[IndieGoGo LIVE] Nusantara:Bermuda Triangle [GxB]

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Completed: Nusantara: Legend of the Winged Ones
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UPDATE 12/6/2021!

#481 Post by SweetChiel »

​Hey, guys! What's up?
Holiday season is coming but before that, let us wish good luck for those who are still in school/college!
The exams are still ongoing over here but it should be their last hurdle before sweet holiday~

Has it started snowing over there? It's only raining here, but I swear, I'll touch real snow someday and make a snowman out of it! x'D

Work is going well though!
I've started programming the antagonist's route and while it's a little tricky (because it's still somewhat connected with the main routes), I think I'll be fine!


So far, I've programmed in 22 pages and had to re-make 5 images just for the starting scenes.
It's not anything major, but at the very least, I'll make sure for you to encounter new elements once in a while so you won't get bored OuO)b
​The programming will be a bit on the slow side, since I need to polish some scenes... and maybe delete a few x-x

When I re-read the script, a few scenes seemed to be out of place so I need to do something about it--maybe I should meditate and hopefully, get better ideas on how I can make them better lol.

On a less serious note, I went to Hoyofest in Jakarta!
Basically, it's a cafe collaboration event with Mihoyo, featuring my favorite mobile game, Genshin Impact. It wasn't smooth-sailing though.
I queued early in the morning with my fiance, only to find out they're only serving those without reservations at 4 PM (the reservations are all booked and I didn't get one QuQ). My fiance was not amused that he had to wait for 7 hours just to get the free goodies lol. He wasn't a big fan of Genshin Impact, so he's really just there for me >///<

The next day, my legs and back got really sore from all the standing and walking x'D
I really need to step up my exercise and get fit!

Welp, I guess that's it for now and see you again next week!
Take care and don't skip your meals!



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Completed: Nusantara: Legend of the Winged Ones
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Location: Indonesia

UPDATE 12/13/2021!

#482 Post by SweetChiel »

​Morning, guys! What's up?
Have you decorated your christmas tree? I'm lowkey celebrating it with my mom :'3

With that said, here's what I did last week!
- Programmed in 13 pages! ​I know it's a bit lacking compared to last week, but I have a reason for this besides feeling a little under the weather/holiday season!


- Fixed a few bugs on Day 193 Arya's route! ​(Double sprite, wrong name, wrong description) ​Thanks to Caitlin Ingibiorg! When I thought I've found them all, there's always something I missed x'D I bet there's more--I'll keep an eye on it and try my best to locate each one of them, but please bear with me if I still miss some :'D

- Fixed the blurry sprites! ​(Mom, Dad, and Mawar) A lot of you​ have made me notice this issue. It took me a while to change the setting of the sprites & reprogram them, but there you go!


The sprites may look smaller than before, but they should look sharper now!
I really need to find a better way on how to render HD png images with small file size ^^; or maybe I should use bigger resolution for my next project...
​Anyways, the antagonist route progress is quite smooth! I still have to polish some scenes but it's all good!

Hmm, I think that's the last of it? As always, thank you for reading -^.^)/
Take care and enjoy your holiday! Cheers!


The author is taking a break from Q&A session due to being busy preparing for christmas ~


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Completed: Nusantara: Legend of the Winged Ones
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UPDATE 12/20/2021!

#483 Post by SweetChiel »

​Hi, guys! What's up?
I hope you're enjoying your holiday!
Do it in moderation though, don't be like me who suddenly went on a shopping spree 😂 I guess with 2021 ending, I wanted to reward myself for... you know, Christmas? Job well done? For surviving the pandemic? (Excuse me while I'm trying to find a legit excuse for my shopping spree x'D)
Anyways! Here's what I did last week!

- Polished Chapter 1! ​(Both for the main routes and the antagonist route!) There's always more room for polishing~


- Programmed in 29 pages & fixed a bug where you suddenly returned to the main routes story! ​Fortunately, I noticed this bug before I went any further 😂 ​ ​I need to be careful here & test the scenes one by one~ ​

As always, we're slowly but surely getting there!
How about you, guys? I hope things are also going well on your side ;)
Have fun but stay safe! Drink lots and don't skip your meals!



