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Re: Sacred Fire [RPG, historic fiction, romance, mystery, wa

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2017 8:31 pm
by poetic
Thank you! You did it! Sacred Fire Kickstarter goal of $50,000 is 100% funded.

It seems to me like it was yesterday, but we launched the campaign already 25 days ago. It’s been 4 weeks filled with hard work, little triumphs, anticipation and not so much sleep. :)

And it was all worth it. There’s over 1,100 people who want to see Sacred Fire become a reality. We’re humbled and thankful.


What’s amazing, there’s still 3 days to go.

Check out what it's all about and support us now.

Re: Sacred Fire [RPG, historic fiction, romance, mystery, wa

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2017 8:16 am
by poetic
It seems like the campaign is not done yet :) The last 48 hours reminders triggered a new wave of backers and we are gaining speed. We are currently at #1 both on Kickstarter discovery by Magic and also #1 at Kicktraq Hotlist.

So with 36 hours left and 1250+ backers, we have the first stretch goal in sight!


We've also added the option to have the physical Collectors' Edition Box physically signed by Doug Cockle, and you can choose the game copy to be on a DVD or a Sacred Fire themed USB flash drive.


Check out the campaign now.

Re: Sacred Fire [RPG, historic fiction, romance, mystery, wa

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2017 10:28 pm
by poetic
Thanks to you, we smashed the 1st stretch goal and unlocked the Extended Character Customization!

Here is a short video, showing a taste of the character customization in Sacred Fire:

The next 2 stretch goals add voice-over to both the player character (inner dilemmas) and the story characters (defining moments).
You can read more how this supports our narrative and inner design focus in our latest update.

With less than 24 hours to go, the time to join 1,300 backers and claim your rewards is now. Thank you for your support.

Re: Sacred Fire [RPG, historic fiction, romance, mystery, wa

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2017 8:45 am
by poetic
Wow, This is fantastic! 12 hours to go and $2,500 to unlock the inner voices stretch goal - can we make it?


The design of Sacred Fire is oriented inwards, exploring the motives, emotions and conflicts of the protagonist. In key story choices, you lead an inner monologue detailing your thoughts and motives, why you made a choice and how you process the consequences.

To support this design, this stretch goals adds narration of inner dilemmas to immerse you deeper into your role. What’s interesting, we have some of the most distinct voices in gaming showing early interest in joining the Sacred Fire team (on our indie budget!), as the male and female voice of your character.


Based on your suggestions, we realized things don’t have to be black and white. While we can’t promise full voice-over for our varied cast, we can use it in character defining moments to make your favorite Sacred Fire characters come alive and immerse you deeper into the story. This stretch goal ads partial voice-over for the 10 main story characters: the 8 potential allies and the 2 powerful villains.

Last chance to get the backer exclusive in-game Golden Eagle companion at $30 and up.


There is an emotional bond and loyalty dynamic between your character and the animal companion. Everything you do is more memorable (+10% renown), and you look more imposing (+1 appearance). The eagle also vastly improves your hunting skills (+50% hunting). Hunting skills also help with spotting traps and ambushes.

Will we reach the next stretch goal? The story is yours to tell.

Re: Sacred Fire [RPG, historic fiction, romance, mystery, wa

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2017 4:20 pm
by poetic
We just reached the 2nd stretch goal! There will be voice-over for the key inner dilemmas of your player character. Thank you all!

To make this day even better, Stoic, the creators of Banner Saga, backed Sacred Fire. We are huge fans of their game world that inspired many artists around the world. To have them pledge their support to our vision is mind-blowing.

With 4 hours left this is the last decisive moment in our 28 day campaign. Let's end it with style! Can we find the will for one last push?

Let's see if we can find voices for our 10 key characters in Sacred Fire.


Thank you all for your support.

Re: Sacred Fire [RPG, historic fiction, romance, mystery, wa

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2017 6:45 pm
by Zelan
I've been having a ferocious internal debate on whether to back the Kickstarter since it started (I love this project, money...).

I finally caved today. Those new rewards were too tempting. <:

Congrats on getting the game and those stretch goals funded, you guys! It makes me so happy to see how much support you're getting. ^_^

Re: Sacred Fire [RPG, historic fiction, romance, mystery, wa

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2017 7:00 pm
by poetic
Zelan wrote:I've been having a ferocious internal debate on whether to back the Kickstarter since it started (I love this project, money...).

I finally caved today. Those new rewards were too tempting. <:

Congrats on getting the game and those stretch goals funded, you guys! It makes me so happy to see how much support you're getting. ^_^
Thank you, it means a lot :) This last day has been incredible. Still 1 hour to go!

Re: Sacred Fire [RPG, historic fiction, romance, mystery, wa

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2017 9:34 pm
by poetic
What an ending. In the last seconds of the campaign, our backers rounded it up to reach our third and last stretch goal:


This is amazing! Thank you all for your support in the last 28 days, it's been a great ride.

