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Re: Asher [Supernatural/Horror?/Urban Fantasy]

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2014 6:51 am
by ketskari
Asher is now updated. Fixed all the things (I think) that people have mentioned to me over the past couple of weeks.

@LofnBard - thanks! So glad to hear that.

---The options menu is at the top right corner of the screen?
---Added a bit of text to Ending V. I wanted it to be ambiguous, but agree it doesn't match with the other endings. So now it should make more sense
---I didn't find this one, either. Tetrine says "I..." or "I- " fairly often, unfortunately.
--- If the sentence with can was "sometimes you can," then that was "can" as in "are able to," and was intentional. Otherwise... I didn't find any typos related to "can" when I did a search.
---The right-click bug is fixed now.

@AntiquedFae - Ahh... as I mentioned in PM, I meant that only a few of the endings require you to pass the timed buttons.

Glad to hear you enjoyed the game!

Re: Asher [Supernatural/Horror?/Urban Fantasy]

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2014 1:56 am
by Duskylli
Great game! I had fun dying a lot and the endings are much more rounded and clarify things better now. I just need to get one more ending and unlock one more bonus item.

Re: Asher [Supernatural/Suspense/Urban Fantasy]

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2015 10:33 pm
by Dawnfire
What a beautifully made game, with great art, voices, and music! The actual plotlines were also fascinating and the whole game was very compelling. But I'm having trouble getting all of the endings, and honestly,
all the ones I got were not quite satisfying. I wanted answers! What happens with Kialee? Who exactly is Markaius?
Maybe it's because I haven't gotten all the endings yet, but I'm left with more questions than answers...

Re: Asher [Supernatural/Suspense/Urban Fantasy]

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 2:47 am
by ketskari
@Duskylli - Thank you!

@Dawnfire - Wow, thank you.
Kialee and Markaius show up again in Tell a Demon. There's also one more story planned after Tell a Demon that will complete the series and resolve all the story threads. However, I think there's a bit of explanation about Markaius/Kialee in some of the Asher endings, if I recall correctly.
There is a walkthrough here.

Hope that helps! :)

EDIT: Also added a feedback survey via Google forms, in case anyone wants to give feedback anonymously.

Re: Asher [Supernatural/Suspense/Urban Fantasy]

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2018 4:50 pm
by ketskari
The Asher remake is completed. If anyone would like to beta test it, please drop me a PM.

I'll update here again when it's available.

Re: Asher [Supernatural/Suspense/Urban Fantasy] REMAKE News, last page

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2018 7:12 pm
by ketskari
You can now play Asher (the new version) here:

Re: Asher [Supernatural/Suspense/Urban Fantasy] REMAKE News, last page

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2018 11:05 pm
by Ferdokki
Wait, is this beta or complete?

Re: Asher [Supernatural/Suspense/Urban Fantasy] REMAKE News, last page

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2018 2:50 am
by ketskari
It's the web-based version, which is complete as is. Might be able to do a PC/Mac version later on, but have to move on for now.

Re: Asher [Supernatural/Suspense/Urban Fantasy] REMAKE News, last page

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2018 6:22 pm
by DVD2heart
I will definitely be reading this, downloading now. Also, I'm surprised I've never seen Tell a Demon during my many searches of steams VN list. The artwork is looks amazing and i will be investing time into both.

Re: Asher [Supernatural/Suspense/Urban Fantasy] REMAKE News, last page

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2020 2:46 pm
by ketskari
Just a quick update, there's a new short story out, set before (and leading up to) the events of Asher. It's in a point'n'click format, but still has the dialogue choices and branching of Asher. You can check it out here.

Re: Asher [Supernatural/Suspense/Urban Fantasy] NEWS, see last page

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2020 6:24 pm
by Alia
Just finished playing the remake. Loved it! Not realizing certain things unless you pause to think about them (click on the colored text) was a fascinating mechanic that I felt really contributed. I liked the characters, especially Tetrine, but it was the world that really drew me in. And left me with so many questions.
How long has the empress been dead? What will that ship's explorers find beyond the bounds of the known? What is the Nell in relation to the mortal world? If "the demon city" is in the Nell, why are there demons here? Are the demons outside the city-states all descended from the Empress and the Knight? What drew the Empress and the Knight to establish this empire in the first place?
I saw on the website that you're not done telling Tetrine's story yet
(good, because Ending V has me curious!)
so I wondered if there are specific endings in Asher that are canon (or non-canon) for the sequel game(s).

Re: Asher [Supernatural/Suspense/Urban Fantasy] NEWS, see last page

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2020 8:59 pm
by ketskari
Thank you! I'm so glad you liked it! :)
How long has the Empress been dead?
100 years. :) I think it's alluded to in Asher and Tell a Demon, but probably subtly.

What will that ship's explorers find beyond the bounds of the known?
That's definitely explored in the game after Asher, Tell a Demon.

If "the demon city" is in the Nell, why are there demons here?
There are several different kinds of demons. But I'll get into more details on the Aeserian afterlife in future stories (there's some stuff on what lives in the Nell that is alluded to in some endings in Tell a Demon).

Are the demons outside the city-states all descended from the Empress and the Knight?
Most of the old court demons (Mishel, Antonine, Kalevel) were 'made' by the Empress or the Knight. There's a few hints about that in Tell a Demon (Octavia and Felicia are the other court demons). The rest of the demons (the shadow kind) were made by Kialee or the Empress, after her blood became cursed.

What drew the Empress and the Knight to establish this empire in the first place?
That's definitely going to be a focus in the next game I'm working on, the Empress of Aeser. ;)
Most of the Markaius endings (especially I) would be considered canon. Tell a Demon continues from that story and so does The Empress of Aeser. I don't really consider any ending canon. There are some endings I've been thinking of going back to and continuing from once the Empress of Aeser is done. In other cases I might be able to make the player able to choose which ending to continue from, so long as it doesn't, say, render the events of Tell a Demon nonexistent or something like that.