Q&A session part 60! If you have something to ask the bachelors! Please don't hesitate and type away! ^.^)/​

1. How would the bachelors react to Maya being in labour during pregnancy? ​--by: ColdCore

​Maya: *painful noises*

Arya: *anxious* "Can she push now? How much longer should we wait? It's been a couple of hours for God's sake!"

Doctor: "Let me check." *doctor proceeds to lift up Maya's birthing suite*

Arya: "What--wait, what the fuck are you doing?!"

​Doctor: "Sir, calm down. I need to see her cervix and check whether it's opening enough for the baby--"

Arya: "--FUCK NO! Don't you dare! I'm calling a nurse!"

Maya: *painful noises intensifies*

Maya: *painful noises*

Guntur: "Are you alright? No, don't answer that, it's a stupid question."

Guntur: "Don't bite on your lips, here, bite on my arm."

​Maya: *gasped in pain before biting Guntur's arm* "This... this is all... your fault! I'm not doing this anymore!"

Guntur: *softly caressing Maya's back* "It's okay, it'll be over soon."

Maya: "Easier said than done! You're not the one squeezing a watermelon through a keyhole!"

Guntur: "I know it's hard, but you can do it! We're going to be parents soon!"

*Cue Maya howling and screaming because of the pain, but Guntur didn't seem to mind. He looked forward to being a parent*

Maya: *painful noises*

Kahlil: "You can do it, honey! I-I believe in you!"

Kahlil: "Oh God, oh God! Is she okay? There's so many blood!"

​*With every moment passing, Kahlil became more anxious. His eyes were practically bulging as he watched the birth of his first chidl*
Kahlil: "I-I think I can see it! Oh my God, is that the head?! How can it... how can it... will it fit?!"

Kahlil: "It's coming! Oh God, it's finally coming! It's--it's--"

*With a groan, Kahlil suddenly fainted*


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Location: Indonesia

UPDATE 12/27/2021!

#484 Post by SweetChiel »

​Hi, guys!
Sorry for the late update, I wasn't feeling well--still is actually ><;
I have this nasty cough; it's so itchy, my throat feels bloated, and it hurts so much, sometimes I want to throw up... but well, at least it's not covid :'D

Now then, before we get to see what progress I made last week, let me say this first:
Merry Christmas to all of you who celebrates it! ​​I wish you a Happy holiday, filled with warmth and love!
I hope all of my family, friends, and clients are healthy and having a blast <3
Here's a little something from me~


It's been a long time since I draw chibis! Aren't they adorable? >///<
If you can adopt one of them, which one will you choose?

On a more serious note, here's my report on last week's programming!


- 26 pages programmed in! I ended up re-writing one of the antagonist's scenes, but other than that? ​As smooth as usual~
- Fixed 2 BGMs that sounds a little too small & polished Chapter 1 (Both for the antagonist's route and the main routes)

Finally, I'm planning to take a break next week :'3
Other than being sick, 2022 is coming and my big family are planning to host a party to celebrate it. I usually stay for around 2 days and with everything going on, I'm not sure I'll have the time/energy to do any programming ><

There's also my Pre-Wedding Photoshoot at 18th-19th January to think about OuO;
But don't worry! I'll definitely come here to ask for your permission again~

Well, that's it for now and see you guys again next week!
Have fun but don't forget to take good care of yourself!


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UPDATE 3/1/2022!

#485 Post by SweetChiel »

​Hi, guys! What's up?
Sorry for the late update, my mom and I are busy doing spring cleaning these days ><
We're changing the bed sheets, cleaning my workspace, sweeping--lots of scrubbing and washing involved, including bathing our doggos.
The thing is, with raining season happening, the bugs & fungi also became more active than usual.
Unfortunately, Kiara, my husky, has become one of its victim :'D


Poor girl, she looks like a grumpy sphinx 😂
She got red skin on her lower body, especially her butt. Probably irritation/early signs of fungi infection?
My mom and I had to bring her to the vet and shave her fur. Hopefully, we can heal her quickly without any complications.

