Get that thing off your chest... Now...

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Get that thing off your chest... Now...

#1 Post by mugenjohncel »

I've been keeping this to myself but I knew this will kill me sooner or later if I didn't get this off my chest and release some stress buildup... allow me to introduce to you to what I can perhaps best describe as... MY WORSE NIGHTMARE COME TRUE!

The Printers known as The EPSON L200 and EPSON L100


Flashback: A Few years ago...
I was introduced to the wonderful world of printers and CIS (Continuous Ink Systems) at the 5th International Printer Expo in Shanghai. Started selling various printers before settling on Epson and Canon printers and then CIS Kits and Printer Inks by the bulk (now my current cash cow). So you ask... what is this CIS kits I'm talking about?... Well... In layman's terms... it basically means...

- GOODBYE TO CLOGGED PRINTER INSIDES (via an external waste tank)

While I admit that the quality of the ink is somewhat inferior to the originals. To the untrained eye there would be not much of a difference when it comes to print quality especially when printed on plain paper. To the masses... especially offices and establishments who require large amounts of printings... as long as it gets the job done they don't care about quality... they'll buy my ink instead of the originals which makes me and the customer happy (ironically... I also carry original inks and printers via a separate company)... just do the math... you'll buy a 10ml ink for Php1000+ or get one of my CIS kits and buy 100ml of ink for only Php280...

I am not gonna deny... the money was sooooooooooo good!... It enabled me to expand into other fields...

The printer companies "OBVIOUSLY" didn't like this so they've done countermeasures ranging from regularly releasing firmware updates rendering resetter chips in CIS kits useless... to going after the manufacturers of chipsets and CIS kits to "ACTUALLY" blacklisting wholesalers and retailers caught involved in selling and distribution of CIS kits and other related devices :mrgreen: (I know... since I happen to be one of those unfortunate ones...)

Fast forward today:
So I got my name off the blacklist and now once again engaged in distribution of "EHEM" original printers while I still engage in large scale importation of printer inks, CIS kits and chipsets via a... separate company under a false front with a dummy owner with me pulling the strings behind the scenes :twisted:

And so life continues... until mid last year when these damn printers were initially unveiled... I was like LOLWUT!?... I cannot believe what I saw first... I mean just a few years ago it was a widely circulated joke in the industry that if we continue to pressure the greedy printer companies much more they might even make their own CIS kits compatible with their printers... and then comes THIS original printer from EPSON which HAS an INTEGRATED CIS KIT... the capillary tubes are so well encased and tucked inside that it made me go "Why the hell nobody thought of that?" Nearly half of potential problems that can come from CIS kits comes from these capillary tubes ranging from air bubbles inside to bent or punctured tubes... and here comes EPSON now showing US how to do a proper CIS kit...

OK so they now have a CIS kit... what's the problem?... You can refill it using your ink right... well uh... not quite... you see... while this printer still uses standard Epson ink (chemically similar but for some odd reason it is less expensive)... you'll actually have to buy a specially marked bottle with a unique serial number and for every time the printer nags you to get it refilled and made the prompt action to get it refilled you will uh... have to register it to the DAMN printer using the unique serial number that comes with the bottle...

So there you have it... while EPSON may be the only major player who have done this sort of thing... as a businessman... I know, this is the beginning of the end for my lucrative venture into printer inks... and even if someone did managed to crack and bypass that verification process chances are people will now prefer the original ink since the price difference is not much. Even worse... if this little experiment of EPSON proved successful... chances are, other big players will get into the act and do the same. This is a big WIN for the consumer who is somewhat used to getting ripped-off by big name printer companies into buying low mileage high cost printer cartridges...

As for me... things get even worse especially the first night when the first batch arrived and stored in my warehouse... I cannot sleep very well knowing I have to think really hard and plan really far and really careful into the future on what shall I do next... to you this might just be a revolutionary printer but for me this is a matter of survival... not just me but also the hardworking employees I have who themselves have people depending on them... the people who buy resetter chips and supplies... the pressure is ridiculous and I deal with it everyday...

