Lads in Distress [GxB][Otome|Fairy Tale][NaNoRenO '16]

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Re: Lads in Distress [GxB][Otome|Fairy Tale][NaNoRenO '16]

#91 Post by Windchimes »

Thank you! Hope you do enjoy it when you have the time to try our game out! Feel free to leave a comment to let us know what you think after your playthrough <3

Thanks again! :D Don't worry, you definitely aren't the only one who wants a dragon route xD We've gotten MANY requests from fans so far for the opportunity to date the dragon haha!

Thank you for playing our game and for leaving a comment!
Glad to hear you enjoyed playing as Princess Charming :D We noticed a lack of strong female MCs in otomes, so we wanted to make our protag powerful and independent. xD
:"D I'm super happy that you liked Snow >< Ah he's kinda upgraded to being my baby now, so I always get so delighted when someone says they enjoyed his route xD
Also thank you for your suggestions! Yeah, we definitely didn't manage to squeeze in as much interaction with the love interest/minor characters as we wanted because of the time limit of NaNo. There will actually be a "final confrontation scene" with the "villain" in almost all the routes as far as I know (at least for my half of the routes)! :D So I hope you'll enjoy that in the future.
Thank you once again for the comment <3

To anyone who's interested (and is for some reason looking at this thread xD):
Progress for the full vers of LiD is going well! For the full progress report, check it out here: ... ess-report
You can also keep up to date with our news through our Tumblr:
We're waiting for a few assets to be finished first before posting the WIP thread, so we're sorry for the delay, but it should be up eventually! You'll get to meet the new love interests (and see more previews/screenshots of the game) then!
Thank you to everyone who has played our game and supported us so far!

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Re: Lads in Distress [GxB][Otome|Fairy Tale][NaNoRenO '16]

#92 Post by Windchimes »

In case anyone still checks this thread, I'm just dropping by to say that we have a new WIP thread up for the full game of LiD here! viewtopic.php?f=43&t=40061
We will be posting updates for the expansion in that thread, so if anyone's interested, please check out that thread. We would love to hear any comments you have for us! <3
Thank you~

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Re: Lads in Distress [GxB][Otome|Fairy Tale][NaNoRenO '16]

#93 Post by AsHLeX »

1. Did you enjoy the game? Any thoughts/comments? YESSSSSSS!!! It was great! Loved the art, music fit the mood really well. Story was interesting and refreshing too.
2. Who is your favorite character after playing the game? Zel! He's adorable, like a little kid.
3. Who did you pursue first, and who is your favorite love interest? Mer, simply because I was going in order.
4. What ending did you get first? Mer, but I used the walkthrough on Tumblr.

All in all this is a great game!! 10/10 would recommend it to my friends! Keeping an eye out for the expansion :)
New demo out 24/12/23!!

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Re: Lads in Distress [GxB][Otome|Fairy Tale][NaNoRenO '16]

#94 Post by myuunie »

Hello!! I feel like I am definitely more than a little behind on playing this game, but I am so glad I found it and I did! I shall jump straight into the questions!

1. Did you enjoy the game? Any thoughts/comments?

- I did! I thought it was very cute, and for the length that it was, it was very polished. I didn't feel like it needed more to it, which is something that you often find in short otomes. LiD has enough game-time to get to know the characters and for the story to get covered fully. The art was DROP DEAD BEAUTIFUL. The background and sprites were gorgeous, and so was the UI. Everything was neatly laid out, I didn't struggle to see the text, the colors were so bright and pretty~ I love how all the colors matched, the expressions in the sprites, honestly, I have pretty much almost no complaints?

I enjoyed that the heroine was a character whose flaws could go over her head. I don't think it is so often that we see a character with such abilities that she can control be aware of her powers and be a bit arrogant about it. She is a lovely girl who honestly does thrive from helping others and doing what is best for her kingdom, but it is definitely noticeable, ESPECIALLY in the not-so-good routes that she can get out of hand with her arrogance and duty.

