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Chronicles of a Timetraveler's Wars [NaNo 2012]

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 3:23 am
by SvenTheViking
Chronicles of a Timetraveler's Wars: The Beginning
Chronicles of a Timetraveler's Wars is a multi-part game spanning as many segments as I deem necessary to convey the story. This is, as the title says, the beginning of said story. You play Sofie Delacroix as you navigate the perpetual war of attrition between your world and the void between dimensions, a space infested with creatures ranging from eldritch abominations to the most terrible of Hell's denizens. In her own words:
My name is Sofie Delacroix. Despite my... Slight age, comparatively speaking, I'm a soldier. That's what they call us, anyway.
In all truth, I'm 19 and work for a special situations division of the FBI. That division fights extra-dimensional entities; your ghosts and goblins and boogymen of ages past. In exchange, we are given the tools we need to fight. Tools like telepathy, pyrokinesis, and mine: Time travel.
This is the world that was created for the sake of war.
Character art courtesy of Maltagliati

Name: Sofie Delacroix
Power: Time travel

Name: Corbin
Power: Unknown

Name: Christina Shand
Power: None

Name: Jonathan 'Tate' Shand
Power: Infinite healing

Name: Captain James Barstow (yes, I named him Captain Jim)
Power: Super administrative abilities (No power; he's a liaison from the Army)
None yet

Name: Erika Stanmore
Power: Telepathy
Picture: None yet

Name: Shannon Moriarty
Power: Psychokinesis
Picture: None yet

Re: Chronicles of a Timetraveler's Wars [NaNo 2012]

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 5:43 am
by Crocosquirrel
This could be entertaining... It'll be interesting to see it completed.

Re: Chronicles of a Timetraveler's Wars [NaNo 2012]

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 6:02 pm
by CheeryMoya
Maltagliati's art is really nice. Wonder where the script is?

Re: Chronicles of a Timetraveler's Wars [NaNo 2012]

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 7:14 pm
by SvenTheViking
Character bios will come as I get them more done. Currently, while they do exist, they're ugly and contain at least as much internal notation as they do information that anyone other than me would be able to understand. So, yes, they'll be here in my next update.

Re: Chronicles of a Timetraveler's Wars [NaNo 2012]

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 10:56 am
by misamane
Ah this looks interesting I'll definitely play it when it comes out~
Besides, time travel is always fun!
On a less serious note...... Christina is KAWAAAAII c:

Re: Chronicles of a Timetraveler's Wars [NaNo 2012]

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 6:45 pm
by Blane Doyle
I have to say this looks very interesting, and I love the character art. It is so simple and cute!

Re: Chronicles of a Timetraveler's Wars [NaNo 2012]

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 7:12 am
by Princess Akina
The art is just *o*
Definitely stalking this. -Bookmarks-
Best of luck to youu ^^

Re: Chronicles of a Timetraveler's Wars [NaNo 2012]

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 3:42 am
by SvenTheViking
Not much to update right now, but I felt like saying something, as you all have been kind enough to express your interest.

