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Re: Heart Fragment [OTOME/GxB/GxG][FANTASY]

Posted: Wed May 17, 2017 8:49 pm
by heartfragment

The Heart Fragment menu screen art is complete! It was done by my good friend Demi, who I wanted to have be part of the game in some way. Since she's amazing at art I figured the home screen would be a perfect way to include her!

Re: Heart Fragment [OTOME/GxB/GxG][FANTASY]

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 5:39 pm
by neuropsy
What is your initial reaction to the game's intro and characters?
A fantasy game featuring extrahuman abilities and psychological themes is basically an amalgam of my favorite subjects in any fictional setting. The characters seem charming and the art style is lovely. Honestly, I immediately jumped on the hype train for this game upon reading the opening post because the game blends so many things I love in stories.

I'm hoping the story will explore the stories of the past experimental subjects more. It'd make for an interesting and heartbreaking story to see the plights of these individuals attaining these amazing powers but ultimately succumbing to inhumanity, which actually reminds me a lot of the anime Shin Sekai Yori.

The fact you started this story when you were 12 makes this project even more charming, since I'm a lifelong writer myself. Though...I do hope this story won't be TOO tragic (even if I love me some angst).

Which of the character's seems the most interesting to you?
I'm most interested in Kay and Lana. Lana seems like BFF material (mostly because of beer and gaming), and Kay is usually the character type I'm drawn to for romances. I love the diversity your characters represent, too.

Do you have any questions about the game itself?
All I can say is I'm probably going to play the demo the minute it comes out. :'D

Good luck on this project! I know it's been tough, but you can do it!

Re: Heart Fragment [OTOME/GxB/GxG][FANTASY]

Posted: Sun May 21, 2017 11:58 pm
by heartfragment
The new Xani sprites are complete! Here's a look at them! I hope you all like them!

Re: Heart Fragment [OTOME/GxB/GxG][FANTASY]

Posted: Mon May 29, 2017 10:43 pm
by Averxy
What is your initial reaction to the game's intro and characters?
I love everything so far! the characters look great and honestly I can't wait to get to know all of them.

Which of the character's seems the most interesting to you?
Kay and Clive definitely... I have a huge thing for gingers hahaha

The art looks amazing and I seriously can't wait for it to be released ^^

Re: Heart Fragment [OTOME/GxB/GxG][FANTASY]

Posted: Tue May 30, 2017 3:53 am
by heartfragment
Wow, thank you Averxy (and thank you to everyone else who has sent feedback that I haven't gotten around to replying to, ahaha).
Its an honor to receive a good response from someone who has been part of making games I'm a fan of as well. :)

Re: Heart Fragment [OTOME/GxB/GxG][FANTASY]

Posted: Wed May 31, 2017 2:00 am
by waltermack
What is your initial reaction to the game's intro and characters?
I'm intrigued. I've always loved most things involving powers. Most of the characters are also wrapped in mystery, which makes me eager to find out more.

Which of the character's seems the most interesting to you?
Clive, I dig darker characters. If they're written well they can be the most well-rounded and relatable characters.

Do you have any questions about the game itself?
Not at the moment, but I shot you a PM! :)

Re: Heart Fragment [OTOME/GxB/GxG][FANTASY]

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2017 9:04 pm
by heartfragment
The Lana sprites are complete! Take a look!

Re: Heart Fragment [OTOME/GxB/GxG][FANTASY]

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2017 10:12 pm
by heartfragment
And here come the Shannon sprites!

Re: Heart Fragment [OTOME][FANTASY]

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2017 10:57 pm
by Zelan
Lana and Shannon are both absolutely adorable and I love both of them. <3

Re: Heart Fragment [OTOME][FANTASY]

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2017 2:07 am
by sonnenblumen
Been lurking around this thread for some time but never got the chance to comment, haha!

What is your initial reaction to the game's intro and characters? Okay, so for starters I'm loving that logo! Being honest, I was not a huge fan of the character designs — more so the coloring style which personally felt too "strong" and jarring for me. Just a personal opinion.
BUT the new style changes everything and I feel the color blends much more smoothly, allowing the characters' to shine.

As for the story, I absolutely love the whole plot around the experiment and her being kept hidden. I'm very curious to see and learn more about her past and the experiment. I also love the gender diversity of the romanceable characters and that there's an equal amount of LGBT and straight characters, making more gamers feel welcome and giving more variety.

Which of the character's seems the most interesting to you? Shannon looks gorgeous but based om character descriptions, I'm very curious about Clive. Jasper, assuming he's the bonus route, is a close second.

Do you have any questions about the game itself? Nope! Just want to wish the team good luck~ You've got a great project going here!

Re: Heart Fragment [OTOME][FANTASY]

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2017 2:01 am
by heartfragment
Zelan wrote:Lana and Shannon are both absolutely adorable and I love both of them. <3
Thank you so much! They're my special girls. :)
sonnenblumen wrote:Which of the character's seems the most interesting to you? Shannon looks gorgeous but based om character descriptions, I'm very curious about Clive. Jasper, assuming he's the bonus route, is a close second.]
Jasper is actually one of the main routes, while Inigo is the bonus! I'm glad you're interested in him, he's one of my favorites actually.

Re: Heart Fragment [OTOME][FANTASY]

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2017 9:21 pm
by heartfragment
What is Xani like?
I remembered a comment I got a while ago from someone close to me, which essentially said that Xani (the Heart Fragment protagonist, by default name) seems… boring. So I figured I’d make a post about this - what exactly is Xani like?

Most (mainstream) otome games I’ve played have protagonists with little to no personality. I see why this is done, and I actually like it a lot, because it gives the player a chance to put themselves in the character’s shoes and decide what she’s feeling for themselves. In the original Heart Fragment that I wrote when I was 12, this is more what Xani was like. She didn’t have much of a personality, probably because I was 12 at the time, and the personality she did have could be summed up as cheerful and ditzy. When I started to rewrite Heart Fragment at 17, I changed Xani’s personality completely.

Basically, Xani is a cynic. She doesn’t see the world through a very happy viewpoint and the things she does see as good are few. That doesn’t necessarily mean she stays that way. Her personality will vary by route and ending chosen, but overall she does learn to see things as a little better than before.

I know giving a set personality to an otome protagonist can be a bit of a gamble. But this is the role I want Xani (or whatever name you choose for her!) to have. It may be a bit boring for some people who can’t get immersed in gameplay because they’re not like her, but I think a lot of people might grow to like our protagonist in all her stubborn cynicism! We’ll just have to wait and see.

Re: Heart Fragment [OTOME][FANTASY]

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2017 9:39 pm
by Zelan
heartfragment wrote:I know giving a set personality to an otome protagonist can be a bit of a gamble. But this is the role I want Xani (or whatever name you choose for her!) to have. It may be a bit boring for some people who can’t get immersed in gameplay because they’re not like her, but I think a lot of people might grow to like our protagonist in all her stubborn cynicism! We’ll just have to wait and see.[/center]
I personally prefer defined protagonists, and I know for a fact that there are others on this forum who do as well. I'd say you've probably got a decent group who will enjoy playing a cynical Xani. c:

Re: Heart Fragment [OTOME][FANTASY]

Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2017 1:08 am
by heartfragment
The Kay sprites are complete! Here's a peek at them! :D

Re: Heart Fragment [OTOME][FANTASY]

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2017 3:15 am
by heartfragment

The full version of the main menu screen is complete! Here's a look!