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Dust to Dusk needs Proofreader

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 5:52 pm
by Enigma
I think I have need of a proof reader for my project. Formerly, I had a friend doing it, but he would just say "yeah it's good" though I didn't belive it and posted some of it here, and there were problems pointed out to me. I took it back to him and he said "I saw it too, but I didn't want to hurt your feelings." I had actually ASKED him to hurt my feelings prior to this! Long story short, I need a proofreader that won't spare my feelings at all.

The information for the project is located here

Re: Dust to Dusk needs Proofreader

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 11:13 pm
by Amelie
I would love to help. And no, I will not spare your feelings. With good work comes sacrifice! :lol:
Of course, you could always ask many people to look at the script. More eyes means more errors caught! And I am sure you want nothing less but the best for your project. After all, it is your hard work! I wish you the best of luck(:.

Re: Dust to Dusk needs Proofreader

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2012 10:55 am
by Enigma
The old proofreader has disappeared, and I think I could do with quite a bit of editing before I countinue, so I'm reopening this.

Re: Dust to Dusk needs Proofreader

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 6:30 pm
by glamsam8
I can help you out with the proofreading ^^

Re: Dust to Dusk needs Proofreader

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 9:40 pm
by Enigma
Thank you, pm me where to send you my stuff so far.

Re: Dust to Dusk needs Proofreader

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 6:53 am
by Egressus
Need more proofreader? I'm willing to spare your feelings while being ruthless at tackling the typos and errors.

Re: Dust to Dusk needs Proofreader

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 12:34 pm
by Enigma
That would be great, but there's no need to spare my feelings at all. PM me where to send all my stuffs to.

Re: Dust to Dusk needs Proofreader

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2012 12:31 pm
by Enigma
-sigh- it would seem this position is open again.

Re: Dust to Dusk needs Proofreader

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2012 1:17 pm
by ThisIsNoName
I think one thing that might help is to give an expectation of how much proof-reading needs to be done, how often it's changed, etc. People might be jumping in without knowing what they're getting into.

Re: Dust to Dusk needs Proofreader

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2012 1:46 pm
by Enigma
Right now I only really have the main story portion planned out, it's looking like it'll be 85k with just that. The character routes might push that to around 105k (or possibly more). I'm not going to be changing it any from the outline I have now (the alternate character routes may be changed more, but the character's backstories have never been changed EVER.)

That should do it (It's a lot more than I thought it would be.)

Re: Dust to Dusk needs Proofreader

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 10:01 am
by GeneDNC
I sent you a pm.

Re: Dust to Dusk needs Proofreader

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 12:00 am
by EvelynCard
Still need a proofreader? I'm a relatively new member of the publishing industry with a degree in creative writing and professional copy editing experience. I'd love to break into the VN field, ultimately (if in any way possible) as an at-least-freelance career option, and of course any experience would be helpful, although due to time constraints I'm afraid I can only do the job if there's payment involved. If that works for you, please let me know!

As for my editing style, I'm naturally inclined to be incredibly thorough—given free reign, I'll transgress the boundaries of spelling and grammar and offer suggestions about everything from character development and plot to believability and even artwork.* However, I'm also very capable of providing as basic or as detailed editing as you would like.

I can also provide writing as needed—I'm relatively flexible in terms of writing style, so I should be able to match most any preexisting writing's voice—and I can come up with story ideas as well.

Now for the list of things that you might be interested in knowing about with which I have little to no experience:
Coding is not my strong suit, as I've only been working with ren'py since 8.11.12 (at the time I'm writing this post, a grand total of one day), but I'm learning, and I am currently capable of some basic coding (menus, jumps, simple images/sounds/music/backgrounds, and the like).
• I have GarageBand, but... I can't really do any composition.

I can provide editing, writing, and (if for some reason you're interested) artwork samples on request.

* As it happens, I also have a history in art, though unfortunately I'm terrible with anime/cartoons/anything involving thick, sure strokes—I'm very good with photorealism, but alas that's far too slow a process to be much help in most VN. Even so, I have a good eye. And I'm also familiar with Adobe Photoshop/Illustrator/InDesign/InCopy/Acrobat/Reader and own these programs.