Something which usually doesn't happen is that the routes and characters actually took me by surprise. The rest of this question is gonna be under spoilers but I just wanted to mention it because I really wanted to say how impressed I was.

I love stories that have a bit of magic and are fairytale based, however I have read about two or three (maybe more) that have been revolved around old fairytales. They all usually take the same kind of twists and turns, but at the end the couple lives happily ever after yadayadayada everything returns to what it was like. You can pretty much guess what is going to happen because not only do you KNOW the fairy tales, once you play enough otomes you can get the gist of what is going to happen.

I actually did not see almost any of the things that happened throughout the stories and it was a GREAT surprise.

I did from the beginning assume that Mer was eventually going to try to stab Charming because as soon as he told her about the dagger, my mind clicked to the story. However, I did actually buy that he was cursed by a random stranger who he didn't know however he did know how to get out of it and that was killing someone he loved. I didn't know it had to be someone of high magic ability and I certainly didn't know that it was actually on HIS request that he asked for the curse and I DID NOT SEE IT COMING that it was actually a different guy in the body of Mer. Even when the topic of poverty and starvation was brought in, I figured it was because Charming HAD gone around and explored all these areas, it never hit me that he lived them.

I know that transporting souls to different bodies was a topic brought up in the story but it was so casual and just almost like a passing thought that I never thought it would become something significant. AMAZING twist to the story. I was definitely expecting something like the fairy appearing, or Mer trying to drown Charming when they went swimming. I did not think that his voice killed people, I really figured he was mute.

Even with Snow's story as well, I REALLY thought that he was cursed. I didn't think for a second that there wouldn't be a dramatic play with the stepmother and she and Charming would have a magic showdown or something because I seriously believed it. I was as tricked as Snow was. Something HAD to be going on, the story had to include some magic in it, I was decisive upon it, but I LOVE the fact that it didn't. That it wasn't a curse and that it was actually a very simple, horrible explanation to everything. Not everything has to be magical, the story can have a decent ending with it just being people being atrocious. It was GREAT! In fact, Snow's route was actually... my favorite route~ Even if he wasn't my favorite character (he's my 2ND FAVORITE!), both of his routes are fantastic. Biased towards the lovey-dovey one though, REALLY GOOD.

AND finally, Zel's story. I also figured that it would be something magical stopping him from leaving the tower, in fact, I was certain that he would immediately want to leave. Then again, maybe I watched Tangled one too many times, but I just thought he would leave and be happy about it. Especially after the first few times. I especially did not think that in one of the endings they would elope. I actually liked the ending where they go back to the kingdom more because it felt like the right thing to do, and as happy as I was that they took off on their magic dragon, I was even happier that they went back.

The love interests were actually not quite as I thought of them to be. Their characters were what I expected, but not really.

All the characters were really humanized, and well written. Mer was a broken boy who had been in the wrong body for far too long, but because of who he is used to be and his struggle to stay alive for so long, all he wanted was to live a peaceful life. Maybe it wouldn't have made him the happiest because really, how could he ever be happy after all he had gone through, but he was just trying to survive. I figured he wasn't telling the truth most of the time, but I think that dynamic between Charming and him was the perfect combination for him to be honest.

I loved that she took reign of what was going on and wasn't an innocent, stupid character who just kept fluttering her eyelashes and batting things off. I LOVED that she asked him to take the truth serum instead of just going by his word because by that point, they were all done with his bullshit. For her to believe him (in one of the endings) and then forgive him for all he had done was an amazing move on her part, and I enjoyed that the ending was filled with the happiness and joy they wanted to give to their people. I'm glad that they got to run their kingdoms with the compassion they had.

As for the other extreme yandere ending, I was actually reeeeeally shocked. The answers I was giving did surprise me as well, but you could quickly tell that her attitude started to get deeply affected by them. To even threaten her parents was a WHOA point for me. I did NOT think she would succumb to locking Mer in though and become a sadistic ruler who insights fear, I never saw that coming at all. But I guess that if pushed enough her personality could definitely explode into that.

