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Re: Spirit Parade [Otome/Asian fantasy] [Commercial] Demo ou

Posted: Fri May 22, 2015 3:01 pm
by Camille
Urgh I've not been doing a good job of keeping this thread updated, I'm so sorry! Just a few highlights:

+ We announced the voice acting cast; Spirit Parade will have full voice acting!
+ We uploaded a demo of the mini-game as a bonus for everyone who pre-orders
+ We've committed to updating our production diary weekly on Sundays
Erikka wrote:Can't wait for the release! Guys, do you know the approximate date?)
We don't have one yet because we don't want to commit to a date without absolute confidence that we'll be able to deliver it on that date, but we'll announce it when we do decide on one! It should be pretty soon, though.
xxxSakura wrote:Omg, this looks so amazing, I'm definitely going to get it when it's out! Out of curiosity, did you guys get inspiration from the Hyakki Yagyo parade from Japanese folklore? That's the first thing the title reminded me of!
Thank you! Yes, that's where we got the inspiration for the title. Good catch!
JJupiterJump wrote:Congratulations on getting Greenlit!

I'm so excited for this game it looks amazing! I'm really interested in Nara (especially since she's the heroine, whoa), since you guys won't just be sweeping her disability under the rug once she gets to the spirit world. I'm interested to see her character development throughout the story since I have multiple friends suffering with physical disabilities and I've seen how it's changed them.
Thank you so much for your support. We're trying to be very careful with her portrayal because we want to be considerate and realistic, but not patronizing or dumbing down her issues at all. Hopefully you all enjoy seeing Nara develop in the full game!
Laluune wrote:Huge congratulations on being Greenlit, I felt compelled to comment after seeing the game backgrounds. As someone that can't draw a tree to save her life, I want to say that the backgrounds are gorgeous :O The costume design is also superb.

You asked for UI feedback in the first post, but I don't know if you still are. I had nothing really to say though, you picked a good legible font, I'm not straining to make out words, which is good for VNs. The colouring of some of the text could be a tad light to be sitting on the background (noteably here - ... 8_1280.png) I think it's because it's the same colouring as the pattern texture in the background which is pretty detailing that I'm ultimately meant to ignore. I also expect if I'm in Options, for Options to be highlighted (or darkened/underlined/pink? etc) in the menu on the left. I'm totally nitpicking though, I think it all looks really awesome.

Can't wait to play :)
Thank you!! We'll definitely take your critique into consideration and see if there's other colors we might be able to go with.

Re: Spirit Parade [Otome/Asian fantasy] [Commercial] Demo ou

Posted: Tue May 26, 2015 6:01 am
by JinTonic
I've just read in your blog:
"Will it be entirely family friendly (a game I could share with a 10 year old) or will there be some risqué business?"

O_o :?
This made me facepalm.
Like why would 10 year old kid want to read an otome game(!) ?? :?: :D

I understand that this game isn't going to have 17+ or 18+ rating(though I think it would be really great if it had :)) but I hope it's not going to be a game for small kids neither. I do hope it will have some "risqué business")

Re: Spirit Parade [Otome/Asian fantasy] [Commercial] Demo ou

Posted: Tue May 26, 2015 8:00 am
by noctos
I'm anticipating this so much ;^; snagging the demo!

Re: Spirit Parade [Otome/Asian fantasy] [Commercial] Demo ou

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2015 9:57 pm
by Camille
You can read the full update here on our blog for more details, but we've uploaded a new demo with full voice acting and added Haiyue scenes. Enjoy!

Re: Spirit Parade [Otome/Asian fantasy] [Commercial] Demo ou

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2015 11:52 pm
by cath-mg
Downloading the new demo! :D

Re: Spirit Parade [Otome/Asian fantasy] [Commercial] Demo ou

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 7:33 pm
by Lesleigh63
Loved the demo.

Re: Spirit Parade [Otome/Asian fantasy] [Commercial] Demo ou

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 2:16 pm
by Reiyane
I simply loved your demo! And not only because of the beautiful graphics or interesting characters. Mostly because the main girl was so much like me! I don't have leg problems or anything, but her outlook on life reminds me of my own. It was very satisfying when I pursued Black Impertinence (mistake intended ;p) answering him as if I was there and he replied favorably (or at least I think it was so). I'll buy your game for sure ^-^

Re: Spirit Parade [Otome/Asian fantasy] [Commercial] Demo ou

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2016 10:29 pm
by mysticichigo
It's hard for me to buy commercial games most of the time, but I think I'll try to get this one when it comes out. Nara seems very interesting, and I have a certain fondness for protagonists in romance stories that have a cynical attitude. Since romance is usually so idealized, I like anything which subverts those expectations a little bit.

Re: Spirit Parade [Otome/Asian fantasy] [Commercial] Demo out!

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2018 12:22 am
by JBShields
Is there a walkthrough/guide. I see endings/routes for "underworld" but haven't figured out how to get there.