Why are you making your current visual novel?

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Re: Why are you making your current visual novel?

#76 Post by bluebirdplays »

My new idea is really just a test I think. The two games I've released have been liked and are always compared to colorful storybooks and where one has been based on a humorous myth and the other based on animals and family, I'm considering trying a romance for a change with more choices and an overarching plot in the present day. I kinda just wanna see if I can do it. And maybe I've been watching too much old anime where the romance plots are soooo frustrating, ha!

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Re: Why are you making your current visual novel?

#77 Post by ggenogold »

I'm working my current VN because I need the experience in drawing constantly, managing a team, dealing with money transactions, dealing with a deadline, and of course getting my hands on some dosh and experience to start expanding my portfolio and even a team. Mostly for the sake of finishing this one really, really huge idea that's been hovering inside my head for years now, and I need this game as a stepping stone to reaching that game.

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Re: Why are you making your current visual novel?

#78 Post by Dravencour »

The VN I'm currently working on is basically my first VN period, and I'm doing it primarily to get used to using Ren'Py and creating VNs in general. Though I plan on using NVL format for the majority of my VN stuff (since I am more of a writer than an artist), I'm having quite a bit of fun with ADV format, messing with scripting, background and character sprite placeholders, scene changes and general effects.

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Re: Why are you making your current visual novel?

#79 Post by ComputerArt.Club »

I am making a two games at the moment. I am a teacher and a father in addition to everything else, so my games are mostly educational at the moment. Finishing one game with my Computer Art Club students and making another mostly to teach my daughter Chinese(as we live in Taiwan)... and I'll probably improve my Chinese abilities in the process.

The two games that I finished were educational. I had a horror game in development too, but it was quite complicated and there were many challenges. I also wasn't sure if anyone wpuld play it. It was probably too scary for my students, and if I tried to make it less scary for them then I might also be making the game less enjoyable.

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Re: Why are you making your current visual novel?

#80 Post by Empish »

The VN I'm making at the moment is It Ends With Graduation. I wanted to make a tribute VN to Ren'Py itself, and use the original ideas of Pytom, for a VN he never finished. Hopefully we're managing that well enough.

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Re: Why are you making your current visual novel?

#81 Post by Harick »

There's an asexual game jam this month and the ace discord I'm on decided to do something. Personally I'm doing it because I've wanted to make something for a while now but I'm stuck at the writing phase, so it's nice to just focus on the art

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Re: Why are you making your current visual novel?

#82 Post by arty »

Boredom? Obsession with my characters? Coincidental knowledge of coding?

These three put in a blender, I guess.

Edit: Also add excessive amounts of caffeine. slurp slurp

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Re: Why are you making your current visual novel?

#83 Post by Cindigo »

When there is something that doesn't exist, but I want it to exist, I can just make it. This time I applied that logic to games. I made a list of what I want, a longer list of what's wrong with all other existing games and started my journey.

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Re: Why are you making your current visual novel?

#84 Post by Velvetique »

I've wanted to make a video game for a real long time, and the concept I'm working on now is one that I feel my novice skillset is suited for. It's also a story that I'm really excited to tell, so I really wanna get it out there for people to see!
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Re: Why are you making your current visual novel?

#85 Post by CrystalD »

Downloaded renpy mid last year and never actually dove into making a VN. Finally decided to take the plunge and do a small one this year so I can get the hang of coding in Renpy and what it takes to make a VN, so I can go into doing some heavier projects later. So right now I'm just doing a cute little sim about being a baker and going to make it short so I can get the hang of coding.

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Re: Why are you making your current visual novel?

#86 Post by Imperf3kt »

Since the stupid idea fairy smacked me over the head again, I decided to make a minigame style game using ren'py language in order to familiarise myself with it a little better.
I promise, as soon as I'm finished I'll return to my other projects <.<
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Re: Why are you making your current visual novel?

#87 Post by nerupuff »

Funny story (at least for me). I dabbled in Ren'Py coding a few years ago, trying to get a feel of things and essentially practicing for the future when I'd actually have a game idea in mind. Then I guess I kind of had a standstill in playing visual novels that I kinda forgot about actually having Ren'Py on my PC.

Fast forward to just about a few weeks ago, in a discord server dedicated to a visual novel otoge that I played recently, a certain someone who is now my friend suggested to make a fangame dedicated to that specific otoge. I ended up volunteering for the programming part. So here I am, I'm studying Ren'Py as a refresher. But I suppose there's more to it than that. I kinda wanna escape my day job/internship so I do this to take my mind off things.

I guess it's also a default answer that I have a story I want to tell. I want to get thoughts out of my head and turn them into something concrete. I suppose it will be a bonus of other people end up liking it too.

I ended up with 3 projects this 2018: a personal project, the fangame, and a group project VN. Busy year!
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