Snow also was a bit surprising, althouuuugh... nah, it was. Every flirty character does have a sweet personality to him, however, I didn't even think for once that he was actually being genuine with his flirtation. I thought he was pulling lines out of his ass for the most part, it never hit me that he was saying them and actually meaning them. That threw me off just as much as it threw off Charming. I did think he liked her, but I didn't think that he meant every word he said.

As for Zel, he was so damn sweet and precious I could just spread him on a cracker. I LOVED his personality, it was so endearing for such a handsome dude. You can definitely tell what nine years took away from him. Maturity was something he never got to meet, and socially he wasn't very adept. Even when he explains that he can't read very well, it touched my heart. He was such a sweet character, I just wanted to wrap him up and swaddle him. I was really surprised he refused to leave the tower so adamantly, but I didn't think it was because of his anxiety-written self. Such a sweet guy. PLUS THE DRAGON WAS THE CUTEST, in a way, I hope that he is secretly a human in a dragon body. Or a magical dragon that can transform to human and we can maybe... romance? Although he does seem like a baby dragon, so maybe a dragon route with another hotter, maybe older dragon. I'm getting out of topic here.

AAAH I ended up ranting for a while but end of answer!!

2. Who is your favorite character after playing the game?

Zel! I love his sweet and cute personality. I can never get enough of sweet guys in otomes!

3. Who did you pursue first, and who is your favorite love interest?

I went first for Mer, but I still really loved Zel~ Although if I were to marry any of them and think to myself, HMM, who could rule a country by my side, I think I would go wiiith Snow! He's a great guy too!

4. What ending did you get first?

I got first Mer's happy ending!! Really sweet~

5. Is there anything in particular you would like to see in the expansion?

Sprites for the queen and kings of the different lands! I understand that because of time and development there wasn't some this time around, but oh man, I would love to see sprites of them!! I think also, maybe better CGs? Or CGs within the story would be amazing, not just a CG for the ending! The art was perfectly fine actually, I just don't think it really kept up to par with the bubbliness and crispness of the sprites. ;_; Definitely a route for Nicholls, but I think you mentioned before that there will be one, so that's already awesome!!

6. Other questions or points of critique?

I think I pretty much mentioned everything! I apologize for writing so much, but you guys did an amazing job!
Thank you for the wonderful game you made, it was so much fun playing it! I can't wait for the expansion to play it some more!!

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Re: Lads in Distress [GxB][Otome|Fairy Tale][NaNoRenO '16]

#95 Post by Windchimes »

Thank you for playing our game! :D Glad to hear you enjoyed it. Hope you'll like our expansion in the future, too! <3

Thank you for giving our game a try! Don't apologize for writing a long comment — we love hearing what players think about our game! In fact, thank you for taking the time to write such a detailed comment!
We're super happy you enjoyed LiD! <3 Thank you for all the compliments!
Yes, since the start when we developed the idea for LiD, we knew we wanted to make the plots and storylines as surprising as possible, with hopefully interesting plot twists to make the stories seem fresh despite being based on old-school fairy tales. We also wanted to make flawed but still loveable characters, so we're super glad to hear that it came off well and you liked it!
Charming's and Snow's parents will be getting their own sprites in the expansion, but for some other characters (e.g. Mer's parents) with very little screentime will likely not get sprites still :( We don't want to delay the development further if we want to make sprites for every minor character as well. We also got a talented CG artist on board to cover all our new CGs, so hopefully the quality will be better to the players because for this NaNo version, due to various issues, we had three different team members help cover the CGs just so we could make the deadline, so art consistency was an issue. Yes, Nicholl will be getting a route in the expansion (and is in fact already written xD)
Again, thank you for playing LiD and for writing a comment. Hopefully, you'll enjoy the expansion as well!

