB][Slice of life]

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2012 12:06 am
by Daistarir
ixWishing wrote:Woohooo!
I managed to get 2/10 endings so far...
Q______Q .
will there be a walkthrough?

I ended up getting Alden's bad & Delvin's good Endings @_@
Lolol What is the ending do you want?
I finished all .

Re: Summer Found Me [GxB][Slice of life]

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2012 3:43 pm
by ludeshka
This game was a pleasant surprise to me.
To say the truth, I downloaded it because I liked the title. (Poetic!)
I started with no particular expectations, and it charmed me really quickly.
The characters are really likeable. Alden is such a cutie!
(I'm left wanting an ending where I can make Alden and Devlin rebuild their friendship. Is that possible?)
I normally don't go for guys like Devlin, but here, I was frantically trying to get his ending XDDDDDDDDDD
You've built on stereotypes, but you made them people.
I really liked this story.
The art, the bgs, everything is very polished, it's very nice all around.
I hope to see more from you. :)

Re: Summer Found Me [GxB][Slice of life]

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2012 8:58 pm
by Kahtita
Such a great GxB game!

I love Devlin and Seth, they're so different but i love them equally. <3

As for Alden, he's not my type really, so he's ok. :P

I love the main character as well, she's quite the different one, compared to normal otome games heroines. :)

Great job!

Re: Summer Found Me [GxB][Slice of life]

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2012 11:12 am
by greenheartnellie
It's amazing!! :D The first time I played the game, I got the Ending 2: New Friend, which wasn't quite what I hoped for. Soooo I had to google the walkthrough (I give up to walkthroughs easily) and I found them here ... rough.html. They aren't complete but it helped me get the endings for all three guys :D

I first got Alden, then Devlin, and lastly Seth. I don't know why but I liked each guy in their own different ways. I don't even know who I really like the best among them because they're awesome that way xD

Then, I like the writing and the humor, it made me laugh :) and I like Seth and main character's relationship as best friends too.

So simply put, I LOVE the game! I'd try to get the other endings on my free time but a walkthrough could help :D

Re: Summer Found Me [GxB][Slice of life]

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2012 5:13 am
by Alwerien
That was sweet. The moment I saw Devlin I knew I had to go for him and I wasn't disappointed <3 Though, I was head-desking a bit in the beginning when Iris was reeeeally mean to him and i was all WHYWOULDYOU. Luckily everything went well, phew! I even managed to get his best ending on the first playthrough and it took me some time to force myself to play other routes. Went for Seth next (MEGANE <3) and he was so nice too. Poor boy getting friendzoned in other endings ;_; I went for Alden last since well... I wasn't exactly feeling like stalker route is a great route, haha. But in the end I liked all of them. Though still Devlin > Seth > Alden for me.

Contrary to the person above me, it took me several tries to get the New Friend ending which was the last for me. Somehow I kept getting either straight rejected or getting best end with Alden all the time. 7.7 But competion get!

All in all, it was a nice game :)

Re: Summer Found Me [GxB][Slice of life]

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2012 5:51 am
by michi 18
I am so gonna try it =) It looks very interesting !

Re: Summer Found Me [GxB][Slice of life]

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 3:43 pm
by try10
Played this amazing game and I've got ed 10,4,1,8 and 6. Now, I'm going for Alden's route. My favourite character so far is Seth. I would really go for him in real life. :D Devlin is ok, but his personality is a bit too rough for my taste. I haven't completed Alden's route yet, but from what I've seen he is a little shy and wimpy. It would be very helpful if I had a complete walkthrough to get all the endings. :D

Re: Summer Found Me [GxB][Slice of life]

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 6:30 am
by StarryCub
Hello, wow i loved this game, worked wonderfully on my mac! I absolutely love the phone graphic, and just the graphics generally! Would have liked it if you found out a bit more why she loves turtles so much though hehe, although i haven't found all the endings so maybe you do!

The writing style was great, really easily flowed and was gripping from square 1! I didn't really like Alden very much though, and the main character acted too stalker-y over him which made me instantly feel like i wanted to do the opposite of follow his storyline! I didn't really like how you HAD to go on some dates with him either, as i would rather have had more moments with other characters! but i get that it moved the story on :)

My favourite character was definitely Devlin and i loved his story line! wish it was longer and went into more depth, for example actually meeting his dad would have been extremely interesting! Devlin's ending has been my favourite so far as well, but again i haven't found them all yet! :) Thank you for such a lovely game, its a solid 7/10 for me :) xx :P

Re: Summer Found Me [GxB][Slice of life]

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 7:40 am
by michi 18
I love Devlin so much ! I also love bad boys. =) I remember my Closest Friend(big brother -I treat him) -He is like Seth . Too much jealous. That's the reason why we argued. He got jealous of my X-Crush O.O . He said I didnt have time for him anymore. Well.... anyways.... alden is fine. He is innocent (too much ) . But I loved the art!

Re: Summer Found Me [GxB][Slice of life]

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 7:52 am
by michi 18
May I ask for a walkthrough of the whole game?