​I also got several bug bites on my arms and legs. One of them looking like a rash now x_x
So I've just recovered from coughing & bloated throat, but now I'm getting itchy arms and legs, yay 😂

​In any case! I'm back from my holiday and now ready to go back programming the antagonist's route!
This week is going to be slow though, my mom is pretty particular with their spring cleaning >< so please excuse me if the progress isn't going as much as I'd like to later.

Welp, it's time for me to apply anti-bacterial medicine to Kiara now.
Here's hoping you're still enjoying the holiday season! Take care and see you again next week!


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Location: Indonesia

UPDATE 17/1/2022!

#486 Post by SweetChiel »

Hi guys! What's up?
How did your week go? Mine was a hustle 😂

For once, I have bad news for you ><

Continuing from last week, after some family discussion, we finally decided on a villa to do the PreWedding photoshoot + 2 outdoor locations. We'll start the shoot tomorrow and I don't think I'll have time to work until the weekends :'D

So yup, here I am asking for another permission to take the week off m(_ _)m
I'm really sorry guys, I'll be preoccupied this week!

Another bad news is I wasn't able to do much progress last week due to this menace called Fake Nails. I originally have really short nails, shorter than any of my family members. Seeing this, my mother-in-law suggested to try manicure and fake nails so I gave it a try. Honestly? It looks good for the upcoming photoshoot but it's so hard to do anything while trying not to break them and keeping them clean at the same time 😂


I had no idea it would be so hard to type with long nails...
They keep getting caught between the keys, typos every few seconds, and I've been writing this update with the tip of my nails since morning and it's really uncomfortable :'D

- The frustration is real and I'm sorry, but I really struggled... I was only able to do 12 pages this week OTL
- I also made 2 new alternative sprites for the antagonist though--which is available for you to see on my Patreon with a #spoiler tag! It's been a while since I gave my patrons any exclusive sneak peeks :'3

Last but not least, I want to apologize again for the inconvenience m(_ _)m *bows
I'll definitely make it up to you later, but for now, I want to finish this PreWedding photoshoot ASAP :'D
See you again soon! I hope your week is better than mine but please take care and drink plenty of water!



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UPDATE 24/1/2022!

#487 Post by SweetChiel »

Hi, guys! What's up?
First of all, thank you for being an awesome and patient supporters ^///^

My PreWedding photoshoot went... well, I guess? There were pleasant surprises but also hiccups.
Like my fiance not letting me get any sleep--wait, that sounds wrong. I mean, he can't sleep because we're in an unfamiliar place so he humors himself by touching my back, arm, and neck. A little childish but then again, I also can't sleep anyway lol x'D

There were also some unexpected things, like my contact lenses suddenly fell out because my eyes were too dry (from not blinking for taking photos lol). Then one of my fake nails came off too sometime in the midst of the photoshoot.

However, the outdoor sessions will probably be imprinted in my mind for a long time lol.
So we have 2 places scheduled: Pine Hills and Stone Garden. The places are very beautiful and I looked forward to see them very much.
There were also other people taking PreWedding photos besides us at Pine Hills. I really enjoyed the fact that the place have this positive vibe going. But then my contact lenses fell out along with one of fake nails lol. I have myopia/nearsight so I was a little bummed when I have to spend the rest of the photoshoot with blurry filter on lol. Still, the place is as beautiful as I imagined and the weather is pretty cool, minus the bugs of course.

But what shocked me the most was when we were on our way to Stone Garden.

You see, when I saw the video sample, I thought the location was near a beach. But imagine my surprise when it was actually on the MOUNTAINS. They didn't inform me so I was really shocked. Imagine climbing up the steep streets with a mermaid dress on because the car can't go further... The dress was constricting me near the knees so I can only take one short step at a time. It was excruciating :'D

Of course, I appreciate my fiance and the people that helped me to climb slowly. But no more. It's really a once in a lifetime thing 🤣

Anyways, below is a sample of one of my photos in Pine Hills (I censored our faces because we're shy).


Overall, I'm glad it's over with~ \(-^.^-)/
I've returned and ready to continue Bermuda's progress! Thank you for the patience and the everlasting support!
While I was gone, I hope all of you are in good health! Don't skip your meals and drink lots!