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Re: Lads in Distress [GxB][Otome|Fairy Tale][NaNoRenO '16]

#96 Post by AsHLeX »

Yassss!!!! Nicholl will be getting a route?? I'm pumped!! :D Good luck with the expansion~ I'll be waiting excitedly :D
New demo out 24/12/23!!

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Re: Lads in Distress [GxB][Otome|Fairy Tale][NaNoRenO '16]

#97 Post by trish_vc »

Amazing game and definitely LOVE the concept <3 However i noticed that some parts of the story(script) are bland. don't get me wrong i love it, it's just that some parts are unexciting and i think the script could be better. Oh and the stars, it took me a few seconds to realize it xD Amazing and cute stars.hhahha. i was physically attracted(in order) to MER, ZEL, and (lastly)SNOW. but once i finished the game, the chronological order was revised xD it only implies that, thou shall not judge a person by his looks.. Tehee (ok.i made that up)
Image I'm an Unappreciated- ARTIST, WRITER, EDITOR, DEBATER.. You can ask me to Proofread, Draw, and whatever.*

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Re: Lads in Distress [GxB][Otome|Fairy Tale][NaNoRenO '16]

#98 Post by Windchimes »

Apologies for the late reply — idk how i missed the email notification about new replies on this thread xD
Yes, Nicholl will be getting a route in the expansion :) His route is already fully written actually, haha. Glad to hear you'll be interested in playing his route! :D
Thank you again for commenting <3


Hi! Thanks for the comment!
Glad to hear you enjoyed the game :) Yes, we realize that there is room for improvement for the script and many aspects of the game, but we were limited on time since it's a 30day game jam, which is why we're working on an expansion to polish everything and extend the length of the game so we can do the characters and their stories justice. :) You can keep an eye out for the final version of the game if you're interested.
Thanks again for the comment!

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Re: Lads in Distress [GxB][Otome|Fairy Tale][NaNoRenO '16]

#99 Post by TheTenaciousType »

