Queen's Crown [Romance/Fantasy/Drama/GxB] DEMO UP!

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Re: Queen's Crown [Romance/Fantasy/GxB/GxG?] DEMO/Kickstarte

#91 Post by Noyemi K »

Looks like Queen's Crown is shaping up to be quite a bit of a hit; certainly smashing my expectations so far! I'm looking forward to seeing the hype build more the closer we get to release.
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Re: Queen's Crown [Romance/Fantasy/GxB/GxG?] DEMO/Kickstarte

#92 Post by Agashi »

Congratulations to everyone who voted for Desmond! I look forward to writing him into the plot and I already have a good idea on where to take his story. To those who voted for Nadia: you made very convincing arguments why the fourth route should be female, so as a bit of a compromise, I'll be including a mini-route with Lliria the bardess. You can read more about it on our Kickstarter page update.

We're nearing the end of our campaign, you guys! Only 4 days left! If you haven't had a chance to pledge yet, and you'd like to, just follow the above link. :mrgreen:

Also, since there hasn't been much in the way of art on this thread, have some CGs, done by the lovely Sweet Chiel:

CG1 Emry.jpg
CG1 Noah.jpg
CG1 Teiran.jpg
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Re: Queen's Crown [Romance/Fantasy/GxB/GxG?] DEMO/Kickstarte

#93 Post by Rose »

1. Who is your favorite character or love interest so far?

Emry! I think it'll be fun to see him become flustered in response to a charismatic princess, plus I really love finding out whats behind the mask of characters like his. But, I really love all of the LIs so far. Noah seems like he's going to be super fun to interact with and I definitely want to know the reason behind Teiran's antics! (AND THOSE CGs omgggg!)

2. If you happened to check your attributes screen during gameplay, what were your stats like toward the end of the demo?

Last time, it was 6 intelligence, 5 charisma, and 2 combat! I think I always end up getting 12-13 skill points total by the end of the demo.

3. Did the story hold your interest? Which part(s) was the most fun for you? If your answer contains spoilers, please use tags!

The most fun parts were the ones where MC had to make decisions with varying levels of kindness/severity on the fates of various characters
(like Bianca, the maid, and the Knights.)
It was really fun to see how each choice resulted in different responses/skill gains.
4. Finally, what are your overall thoughts on the game, so far?

I love, love this game! I'm so glad that it's so successful on Kickstarter and I'm really looking forward to its release! There are so many aspects of it that make it such a good game-- more immersive player choices, the scenario and writing, the art, and the soundtrack are all so good. Can't wait!

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Re: Queen's Crown [Romance/Fantasy/GxB/GxG?] DEMO/Kickstarte

#94 Post by tantivy »

Oh, neat! Sweet Chiel made the CGs? She made a fabulous GxB game herself (Nusantara) that I would recommend to anyone who hasn't tried it.

I'm so excited for Queen's Crown and excited to be introduced to the new character Desmond! Congrats on the success of your Kickstarter!

ETA: I also want to say thanks for including the soundtrack in the Kickstarter rewards; I love it so much.

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Re: Queen's Crown [Romance/Fantasy/GxB/GxG?] DEMO/Kickstarte

#95 Post by wyverngem »

Okay, before I answer questions I have to say that I feel like all my choices are going to come back to bite me. Nice demo, generally liked the story and am enjoying the people. Though my character spends way too much time in the Village than anything else. It would be nice to have some sort of clue on how you're responding in choices.
1. Who is your favorite character or love interest so far?
I liked Bianka to be honest. Didn't really feel her character was built up enough to establish a relationship until spoilers happened. Though romance, the Twain guy made me laugh more. I'm keeping the bust and the windows.
2. If you happened to check your attributes screen during gameplay, what were your stats like toward the end of the demo?
Oh, I didn't even know that was a choice. I would have to look at it again.
Charisma 3
Intelligence 4
Combat 2
3. Did the story hold your interest? Which part(s) was the most fun for you? If your answer contains spoilers, please use tags!
Yep, I thought it was very interesting, but there were a bunch of spoiler parts that I don't want to discuss openly. I have to say my favorite ones were talking to my handmaiden about the many gifts. Definitely going to aim for his ending. I think he's charming.
4. Finally, what are your overall thoughts on the game, so far?
It's good. It would be nice to have the choices you've already made be a different color. Also sometimes when I went to save it would not accept the click. There also was no sign I was hovering over a slot so I was confused on it half the time. It's a nice gui, I just can't tell in the save/load screen which file I'm hovering over. Also a confirm on the name would be nice. I named my first princess literally nothing "". You have to check for the variable that stores the name to be "". Done it before on my other games.
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Re: Queen's Crown [Romance/Fantasy/GxB/GxG?] DEMO/Kickstarte

