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Re: Conspiracy [GXB][Update 09-18-14 pg5][ON HIATUS]

Posted: Sun May 31, 2015 5:43 am
by siyereeee
Aww, it's huts to see that it's on hiatus. :(
I hope you'll continue this if you're not busy anymore~ :D :D :D *stalking this for a year now*

Re: Conspiracy [GXB][Update 09-18-14 pg5][ON HIATUS]

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 5:22 pm
by SilverSnow

Hi! It's been almost half a year since I've last posted on this thread.
For all those who have patiently followed Conspiracy please read this ⇒post⇐ containing news about the possibility of this project being active again.
I'm hoping for the best!!!

Re: Conspiracy [GXB, fantasy][Update 06-15-15 pg6]

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2015 11:31 am
by SilverSnow
09/04/2015 QUICK UPDATE
Black, White, Gray and Pink ending completed! Gold ending 1 & 2 and Special Arc is still ongoing.
Once script writing is fully finished the thread will be revamp entirely.

Re: Conspiracy [GXB, fantasy][Update 09-04-15 pg6]

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2015 12:42 am
by - Eris
Who would you go for?
Obviously Yuu, he's the ace of the basket team and I love basket, so he has to be my 1st choice, but I also like Katsuo 'cause I like that type of guy (like everyone else lol). But yeah, the one I'm most interesting and looking forward is definitely Yuu!

Is the plot clear or too vague?
Seems clear to me, you can't explain much of it, we have to discover it by ourselves.

Do you consider the possibility of playing this game?
Well of course, I've already downloaded the demo and even if I have to wake up early tomorrow to go to class, I'm gonna try it right now!

Is the secretiveness too much?
Not at all, at least not for me, I love secrets and mysteries so the more, the better!

As I said before, gonna try the demo right away, also I really liked the chibis, they're so cute!
I'll be waiting for more news about the game and of course, the release! ^^

Re: Conspiracy [GXB, fantasy][Update 09-04-15 pg6]

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2016 7:46 pm
by SilverSnow

First game update after months (or years?).
The script is nearly done, but I found myself in a problem. Initially, I planned Conspiracy to have 8 endings (Black end, White end, Pink end, Gray end, Special end, Gold end 1 & 2).
Recently however, I have started to consider the idea of limiting it to 7 rather than having 8.
Which would mean eliminating Gold end 2, whether it's a romance ending or friendship I still haven't decided.
I'm thinking of doing it since I know I can't write the other ending anymore.
You may think I'm just being lazy as per usual, but I myself am well aware this has already been going on long enough.
I tried having the same enthusiasm and emotion when I first began but with no avail.
The way I am now and how I've become in these past years, makes it impossible for me to write rom-com, if Conspiracy can be considered one.
I only hope in the end you may all understand my decision and appreciate the game even if only a little bit.

Re: Conspiracy [GXB, fantasy][Update 01-18-16 pg6]

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2016 2:45 am
by VocaloidsRCool
It's totally cool! I completely understand how you feel; when I write stories, sometimes I lose interest or get writer's block in the middle, and it sucks and is unfair to my reviewers. I'll be fine with whatever you do, and I'm sure that I will enjoy playing your game when it's finished.

Re: Conspiracy [GXB, fantasy][Update 01-18-16 pg6]

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2016 2:45 pm
by Harmonywish
Wow, everything's really cute. I love the chibi art and I'm looking forward to this project. Take as much time as you need! <3

Re: Conspiracy [GXB, fantasy][Update 01-18-16 pg6]

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 11:01 am
by SilverSnow
VocaloidsRCool wrote:It's totally cool! I completely understand how you feel; when I write stories, sometimes I lose interest or get writer's block in the middle, and it sucks and is unfair to my reviewers. I'll be fine with whatever you do, and I'm sure that I will enjoy playing your game when it's finished.
Harmonywish wrote:Wow, everything's really cute. I love the chibi art and I'm looking forward to this project. Take as much time as you need! <3
Thank you so much for the encouragement, it means a lot to me and it cheered me up. :)

Re: Conspiracy [GXB, fantasy][Update 01-18-16 pg6]

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 3:55 pm
by Baky
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaas I want to play it! Sounds super cute!

Re: Conspiracy [GXB, fantasy][Update 01-18-16 pg6]

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2016 6:56 pm
by Harmonywish
It's ok :> I'm very glad to have helped to cheer you up! <3 I do mean what I said about taking your time :> Your feelings come first :3 And I will respect whatever choices you make!~

Re: Conspiracy [GXB, fantasy][Update 01-18-16 pg6]

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 3:00 pm
by SilverSnow
Hello! I just updated my game dev blog and would like to hear your opinion in regards to the episode ending backgrounds.
Here's the ⇒post⇐ and please tell me what you think. Should I go for the left one (1) or the right one (2)?
Thank you very much for the help!

Re: Conspiracy [GXB, fantasy][Update 01-18-16 pg6]

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 1:25 pm
by VocaloidsRCool
The right one, the western one~

Re: Conspiracy [GXB, fantasy][Update 01-18-16 pg6]

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2016 7:27 pm
by DaR
Hmm, I think I like the right one better, but they're both very cute!

Re: Conspiracy [GXB, fantasy][Update 01-18-16 pg6]

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 9:34 am
by SilverSnow
VocaloidsRCool wrote:The right one, the western one~
DaR wrote:Hmm, I think I like the right one better, but they're both very cute!
Thank you! :D

Re: Conspiracy [GXB, fantasy][Update 03-27-16 pg6]

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 7:21 am
by SilverSnow
First of all "Happy Easter"!

As you may have noticed I finally changed the screenshots with the new UI preview for the game, but for their individual gallery I will have to wait until summer since it takes more time. Regarding their sprites, I started working on Riko yesterday and I'm already preparing her hair and clothing lineart. At the moment, I would truly appreciate if you could do this short poll I made, so I can also settle for Jin's cosplay since their cross-dressing costumes is important mostly for the CG part.

You can do the poll ⇒here⇐!

Thank you and have a nice day!