1. Did you enjoy the game? Any thoughts/comments?
YES. Most certainly yes~! It was really really refreshing for so many reasons. A MC who flirts easily and has confidence in herself and her ability to handle the situation? <3 A princess who wants to be responsible and isn't a docile flower and is in fact pretty stubborn? <3 Knowing what you want and how to spin it so that people will agree with you? <3 Great art? <3 Constant playful back and forth? <3 Choosing between arranged marriages and proceeding to fall in love (or occasionally not)? <3
I liked Charming carrying Snow over the threshold and flying around in Zel's route and deciding she could take care of herself in Mer's route. The chibis were really cute in the developer notes screen, the music was selected pretty well, and the shading for the characters and backgrounds is gorgeous. Every twist was really clever, in a way that felt neither forced nor obvious. I liked Snow's cheesiness and lack of awareness about it. Mmmm, tasted like cheddar. I liked Charming teaching magic a lot. Zel's "are you an angel???" and distress from that is fun.
Charming going yandere enough to steal a trophy or two was really fun! As well as Nicholl's horror and then reluctant loyalty. I have a ton of sketches made for that end and some of the foreshadowing. "I want to marry you even more now", Mer you murdering son of a gun. I liked how in Snow's friendship mode Charming was in "political" mode the whole goddamn time, it was great. "not really into him but ready to do the marriage thing and also thinks he's a decent person", how I appreciate thee. As well as the one where she is into him, folk dancing was sweet. The dragon's glee over his new teacher was cute, and Zel deciding he'd go anywhere as long as Charming was there was super adorable. <3 I liked that the fairy lied to Mer about needing to kill a non-fairy. I mean I'm assuming that they're not so different it wouldn't work, and it was just an attempt to keep the new monster from murdering her. The "you can't curse a mirror I stg" twist was also fun. I'm curious if Zel's witch and Snow's witch are the same?
2. Who is your favorite character after playing the game?
Charming, then Nicholl. I am a giant sucker for pining and the slightly playful yet responsible ones, and I loved Charming's personality throughout pretty much all its iterations. If she was a separate entity from the PC I'd go for her, ha ha. Of the love interests, Snow was the most sane, and I laughed at Mer the most (dark sense of humor...).
3. Who did you pursue first, and who is your favorite love interest?
My first target was Zel. Long hair, literally saving a prince from a tower, what can I say. I'm a sucker for both. Plus I wanted to see how you date a boy who isn't even at the ball. My favorite was Mer, largely due to his second ending and overall darkness.
4. What ending did you get first?
My first end was the Zel adventure end. I let Charming be chill and ask Zel to explain himself and try to please him rather than push him to improve things. I was disappointed that Dragon never did get his lessons, but it was still fun.
5. Is there anything in particular you would like to see in the expansion?
Nicholl pining in most routes, Charming being her charming self, longer routes with better integration of plot and character and flirting. I doubt it's gonna happen, but Charming running off with the destitute merchant's son/daughter (Beauty and the Beast) and building a financial/trading fortune before flouting tradition and banging. More creative uses of magic in route! I love how creative it got, with Snow's "curse" and Mer's myriad problems/illusions and Charming just making real food to dine on with Zel. (and Nicholl's half-fae blood and faerie vs human magic abilities). Charming beating up thugs is fun, more of that!
6. Other questions or points of critique?
Zel has a bad case of inexpressive face, by which I mean I feel like his expressions are pretty much blushing, not blushing, eyes open, eyes closed, and teary eyes. Mer's sprites keep having his mouth open like he's talking when he should be a mute for 90% of the route, and it's a little distracting at first, even though I can dismiss some of it to surprised gaping mouth. Snow is constantly in his ball clothes and it isn't commented on that I remember, which gives me the impression he works in that village in those clothes, which is bizarre. I don't feel like Zel's integration into the list was done very well. Why bother inviting someone who's dead from a kingdom that's dissolved? (to intrigue Charming with someone theoretically harmless?) I think it'd go better if it was a thought that Charming just couldn't let go of when she thought of cursed princes, or if the list got placed in exactly the wrong part of a book to give her that idea. Zel being unable to read well seems odd when he has very little to do besides read books and daydream. It felt like in an attempt to make him more cutesy and innocent he just ended up being infantilized. The back and forth between "go home" and "I can't but not saying why nope" took up a lot of space for what it added. I think once the witch is in there it will be better, especially if Charming suspects he's under a spell or something and assumes wrong about his reasoning. I'd like for there to be more plot, or Zel making Charming a flower crown or something.

In Snow's route, it felt a little forced how "Charming jumps to the worst conclusion, Snow immediately proves there was no reason to even worry" kept happening. The bonding was nice, though.
I feel like the dichotomy between "forgive everything immediately" and "blood for the blood gods" is pretty severe in Mer's route. I feel like a third end where Charming lets him leave and he dies/is killed trying to sacrifice someone would be good, but I also see that you guys are going for two ends for everyone, and it's an unsatisfying way for the romance to end. So I guess a slight variant end where you get end one but Charming's thoughts/dialogue are more calculated than totally trusting would work well for that.
It wasn't immediately clear to me in the save screen that you can click on stars to go to the next page of save slots, but I'm not sure how to make it clearer.
Some kind of "and this is what happened to the other princes" would be nice, maybe a little interaction with each other. Like Snow marrying one of his lovers as the deadline looms, or a mention of expansion into the anarchy of the "Forest Kingdom" by Lunar or some other country, or a scandal as Mer follows one of the magic Lunar Nobles and tries to kill them before he has to leave. A sense that everything is still happening elsewhere would be nice.