#96 Post by Agashi »

I'm back! With a Christmas promotion to boot! :lol: Each day from now until the 25th, the QC team will be releasing one promotional or developmental tidbit that has to do with the upcoming game. This could be anything; art, writing, lore, etc... To kick things off, here is the long-awaited Q and A with Desmond (hopefully it will shed some light on our fourth love interest) :

Horsemaster Desmond! Do you feel up to answering a few questions about yourself?
... I suppose. As long as they don't hurt... There's nothing worse than a particularly pointed, prickly question. Except maybe a pointed, prickly centipede... Those are both painful AND terrifying.

Riiiight... Well that leads nicely into my first question. You have a reputation for being a bit strange. How do you feel about that?
*He smiles blankly. Perhaps that's all the answer you need...*

Okay, let's try this instead: What do you think of the princess's suitors?
*Laughs* They're all very interesting... That tall, dark one struts around like a peacock while the young, red one lets his feathers ruffle constantly... and Emry is the oddest bird in the bunch!

You don't have a strong accent, but your Sinadi doesn't quite sound right... Have you lived in Sinado your whole life?
I have an accent?... My family traveled here from Izcapor when I was a child... This is the way I was taught to speak the language, but I suppose now that you mention it... *He trails off, smiling bemusedly as if this is a revelation to him.*

Do you do anything other than groom horses?
... I do lots of other things. I feed the horses, ride the horses, saddle the horses...

I mean like other things. Hobbies and such.
Oh. When I had a sword, I used to practice my Izcapori Henasashiyu everyday, but I sold it. Now whenever I have nothing to do in the stables, I write to my sister or go up on the castle walls and watch the birds... It's very soothing... They don't try to peck me up there.

You keep looking over my shoulder. What are you staring at?
The doors. *He offers no further explanation.*

That's a little rude... Do you always look away when other people are talking to you?
*A muscle jumps at the corner of his mouth, making his smile twitch oddly before he fixes it back in place.* ... I always look at people when they talk to me.

Well that's just clearly untrue.
All right. *He agrees easily, but doesn't elaborate or drop the tiny grin he's wearing.*

Ugh, I give up. Okay, well you mentioned a sister before. Will she be joining us here at the castle as well?
I doubt it. The distance is too far for her to ride without proper use of her legs... She can't... *Stops smiling* Forgive me but I hear the horses calling me. They don't like when I'm gone too long. The others always flutter around them too closely... *He continues rambling on, even as he strides off, wringing his hands together.*
One day down, Eleven more to go!
One day down, Eleven more to go!
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Image [GxB][Fantasy][Drama][Romance] Play the demo here!

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Re: Queen's Crown [Romance/Fantasy/GxB/GxG?] DEMO/Kickstarte

#97 Post by AntiquedFae »

Just dropping by to express my excitement over this game going forward! I am overjoyed for you! It looks beyond fantastic!
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Re: Queen's Crown [Romance/Fantasy/Drama/GxB] DEMO UP!

#98 Post by Agashi »

Thanks so much, Fae! It's nice to hear from you again!
Since I'm a little behind here with regards to sharing art, have some new BGs courtesy of the amazing Rude Roo! I wish the comments section on files was enabled with larger text...
Main castle corridor! Excellent place to meet and greet the varied peoples of the realm...
Main castle corridor! Excellent place to meet and greet the varied peoples of the realm...
The Throne Room, from the perspective of someone seated on the throne...
The Throne Room, from the perspective of someone seated on the throne...
Princess's solar/bedchamber during the daytime...
Princess's solar/bedchamber during the daytime...
Receiving room of the Princess's private quarters...
Receiving room of the Princess's private quarters...
Castle ramparts! A quiet retreat, perfect for people-watching or simply getting lost in thought...
Castle ramparts! A quiet retreat, perfect for people-watching or simply getting lost in thought...
Our new Council Chamber, where all the important decisions are made...
Our new Council Chamber, where all the important decisions are made...
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Image [GxB][Fantasy][Drama][Romance] Play the demo here!

Image [GxB][Sci Fi][Romance][Drama] Nanoreno '17 winner! Now COMPLETE!

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Re: Queen's Crown [Romance/Fantasy/Drama/GxB] DEMO UP!

