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Circo della Sera (GxB and GxG) [Event-based]

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 11:21 am
by Tag-

You play as Valory, a budding trapeze artist (flyer) who was recently admitted to work for a travelling Italian circus. This is a event-based otome game, showcasing Valory's daily life as she works her way towards her first big act. Along the way, she makes new friends, as well as discovers the hardships that lie behind the romanticised image of the circus. With no significant storyline, this is a character-based game, concentrating mainly on the interactions the characters have with each other.

And henceforth are the character sketches. Sprites will be updated next to the sketches as they are completed.


Image Image
Age: 19
Height: 162cm
A young flyer who aspires to perform in a circus. She gets her chance when she is accepted into the "Circo della Sera".
Depending on whom you choose to romance, different sides and personalities of Valory will be shown.

Age: 24
Height: 185cm
The circus ringmaster, this stoic young man also oversees and runs the entire circus after the passing of his father. His seemingly cold nature is laced with a mature charisma as well as a strange and obscure, almost childlike, taste in decoration and dress. He is fairly superstitious (thanks to the many warnings from his mother), and prefers to speak through his actions. As a consequence, Eric may sometimes be misunderstood. Eric's cold stare tends to scare many people, however, he does not realise the full extent of his intimidation. Those who are close to him, however, realise that he is a softie at heart (even though his face doesn't often show it) and wouldn't harm a fly.

Age: 21
Height: 178cm
Keith is the youthful magician of the circus and its biggest flirt. Using his good looks and tricks to impress, he is very popular with the female population. Always affable and debonair, he is a sweet-talker to almost every woman he meets... with the notable exception of Valory. Being Valory's childhood friend, he sees and treats her as his little sister. Because of their close relationship, Valory is the only one who can truly get under his skin and see the easily-flustered person underneath the cool, confident exterior. As a result, Keith tends to let down his guard around her, and act more natural and relaxed whenever they're alone.

Age: 22
Height: 170cm
A family friend of Eric's, this energetic, mixed-raced girl serves as his confidant and sibling, as well as the circus crew's unofficial mother. Her family has had a long history in the circus, and she is eager to uphold this tradition. Though Ivory is usually very motherly and upbeat, her temper is short and she flies off the handle when someone is careless towards their health (though she neglects her own just as often). A headstrong and slightly rebellious girl, Ivory is very talkative and earnest in her actions and speech. Her sincere demeanour comes with animal-like instincts which have helped her much in making decisions and in avoiding Levi, whom she is terrified of.
Ivory is Valory's fellow flyer for their upcoming performance.

Age: 17
Height: 160cm
Perpetually smiling and forever acting the child, Levi is the circus' vivacious knife-thrower. Generally well-liked by almost all he meets, his cheerful, charming attitude masks the cold, manipulative streak hidden underneath. Playful to all, and teasing to the few he likes, Levi is a social butterfly with a malicious streak. His sneering, patronising side rarely appears, and only with close company, but is quickly covered up and denied.
He is Keith's friendly enemy, Alice's object of worship, and Ivory's greatest fear.


Age: 47
Height: 170cm
Eric's graceful and prominent retired mother, Genevieve travels the world at her leisure, stopping by to check on her son and the circus' workers occasionally. It so happens that this time, her vacation has been close to the circus' site, and so she has taken it upon herself to supervise.
Genevieve is quite strict and by-the-book, and aims to educate in a prim and proper manner. She has a habit of throwing mild fits when her plans fall apart or when a rule/custom is not followed.
Despite this, she has a soft spot for young children, and so took a liking to the younger members of the circus despite some of their vices.

Age: 17
Height: 158cm
Childlike in thoughts, behaviour and looks, Alice is Levi's partner, working as his target girl. Accustomed to being spoiled and getting what she wants, she rarely takes heed of the potential consequences of her actions. She feels that the only two people she needs are Blair, and most of all Levi, whom she is sweet and devoted to. To everyone else, she often comes across as pretentious and rude. Nathaniel and her do not get along well, and bicker on sight.