And I know there's so much I loved that I can't immediately think of an example of, too~ I'd like to thank everyone for producing this VN

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Re: Lads in Distress [GxB][Otome|Fairy Tale][NaNoRenO '16]

#100 Post by starryparade »

1. Did you enjoy the game? Any thoughts/comments?
Generally speaking, yes. I love the concept and that's why I took the time to play it through. The art is beautiful and I agree that it's a very polished game. I'm excited to see the other routes open up (particularly Nicholl's -- I dunno, I dig the friend thing). I like the idea of Grisalda being the same witch who abducted Zel but that's not an important component of the story. It's just a nice touch. I must admit that Mer was the most frustrating for me. I love the twist but I wasn't satisfied with the endings.
Mer Ending 1: I loved The Little Mermaid because I empathised with her and felt her pain. On the flip side, playing as Princess Charming, I felt betrayed -- like anyone would be. I dunno why I felt so strongly abject to it though -- I know the tale and Mer was pretty tied up in that situation. It's not entirely his fault. Nevertheless, the ending was rather abrupt because attempting to end your partner's life is right up there in the list of unforgivable things to do in any relationship. It was like "Hey, wasn't it just a few moments ago that he tried to kill you? Why are you telling him that you love him?"

Mer Ending 2: I don't really know what to say other than it's probably something you'd love or hate. I'm not into crazy yandere on that level. It went from one extreme to the other -- being forgiving too soon v. never being able to forgive so that you torture someone for eternity. That's how I've read it. I guess with this route, it didn't make much sense to me. I can understand if Charming wishes to seek retribution in the form of blackmail to get Mer to do her bidding but I didn't see that yandere side of her coming -- so much so that she'd create an illusion of Mer to replace him and imprison the guy (cause I can't say it's the real Mer).
2. Who is your favorite character after playing the game?
The Dragon. Upon first impressions, I thought the Dragon could be pursued. He's beautiful. :oops: Honestly, my first thought was "Is Zel a dragon?" -- I was surprised at first but then I realised that Zel came from Rapunzel. If he were a love interest, I can only think of dragon version of Swan Lake... because I don't know any other fairy tales where princesses get turned into dragons.

3. Who did you pursue first, and who is your favorite love interest?
I pursued Snow first. I couldn't resist the idea of getting him to fall for Princess Charming first. Despite what I said earlier about not enjoying Mer's endings, I think my favourite would be him -- he was the one with the most potential, the best twist and imho, best character design. Plus the invisible candies exchange was kinda hot.

4. What ending did you get first?
Snow's second ending -- whichever the "happy end" was.

5. Is there anything in particular you would like to see in the expansion?
Having said stuff about Dragon, I'd love it if there was a Swan Lake love interest -- like Odette but male.

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Re: Lads in Distress [GxB][Otome|Fairy Tale][NaNoRenO '16]

#101 Post by Windchimes »

First off, apologies to all for the late replies. >< I haven't been checking this thread for a while since it fell down the first page a bit, so I wasn't expecting new replies. I've got it subscribed now Idk why I never did that before, and I promise I'll reply to future comments quicker.

Hello! Thank you for the comment :D Super glad to hear you enjoyed the game! Thank you for all the compliments :"D
I'll try and answer select bits of your comment without giving away too much.
About the dragon not getting his lessons in Zel's route, unfortunately we didn't have time to squeeze in those scenes. But now that we have tons of time to work on the extended version... who knows ;)
Each route in the full version will be twice as long as the current routes, so hopefully the plot and backstory will be better, especially since we now actually have time to polish the story and edit a few times.
Thank you for all the suggestions and the feedback! We'll take them into consideration :)
The GUI issue with the stars thing shoulddd 100% be fixed though, since Alcor will be redoing the whole GUI completely, so I doubt we'll have the same problem of the pages being difficult to notice.
About Zel not being able to read well, the problem isn't that he can't read at all.
I believe he stated in the scene that due to not having finished his lessons (taken at the age of 8/9), being stuck with the same handful of books all these years (they are old books from the first couple years when he was taken, so they won't be at a very complicated level; think the kind of books that are appropriate for an 8 year old), his reading skills has stagnated and remained at that level. He can definitely read that level of books without a problem, but just because he has a ton of time to do nothing but read doesn't mean he can actually teach himself new vocabulary and specific terms about politics that he never learnt in lessons and whatnot when he only has those limited material on hand. Now compared with Charming, who's brilliant and has finished all her queenly lessons. The books she brought back would obviously be her level of books that she'd usually read, because she didn't think about Zel's predicament when buying the books. It'd be like expecting a person who's never received a proper middle/high school education to be able to understand university level of books and Literature. So I'd respectfully disagree that Zel was infantilized, but rather, certain skills, e.g. reading, could not develop properly because of his situation of being locked up in a tower for years. He has shown to be capable in other aspects, such as cooking, which is more easily self-taught, and is far superior at it than Charming.
Thank you again! We very much appreciate your feedback :D

