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Re: R.E.M: Reality's Dream (Update 4/25/08, rambling)

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 9:34 am
by storm-and-fire
I don't really have much to add to the overall conversation, just the suggestion that we could give players the option to either download the music or not, considering that it is at around 43 MB right now with 6/11 tracks completed + 2 bonus tracks...

And I'm looking forward to this game as much as the rest of you, considering I only know what happens in Day 1. ^^

Re: R.E.M: Reality's Dream (Update 4/25/08, rambling)

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 10:06 am
by bloodywyvern
storm-and-fire wrote:I don't really have much to add to the overall conversation, just the suggestion that we could give players the option to either download the music or not, considering that it is at around 43 MB right now with 6/11 tracks completed + 2 bonus tracks...

And I'm looking forward to this game as much as the rest of you, considering I only know what happens in Day 1. ^^
Ah really? I didn't really take the time to add up the MB's of the song. That's a possibility, though I don't know. I kinda want everyone to hear your music xD.

Hey, are the one who refused to get more even though I offered. My entire staff refuses to read the story to avoid being spoiled o.o; it's almost hilarious...

Well except Threevenge, it's his job to read it.

Re: R.E.M: Reality's Dream (Update 4/25/08, rambling)

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 10:25 am
by Jake
bloodywyvern wrote: My entire staff refuses to read the story to avoid being spoiled
Without meaning to be funny, uh... how does that work? How can the artist know how to draw people's expressions and poses unless they know what kind of characters they are and what they do? How can music be composed for scenes of which the musician is ignorant?

It seems to me that if a project's team keep themselves in the dark they're likely to only be able to produce a kind of identikit set of assets...

Re: R.E.M: Reality's Dream (Update 4/25/08, rambling)

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 10:32 am
by bloodywyvern
Jake wrote:
bloodywyvern wrote: My entire staff refuses to read the story to avoid being spoiled
Without meaning to be funny, uh... how does that work? How can the artist know how to draw people's expressions and poses unless they know what kind of characters they are and what they do? How can music be composed for scenes of which the musician is ignorant?

It seems to me that if a project's team keep themselves in the dark they're likely to only be able to produce a kind of identikit set of assets...

You'd be surprised actually. It requires a bit better in instruction and coordination but it actually works out quite nicely. If they want to see it all they need to do is ask though. I'm not going to force them.

Re: R.E.M: Reality's Dream (Update 4/25/08, rambling)

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 10:38 am
by storm-and-fire
Jake wrote:Without meaning to be funny, uh... how does that work? How can the artist know how to draw people's expressions and poses unless they know what kind of characters they are and what they do? How can music be composed for scenes of which the musician is ignorant?

It seems to me that if a project's team keep themselves in the dark they're likely to only be able to produce a kind of identikit set of assets...
Well, since I'm both the musician and the one responsible for the character poses and expressions, I feel that I have to reply to that. ^^

First of all, when I compose a track, bloodywyvern is the one that listens to it first and tells me what changes I need to make. His input has helped a lot and I can think of only one song that we haven't changed at all (the credits song). After all, all but two the tracks appear in Day 1, so I compose them to fit in those scenes. If we encounter any problems in later scenes, I can always make changes.

Secondly, for the characters, I'm currently working on the ones that appear in Day 1. Masumi is the one I have done completely so far. I made many different expressions for her thinking she was the tsundere type. Seems I got her right.

Lastly, as bloodywyvern mentioned above, I'm the one who doesn't want to read more than Day 1, because I want to see the full story with the visuals and everything. I will be willing to read more only if I get involved with the event CGs.

However, I would say that everybody is doing a very good job in their respective positions and that the end result will satisfy everyone that comes to the game without prejudices.

Re: R.E.M: Reality's Dream (Update 4/25/08, rambling)

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 3:18 pm
by Cybeat
@Jake: Because I've been told what to do and what to draw and stuff. I may be ignorant, 8) but that's how I'm going to work, work with no knowledge of the game.


@bloodywyvern: Sorry. I was only trying to act like a hero.....hey, but I told the truth. I still would work for you even if I knew nothing about the story.

Re: R.E.M: Reality's Dream (Update 4/25/08, rambling)

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 4:21 pm
by bloodywyvern
Cybeat wrote:@Jake: Because I've been told what to do and what to draw and stuff. I may be ignorant, 8) but that's how I'm going to work, work with no knowledge of the game.


@bloodywyvern: Sorry. I was only trying to act like a hero.....hey, but I told the truth. I still would work for you even if I knew nothing about the story.
Well, again it's a staff members individual decision xD it's not in my place to interfere with that. As long as we get what we need based off the current system, I don't see a problem. Both myself and Threevenge are intimate with the story and critique every piece of art or music we get on how well it fits the situation. So far, everyone has done a very excellent job catching the right idea. So until that stops working, there isn't an issue.

As for your edit, I'm touched. Most people would dread working alongside me LOL. No, just kidding. Still glad to hear it though. I feel the need to make a correction though o.o you are not working "for" me. You're working "with" me, or should I say with us. While I hold the position of team head, it's in title only...this project belongs to everyone who has worked so hard up till now.