Age: 20
Height: 168cm
Carefree, a little spacey and friendly with almost everyone she meets, Blair is both Keith's assistant and the person Valory shares a trailer with. Friends with literally everyone in the circus, she is extremely affectionate to people of both genders, with little idea of personal space. She enjoys helping people, and so is Valory's main guide through circus life. Forgiving and highly persistent, these are the traits that helped her eventually gain Alice's friendship. Her warm personality makes her popular with the younger circus children.

Nathaniel (Nathan):
Age: 14
Height: 150cm
Ivory's grumpy younger brother, Nathaniel aspires to follow in his sister's footsteps to become a flyer. He is usually very serious and straight-laced, so may appear to be a bit of a wet blanket. His sister enjoys teasing him immensely due to his feminine looks (but certainly not in personality), but he simply cannot bring himself to talk back to her out of a mixture of politeness and affection. Nathaniel is usually the one to call out his sister on her hypocrisy, and pull her back into line. He dislikes Alice and attempts to avoid her. Nathaniel's highly stylised clothing was obtained during a recent trip to Japan before the circus auditions started.

Sprites, CGs and background: Tag-
Programming and interface: Schizanthe
Writing: Tag- and Schizanthe
Design: Tag- and Schizanthe
Music: Schizanthe
(Two-person team dear lord)

Planned CG count: It is now over 9000! over 50 (Kill me now please)

Endings: 12 in total
-one good and bad ending for each character
-one neutral bad ending
-one neutral ending
-one neutral good ending
-one secret ending

Schizanthe and I have organised to show you guys the set up of how the events will be played. Each character will have three 'main' events, which will contain CGs and be much longer in length. In between these events will be the 'mini' events (which are more or less conversations), and between each main will be around 10 minis of varying length. Various minis may have smaller, relevent pictures attached. In the script, 'CE' stands for 'closed eye' and 'OM' stands for 'open mouthed'.
Below is one mini event for each main character, which will showcase their personality and habits. Each event takes place at a different point in time within the game.I smell a hoard of Levi fangirls incoming...


The two of us have some questions that we would like for people to answer.

1. Who is your favourite character, and why? What are your initial thoughts towards their design and personality? Did your opinion change at all after reading the events? (This includes the main character, Valory.)

2. What do you think of the setting? What do you expect of it?

3. What do you think of the given events? Was there anything you particularly liked/disliked?

4. Would you mind answering questions similar to those in the event shown every conversation? There will be approximately 30 - 40 per character (of varying lengths, with the ones given considered long), not including main events.

5. Would you prefer it if the main character's name is changeable or not?

6. Do you think their events matched the descriptions well? Was there anything you didn't expect?

7. What do you think of the choices? Are they too obvious or hard to pick out?

Any other comments/suggestions?

Re: Circo della Sera (GxB and GxG) [Event-based]

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 2:24 pm
by Rin
Gyaazzzz Tag- xDDD
I always love your art, so talented, especially the clothes/accessories. I hope I could be that creative T^T I was exactly like O^O when I scroll through the page.
The game's idea is absolutely awesome!! Omg omg I wanna play it NOW waahhh T^T

Gonna bookmark this one xDDD

Time for questions~
I'm sorry if I might say something silly, I'm just not very good expressing my thought with Eng >_>
1. Who is your favourite character, and why? What are your initial thoughts towards their design and personality? Did your opinion change at all after reading the events? (This includes the main character, Valory.)
I fancy the ring master, Levi is soooo freakin' cute but I personally go for someone who's older/taller than me ^^ Also he's my type xDDD (mature, action is louder than word...)
I'm not up for gxg though.
But I'll grab all the bishies as soon as I get the game!