Hey! Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment :D We appreciate your feedback, and we're glad to hear you enjoyed it overall.
Yep, it's definitely a common complaint about the rushed endings for Mer. Kumiho (Perennial Lily) aka the writer for Mer's route has rewritten a lot of his route, and with an extra 25k words for each route, hopefully the execution will be better, and the transitions to the endings feel smoother :)
Haha, the dragon seems to be many people's favorite! Unfortunately, we won't be making him a route, but he's certainly a fun character! Hint: he'll appear in a lot more scenes -- and probably some that you don't expect -- in the full game :D
That's a cool suggestion about Swan Lake! Unfortunately, we've settled on the current 7 bachelors, and we're unlikely to add more because the workload is already killing us as it is xD Thank you so much for the suggestion though!

Thank you again to all who have played our game so far! If you enjoyed it, please do keep an eye out for updates for the full version at either our LSF thread or on Tumblr!

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Re: Lads in Distress [GxB][Otome|Fairy Tale][NaNoRenO '16]

#102 Post by Garaya13 »

1. Did you enjoy the game? Any thoughts/comments?
Yeeeeesssss! I absolutely love it sooo much!!!
2. Who is your favorite character after playing the game?
The dragon! He's hilarious :lol:
3. Who did you pursue first, and who is your favorite love interest?
I first pursued Mer, but Snow ended up being my favorite
4. What ending did you get first?
The first ending I got was Mer's second ending. Such a twist!
5. Is there anything in particular you would like to see in the expansion?
More princes!!! :lol:
6. Other questions or points of critique?
It's not a question or critique, but I'd like to see character art for the kings and queens as well

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Re: Lads in Distress [GxB][Otome|Fairy Tale][NaNoRenO '16]

#103 Post by zhaie »

I have downloaded this one before.
So far I have only finished one route x'D
I have yet to play the other one.
So far, I like really love the heroine ;w;)d

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Re: Lads in Distress [GxB][Otome|Fairy Tale][NaNoRenO '16]

#104 Post by zhaie »

LMAO I forgot to do this one.

1. Did you enjoy the game? Any thoughts/comments?
Yep I did. I love the ambiance of the game. So far since, I have yet to finish it.

2. Who is your favorite character after playing the game?
The MC. Ahem.

3. Who did you pursue first, and who is your favorite love interest?
Zel. I'm going for Snow now.

4. What ending did you get first?
I guess it was the good?

5. Is there anything in particular you would like to see in the expansion?
I'm going back here once I finished the game x'D

6. Other questions or points of critique?
Again, I'm going back in this one once I finished the game. Hopefully, I have the time.

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Re: Lads in Distress [GxB][Otome|Fairy Tale][NaNoRenO '16]

#105 Post by Windchimes »

Hi! Very, very sorry for the late reply >_< Been busy working on a different otome, and I kept forgetting to come back to check and reply to this.

Hello! Thank you for playing our game :D Glad to hear you liked it!
Yes, there will be 4 more love interests in the expansion :) There will also be sprites for the king and queen as well.
Thank you again for taking the time to leave a comment! Really appreciate it.

Thank you for answering our questions and for playing our game! Hopefully you have time to finish it :"D We'd love to hear more of your thoughts on the game after/if you finish.


Side note: We are currently holding a character design contest on our Tumblr for a side character in the full game. There are still a few days left until the deadline, so if anyone's interested, do consider giving it a shot! :D

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