Also if you missed all the fun you can still pledge with PayPal.

Re: Sacred Fire [RPG, historic fiction, romance, mystery, wa

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2017 11:57 pm
by LuckyCats
A psychological rpg that uses narrative based story telling, with resource management and extensive character customization? That is so much my jam! This game has just gone on my must buy list. I can only imagine how much time, dedication, and planning has went into this game for it to turn out so cool with so many features added its quite impressive.

Can I just say that I also love the question that was posed in one of the trailers the one that said:

Will you embrace revenge and lead them to crush Rome no matter what the cost?
Or will you resist and fight for a future where there is no place for cruelty?
It gave me chills just hearing those questions along with that epic music.

I overwhelmingly want to have the most just character that always makes the choices that benefit the downtrodden that speaks out and does the right thing. I want to choose a way that is striving for peace where humans are better than their darkest instinct's. To believe in hope even when I know that sometimes the worst monsters live in human hearts. Of course there is no preventing this war but I want it to mean something to protect instead of just destroy. Will my initial views on whats right in the game change? Will I give in to the desire to destroy Rome even if everything burns down around me? I've no idea, as I've not played the game yet but I'm super excited to see how it goes. I feel like this game will have a lot of tough decisions with morally gray areas that really make you question which path is best. Thats one of my favorite things about it so far.

Features I like

-Ideas shape your character as much as actions

Inner monologue give the player’s character the ability to interpret and comment on what’s happening in the story. What are your thoughts on failure, injustice, or brutality in a scene? What is the motive behind your choice to help someone?
It’s your interpretation and motives that affect your character’s empathy, create guilt or strengthen your ideals.

I think this feature is pretty awesome, I cant recall any other games where ideals carried the same weight as actions in shaping your character. Appearances can be deceiving, actions arent always made with clear intentions behind them, people are duplicitous. Can you trust anyone? How much?

You always know the consequences of a choice

We never mislead the player into a wrong choice. Our goal is to create an experience where the player always has a smart option out of a tough spot. Notice a trap, sense an ambush, spot a hidden blade, make a leap of faith. You just need to have the will to make the extra effort to actually use it.

Plenty of options out of a bad end are welcome I'm happy to hear that there a various approaches to coming out on top of rough spots.

You have to earn the right to change the story

You do not start out as a leader; you have to compete for influence within the group of potential rivals or allies. NPCs don’t just get angry if they don’t agree with your choices. They have their own agendas and will try to undermine your choices.

That everyone has their own agendas and are actively evolving attempting to undermine you lends a great sense of suspense and intrigue

NPCs have their agendas and motives, and the loyalty conflict doesn't even have to be seeming, it can be real - they can really like you, but really think they should do something you don't agree with.

This is perfect I think its really a important aspect of character building taking it into account that you can like someone and still totally end up doing your own thing against their wishes and visa versa

Re: Sacred Fire [RPG, historic fiction, romance, mystery, wa

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2017 5:53 pm
by poetic
Thank you, I am glad you like the design and the themes we explore!

Re: Sacred Fire [RPG, historic fiction, romance, mystery, wa

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2017 9:23 am
by poetic
A short update about Sacred Fire. First of all, thanks to everyone who supported us on Kickstarter either by pledging or sharing news about Sacred Fire. We really appreciate it, we couldn’t do it without you.

After our successful and quite exhausting campaign we’re up to speed and working hard on bringing you the new RPG format in Sacred Fire.

What we’re working on now

We have reviewed and further improved the Sacred Fire script. It’s really great to see how the characters come alive in the story. The choices and decisions you make are deep and intriguing. The initial feedback from people who read parts of the script is that they really love how everything you do develops your character and builds or harms relationships with others, just like in real life.

Crowdfunding follow-up

We’ve had fans who couldn’t back us on Kickstarter asking for an opportunity to support the development of Sacred Fire. So we decided to launch an on-going Indiegogo In-Demand campaign (no deadline, no specific goal) to continue building the community. We’ll use the funds for more polish, voiceover and improvements to the gameplay. We’re offering our most popular Kickstarter rewards on Indiegogo, including the Collector’s Edition Box or ringtones narrated by Doug Cockle (the voice of the Witcher). Check them out.


Re: Sacred Fire [RPG, historic fiction, romance, mystery, war]

Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2017 9:59 am
by poetic
We've been busy working on Sacred Fire over the summer. As most of the work was done on the script, here's a short update about it.

The final script has 13 chapters, 70 scenes and 11 different endings. Some of them are victories, some of them not so much and there’s a tragic one you have to work hard to avert. There are 30 different combat encounters and 10 stealth missions. Many of them can be avoided, if you prefer to resolve conflict peacefully.