Maybe it just me, but through the convo (the doc file) I guess Eric is friendly? and cute <3 When I read the info I thought we can hardly talk with him. About the design, who can complain, it's totally perfect! It made my jaw dropped again and again.
Oh, but Alice, Blair and Nathan' style seem to be a little bit different with the other chars, especially Valory. Maybe they were drawn latter? (All are still nice, I just ask : p)
Valory is cute! xD Talking with the guy can flustered her haha xD I was laughing non-stop reading Levi's event xDDD My opinion about Levi changed like a switch after reading his event! But I'm still up for Eric. followed by Levi!
2. What do you think of the setting? What do you expect of it?
Actually, I'm easy to please lol xD I think the current one is already great. For a VN, what I care the most is the basic ideas/background (which is already awesome), the characters -MC is included- (personalities, hobbies, career...), then art style. So far I think your game is-just-too-amazing. My top list VN WIP! xDDD
3. What do you think of the given events? Was there anything you particularly liked/disliked?
To be honest I like everything o_O The only thing that I'm wondering is the said sprites/CGs in event xDDD Gosh I really can't wait for the full game xD
4. Would you mind answering questions similar to those in the event shown every conversation? There will be approximately 30 - 40 per character (of varying lengths, with the ones given considered long), not including main events.
Nuh, not at all. Actually, various choices help the player can drives the convo the way he/she wants. And I love it : p
5. Would you prefer it if the main character's name is changeable or not?
I'm personally fine with either. Still if it's changeable I can have more sort of 'real' emotion while playing : p But yea, just saying.
6. Do you think their events matched the descriptions well? Was there anything you didn't expect?
I already stated the idea in the 1st question ^3^
7. Any other comments/suggestions?
Ohmigosh I just wanna *cough* w *cough* woo the guys right now

I wish you guys the best luck while developing the project <333 *stalks stalks*

Re: Circo della Sera (GxB and GxG) [Event-based]

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 10:26 pm
by Tag-
Rin wrote:Gyaazzzz Tag- xDDD
I always love your art, so talented, especially the clothes/accessories. I hope I could be that creative T^T I was exactly like O^O when I scroll through the page.

I'm sorry if I might say something silly, I'm just not very good expressing my thought with Eng >_>
Aww, thank you for the compliments, but it was Schizanthe that designed most of the clothes, I just drew them xD
And don't worry, no comment could be silly if you're sincerely trying to get a message across <:
Maybe it just me, but through the convo (the doc file) I guess Eric is friendly? and cute <3 When I read the info I thought we can hardly talk with him.
Ah, he's usually talkative when you talk about the right subjects, and I thought it would be awkward to showcase an event where he hardly talks, since that wouldn't be fair considering the length of the other three xD
Oh, but Alice, Blair and Nathan' style seem to be a little bit different with the other chars, especially Valory.
Ah, this is because these three and Genevieve were coloured by my partner, since at that time, I was busy and was unable to do so.
To be honest I like everything o_O The only thing that I'm wondering is the said sprites/CGs in event xDDD Gosh I really can't wait for the full game xD
Haha, they'll only be little pictures, but I'm glad you're looking forward to it xD The main events will have the full sized CGs.
I'm personally fine with either. Still if it's changeable I can have more sort of 'real' emotion while playing : p But yea, just saying.
Yeah, we were asking this because if we keep her name as Valory, the characters can use nicknames. If the name is changeable, we can't do this. We'll probably decide this after we get some more opinions as well.
I wish you guys the best luck while developing the project <333 *stalks stalks*
Thank you so much for your support~ :D

Re: Circo della Sera (GxB and GxG) [Event-based]

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 2:21 am
by Asterisk
The art!! The amount of details in some of the clothing love love love!
Finally a VN that feels different in terms of setting, which is awesome!
I like Levi, his looks and personality is my type hehe.

Can't wait for more progress!