Re: R.E.M: Reality's Dream (Update 4/25/08, rambling)

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 7:39 pm
by Jake
*shrug* - well, it's up to you guys. I know I'd feel guilty if I were working on someone else's project and not doing the best I could, though, and I don't see how I could do the best I could without having as full an understanding as possible of what was needed.

But hey, if it's working! :P

Re: R.E.M: Reality's Dream (Update 4/25/08, rambling)

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 3:44 am
by storm-and-fire
Jake wrote:*shrug* - well, it's up to you guys. I know I'd feel guilty if I were working on someone else's project and not doing the best I could, though, and I don't see how I could do the best I could without having as full an understanding as possible of what was needed.
From what I know, we're still doing our best. I dunno if I would be working that hard if I wasn't eager to play the game though. ;P

Re: R.E.M: Reality's Dream (Update 4/25/08, rambling)

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 4:58 am
by azureXtwilight
bloodywyvern wrote:
renkenjutsu wrote:I dunno.... I tested my game and 10000 words takes me about 30-40 minutes to go through it (I tested it linear without any routes to get a pure 10K test bed). Still, different people may exhibit different speed. 50MB ey? Not too shabby though :)
Well in terms of game time, even though clicking to continue only takes like a second...they add up. So it may still work out. Though I'm interested in what you'd consider your own reading speed. Average? Above average? Below?

I suppose it isn't too bad of a size xD. We'll see how things go along. Still a lot of work ahead of us and a few decisions I have to make that are pending.
Well, I can read very fast.
I can read 2 novels in three hours and understand it well, so playing 10 minutes for you guys is just 4 minutes for me

Re: R.E.M: Reality's Dream (Update 4/25/08, rambling)

Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 11:34 am
by Threevenge
Okay, just to assure you all that this project isn't dead, I just finished editing Day 3 and I'm moving on to Day 4. I would give more information on how the others are doing but alas, I only know so much so I will put that task to bloodywyvern. I apologize on behalf of the rest of the team for not keeping you all updated regularly. The progress is sometimes slow but steady, but I believe that the results will speak for themselves. Maybe I sound a little boastful in that statement but I am quite confident in our work and the story.

Re: R.E.M: Reality's Dream (Update 4/25/08, rambling)

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2008 10:47 pm
by bloodywyvern
Oi, May is over and none too soon really. It was a hectic month for everybody for a variety of reasons and some of us still have more coming up going into June. I'd say I'm way over do to say something as the head of the project. I swore not to say anything during May because it was on most angles a complete hiatus for several of us. The problem with having such a small (but extremely talented and dedicated team) is the high demands of real life on peoples times. I'm sure many, many people sympathize in that aspect. Trying to balance the workload of a personal project and the demands of anything from school to work to personal responsibilities. We are not dead (we have never been dead, we can't die, we rule). Our artistic corner has been hit with school related issues (mainly exams) so has slowed down considerably in their work. I still receive sketches and updates but we are no where near ready to present anything major.

On the up side, storm-and-fire while not having the time to CG right now has been able to put some work in on the music side of things. I'm going over two new tracks and one existing one with her. Editing is still sifting through like sand through an hourglass, it never looks like much until you add up the grains. It's been said already, but we all believe our work will speak for itself in the end. We never went on a deadline, anyone who was assuming this game would be out faster did not get that from us, and thanks for everyone still looking forward to it.

See you next update,

Re: R.E.M: Reality's Dream (Update 6/01/08, we aren't dead >.o)

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2008 10:49 am
by azureXtwilight
Well, glad you're back.
I was thinking for a while back then this project got stuck or something...
It was soo nice to have a team! Hehe.
So, are you planning to release a demo or something?

Re: R.E.M: Reality's Dream (Update 6/01/08, we aren't dead >.o)

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2008 2:47 pm
by bloodywyvern
Well you would be right, it did sorta get "stuck" but not to the point of stopping. It's like we are sloshing through really deep mud really slowly. Basically our art department is both busy and slow, which makes releasing a demo anytime soon difficult.

Re: R.E.M: Reality's Dream (Update 6/01/08, we aren't dead >.o)

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 6:00 pm
by Threevenge
This is a message to bloodywyvern. Seems like I can't get a hold of him on MSN at the moment so I thought I should leave a note.

As you know, I live in Iowa. Specifically, I'm in Cedar Rapids. If you haven't heard yet, we've been going through a huge flood that's caused huge damage downtown. I'm on the other side of town and on high altitude so I'm not going to experience any damage unless the flood turns into something of biblical proportions, but it's still caused a power outage for a day and disrupted a lot of my regular things. In fact, we're in a water shortage so I can't even take a shower.....I've had to use hand sanitizer and baby wipes to clean up >,< .

So that's why I haven't been around all that often lately. That and I just started using a used computer I bought that I'll be using at the University of Iowa (on a side note, I'm really starting to like Ubuntu :P) . But I'll start getting more edits and things sent as soon as I can.