So why am I saying this here instead of some related forum... well, you see here I am UNCLE MUGEN... the most AWESOME UNCLE LOVED by all CHILDREN... here, I can breathe and relieve stress of everyday life and simply be as goofy as I can without side effects... (Admit it people... I know I'm not the only one here who uses Lemmasoft to escape reality a bit) and who knows... maybe I can provide some informative uh... stuff... I dunno...

So uh if this thread is not in line with the current policies of this forum please feel free to delete this post...

(So... anyone wanted something off their chest?... You can post in this thread if you want...)

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Re: Get that thing off your chest... Now...

#2 Post by SusanTheCat »

There, there, things will resolve themselves.

What I have to get off my chest is that the company I work for just implemented a new system. The system has a few hiccups (like any system does). And every time it hiccups, someone mentions to me that it would have been batter to pay me the money and have something that works properly. (I design internal web applications).

And I have to stand there and try not to agree with them. Grrrrrr.

I am tired of making excuses for programmers that didn't bother to talk to the users.

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Re: Get that thing off your chest... Now...

#3 Post by silenteve »

I know this is very, very trivial BUT!

I had won free tickets to a pre-release showing of Arrietty in theaters. I was supposed to go see it today.
I woke up and the living room was clean. Which meant my mom cleaned it.
Which meant she did a very thorough job (I mean, usually I can' even see my couch or coffee table because of all the papers and cups and just random crap I put on it, but I could see EVERYTHING today)
My tickets were on the TV stand. There was nothing there.
Naturally, I called my mom and asked what happened to them. She threw them away because she didn't know what it was. Along with a lot of my drawings. And some of my homework. The trash was already picked up in the morning. EVERYTHING was gone.

My mom's a hard worker and I appreciated what she did for the house and everyone in the house.
So I didn't bring up the fact that I was upset.
I was so upset that I ate all the spaghetti in the house. And then I ate all the curry. And then I messed up my room (that she cleaned for me).

So yeah, I just needed to bitch about this for little. I feel a bit better now.
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Re: Get that thing off your chest... Now...

#4 Post by Mink »

Well, I've got plenty of things that lead me to nearly having an apoplectic fit, but here's one I hate the most: being called cute.

"But Mink!" someone says, "Isn't it a compliment to be called cute?" It should be; it isn't when when people do it like, "Aw, you're sooo cuuuute~" Sorry, but I'm not a child, a doll, or an animal. Either talk to me like the adult I am or shut the hell up and get away from me, you condescending jerk.

...So yeah.
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Re: Get that thing off your chest... Now...

#5 Post by redeyesblackpanda »

I... gained 9 lb over the holidays... All those cookies and stuff. My eating habits have also been messed up... T_T
(All projects currently on a hiatus of sorts. I blame life.)
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Re: Get that thing off your chest... Now...

#6 Post by silenteve »

redeyesblackpanda wrote:I... gained 9 lb over the holidays... All those cookies and stuff. My eating habits have also been messed up... T_T
Omygod, we are kindred spirits.
Somehow my friends never notice (Or if they do, they never say) but I've been consistently gaining weight every holiday season T-T It was ten pounds last Christmas...
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Re: Get that thing off your chest... Now...

#7 Post by Taleweaver »

silenteve wrote:My tickets were on the TV stand. There was nothing there.
Naturally, I called my mom and asked what happened to them. She threw them away because she didn't know what it was. Along with a lot of my drawings. And some of my homework. The trash was already picked up in the morning. EVERYTHING was gone.
I don't know whether this is any sort of help to you but...

You're better off not watching Arrietty, especially if you love Ghibli movies. It's not a good Ghibli movie.