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UPDATE 31/1/2022!

#488 Post by SweetChiel »

Hey, guys! What's up?
Things are slowly coming into place over here, but I almost didn't realize that Chinese New Year is here! I was so busy I didn't look at the date anymore lol, but the good news is because of covid, this shouldn't affect Bermuda's progress much!

Anyways, here's what I did last week:


- I finished programming Chapter 1 & Chapter 2 of the Antagonist's route! I ended up having to rewrite the last few scenes, but I think they turned out better than expected!

- Polished the scenes! I have a feeling that the scenes, especially the one where Maya first met the antagonist in Chapter 2, could be better. I'm having a little difficulty with the ever changing BGM ^^; the mood for that scene is complicated. I definitely have to go back there later once I reset my mind and see if there are better alternatives.

My plan for this week is to start making CGs for a change of pace! Along with more polishing of course!
I still haven't found the right reference for the antagonist's first CG, hopefully, I'll find it soon ><

Welp, that's it for now and cheers for everyone who celebrates Chinese New Year!
Get that red envelopes but don't forget to wash your hands afterwards! -^.^)/



*The author is taking a break from the Q&A session because she's out of ideas. Honestly, I'm not sure what to write in this small section anymore >_<; Do you still find it interesting? Should I continue or start fresh? Like, maybe I can write a small paragraph of a bachelor's POV or smth


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UPDATE 7/2/2022!

#489 Post by SweetChiel »

Morning, guys! What's up?
How did your week go? Mine was filled with drawing~

I'm really glad with the change of pace because the CGs really make me think about how to better polish the scenes.
The first CG is around 70% done. I need to color it a bit more before I tinker with the finishing touches/lighting options. I think I'll have fun experimenting with the overlay/screen layers -^.^-

The second CG is something else though!
It was hard and I spent LOADS of time readjusting it again and again in the sketch period--at first, I wanted to make a 'pinning down' pose, but the whole thing looks uncomfortable and since I want to make sure you guys have a clear view of the characters' expressions (3 types of them), I had to revised it to 'standing up pose but leaning down with of them kneeling' instead.

Can you imagine the pose?
If not, don't worry! I have a GIF file sneak peek for all of you!
It's spoiler free for those who don't know who the antagonist yet :'3


For my $10 patrons on Patreon, there's a bigger surprise for you: for this week, the full preview is available only for your eyes to see!
Check the post titled 'Update 7/2/2022 Bonus!' and you shall see the sketch + rough lineart in its full glory~

For my $5 patrons, don't worry! Because the full preview will be available for you next week! \(-^.^-)/
It's been a long time since I posted a GIF sneak peek so I hope you guys like it~ However, I'm afraid you'll have to skip it if you don't want to be spoiled about who the antagonist is u.u

Welp, I think that's it for now :'3
Let's keep up the good work and be productive!
Take care and I hope you guys are all in great health <3



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UPDATE 14/2/2022!

#490 Post by SweetChiel »

​Hi, guys!
Happy Valentine Day for everyone! ~\(^///^)/~
I'm sending my love to all of you and I hope you have a great day ahead <3

Here's a little something from me~

Also, as promised, last week's bonus (sketch CG GIF) is now available for 5$ Patrons on Patreon! -^.^)/

​As for last week's progress... I was having a little problem with the 2nd CG ^^;
I've been tinkering with the perspective along with an important item belonging to the antagonist--but the item is giving me a hard time due to its design QuQ

I ended up having to do little tricks in order to hide the flaws, I hope you don't mind ><;
In any case, CG 1 and CG 2 of the antagonist's route are 80% done! I just need to do the overall light & shadows before giving them the finishing touches OuO)b

My plan for this week is to celebrate valentine with my loved one first before going back to finish the 2 CGs & do some programming~
You know, just the usual ^///^ slowly but surely!

Last but not least, please stay safe!
Wear your mask and wash your hands often! My cousin and uncle got diagnosed positive omicron covid and while the symptoms are not dire, it's quite concerning how fast the number of infected is increasing in my area Q_Q I guess the pandemic is still not giving up this year?

