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Re: FI: Interview [Platonic GxB/G] [Comedy/Friendship] Updat

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2014 4:26 pm
by Googaboga

Thanks for sticking with us for so long :'3.


Aha yeah sorry about that man 'XD. The word count got really out of hand at the end there. Thanks for all your helps C:

Re: FI: Interview [Platonic GxB/G] [Comedy/Friendship] Updat

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2014 5:17 am
by KaenSe4
I don't mind, it was fun while it lasted :P

Re: FI: Interview [Platonic GxB/G] [Comedy/Friendship] Updat

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2014 6:45 pm
by Googaboga
I'm glad you think so :>.

So there are like one and a half scenes left that need to be edited (you won't need to do those though KaenSe XD) and this week work on the sprites should start again since it had to be postponed because of mid-terms. Hopefully there will be some updates soon though :].

Re: FI: Interview [Platonic GxB/G] [Comedy/Friendship] Updat

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2014 8:33 pm
by Hazel-Bun
It's all my fault I'm so sorry-

I'll be sure to edit a bit of that left over scene before Friday amg \(; o;)/ Everyone should check out this game when it's released by the way. Friend those pixels hard.

Re: FI: Interview [Platonic GxB/G] [Comedy/Friendship] Updat

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2014 7:55 pm
by Googaboga
It's okay Hazel. We're both busy with Nanoreno anyways so I'm not too concerned with getting it done right away :].

Thanks for the support though ^///^/.

Re: FI: Interview [Platonic GxB/G] [Comedy/Friendship] Updat

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2014 11:20 pm
by Googaboga
Updating again~

Some Chick's sprite is nearly finished. Her second pose needs a minor edit but I put up her preview anyways. To make up for the missing pose I added an extra expression. The next sprite to be completed with be Tourist Stereotypes'.

The front page has been changed a bit. I swapped out the old screen shots with new ones and fixed up the presentation for the 'art by others' section.

The game has nearly 95,000 words right now and there are still a little over 3,000 words left that need to be added. Which means the end total will be just under 100,000 words. 100k sounds kind of big so I want to point out that a single playthrough of the game is pretty short. The only reason the for the word count is because of the replay-ability. So unless you intend on getting all 18 endings it won't take much time to play. Once the game is done I should hopefully have some kind of estimate for how long it takes to beat.

Even though the script is supposed to be basically done I can't help but fuss with it. I'm having a hard time with Susan. I keep going back on forth on whether to make her less snippy or even more snippy :T. There is really only one path I'm okay with so far.

Oh well. That's all for now C:

Re: FI: Interview [Platonic GxB/G] [Comedy/Friendship] Updat

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2014 12:18 am
by AntiquedFae
Yay, update! :D Everything looks great! If you need any extra help with proofreading or beta-testing then I would love to help out! I just thought I would put it out there, because if you need anything I would love to help with this project.
Regardless, I am so happy to see more of this! Yay!

Re: FI: Interview [Platonic GxB/G] [Comedy/Friendship] Updat

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2014 6:00 pm
by Googaboga
Thank you ^v^. When the rest of the script has been added I'd love it if you could help beta-test :3.

Re: FI: Interview [Platonic GxB/G] [Comedy/Friendship] Updat

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2014 8:34 pm
by AntiquedFae
Googaboga wrote:Thank you ^v^. When the rest of the script has been added I'd love it if you could help beta-test :3.
Perfect! ^.^ Just PM me when you're ready! I'm looking forward to testing it out. :)

Re: FI: Interview [Platonic GxB/G] [Comedy/Friendship] Updat

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2014 8:52 pm
by Googaboga
Sure thing. Thanks again C:

Re: FI: Interview [Platonic GxB/G] [Comedy/Friendship] Updat

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 12:38 am
by Sora-Kuroi
I'm so happy to see updates about this game! I'm really looking forward to it! >w<

Re: FI: Interview [Platonic GxB/G] [Comedy/Friendship] Updat

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 8:25 pm
by Googaboga
Thank you very much :mrgreen:. I'm not sure when this'll be updated again but it's still definitely coming along :].

Re: FI: Interview [Platonic GxB/G] [Comedy/Friendship] Updat

Posted: Fri May 16, 2014 7:30 pm
by Dreambrush
I am very impressed with the amount of effort that has been put into this. I only hope that the soundtracks that I composed for this project will match the quality that has apparently been provided through the other assets. Keep up the excellent work. I am proud to be a [small] part of this project. :)

Re: FI: Interview [Platonic GxB/G] [Comedy/Friendship] Updat

Posted: Sat May 17, 2014 5:55 pm
by Googaboga
Thank you very much Brian ^^. I'm happy you still remember (it's taken way longer to finish this project than it should have 'XD). Your tracks are definitely an improvement to the game. It's great to have them :3.

The word count has increased by about 2,000 words with the addition of another scene and a little bit of expanding on previous scenes. And now there is only one scene left that needs to be edited. Hooray. That scene is also about 2,000 words long. After that we can start beta-testing thanks to AntiquedFae C:.

I can't even believe this game ended up being twice as long as the original estimate :lol:.

Re: FI: Interview [Platonic GxB/G] [Comedy/Friendship] Updat

Posted: Sat May 17, 2014 8:29 pm
by Broodelin
I can't believe you're so close to the beta-testing stage! I can't wait to see this game in action, and I'd be delighted to help hunt down bugs and typos. :)