They contain setting traps, planning ambushes and sabotages. There are plenty of one on one duels and two big battles. There are roughly 25 scenes where your actions decide about life and death of your companions. And more than 50 differences if you play as a female character.

How do we keep track of all the nuances and branches?

What really helps is to create a short treatment on the story. It’s a shortened and simplified version of the script that tells the whole story on a couple of pages. It’s now full of comments and marks for the different variants. This serves as the guide when implementing the scenes in the game.


Re: Sacred Fire [RPG, historic fiction, romance, mystery, war]

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2017 9:03 am
by poetic
Hello everyone,

As we’re moving along with Sacred Fire it’s great to see the characters coming alive in the script. Since relationships and psychology are key gameplay challenges in Sacred Fire, we would like to give you a better picture of what kind of interpersonal and psychological depth you can expect. And a great way to do it is to introduce Sacred Fire’s main characters in a way that foreshadows the types of dilemmas, decisions and choices the player will have to face.

So here’s Morrigan the Queen. On our website at you can vote to change the initial influence of the main characters and make an impact on the story.

Also, we have late backing still available at Indiegogo if you’d like to support what we’re working on and get great rewards.

Morrigan the Queen

“Morrigan, unlike her husband, the king, is well liked by the common people. She appears beautiful and vulnerable, and can be often seen tending to her people in the fort courtyard.

You saw her at the royal funeral a few years ago. She mourned her son killed by Rome. You felt you would move heaven and earth to lift that sorrow from her eyes.


Last spring, when a disease broke out in your settlement, she sent herbs that helped prevent the worse. She is the reason why communities trust each other and pay their dues.

They believe her word that everyone will have a place of refuge in the fort in times of war. Everyone will get help when crops fail or cattle die. She’s a true queen of her people - caring, considerate and loving.


However, people say that the tragic loss of her son changed her. Rumors spread that there is a rift between her and the king.

Her opponents whisper that she runs a ring of spies watching not only Rome but also her own people. What is her agenda? Is there any truth to what they say?

One thing is certain, strife in the royal house makes your people weak. You never imagined you would have a role to play to tilt the balance of power. But war changes everything.”


So what do you think? Will you serve your queen loyally without any questions or will you try to keep her at arm’s length?

Re: Sacred Fire [RPG, historic fiction, romance, mystery, war]

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2018 7:28 pm
by poetic
Hello everyone, I haven't posted here in a while as we've been busy working on a playable preview of Sacred Fire. Here’s a short preview of how the Sacred Fire’s combat looks like. The footage is taken from a visual prototype we developed last year. We have recently distributed a playable text-based preview to our Kickstarter backers.

Just to remind you, this is Sacred Fire, a psychological RPG. It's a narrative game in which your goal is to become a leader of your people through self-control, willpower, and influence.

So here's the combat:


You’re a Caledonian warrior and this is the last phase of your attempt to save a child taken by the Roman forces. If the Roman messenger runs away, Rome will know you attacked and will send reinforcements.

If you do not stop the centurion, an injured prisoner will probably die. And since he managed to protect the kidnapped child earlier in the skirmish, you’ll feel guilty. What do you do?


You succeed in stopping the centurion. Your empathy enables you to use his weak spot, pride, against him. If your empathy was lower, you could have thrown an axe at him. A surefire way of getting somebody’s attention.


Now you enter a turn-based combat mode. A riskier move will win you extra renown. Or you can also choose to intimidate or provoke the opponent. Anger could make him drop his guard.


You’re successful and dodge the attack and that really pisses him off (in other words, his anger rises and your attack chances improve).

Now you hit the centurion in a sensitive spot. He doesn’t like that.


So now he attacks, but because he’s angry, he’s stronger but less precise.

You dodge again but the centurion manages to refocus and calm down. But still you gain renown for getting under his skin.


It’s your turn, but you choose to skip an attack and wait for his move.

You dodge, and counterattack.


And you miss… [oh, crap]

The centurion gets lucky and lands a critical hit. [oh, crap]


You are down, but have one last chance to muster the will to get back up.

Where do you attempt to draw your strength from? This choice will have a strong formative effect on your personality, as this is a near death experience.


You managed to remain conscious.

You secretly draw a blade and dodge the final blow. Now you have an opening to strike, what do you do?


You choose to go for the kill.

The centurion is dead. This wins you renown with your people, but now Rome will seek vengeance. And since your Ideals are high, there is also the lingering feeling of Guilt for taking a life.

If you had chosen to let the centurion live, he would have most likely returned to following orders and fighting against you. But in the long run, he could have helped to tip the balance and make Rome consider peace negotiations.

How do you like it?

Re: Sacred Fire [RPG, historic fiction, romance, mystery, war]

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2018 9:46 pm
by Zelan
God, what in intricate combat system... I love it. :D