In any case, here's hoping all of you are well and healthy!


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UPDATE 21/2/2022!

#491 Post by SweetChiel »

Morning, guys!
What's up? I had a long week ><
Finishing the CGs took longer than I thought--I had too much fun experimenting with the lights and colors ^^;
Here's a little sneak peek without spoilers to give you a slight idea:


​I also started on programming again! \(-^.^-)/
It's just... I made a small mistake... Chapter 2 for the Antagonist is not finished yet--there's part 2! No wonder I thought the word count is a bit too low ^^; please excuse my clumsiness, I honestly forgot about it ><;


In any case, it's a slow start as usual~ 15 pages for now!
I'm getting used to programming the daily status again ^.^ you know, the hunting, washing, and making fire with small events in between?

I also found myself polishing and re-arranging the old scenes quite often!
I guess I really enjoy the process of making the sentences look better, fixing the grammar, not repeating the same word too often, or replacing a word with better a verb >:3

Other than that, I'm doing fine!
I hope you're also doing well over there! Don't skip your meals, drink lots, and wash your hands often -^.^-
I know I've said this a lot but thank you for your kind support--I'm always grateful for your patience QuQ
Thanks again for reading and I'll see you next week!

I've been thinking about what to write in the bonus section and I finally found a great idea!
What if the characters have social media? Well, here you go! ^.^



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UPDATE 28/2/2022!

#492 Post by SweetChiel »

​​Hi, guys! What's up?
I hope you had a great week! Mine was... kinda difficult :'D

So I was in the middle of polishing a big scene in Chapter 2 part 2 when the church suddenly gave me a call.
Remember when I said I still have 'Penyelidikan Kanonik' ​to do? I finally found out what it called in English--Prenuptial Interview!

The problem is... the auntie who is supposed to give me a call for the interview forgot to confirm the date with me AND I also forgot to remind her. What happened then was almost a disaster lmao. She actually called me and asked if I can do the interview at 9.30 AM in the morning, and it was 9.00 AM! How absurd was that? My mom and I got into a little fight with her. We were like, 'why didn't you remind us?' then she was like, 'why didn't you remind me? you were the one who wanted to get married' (yes, her words exactly).

My fiance and I almost didn't make it because it was too sudden. I mean, he had to ask permission from work and we still had to ask our witnesses to come. Fortunately, the auntie managed to re-arrange the interview to 4.00 PM... honestly, we're both at fault. I'm just glad it's over with x_x
There's still another problem though; the catholic church have this rule 'you have to wear a modest wedding gown' ​and I'm afraid I have to look for another wedding gown because mine isn't modest enough ^^;

*sigh* ​Needless to say, my plan to program at least 30 pages was gone with the wind... but I still managed to do 21 pages though!

I also checked the CG gallery and fixed an error with the daily chores system, ​where the antagonist events sometimes got mixed with the main bachelors' events.

I still have some polishing to do though. There's this big event that I think will need some major revision due to it having some OOC dialogue >_<

I will do my best, but I'll probably be a bit slow this week because I have more things to do with my wedding preparation. Like, I need to go back and forth from the church because the Father/Pastor asked me to make and print a... what do I call this in English? Wedding Ceremony guidebook? You know, the small book you give to your wedding attendants? It contains the wedding schedule, the wedding songs--basically the ceremony from beginning to the end.

Okay, I'll stop here before I talk more about unrelated things x'D
I should be talking about Bermuda but here I am, rambling about my pre-marriage difficulties rofl
Thank you and please excuse me for writing so much, I just want you to know that I will be quite busy this month :'3
Thanks again for reading and please take care of yourself!
I'll see you again next week~


What if the characters have social media? Part 2!



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UPDATE 7/3/2022!

#493 Post by SweetChiel »

​Hi, guys! What's up?
I hope you guys had a great week, because mine was hell :'D

Hmm... where do I start?
Well, continuing from last update, my Prenuptial Interview went alright but I became really busy right after.
I had to start making this guide book for my wedding day. It contains whatever is scheduled during the big day, including our vows and the songs that will be played in the wedding ceremony. It will be given to every guest so it's kinda a big deal.
I somehow finished the first draft last week. Father Matius will review it on Thursday and will make some changes if necessary.