Re: Circo della Sera (GxB and GxG) [Event-based]

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 3:45 am
by Princess Akina
Ohmygosh, amazinggg character sprites and little sneak-peaks of the events! 8D

1. Who is your favourite character, and why? What are your initial thoughts towards their design and personality? Did your opinion change at all after reading the events? (This includes the main character, Valory.)
Actually, I like all three of the guys (I'm not much of a GxG gamer). The reason? Well, I think it is just because I love all their personalities. To be honest, I love all types of guys. I don't know which type of guy I don't like not to mention the fact that all of them are so good-looking
Of all three of them though, Levi hits the top. Maybe because he is so freakin' adorable he has a playful personality and he has a twisted side, which I am looking forward to. Alot. Keith and Eric probably tie at second place, because they are also very hot: For Keith, he is the childhood friend and therefore has a closer relationship to Valory (so their conversations are probably more friendlier). Plus, he is a flirt xD
As for Eric, he is very hot the cold and mysterious type, so he...intrigues me (I think that sounded weird). And the fact that is he actually a big softie...8D.

Oh yeah, don't get me wrong. I LOVE Valory and Ivory. It's just that I don't like playing those types of endings (it makes me uncomfortable. I'm 14) and I only play straight endings. But really, they are really pretty. I am so happy that we get to be Valory, because she is just so gorgeous. And I love Ivory's personality. I would get her if there was a friendship ending, but a GxG ending...probably not going to play that route (I will eventually of course, because of the CGs and stuff. I just won't do it when my little sister is beside me watching anime xD).

2. What do you think of the setting? What do you expect of it?
A circus setting is definitely interesting. I love it, it is very unique and it has an exciting atmosphere. What do I expect? I don't really know. I guess the only thing I expect is that the majority of the events has to have something to do with the circus theme. Or something. I can't explain it.
Just make sure that the circus setting is there for a reason, not just to look flashing or whatever.

3. What do you think of the given events? Was there anything you particularly liked/disliked?
I think they are all brilliant. Especially Levi's scene 8D I don't dislike anything about the events, besides the fact that you make me want the game more, so now I have to rush you and harass you until you finish the game D:<. What I particularly liked? Well:
In Eric's scene, I admit I loved the bit about the visual kei and Valory's reaction to the photo xD
In Keith's scene, the conversation was just so adorable! <3 And it was also pretty humorous that Keith is afraid of clowns
In Levi's scene, I seriously can't pick one moment out of the whole scene. I say that all of it was great. I really like how Levi's personality shines here and I admit, I would have a very difficult time trying to pick either rock, paper or scissors xD Damn Levi's personality. Valory's thoughts totally reflected mine.
And in Ivory's, the dialogue. Ohmygosh, the dialogue. About Genevieve. xD Making Ivory bungee jump? Oh dear xD

4. Would you mind answering questions similar to those in the event shown every conversation? There will be approximately 30 - 40 per character (of varying lengths, with the ones given considered long), not including main events
I wouldn't mind. Actually, I would love it. And 30-40 per character?! It might just be me (inexperienced) but it sounds like a lot.
It looks like the wait will DEFINITELY be worthwhile. I can't wait for this game! 8D

5. Would you prefer it if the main character's name is changeable or not?
I wouldn't mind either way. Actually, I think the Valory's name is rather pretty.

6. Do you think their events matched the descriptions well? Was there anything you didn't expect?
Oh hell yes, even better than what I expected! And let me say, I had pretty high expectations of this game. It's quality is just stunning.
And please don't be pressured because of my expectations ^^; I am really looking forward to this game. It seems to be progressing really smoothly. Can't wait for it to be completed.

7. What do you think of the choices? Are they too obvious or hard to pick out?
I think the choices are brilliant. Definitely not too obvious or hard. Perfect.

All I can say is, I wish you the best of luck in completing this game. ^^

Re: Circo della Sera (GxB and GxG) [Event-based]

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 5:19 am
by Schizanthe

These are just sketches so the art will be nicer in game. <:
And thank you, adding all these details is what I love doing most, which is why I'm designing the more elaborate costumes, while Tag- is designing most of the casual clothes. Watching Tag- struggle with them is a plus too.