#99 Post by Agashi »

An upcoming scene from the Emry Romance route... This only shows one potential dialogue path (I don't want to give everything away, of course!) and it's taken out of context, but hopefully the exchange reads interestingly enough on its own. :)
Emry: “Do you recall the time you climbed the courtyard's fig tree when you were fifteen, Your Grace?”

Emry “It was just after midday, and you had spent the entire morning's lesson staring out the window at the blue sky and green grass. We hadn't known each other long enough that I felt comfortable scolding you yet.”

Emry “I remember it clearly because you had the most peculiar way of sighing every time a breeze moved the fig tree's branches...”

Emry “... Almost as if your breath was stirring it, and the wind was only an illusion.”

He chuckles quietly at his own whimsy, before going on.

Emry “I believe I finally took pity on you and ended the lesson. You were obviously not gaining anything from the lecture and I was mildly curious to see what you would do with the half hour of free time before your next tutor.”

Emry “Do you remember running out toward the fig tree and climbing it?”

MC “What can I say? I'd never climbed one before and it looked particularly lovely that day. You've never tried doing something just to see if you could?”

Emry “Ah. I should have known. You were always predictably unpredictable.”

Emry “Well, I was naturally concerned that you would fall, and so I followed, rather than do the intelligent thing, which was to call the guards.”

“He shakes his head, a fond smile still gracing his lips. You can't help but laugh a bit yourself, at the memory and at the thought of a young Emry making reckless decisions because of you.”

“He waits for your laughter to subside before continuing, crossing his arms and widening his eyes for dramatic effect.”

"It's as close as you've ever seen him get to being playful..."

Emry “And then – just as I feared – you fell.”

MC “Ah... It was the dress, embarrassingly enough. The hem was too long and I slipped before I got a firm grip on the third branch. Mother screeched something awful when I showed her the rip in my petticoat.”

Emry “I saw you fall from the tree, and the most frightening sensation took hold of me. I believe my heart actually stopped for a moment. Certainly my breath did.”

Emry “My blood froze over, and it was only the awful thump of your body hitting the ground that forced my legs to move.”

Emry “You didn't cry out, which alarmed me greatly."

Emry "I remember wondering if this was to be the end of your story. If I, in my negligence, was responsible for your death.”

Emry “The little whimper you gave when you finally got your wind back..."

Emry "It was the single most blessed sound I had ever heard.”


And that's it, for now! Up next will probably be a certain red-head...
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Image [GxB][Fantasy][Drama][Romance] Play the demo here!

Image [GxB][Sci Fi][Romance][Drama] Nanoreno '17 winner! Now COMPLETE!

Proud writer of Celestial Crossing! [Fantasy][SoL][High School][BxG] COMPLETE!

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Re: Queen's Crown [Romance/Fantasy/Drama/GxB] DEMO UP!

#100 Post by Agashi »

Upcoming scene from Teiran's Romance route... I wish I could say there were answers, but Teiran's an infuriatingly tough nut to crack, haha.
Noah “In that case, the real reason you crawl on your belly to the Regent must be because of your embarrassing failure as the princess's paramour.”

“He punctuates this statement with a nasty grin, clearly not worried about the fact that Teiran's fist is clenching in the vicinity of his left hip where a sword would normally hang.”

Noah “Am I wrong, little lordling? Or is “ill-natured fumbling” always the best way to describe courtship customs in the south?”

Teiran “You... I wouldn't expect our customs to make sense to an uncultured barbarian like yourself!”

“If it were possible to punch someone with words alone, you believe Teiran could have managed it in this moment.”

“He is fuming so visibly that it's a wonder his skin doesn't burst into flame.”

MC “My lord emissary! I appreciate your concern on my behalf, but my relationship with Lord Teiran is not something you should worry about.”

"You reveal yourself with a bold stride forward."

“Noah nods his head, graciously acknowledging your presence. His eyes dance with merriment.”

“Teiran – on the other hand – makes no move, other than to flinch with surprise.”

“You step into the light, making your way confidently to where the two men stand in the center of the room.”

Noah “Ah, it is as you say, Ma Skirla.”

Noah “Forgive me if I have overstepped by bounds...”

“He winks at the two of you and sweeps out of the room without another glance.”

“For his part, Teiran's eyes flick to yours uncertainly for an instant before he hides the expression behind his habitual smirk.”

Teiran “You're quick to defend me, I see. Should I take this to mean that you harbor some fondness for me, after all?”

“On the surface, his words are mischievous... but there's an unmistakable edge behind them; an unspoken question.”

MC “I didn't defend you. I simply told Emissary Noah that our relationship is none of his business... Which it isn't.”

“Your assertion makes Teiran's green eyes widen...”

