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Re: Soul and Heart: Replay [Mystery & Dystopia] - DEMO 0.5

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2013 2:09 am
by Lumen_Astrum
Here's another character: Maria, the second lieutenant, a moderator in administrative programming.
She's the same Maria in Withering Blossoms, only that she's a little more spunkier (and a lot more shorter) here.

Yuna will also appear. I'll slap her base-colored sprite here shortly.

Re: Soul and Heart: Replay [Mystery & Dystopia] - DEMO 0.5

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 7:59 pm
by Lumen_Astrum
Okay, I changed my mind and ditched the Yuna sprite. I'll work on it as soon as I confirm she's actually going to appear.

For sprite progress, I've added "flip" sprites so that asymmetrical things (like Sirius's hair ties and Dana's badges) remain on the same side when flipped. It's gonna add up to game size, though...

Re: Soul and Heart: Replay [Mystery & Dystopia] - DEMO 0.5

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 11:54 pm
by Blane Doyle
....... I hate missing updates.

A little feedback on Maria here: Her belt seems a little too low. It almost looks like it's around her pelvis instead of her waist or above her hips. I don't know if it is just too low in general or the way her clothes fall but it just seems... off.

Re: Soul and Heart: Replay [Mystery & Dystopia] - DEMO 0.5

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 1:19 am
by Lumen_Astrum
Awp. I knew there was something wrong. I'll edit her right away!

Re: Soul and Heart: Replay [Mystery & Dystopia] - DEMO 0.5

Posted: Sat May 11, 2013 10:28 am
by Lumen_Astrum
Here's a sneak peek thing!


Me and funnyguts have been doing a skill trade, and it is going well so far~
Thank you so much!

Re: Soul and Heart: Replay [Mystery & Dystopia] - DEMO 0.5

Posted: Sat May 11, 2013 10:30 am
by azureXtwilight
First impression : OOH SHINY NAME FONT OOH.
Second impression : Dana, you shouldn't take someone else's girlfriend! You nasty girl, you!

Anyways, now I am thrilled and hyped up! Good luck!

Re: Soul and Heart: Replay [Mystery & Dystopia] - DEMO 0.5

Posted: Tue May 14, 2013 10:46 am
by Lumen_Astrum
I swear S&H will involve nothing of people taking other people's lovers. XD
Thanks a lot, azure!


I'm working on Dana's path and as well as the CGs! Here's a sneak peek thing of the first ever CG you'll see in-game owo


Re: Soul and Heart: Replay [Mystery & Dystopia] - DEMO 0.5

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 3:00 pm
by ZenithBlue
-casually stalks and hopes for more updates-

Re: Soul and Heart: Replay [Mystery & Dystopia] - DEMO 0.5

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 11:59 am
by Lumen_Astrum
Hello. Just wanted to tell that this is pretty much half-dead half-alive, and I am merely trying to improve my writing for this project by means of roleplaying. Odd strategy, but effective. I'm pleased with my writing as of late.

As of progress, I can tell that my skill trade with funnyguts is so far going well. Lluvia de Peces has already been released with my sprites in it, and you guys can check it out!

I have been talking to arachni42 for GUI. I will only post previews if she is near from done, but I can safely say it is really fitting of the game.

Art? Hahahaha. Haven't heard from OhMhaiGosh for ages, but I am still bugging her. I may attempt to draw CGs if she fails to.

Re: Soul and Heart: Replay [Mystery & Dystopia] - DEMO 0.5

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 7:45 pm
by Coren
Awesome can't wait!

Re: Soul and Heart: Replay [Mystery & Dystopia] - DEMO 0.5

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 4:03 am
by Ferdokki
This game looks really good, and I love the artwork!!!

Is it a GxG game? I'm just a little confused since all the characters seem to be female, and there are multiple endings, but you didn't mention if there's any romance involved or if it's purely investigative.

Re: Soul and Heart: Replay [Mystery & Dystopia] - DEMO 0.5

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2014 7:35 am
by Lumen_Astrum
It's not.
There are male characters, but they're mostly in the dream sequences. There were also side characters that are male, and some that will only appear in the middle of the story.

Re: Soul and Heart: Replay [Mystery & Dystopia] - DEMO 0.5

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 5:47 am
by Lumen_Astrum
Hello everyone, I've just returned from a really long break from this project, and I think I'm ready to continue this. I'm in the process of moving my dev blog to tumblr since I'm more used to its interface than wordpress, and expect some art updates after a while since I'm redrawing all the sprites (once again).

All I can say is that the anime factor of the game is... kinda reduced.

Re: Soul and Heart: Replay [Mystery & Dystopia] - DEMO 0.5

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 7:08 am
by netravelr
Loved the first version and I'm excited to see you're still working on it! Keep us posted, and keep up the great work!

Re: Soul and Heart: Replay [Mystery & Dystopia] - DEMO 0.5

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2014 12:24 pm
by Lumen_Astrum
Thank you, netravelr!

Aaaand, as I promised, an art update!


New Cetus and Sirius sprites! Can you guys believe that I only started on these yesterday? Man. And yes, they're minimally shaded. I thought it fits. and no I'm not lazy and all that what are you talking about I'll work on Dana next, but that might take me too long since she's a lot more detailed than the two. Still wondering if I should draw side characters or just make them silhouettes...

Progress will also take long (that's what I said almost a year ago) 'cause I'm in another VN project art-wise. That's kind of a first priority. But I'm writing and editing like mad now. If I can skimp on art, I definitely won't skimp on writing, because the old version sounds like bad fanfiction.

In a side note, the Lion Box Studios tumblr blog is now up! (Still kinda WIP, though.)