@Princess Akina

First of all, thank you very much for reading through all the events. Tag-'s especially happy that you read Ivory's, even though you weren't interested in pursuing her.
Also, like stated before, these are only sketches. We'll be updating the pictures with the proper sprites when Tag- completes them.
For Keith, he is the childhood friend and therefore has a closer relationship to Valory (so their conversations are probably more friendlier). Plus, he is a flirt xD
Keith's not much of a flirt to Valory, though... xD" If you like flirts, you'd probably be better off going for Levi.
I guess the only thing I expect is that the majority of the events has to have something to do with the circus theme.
Yes, we're trying to have a balance between more circus oriented events, and more mundane ones, since circus performers have their own lives behind the scenes as well.

In Levi's scene, I seriously can't pick one moment out of the whole scene. I say that all of it was great. I really like how Levi's personality shines here and I admit, I would have a very difficult time trying to pick either rock, paper or scissors xD Damn Levi's personality. Valory's thoughts totally reflected mine.
And in Ivory's, the dialogue. Ohmygosh, the dialogue. About Genevieve. xD Making Ivory bungee jump? Oh dear xD
I'm glad you liked Levi's event because I was worrying that he was a bit... much. xD" I hope that the difficulty of the choice wasn't to the point of frustration.
Tag would like to add: "Yeah, Genevieve is pretty spartan-like. AlsoIvorytalkstoomuch."
And 30-40 per character?! It might just be me (inexperienced) but it sounds like a lot.
It does sound like a fair few, but the questions would be unrelated to each other and serve as a way to gather points for an ending, rather than advance the meager plot. Some of them would also be shorter than the ones shown here.
Oh hell yes, even better than what I expected! And let me say, I had pretty high expectations of this game. It's quality is just stunning.
Thank you very much, especially since we were both pretty nervous because this was our first time writing outside a school-setting, nevertheless writing romance.
We'll try our best to live up to those high expectations. ^^

Re: Circo della Sera (GxB and GxG) [Event-based]

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 6:08 am
by Reikun
1. Favorite character so far is probably Genevieve xD (or Blair; sorry I have a thing for side characters OTL) I like Blair because her character design is flippin' nuts!! And I like Genevieve because she sounds like a boss based on reading Ivory's event. My initial thoughts towards all the characters in general was that their designs are so, SO, SO BEAUTIFUL ;______; I really love circus themed stuff so when I saw this WIP thread I was like aldfkajfhsldk xD;; The only character I changed my opinion on after reading the events was Eric :0 I thought it would be harder to get past his facade, but I guess I don't know where in the story that particular event takes place so I can't really tell if he's really as stoic as described. (hehe, IRL I'm the epitome of stoic, so I know OTL)

2. I think the setting is amazing *___* Because I just love circuses in general so I have REALLY HIGH EXPECTATIONS THAT IT WILL BE AMAZING!!! ;____; (sorry;;;;;;) Being more specific: I'm hoping to get a really good circus-y vibe from the setting :C Because I love the circus and nothing would please me more than to see this setting get pulled off really well /WAITSPATIENTLY

3. The events were okay :C I thought Eric's was a bit weird
Especially with the mention of visual kei :/ Since Eric was described as sort of 'childish' it seems like the writer is saying that having a visual kei theme is a childish thing to do, which is even weirder to me because the type of visual kei described isn't really all there is to VK. I wish it wasn't as generalized because VK can be really unique and not just the extravagant costumes and make-up typically associated with the fashion...
UHHH. Sorry for the little rant OTL But in case what I said was confusing: Malice Mizer is visual kei, but Sadie is also VK yet very toned down compared to Malice Mizer.

Other than that, I liked Ivory's event. It was interesting to read given the limited context and I think it showed her character well.

4. I wouldn't mind :P I think the way the decisions are being handled right now (3 choices and the point system) are pretty good!

5. I like her name as just Valory :D Since you said the story would be character-driven, it makes no sense to me that the main character's name would be changeable.

6. You probably saw this coming from over 9000 miles away xD But yeah, Eric's event really threw me for a loop based on his description. He didn't seem stoic or mature to me
besides the part about caring for his performers, but his reasoning behind it (the cherished memory thing) didn't come off as 'mature' to me, just childish.