“Then he lets out a low chuckle, face falling into into a somewhat warmer version of its usual expression.”

Teiran “Our 'relationship,' is it?”

“He stalks closer to you, moving with unhurried, purposeful strides that put to mind something dark and predatory.”

Teiran “Such a simple, banal word...”

“He's close enough now that his chest is in danger of bumping yours.”

“Years of training in etiquette and the instinct to maintain personal boundaries has you stepping backward before you even make the conscious decision to move.”

“At this demonstration of vulnerability, Teiran inhales deeply, like an animal scenting fear.”

“His eyes narrow and the air between you suddenly feels heavier...”


I know that Teiran is probably the least popular character at the moment, so it's always a struggle not to rush to explain away his actions, haha. This seems like just more of the same, but the circumstances surrounding this particular exchange are very, VERY different from what's happened between them up until now... To the point that this required heavy editing to eliminate spoilers.

Noah will probably be up next.
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Re: Queen's Crown [Romance/Fantasy/Drama/GxB] DEMO UP!

#101 Post by JBShields »

I have got to say: this must be the most anticipated Visual Novel for me for 2017 (if it's out then).

I love the significant choices of the character dialogue, the main character and other character's voices (well written imo), and how each character reacts differently to the new Queen's responses.

I wonder if that influences two things:

May conversation choices in general influence stats? Like an aggressive response has an impact in either stats or inter-character relationships? This further gets me to wonder if this can lead to characters helping or betraying based on how you've treated them .

I know a lot of folks on this forum are like, "yeah! More romance!" And I totally get why. But I really think you have something with a lot of potential here with the poli-stats. May even expand your player base. No harm keeping that side of the game strong too.

Great job with the demo! Looking forwards to it!

Also, a shout out for great art!

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Re: Queen's Crown [Romance/Fantasy/Drama/GxB] DEMO UP!

#102 Post by Agashi »

Thanks so much for the comments! If you aren't up to date on the rest of the ongoing Christmas event, there are a few more previews - art and writing both - on the Kickstarter page right here! :mrgreen:

To answer your questions:

Yes and yes.

Many (almost all, in fact) dialogue choices in the games raise or lower your stats in small amounts. These subtle increases/decreases can't be tracked immediately through the attributes screen, since they take a little while to build up, but they do make a huge difference in the long run, and certain major story decisions affect your stats more than even the stat-raising events do.

There are also a couple characters who will track how much they like you using an appropriately-named "like" meter separate from your stats. These characters can be won over or pushed away through your interactions with them, and this will certainly have consequences for you throughout the story, whether romantic or political. This is in addition to the possibility of certain stats helping you out of certain situations. :) I hope that answers your questions while being vague enough to avoid spoilers, haha... Thanks again!
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Re: Queen's Crown [Romance/Fantasy/Drama/GxB] DEMO UP!

#103 Post by AntiquedFae »

*o* Those backgrounds!

Also, if you aren't too far progressed, my proofreading offer does still stand. ^_^
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Re: Queen's Crown [Romance/Fantasy/Drama/GxB] DEMO UP!

#104 Post by Konoi »

I've finished the demo right now, and oh dear, it was awesome!
I'll answer your questions so you'll have my detailed opinions soon.

1. Who is your favorite character or love interest so far?
Tricky question here! To be honest, I was actually attracted to the game thanks to Noah. I just liked him so much simly from seeing him that I NEEDED to play the game. I didn't even really notice the other guys nor did I remember their faces at first.
So, I've started playing, eager to meet Noah, but already pleased with the game anyway since it's pretty, has numerous choices, nice soundrack and all... and then, Emry appears. I don't think much of him, and I didn't even remember he was one of the options. And then, you have to decide what are the princess' memories of him, and since I wanted her to be a nice but not flirty girl, I've opted for the option that basically says they were fond of each other (but not the crush one). Aaaaand... the description of their relationship after that and that short moment of softness and support in his eyes when they looked at each other made me fall in love with him instantly :lol:
Now, I still love Noah - he's really great, and his smile makes ME smile a lot. But I don't know... Emry is really... special...
On a side note, I actually like Teiran too, but I'm more intrigued by him than interested in a romantic path. At the beginning, I thought he was another one of those tsundere types who act like jerks. More often than not I like characters like that in romance games, but since the other two really made a strong impression on me, I didn't really care about him at first. But after seeing a bit more of how he acts, I've come to realise there is more to him than that, and that he isn't your usual tsundere. So yeah, I'm genuinely curious about him.
Buuut... I really digress here haha - to answer the question, I still think it's Emry, though I don't know how much I'll like Noah later.
Oh and the newest addition to the bachelors looks nice, but I think he's the one I like the less, judging by his vibes since I don't know him.