What I've always loved about the Ghiblies is that you can enjoy them no matter how old you are, or what country you come from, or what you've already experienced in your life. You can sit down for two hours and just end up happy and tranquil, and when it's over, you've gone through this great adventure, even if this great adventure is something as simple as writing your first novel (Whisper of the heart) or living your everyday life in a family where everyone has their little quirks (My neighbors the Yamadas). Even Ponyo, a Ghibli targeting young children in particular, has been a pleasure to watch for me, at the age of 37, because of the wonderful way it depicts the special relationship between the Japanese and the sea.

Arrietty is nothing like this. Arrietty is a children's movie, enjoyable for children, catering to what the director thought children would like and without much redeeming value for adults.

It's the first Ghibli movie I've seen where ugly equals evil. It's the first Ghibli movie where the message is "do as your parents say or bad things will happen". It's the first Ghibli movie where there's absolutely no surprise about what will happen, who will react in what way and how everything will turn out in the end. One of the main characters says what will happen fifteen minutes into the movie, and that's how it all ends. Sure, it has Ghibli production values behind it, and a wonderful piece of kids' literature at its core. But it's just not good as anything but a movie for kids, and it disappointed me even more than Goro Miyazaki's interpretation of Earthsea, and that wasn't a good Ghibli movie either.

So rest assured that your mother has actually done you a favor by throwing these tickets away. Much like Cyrano de Bergerac did it for the theater audience when he drove that pompous actor off the stage, she protected you from watching something mediocre.
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Re: Get that thing off your chest... Now...

#8 Post by PyTom »

You missed the misanthropic bit in the middle of Airetty.

As much as I hate to say it - having loved their early works - nowadays, Ghibli is just another studio.
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Re: Get that thing off your chest... Now...

#9 Post by DaFool »

I liked the music though.

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Re: Get that thing off your chest... Now...

#10 Post by silenteve »

Taleweaver wrote:
silenteve wrote:My tickets were on the TV stand. There was nothing there.
Naturally, I called my mom and asked what happened to them. She threw them away because she didn't know what it was. Along with a lot of my drawings. And some of my homework. The trash was already picked up in the morning. EVERYTHING was gone.
I don't know whether this is any sort of help to you but...

You're better off not watching Arrietty, especially if you love Ghibli movies. It's not a good Ghibli movie.

What I've always loved about the Ghiblies is that you can enjoy them no matter how old you are, or what country you come from, or what you've already experienced in your life. You can sit down for two hours and just end up happy and tranquil, and when it's over, you've gone through this great adventure, even if this great adventure is something as simple as writing your first novel (Whisper of the heart) or living your everyday life in a family where everyone has their little quirks (My neighbors the Yamadas). Even Ponyo, a Ghibli targeting young children in particular, has been a pleasure to watch for me, at the age of 37, because of the wonderful way it depicts the special relationship between the Japanese and the sea.
The only beef I have with Ponyo was the way it ended. Other than that, it's an ok movie. And yes, I love Ghibli studio, I've watched almost everything that's ever been released by them and I really love Whisper of the Heart :)
Taleweaver wrote:Arrietty is nothing like this. Arrietty is a children's movie, enjoyable for children, catering to what the director thought children would like and without much redeeming value for adults.

It's the first Ghibli movie I've seen where ugly equals evil. It's the first Ghibli movie where the message is "do as your parents say or bad things will happen". It's the first Ghibli movie where there's absolutely no surprise about what will happen, who will react in what way and how everything will turn out in the end. One of the main characters says what will happen fifteen minutes into the movie, and that's how it all ends. Sure, it has Ghibli production values behind it, and a wonderful piece of kids' literature at its core. But it's just not good as anything but a movie for kids, and it disappointed me even more than Goro Miyazaki's interpretation of Earthsea, and that wasn't a good Ghibli movie either.
This depresses me. It follows my theory that the world is going to hell and that nothing good will ever stay good. I mean, ugly=evil? That goes against Porco Rosso, and that movie was fantastic. Has Hayao Miyazaki gone mad?
Taleweaver wrote:So rest assured that your mother has actually done you a favor by throwing these tickets away. Much like Cyrano de Bergerac did it for the theater audience when he drove that pompous actor off the stage, she protected you from watching something mediocre.
I suppose she did. But the thing is, I won't know that it's over until I see it with my own eyes.
I have to watch it, as a confirmation to myself. It's like, I have to watch my childhood die before my eyes -_- (Ok, that's too dramatic but you get my point.)
I guess the only good that came out of missing the movie was the food and the fact that I was working on my VN.