7. I think the choices were great! :o It was never obvious to me which one would lead to the highest point gain
With the exception of Levi's rock-paper-scissor game, which I thought was pretty obvious xD
But yeah. GOOD SO FAR!! ME WAIT PATIENTLY FOR UPDATES ;_______________________; <3

Re: Circo della Sera (GxB and GxG) [Event-based]

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 8:17 am
by Tag-
Once again to prevent double post, Schizanthe's replies shall be in red C:
"My initial thoughts towards all the characters in general was that their designs are so, SO, SO BEAUTIFUL ;______;"
Thank you very much! All this praise for their outfits is making me worried, since I have to design another set for them but I'll do my best.
Reikun wrote:The only character I changed my opinion on after reading the events was Eric :0 I thought it would be harder to get past his facade, but I guess I don't know where in the story that particular event takes place so I can't really tell if he's really as stoic as described. (hehe, IRL I'm the epitome of stoic, so I know OTL)
Yeah dw, I'm the same in real life too lmao. This does place fairly early in the game, but Eric is pretty talkative when the topic is of interest to him. That, and I thought it wouldn't be fair for his to be so short compared to the others. It probably wouldn't have been very interesting to read, either. xD
Being more specific: I'm hoping to get a really good circus-y vibe from the setting :C Because I love the circus and nothing would please me more than to see this setting get pulled off really well /WAITSPATIENTLY
Well, we're trying to get a balance of the circus vibe, as well as incorporate all of the things that happen backstage as well, since a lot of it isn't actually all that glamorous xD
Especially with the mention of visual kei :/ Since Eric was described as sort of 'childish' it seems like the writer is saying that having a visual kei theme is a childish thing to do, which is even weirder to me because the type of visual kei described isn't really all there is to VK. I wish it wasn't as generalized because VK can be really unique and not just the extravagant costumes and make-up typically associated with the fashion...
Sorry, that was a fault on my behalf for not explaining things clearly xD'' I'll probably go back to edit his description to make it clearer orz
When I said childish, I meant it to describe the way he acts about his hobbies, as in, he loves his hobbies as if a child would love his toys (if that makes sense OTL). I didn't mean for it at all to be associated with visual kei orz. As for the VK, I'm aware that there are different types of it, but since Eric is very extravagant in his dress style, that's the type he goes for. Unfortunately, since neither Valory nor Ivory know much about VK, all they can assume about it is what they know from Eric. Hopefully though, when VK is mentioned more, I'll be able to address differences and the diversity.
You probably saw this coming from over 9000 miles away xD But yeah, Eric's event really threw me for a loop based on his description. He didn't seem stoic or mature to me
besides the part about caring for his performers, but his reasoning behind it (the cherished memory thing) didn't come off as 'mature' to me, just childish.
Yeah, I probably really need to reword his description, since he's only suppose to appear to be stoic and cold.
If he seems childish because of this reasoning, well then, so be it, I suppose :lol:
Thank you for your support~ :3

Re: Circo della Sera (GxB and GxG) [Event-based]

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 10:59 pm
by Reikun
Well, we're trying to get a balance of the circus vibe, as well as incorporate all of the things that happen backstage as well, since a lot of it isn't actually all that glamorous xD
Oh yes! Definitely looking forward to seeing the portrayal of both sides of circus life : )

And hehe xD I understand what you were trying to portray with Eric now :3 I guess I just thought he would be a lot harder to talk to, so his talkativeness caught me off guard.

Re: Circo della Sera (GxB and GxG) [Event-based]

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 8:54 pm
by thedarkdefender
Levi Kawaii!

