Rising Angels: Reborn

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Re: Rising Angels: Reborn

#61 Post by KomiTsuku »

The kickstarter to fund the sequel, Rising Angels: Fates, is now launched! If you want to help out IDHAS Studios and bag some niffty rewards, now is the time!

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Re: Rising Angels: Reborn

#62 Post by Geckos »

Muchly excited!
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Re: Rising Angels: Reborn

#63 Post by sasquatchii »

I just finished the game, and I really loved it!
I choose to hang out with Zuri every opportunity I got, to me she was the most interesting and three dimensional character!

I have 2 main gripes about the game. One being, that you made the villain very obvious. Seriously, the only shady character on the ship, and he literally looks like a devil! I was very much hoping that someone less obvious (such as Al or Kylie) would turn out to be the traitor, but it was Stan, which I thought was a little disappointing since I saw it coming from the get go.

The second one is nitpicky, but I didn't feel like some of the characters were fully fleshed out. Some, like Stan, Al, and Azaia, felt flat and static to me. Especially Stan. He's a traitor because he's a greedy bastard that loves money and luxurious things? That's kind of boring! I want to know his motivation, what drives him, what makes him tick, what keeps him up a night. Villains can be so fun if done right. I feel like all of the characters had so much potential and promise but we only got to see a little glimpse of who they all were.
Sorry to be critical- I really enjoyed this game and played it a few times for different endings!

I am looking forward to Rising Angel: Fates, and will be purchasing the commercial version of the game once it is finished :)

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Re: Rising Angels: Reborn

#64 Post by Railgun »

I really liked the game and got 4 out of 5 endings in one sitting :P
However, I have the same concerns as many others:
One is that Stan was too obvious...the player already knows he is a vilain from the title screen image Oo
Now, I've read all the other comments and some critiques on different sites and now I know you meant to write the villains that way because there's a sequel...but I guess, most people miss the point because there's not enough foreshadowing on the "true" villain(s).
There's a mystery visual novel I really liked that made me guess until the end, because EVERYONE was suspicious is Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward. If you have the occasion to play it, please do ^^ If not, you could always watch playthrough.

As for characters who feel flat, that may be due to a lack of character development. You mentionned in an earlier post that you feel strange not having (minor) characters inhabit a universe. That is true, however, in a game design logic (that's what I'm studying), you gave too much importance to said minor characters which makes people think those characters will also grow. I'm not necessarily talking about their writing but for instance, Rasoona has a great, beautiful sprite that makes people think she will be an interesting character. This sprite itself shows she has a story: who is she? How did she become a commander? Why does she have such a "don't mess with me" attitude? Maybe something happened to her to make her so badass...
Whereas, if she had a more generic sprite (or none at all), we wouldn't think that. So yeah, that was more a game design issue rather than writing issue IMO.
I hope this is helpful :)

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