But the worse is yet to come.
My mom and I just found out last Saturday that our roof is leaking and it's not just any leak that can be fixed with a hammer and some wood.
The outside looks fine but within? We freakin' found a humongous nest of termites and vines, it looks like a jungle up there and the roof is actually in danger of caving in if we don't fix it right away :'D

Needless to say, my mom and I are calling people to do a makeover of our roof. They said it will take around... 3 weeks?
Of course, at that time, I will have to take good care of my doggos (We will go to a different room and make sure we're not disturbing the people working until they're done for the day). This will definitely affect Bermuda's progress, but what can I do besides doing the best with what I have? Q_Q

I managed to program in 19 pages last week, ​and hopefully, I can still make the same progress every week with the loud noises around me for 3 weeks.


There is some good news though; remember when I said I was planning to re-make a scene due to OOC?
I think I managed to polish them and make it a little better. I'm still a bit worried about it though--I have a feeling it can be better. I'll come back to it when I have better ideas >_<

​Here's hoping you had a great week!
If you're in some kind of a trouble or down because of something, cheer up! We'll get through this together!
Let's stay productive and positive no matter what trial came for us! >:'D


What if the characters have social media? Part 3!



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UPDATE 14/3/2022!

#494 Post by SweetChiel »

​First of all, Happy White Day to everyone!
Here's hoping you're all well with your loved ones <3
Things are not going so well for me last week, but hey, when you're at the bottom the only way left is UP! x'D
If you've read my emergency update, I'm sure you know that my house is not in a good condition right now.
There were... distractions, ​and my house flooded twice on Sunday, but fortunately, I was able to secure some time to do programming ><


- 15 pages are programmed in along with the usual polishing! ​I know it's not much but it's the best I can do for now QuQ
Oh, but let me tell you, I think I did a great job with the polishing this time! It's definitely better than the original script so yay! \(>u<)/

- Created 3 new simple backgrounds! ​You will see these backgrounds a lot during the puzzle minigame. I made it as simple as possible so you can focus on the minigame.

For this week, I'm planning to slowly tackle the puzzle minigame. The first one is coming very soon and I need to re-learn the mechanics a little. Hopefully, it'll be smooth sailing ​:'3

Other than that, my only wish is for my roof to be fixed without any other incident x'D
Seriously though, thank you for all the love and support you've showed me in the comments section! I needed that and it means a lot. Really, thank you guys ^///^ I couldn't ask for better supporters

I'll keep you updated! Thanks for visiting and for cheering me up!
I hope the bonus section brings you a smile, just like you did for me.


What if the characters have social media? Part 4!



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UPDATE 18/4/2022!

#495 Post by SweetChiel »

​Hi guys! What's up?
How's life? Did you have a good night's sleep?
Bermuda is finally walking on its feet again so ​I'm doing great~
I need your input on the puzzle minigame though--here's what it'll look like in game:


Do you think it's too dark? I got the inspiration from 'Black Puzzle' and I want to mimic a situation where you're trying to assemble mirror pieces in a dark room, a very dark room where you can barely see anything.

There's no time limit for the first minigame, but I'm planning to make a time limit for the final one with more puzzle pieces--but will it be too hard to clear? I might be worrying too much but I feel evil forcing you to finish this hard-to-see minigame ^^;

On the other hand, the programming is making some decent progress!


16 pages programmed in!
​I've polished a lot of the small scenes and made several minor backgrounds/special effects.
I want to do more.

I know that it can be better, should be better... especially the parts where the antagonist is involved. I sometimes find myself lacking, I need to study more; to not repeat the same lines too often, on how to make the antagonist express himself better. I feel like I don't do him justice Q_Q
I tell myself it'll be okay, I just need to re-read it again later but I can't help but worry @@
Hopefully, I can find what I'm looking for and I hope the polishing will turn alright...
Cheers for another productive week!


Support me on:
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/SweetChiel
or buy me a Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/sweetchiel

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