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"Love Revolution" demo coming really soon!

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2004 9:26 am
by Taleweaver
Hi everybody,
I'm happy to tell you that our first demo for the "Love Revolution" dating sim project is only a few weeks ahead. We're aiming for a release between Feb 14 and Mar 14, Valentine's Day and White Day. The demo will cover only a very small part of the actual game, but a very intriguing one, and you'll be able to meet a significant portion of "LoveRevo"'s datable girls.

As you won't have the chance to "build your stats" as you normally would in a dating sim (and will in the full game), the demo will allow you to distribute your game-relevant stats freely, plus choose your preference in a girl to determine the characters' affections towards you. It will have GREAT replay value as

a) each girl will want other qualities in a friend
b) each girl in the demo comes with at least two good endings
c) one girl's Best Ending will require you to have the friendship of not only her but also some of the OTHER girls.

Visit often for more details and exclusive character art!

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2004 1:14 pm
by Blue Lemma
*marks calendar*

Tales of Lemma 2 should be coming out sometime in March, too :) And maybe those DVD games from Hirameki International will finally be out by then, too! So March should be a good month. 8)

How long do you think the final Love Revolution game will be?

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2004 3:48 pm
by Taleweaver
Absolutely NO CHANCE IN HELL I could tell you the final release for the full "Love Revolution". Our main programmer Omni estimated the raw code at 45% finished, I'd consider the plot writing about 15% finished, and as for art... no estimation whatsoever because we don't know how much "special artwork" we're putting into the game.

Maybe winter 2004/2005 is a realistic estimation, provided we're able to get going at the speed we're currently at. But as we are, as Tralu put it, "a rag-tag band of artists, coders and writers", there's no telling whether we'll be able to keep up that speed.

LoveRevo is an immense project; it started with just a tiny little idea and has grown into a truly epic tale (which I, as my nick hints at, am currently trying to weave). We're mixing innovative visual novel with classic dating sim gameplay and really hope everybody will overlook our not-so-professional artwork and sorry excuses for missed deadlines.

Our demo will hopefully give you a little taste of what we've gone through for the last few years. And with the deepest sincerity, I can say that I'm very very proud of being part of the project known as "Love Revolution".

I just reread your question and found out I answered a totally different one >.<

Okay, all in all, a single playing of "LoveRevo" should take you 2-4 hours. But then, you'll have seen only one ending of a possible... 36, I think. Do the maths yourself. ^_^

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2004 5:12 pm
by Tralu
To tell the truth, I'm guessing the game will last at least 6-8 hours once we're done, but then again, I have been known to be a dreamer. :)

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2004 6:08 pm
by Taleweaver
For everybody's information, I'm probably a much faster reader than Tralu. So if he needs 6-8 hours, I'll probably be able to play it in 2-4 :)

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2004 6:44 pm
by Tralu
Gameplay, my writing friend. Gameplay will take a good amount of time, and I'm hoping that it will be as enjoyable as your writing.

But then again, I have no real set on the amount of time the game takes to win. You win when your story ends. Can I be any more vague? :roll:

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2004 10:30 pm
by Omni
One day I read the front homepage for Love Revolution. Tralu's post said "we've revealed three girls...out of what, twelve?" and suddenly I realized...this thing is growing like some disease ;D

Winter 2k4? Good gosh, what are we smoking here?! In all honesty, I'd love to finish up the game code before the end of the summer. However...programming all the event code will probably take who knows how long.

What's that about "Our demo will hopefully give you a little taste of what we've gone through for the last few years."? Has it been years?...

Kidding. In all reality it hasn't really been years...I think I first started programming last summer. I don't think the coding is half done--and already the sheer amount of stuff I've typed up scares me.

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2004 12:59 am
by Blue Lemma
Omni wrote:One day I read the front homepage for Love Revolution. Tralu's post said "we've revealed three girls...out of what, twelve?" and suddenly I realized...this thing is growing like some disease ;D
:shock: *flails arms about in panic*
May day! May day!

Seriously, though, if you guys have been sticking with it this long, I guess another year won't make you quit! Good luck, ganbatte, etc. :D