Looking forward to it! :3

Re: Circo della Sera (GxB and GxG) [Event-based]

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 5:16 pm
by Soli-chan
So yeah, even before watching Kaleido Star I've had a fascination for the circus (one day I will attend a Cirque Du Soleil showing) thus this topic hit me square in the chest. Oh yes, do want. And so, marked for target <3

To help provide feedback, here are my answers.
1. Who is your favourite character, and why? What are your initial thoughts towards their design and personality? Did your opinion change at all after reading the events?
...Sorry, but I don't think I'll be pursuing Ivory's path. My interest, towards the guys, is split square in the middle over Levi and the Ringmaster. Hohoho~! And that's because their character traits are those I quite like in terms of otome games and what I choose to pursue. Though, Keith isn't trailing that far behind. What's probably the most seductive factor in getting me interested is if there's depth underneath the surface and since all three possess something to that extent I can't really say I dislike any really. ^^ An additional plus is that they all do react differently to the main character, being perhaps a bit more vulnerable and that's always a good sign. Oh, I just noticed Levi was younger. Hmmm. That actually does change things a bit. We'll have to see if his devilish manipulative streak will make up for that. ^^;; Apologies but I prefer older men.

Moving on along~! I have to say, I do wonder a bit at how the balance of personality quirks that Eric is will be achieved. Because he's rather complex (always a good thing) and to be somewhat absentminded and an intimidating intense sort of guy will need delicate handling. Of a sort. And whoa, just saw that Keith is a childhood friend. Well now. *blinks* That definitely is sure to tilt things slightly. While I lament the loss of a potentially saucy and flirty exchange between the two (in which the heroine might say some flowery outlandish thing which tops his remark and actually sets him blushing) I don't think I'll mind too much if in exchange we get soft quiet introspective and romantic moments. And it is good that he lets down his guards of course~! Levi, Levi, Levi. Hmmm, this is quite the conundrum. On the one hand, I hope he's as developed as the others. Oooh, does he play pranks? That might be interesting.

(After reading the scripts) Okay, I have more faith in Levi again. And you know what, I believe you've struck a perfect accord. Because now I truly desire to go after all three of the guys and get the prettiful endings. To begin, those mini scenes made a world of difference. After all, the key component to writing a good story is the show, not tell. And through these bits I did manage a firmer grasp as to how they might play out. Since I've been sold on Eric from even the description, I can't really gauge just how much more I like him now having read some lines. I think the best part is that he actually shows regard for his people and seems to have passion in his job. The whole costume thing was rather hilarious, and brought to mind Tamaki Suoh's antics when it came to themes in the Host Club. And talking Keith through his fear was rather heartwarming in some respects. On the whole, the playboy childhood friend can be rather iffy to me but I think you struck a good chord. And Levi, well he just made me chuckle in dark humor. Fufufufu~

2. What do you think of the setting? What do you expect of it?
Hmmm, well I do expect the general air of a circus. There should at least be a tent, and trailers, and beautiful background scenes of the goings on with that setting. But I'm not too demanding or hard to please really. I will admit to having some curiousity over whether you'll do plays of a sort as well but overall I guess I'm looking forward to seeing a bit of the shows they have. And of course, some more acts that don't relate to the main characters around....There has to be popcorn though. Lol, half kidding. In more serious tones, I would like to see the portrayal of a tight knit family unit almost because I think that's something that people would have in this kind of instance. I mean, it just makes sense. These people work and travel together, so they should have some signs of nakama.

3. What do you think of the given events? Was there anything you particularly liked/disliked?
Heh, if there was something else I could compare this to, scene wise, then that would probably net you more. But as I just have these I don't think I'll do much justice. But here we go~! I didn't really have active hatred or whatever for the scenes picked, in actuality it really says a lot that you decided on the ones you did. They were really meant as samples of personality and at that I have no averse reaction to.