2. If you happened to check your attributes screen during gameplay, what were your stats like toward the end of the demo?
Charisma: 4
Intelligence: 6
Combat: 2

3. Did the story hold your interest? Which part(s) was the most fun for you? If your answer contains spoilers, please use tags!
Yes! It's captivating, really! I was sooo sucked into it I had a hard time to stop playing and go to bed.
About my favorite parts... I actually REALLY enjoy talking with Noah. He's so fiery and I really like the dialogue options I was given in his interractions. Since I've played the princess to be smart and gentle, but not affraid of standing up or of the unknown, the answers where she asks more about his culture and all that stuff are very interesting and in character for her.
The whole plot with Bianka was also very interesting. I have suspected for her to having done something like that, but suspecting it didn't mean it would resolve well. And well, we "won", hurraaaaay... or not. To be honest, I was feeling bad for her at the end, even if she was cunning and vicious. But seeing her break down like that also broke my heart. I don't usually feel a lot of sympathy for characters like her, so it was a huge feat too!
4. Finally, what are your overall thoughts on the game, so far?
As I've already told it, I loved the game - it was beyond interesting, and the characters are awesome - not only the romantic interests, but the cast as a whole.
And I'm soooo happy about the fact you were not kidding with advertising it as being a great roleplaying experience. I'm an avid roleplayer - I play a lot of official roleplaying games, with stats and dice and all, and having a visual novel (one of my favorite types of videogames) being so close to my roleplaying sessions was great. And I really love how I can shape not only the princess' behavior and views on the world, but also her past, with the decisions about her relationships with people in the past, like the question I've mentionned about Emry, or the similar one about her brother late in the demo.
Already said that as well, but the art is lovely and the characters feel sooo alive. And I must admit my heart nearly skipped a beat when I saw in the posts that SweetChiel was doing the CGs - I'm a big fan of hers!

So yeah, overall, I'm sooo pleased with this game and I want moooore! Haha, I can't wait for the full release now!

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Re: Queen's Crown [Romance/Fantasy/Drama/GxB] DEMO UP!

#105 Post by ilyilaice »

1. Who is your favorite character or love interest so far?
I find Teiran the most physically appealing, but so far his words and actions have been too cryptic for me to form any attachment to him. On the other hand, I don't usually like overly familiar and cheerful Noah types, but basing on the fearless MC that I was trying to form, Noah seems to be the most suitable partner for her. Ah, if only I could choose to pursue Jeisa, I'd totally go for her.... But in terms of all the characters and not just the love interests, Mother is my favorite. Her presence in the game is quite soothing.

2. If you happened to check your attributes screen during gameplay, what were your stats like toward the end of the demo?
Charisma = 5. Intelligence = 4. Combat = 3. I wanted a kind-hearted but level-headed MC so those are the types of choices to which I gravitated, but then I'd train in combat to balance it all out.

3. Did the story hold your interest? Which part(s) was the most fun for you? If your answer contains spoilers, please use tags!
The story was compelling, overall. I preferred the dialogue choices over the choices on which particular stat to train, since the stat-training part contributes less to the story (so far). But at the same time I liked the variety of the things MC did while training stats. I mean, at least it's not just something like "MC trained with the sword. MC got +1 in Combat." I also liked the hilarity of the meet-cutes with Teiran and Noah. MC's dialogue with Emry is almost perfunctory in comparison ... Their conversation is important to the plot, but is as exciting as a teacher-student lesson, which I guess is kind of the point. Maybe I wasn't wooing Emry enough....

4. Finally, what are your overall thoughts on the game, so far?
I loved it. I generally don't like wartime historical settings, and royals as characters aren't particularly exciting to me, but despite all my initial doubts, I ended up really getting into the story. Congrats on releasing such a solid demo, and good luck with the official release. I'm sure it'll be (even more) brilliant.
Completed Games: Flights of Fancy (NaNoRenO 2019), Limbokin (NaNoRenO 2020), Loveless on Lockdown (NaNoRenO 2021), Aria at the Funeraria (Otome Jam 2021), Pusoy Dos (Spooktober 2021), Jester Under Pressure (NaNoRenO 2022), Dabbling in Drama (Otome Jam 2022), Iridescent Descent (Spooktober 2022), Spirits of Limbo (NaNoRenO 2023), Serial Killers Anonymous (Spooktober 2023), Ferris Feels (NaNoRenO 2024). See them all here.

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