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Re: Doppelganger : Dawn of the Inverted Soul

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2013 11:40 pm
by azureXtwilight
frederic09 wrote:
Oh and last question : On what game you will work now ?
After release I'll take a break from anything GxB, there are already a lot in lemmasoft and I've had enough Gamelicious and The Aliance (those are GxBs) commison/work in my hand... I should prioritize those that ACTUALLY made me some cash/income. Time to start on them again. I think I'll remake Re:Set and finish all the episodes since they are easier to finish and faster.

Re: Doppelganger : Dawn of the Inverted Soul [Updated link]

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 1:43 am
by Mirage
Holy---581 mb... This is the largest game I'd ever downloaded online (if I could download it successfully...) Orz
Will write review when I actually get the time to play the game. (And I donno when) T^T

Anyway, congrats on finishing! Been a fan since your first game. I'm sure I'll enjoy this one too. :)

Re: Doppelganger : Dawn of the Inverted Soul [Updated link]

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 3:26 am
by Connie

Re: Doppelganger : Dawn of the Inverted Soul [Updated link]

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 3:52 am
by klonki
Adhflshdlf Ahhhh, you have no idea how badly I want to play this game right now now that it's done! Just have to wait at least a week or two to try and give this game its well-deserved attention. Thank you so much for all the hard work!! It finally paid off. ;o; /dying from anticipation

I was going to send this to you via FB, but since I erased it I'm just going to post the gift here. OTL;;;

Re: Doppelganger : Dawn of the Inverted Soul [Updated link]

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 4:16 am
by FatUnicornGames
I got this.

Code: Select all

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While executing init code:
  File "game\options.rpy", line 536, in script
  File "game\options.rpy", line 541, in python
NameError: name 'build' is not defined

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:
  File "/Users/Crystal/Downloads/renpy-6.13.12/renpy/", line 265, in run
  File "/Users/Crystal/Downloads/renpy-6.13.12/renpy/", line 632, in execute
  File "/Users/Crystal/Downloads/renpy-6.13.12/renpy/", line 972, in py_exec_bytecode
  File "game\options.rpy", line 541, in <module>
NameError: name 'build' is not defined

I'm running on a mac.

Re: Doppelganger : Dawn of the Inverted Soul [Updated link]

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 4:37 am
by azureXtwilight
I'm sorry, as unraring makes the build to lose it's ability to run in other OS...

How to play in other OS:
Install renpy 6.14
Put the extracted game folder in your renpy folder
Launch game using renpy

@klonki : Thank you so very very much! Oooh, you just drew a nice Raphael! :lol:
I kinda forgot how nice Raphael looked like...

Re: Doppelganger : Dawn of the Inverted Soul [Updated link]

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 5:44 am
by 15385bic
i got a decent jun ending and a few bad lee ones.....although i sort of came to dislike lee in some ways, i'm still hoping for a good ending with him XD (guess all that matters is looks =P )

i think the story is good (creepy but to be expected)
also how the different routes would hint at other possibilities....its also amazing how one path led to the next without being too damn obvious or different from the other possible path
great job~~~

ps did come across a few grammar mistakes but considering how little compared to the "shall we date" and "Voltage" apps - u did a great job =]
good luck on ur commish/paid jobs
u deserve a break after this number ;D

Re: Doppelganger : Dawn of the Inverted Soul [Updated link]

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 6:53 am
by azureXtwilight
although i sort of came to dislike lee in some ways, i'm still hoping for a good ending with him XD
Actually (and disturbingly) there is. You'll just need to
trust lee, help accompany jun to the crime scene, get help from his "brother" before the final day by calling him. Both Lee and Lucia will be saved and alive.

Also, I would like to note that Lee needs to be alive since he's a key character in defeating... the final boss.
also how the different routes would hint at other possibilities....its also amazing how one path led to the next without being too damn obvious or different from the other possible path
Oh, it can change drastically... If you let someone who keeps dying in other routes live in another path.... that doesn't belong to him. That is all.

Re: Doppelganger : Dawn of the Inverted Soul [Updated link]

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 8:13 am
by 15385bic
azureXtwilight wrote:
Actually (and disturbingly) there is. You'll just need to
trust lee, help accompany jun to the crime scene, get help from his "brother" before the final day by calling him. Both Lee and Lucia will be saved and alive.

Also, I would like to note that Lee needs to be alive since he's a key character in defeating... the final boss.
also how the different routes would hint at other possibilities....its also amazing how one path led to the next without being too damn obvious or different from the other possible path
Oh, it can change drastically... If you let someone who keeps dying in other routes live in another path.... that doesn't belong to him. That is all.
....disturbingly? LOL - i dont know why but i want to make the guy cry~ but in a good way???
here fanart of lee 'through rose coloured glass' (i really like his character design
this is wat he looks like to meh *Q*
this is wat he looks like to meh *Q*
goes off to try to get more endings~~~

Re: Doppelganger : Dawn of the Inverted Soul [Updated link]

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 8:20 am
by azureXtwilight
Hey, thanks for the fanart! Lal, it's too good for his sake... XD
....disturbingly? LOL - i dont know why but i want to make the guy cry~ but in a good way???
Ha! For Lee, crying is a shame. I think that ain't gonna happen.

Re: Doppelganger : Dawn of the Inverted Soul [Updated link]

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 8:28 am
by eumumii
I'm in desperate need for a walkthrough :( for some reason I always end up having one of Lee's endings when clearly I'm aiming for the others :(

Re: Doppelganger : Dawn of the Inverted Soul [Updated link]

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 8:33 am
by azureXtwilight
eumumii wrote:I'm in desperate need for a walkthrough :( for some reason I always end up having one of Lee's endings when clearly I'm aiming for the others :(
The only ones that opens in the beginning are Lee, Raphael and Yuri, after you finish both Lee and Raphael, new paths will open up. After Clifford, then the final one.
Lee is sorta the default one when you fails to befriend anyone else.

Re: Doppelganger : Dawn of the Inverted Soul [Updated link]

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 8:40 am
by michi 18
Arethere any walkthroughs?

Re: Doppelganger : Dawn of the Inverted Soul [Updated link]

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 8:41 am
by azureXtwilight
Yush, updated first page with it.

Re: Doppelganger : Dawn of the Inverted Soul [Guide up]

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 9:24 am
by NatsukiDeath
Oh freaking awesome! AzureXtwilight you have done it again with this super cool and edgy game. BRAVO!

Thank you for creating this terrifying, heart wrenching, thrilling, plot twisting game!

I really love it all (Much as the twist throw me for a bit to be fan girl "spazzing" out but then I continue to play with much zealous.)

I can't believe it all but I'm so amazed at this story, the hidden truths you pick up through the paths, the character developments and reveals. I happy with it not a focus on GxB but rather to survive, prevail over the dangers coming in from all sides.

By now I've gone through a bit of Raphael & Yuri's endings (By gosh the ends are crazy but awesome!)
I go to a few of Lee's endings (WIth me scowling at the screening and being terrified every five seconds!)

I freaking loving this game and I'm playing more!!!

Thank you for making this!!!!! <3

P.S With the unlock-able videos is that in this path now? And/or when would they show up in the Extras menu?