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Re: Guestbook

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2018 10:35 pm
by Coati
I am Coati from Florianópolis, Brazil. I'm a big fan of visual novels and basically any game based on story / choice. I'm an animation student and I just finished my internship in a gaming studio. I work with 2D and 3D art, character design and background design. Basically the "CG girl".

Now I'm working on a medieval RPG game with some people from our indie studio and on a Star Trek VN fan as a personal project.

I hope to get in touch with the VN community and learn a lot from everyone <3

You can see some of my work here:

Re: Guestbook

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2018 6:22 am
by Flowersoft Gamedev

We are Flowersoft Gamedev, a small team composed of a writer and a programmer, who love visual novels. We formed this little group so that we can participate in community and forum discussion, as well as have an avenue to share our work and learn from other members. Though English is not our local language, we will do our best to communicate.

Hoping for the best to come up with a game that people will play.

Thank you!


Re: Guestbook

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2018 10:17 am
by useless19
Hi, I'm Useless from the UK and have recently found renpy and I've been having fun with it so far! I'm hoping to improve my understanding via the forum and maybe one day create a full game.

Re: Guestbook

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2018 11:22 am
by BadRos
Hello, im Bad from Italy, im just starting to learn things about renpy etc... i have some problems and i hope i can solve them there! Have a good day!

Re: Guestbook

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2019 5:18 pm
by Dandynote
Hi there, I'm Dandynote! I'm a composer from the US. I don't have much experience with Ren'Py specifically, but I've played around with game development at a hobby level for years. I'm here hoping to help out teams in need of some catchy tunes ~

Re: Guestbook

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2019 9:53 am
by Ceilyan
Hello :) I'm Ceilyan, from France, and a total newbie when it comes to coding, but hey, I'm here to learn! Have a nice day!

Re: Guestbook

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2019 3:46 pm
by Integral
Hello all,

I'm fairly new to vns and Ren'Py, but I think it's fair to say that once I found out about it, I realized what I've been missing all these years ;). I'm a fast-learner currently focusing on improving my skills on the grounds of making vns (writing, coding, illustrating). Pure hobbyist at this point.

I've scrolled and read topics on this forum many times before and eventually decided to join myself. Hopefully I can learn more this way, and maybe even contribute to other's knowledge and experience.

I live in Poland and from 9 to 5 I work as a graphic designer at the advertising agency.

Re: Guestbook

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2019 6:00 pm
by Wight
Hello, hello.

I've picked up Ren'Py about 2 years ago and have completed a few private projects by myself. I've already been browsing these forums to help myself learn and now I've decided to finally make an account. I'm hoping to take this hobby of mine more seriously and use this opportunity to hone my skills, help others out, and see how far I can go with it. I still feel like I'm just a novice but I'm excited to show off what I can create.

Re: Guestbook

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 7:11 pm
by Johan
a -

Re: Guestbook

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 1:58 pm
by Gamedev Alliance
Hi :)

We are a french comnunity of indie gam developers. You can visit our page here :
Our forum :
Our wiki :
Our Github :
And our Youtube channel :

Re: Guestbook

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 9:33 pm
by CaptainTenno
Okay, now im done it, and there is no road back.Ahem.

Name's Tenno. Some call me Roman. And this is my story..well, part of it.

I decided to write it as a manifesto to myself and to the world. Determinational support they call it. Ahem.

You see, for years, I have dreamt of beautiful yet alien worlds. A worlds living their own complex lives. I carefully pondered over what happens there, why, and how it ends. How fates intermingle and broke to shreds. If two equally strong protagonists collide, who will be victorious? If this country fall, what will become of its people? Every day, new event. Every week, new character. Every month, new plot. Every year, new world.

Over time, these vague dreams became hard character and world concepts. Out of these, specific plots and character interaction were born. Dozens of vivid, colorful stories. Detailed, complex, totally functional fantasy and sci-fi worlds. No detail was left behind. Just imagine - the whole bizarre adventures of both humans and various xenos. On an epic scale. With romances, battles and deep intrigues. Whats the problem you ask?

The problem is...yes, they are not for real. They existed (well, technically they still) only in my head.

All these 26 years, I was going about with my business. Going to school. To university. To work. On the morning bus and the evening stroll. In a restaurant and over a videogame. And I have these dreams.

Because of these dreams, I had no interest in conversations with people around me. No, really, what could they talk about? Weather? Boy-girl cheats? Football, or local politics? All boring, predictable and totally pointless - like a never-ending groundhog day.

For some time, I found refuge in books, movies, games and net novels, visual or not-so. But as years past by, they too became blunt and "all-the-same" for me. I realized, that most plots were generic, changing only names and concepts, while still following the same pattern. That most of those worlds were synthetic. Flawed. Made with little attention to details. From my point of view that is. So, what I did?

Here you would except that I say "and then I met a friend/relative who inspired me to put my dreams to digital paper".
I wish I had, believe me. But not really. Don't have any of these.

But what I DO have, are these worlds.
And the characters.
And their stories.

Sometimes I wounder - they probably are made alive by my divine spark someone in other dimension. Or not. But I owe everything to them, as much as they owe to me as their creator. So, after long wait, I made a decision. These stories will be immortalized in digital and physical form. Yes, I'm making a game of it.

This day, 25 of January year 2019 Gregorian count, I have finally make my mind . I will participate in NaNoRenO this March. I will put at least one of these stories to digital paper. And construct a code to support it. And hopefully, will find or hire a person who can visualize it. If no luck here, will procure free art that suits my needs. But it will be finished.

Even if no one ever reads/plays it, I will still make it.




Ah, and yes. Almost forgot:


Re: Guestbook

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2019 2:01 pm
by AtelierAria
Hiya! My name is Aria and I've lurked around these forums for a while~
I'm an artist and I'm always striving to refine my craft. I've worked on a few projects myself too and I like to browse here to check out the variety of talent.
Nice to meet you all!

Re: Guestbook

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2019 3:54 am
by FluffyNaps

My name is FluffyNaps! I've known of RenPy for many years and have always failed to get projects done. ;_;
Welp, I'm here to learn more coding and stuff and hopefully I will at least have one project to share haha.

Re: Guestbook

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2019 9:49 am
by Daleksek
Dalek Zek

The Netherlands

no website

I'm here to learn how to use ren'py better.

Re: Guestbook

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2019 8:07 am
by DinoMan21779
Hello there. I'm DinoMan. I'm just a person using Ren'Py for a fan project of a fan project, and I'm here to learn more about coding, and hopefully find people who I can commission art from. I hope that one day I'll be able to share my project with you all, but until then... I'll see you in the forums.