P.S. It's cool that you mention Cyrano; I loved that movie.
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Re: Get that thing off your chest... Now...

#11 Post by Taleweaver »

DaFool wrote:I liked the music though.
Yeah, the music was beautiful, as was the art. It would be terrible indeed if Ghibli failed to deliver on that. Even the character concepts were special, like how the Borrowers use everyday items that are huge for them for other purposes. But the movie, as a movie, was just mediocre.
silenteve wrote:Has Hayao Miyazaki gone mad?
The director for this movie was Hiromasa Yonebayashi, not Miyazaki, though the latter wrote the script. And strangely, the critics seemed to like the movie. I can't understand why.

By the way, that's basically what I wanted to get off my chest. I wasted 15 € on that DVD. Duh.
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Re: Get that thing off your chest... Now...

#12 Post by Greeny »

Taleweaver wrote:Arrietty is nothing like this. Arrietty is a children's movie, enjoyable for children, catering to what the director thought children would like and without much redeeming value for adults.
Children and Japanese girls, that is.

I was guiding a friend from Japan and her friends around Bruges when they visited, and they kept going on about how it was so "like in Arrietty". *mega-facepalm*
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Re: Get that thing off your chest... Now...

#13 Post by mugenjohncel »

About a few minutes ago I just learned that the GODDAMN Korean translator I hired was himself a contractor and snatched a US$ 250,000 School Building Wing Extension Contract... yes the BASTARD got the DAMN contract I was working on for weeks!!!... :evil: Most people have no idea how much work goes into getting the whole cost as low as reasonably as possible without compromising quality... I have to drive and sometimes almost beg to suppliers directly to get the lowest price possible... even do favors just to get to their good side...

Oh well... just another day at work...

Screw this, I'm taking a short mini vacation starting... right now...

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Re: Get that thing off your chest... Now...

#14 Post by Maltagliati »

I misheard a word in a conversation that someone was saying to me and in turn said something really stupid (he even face-palmed...not a good thing). ...I think now he's deliberately keeping away from me. So sad, I just wanted to be his friend. T___T

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Re: Get that thing off your chest... Now...

#15 Post by Mink »

^D'aw. Though, was it really that bad, what you said? Even if you went derpy there for a minute, that seems like a weird reason to avoid someone.

On that note, something to get off my chest:

I really wish people in restaurants would stop giving kids' menus as soon as I walk in. This happened, I kid you not:
Before my mom dropped me off at my university, we went to get something to eat. We get seated with our menus and when I looked at mine, this is what occurred:

Me: ...I think the hostess thinks I'm a kid.

Mom: What makes you say that?

Me: *holds up menu* Because she gave me a children's menu.

Mom: ...AHAHAHA!

Me: Yeah, thanks. 8|

Mom: I'll get you a new one. (<---Is still laughing)

My mom comes back a moment later and this is how the conversation went:

Mom: I need a new menu.

Hostess: Oh, she doesn't like what's on there?

Mom: No, because she's twenty.

Hostess: She's...what?

Mom: Twenty. She's not a kid.

The hostess was so embarrassed for mistaking me for a kid, she came up and apologized to me. And seemed slightly weirded out that I'm older than I look.

Oh well. At least my sister's in the same boat: despite being 24 going on 25, she gets mistaken for a teenager relatively often.
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