4. Would you mind answering questions similar to those in the event shown every conversation? There will be approximately 30 - 40 per character (of varying lengths, with the ones given considered long), not including main events.
...My apologies. I'm not quite sure what you mean to ask by this question. ^^;; And well, I guess by the sheer content of this post alone I think that should pretty much answer the bit about whether or not I'd care to expound when asked about certain subjects etc. Though, there is a limit, and I hope this isn't too pesky for you guys. Sorry for the length, at that. OTL

5. Would you prefer it if the main character's name is changeable or not?
Naw, this actually isn't an issue with me. Valory's a fine name, and suits the character. I don't have any qualms or problems with playing through for her. It's all good. ^^

6. Do you think their events matched the descriptions well? Was there anything you didn't expect?
Well they definitely showed me aspects of the characters, which is all one could ask for really. Again, it's hard to have a measure for things until you see them in action and I don't mind. Actions to descriptions, they were pretty decently matched so no real surprises. And yeeeahh, sorry to hammer the point home but until I play it for myself I can't really say anything was beyond the scope of that person's capacity to do. Because hey, show not tell. Again. ^^;;

7. What do you think of the choices? Are they too obvious or hard to pick out?
Hmmmm. This is where things get thoughtful. Because when you understand the approach and traits of a person, you are more equipped to consider what that person is more suited to answering favorably to. And I have a goodly amount of pretty intuition so this question is a little difficult for me to answer. I will say that the heroine is rather strong, and I like that it's event based because that too does shape her a certain way. So I think it depends on how you want Valory to be like, while enjoying the reactions of the guys. Or something. Hope this helped. And sorry again~

Re: Circo della Sera (GxB and GxG) [Event-based]

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 10:45 am
by Tag-
Another Levi fan orz
Thanks for your enthusiasm, hope you'll be patient with us xD

For part 4, what we meant was that in every character's path, there will be around 30-40 events similar to the ones you've just read. Each event will have the three choices as well. We were wondering if this was too large a number, or if it was too short.

Thank you for your feedback~ C:

Re: Circo della Sera (GxB and GxG) [Event-based]

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 1:24 pm
by redeyesblackpanda
I finally did this. Sorry it took so long... T_T

1. Who is your favourite character, and why? What are your initial thoughts towards their design and personality? Did your opinion change at all after reading the events? (This includes the main character, Valory.)
My favorite character would be Levi (with Eric being a close second). They're both so much fun. I like Levi's personality and Eric's quirkiness. I didn't think that Levi would be so playful from his description (which gave me the impression that he was a little colder). My opinion of Levi changed (for the better) as did my opinion of Eric (only a little less so).

2. What do you think of the setting? What do you expect of it?
Hm... Other than that there'll be circus related stuff, I don't expect much from the setting. Nothing seemed out of place.

3. What do you think of the given events? Was there anything you particularly liked/disliked?
I liked the events. They were pretty revealing.

4. Would you mind answering questions similar to those in the event shown every conversation? There will be approximately 30 - 40 per character (of varying lengths, with the ones given considered long), not including main events.
It would be a nice challenge to have to answer a lot of questions like these. They make the game more interactive. That being said, focusing so much on the questions might also distract from the story, and that wouldn't be good...

5. Would you prefer it if the main character's name is changeable or not?
I would not prefer this.

6. Do you think their events matched the descriptions well? Was there anything you didn't expect?
I think the events matched the descriptions fairly well. I didn't expect Levi to be so... interesting. :)

**EDIT 7. What do you think of the choices? Are they too obvious or hard to pick out?
I think you've hit the balance. They seemed challenging and I got quite a few wrong, but the results seemed to make sense in retrospect. I think that's how choices should work.

Re: Circo della Sera (GxB and GxG) [Event-based]

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2012 1:48 pm
by Soli-chan
Tag- wrote:@soli-chan
For part 4, what we meant was that in every character's path, there will be around 30-40 events similar to the ones you've just read. Each event will have the three choices as well. We were wondering if this was too large a number, or if it was too short.

Thank you for your feedback~ C:
Ah! Well in that case I definitely do have an answer, and that is that I am completely looking forward to it. Come at me, bro. And the number seems good, but just cause I want to play longer games really. X3

No probs, just glad to help formulate things by feedback.

Re: Circo della Sera (GxB and GxG) [Event-based]

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 9:56 am
by MelonCandy
Hngg you draw beautifully! :'( I'm so jealous!

Totally watching this :3