My character profiles are around 70% done, in that they're basically there, but they still need to be fleshed out some (that is to say, minus the idiom, they exist, but they need to be expanded and refined). I've also done another few dozen lines of script, little of which is terribly worth sharing at this point. However, I do have this little scene I can share (not in code tag because you can't spoiler code tag, and I didn't want to inadvertently expose anyone to any unwanted spoilers):
Eidolon "S-S-S-Sofffie D-elacroix."
"I turn around to the sound of a voice stuttering out my name."
# Show same bg only flipped horizontally
show eidolon normal
Eidolon "The writer's secret is hidden in the souls."
Sofie "What?"
Eidolon "The writer's secret is hidden in the souls."
Sofie "What's that supposed to mean?"
Eidolon "The writer's secret is hidden in the souls."
Eidolon "The writer's secret is hidden in the souls."
Eidolon "«—šßˆ–‹šØŒßŒšœš‹ß–Œß—–››š‘ß–‘ß‹—šßŒŠ“ŒÑ."
"My head begins to ache and I become dizzy as her gibberish continues."
# Show same bg, only distorted
Sofie "W-what?"
"She reaches out and grabs my arm."
"A cold tension fills my body."
"No, that's not right. It's not my body that's cold."
"I try to speak, but my mind goes completely blank."
Sofie "W-what are you?"
Eidolon "I am Eidolon. Eidolon. Eidolon. Eidolon. Eidolon. Eidolon. Eidolon. Eidolon. Eidolon. Eidolon. Eidolon. Eidolon. Eidolon."
Sofie "Eidolon... Oh no... No..."
Eidolon "εἴδωλον. The writer's secretß—–››š‘ß–‘ß‹—šßŒŠ“ŒÑ. «—šßˆ–‹šØŒßŒšœš‹ß–Œ ß—–››š‘ß–‘n the souls. Hidden in the souls. Hidden in the souls. Eidolon in the Š“ŒÑ."
"In an instant, she disappears."
"I can still feel her hand grasping my arm."
"My head spins faster and faster."
scene black
"Finally, I pass out."
Odd things going on, indeed (yes, it's very rough writing, but I felt like sharing something).

Truthfully, most of what I've been working on is on the technical side of things; creating new screens for the game and the like. In particular, there's a status screen which displays things like your current well-being , the date, a time reference, your current location, and has a button which pulls up your journal, through which you can sift through journal entries (I'm still trying to figure out how, exactly, I want to do it; design is not my forte, which is why I'm trying to design it myself (I need the practice)).

So, for next time I update, I promise you character bios, and hopefully the remaining character sprites.

Re: Chronicles of a Timetraveler's Wars [NaNo 2012]

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 4:18 am
by Blane Doyle
Oh my, I wonder what all of this could mean!

I can't wait to see more updates! Good luck!

Re: Chronicles of a Timetraveler's Wars [NaNo 2012]

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 5:50 am
by redeyesblackpanda
misamane wrote:On a less serious note...... Christina is KAWAAAAII c:
*Ahem* Seconded
I'm going to look forward to seeing Maltagliati's art in this game and to your writing, Sven. :mrgreen:

Re: Chronicles of a Timetraveler's Wars [NaNo 2012]

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 4:05 am
by SvenTheViking
Long-awaited update time! No new images, but, as promised, character bios, if tentative and subject to change over time.

Here's the character bios for our intrepid band. This post will be updated later to bring in character images and such.
Sofie Delacroix:
Sofie Delacroix is a time-traveler who learned the terrible truth; something so heinous it caused her to risk everything to relive the previous two months of her life, just for a single attempt at preventing "it". On the outside, she's completely collected, at least at the start; she always acts like she knows exactly what to do, because, in the beginning, she does, coming from a mix of having lived it and of her leadership training kicking in. However, under the nigh-omnicient persona she puts on, she's terrified that she might make a mistake and send the entire house of cards that is her guise crumbling down around her, causing her to second-guess herself frequently. That is to say, she's terrified of hurting the one person for whom she still cares.

Personal quote:
I don't care if it's you or them or the devil himself, nobody is getting their hands on your "prize".
Known only as Corbin, his background is unknown to everyone. All that is known is that he showed up two hours and thirty-four minutes after the first of what later came to be known as an extra-dimensional incursion event, and that he was the only one capable of harming the entities; all forms of conventional and spiritual warfare proved absolutely ineffective. Since then, he's set about finding candidates of a suitable conviction to help defend the world, arming them with abilities of their own which match the nature of their personalities. He's to the point but not terse; charismatic and charming but not enough that it would draw undue suspicion. In other words, the perfect salesman.

Personal quote:
You are an arrogant child for having so few years to you... You are sorely mistaken if you think you know what's really going on.
Christina Shand:
Christina is an anomoly created by the war, a fate to which she quickly resigned herself, as well as using it as her reason for joining the fight. In particular, she has latent, low-level psychic aptitude, an ability accidentally given to her during an event in which she was a target by the enemy; they attacked her mind and used her as a telepathic beacon to draw others to their ruin, but she retained a portion of her abilities after she was freed. As her powers are latent, while she is aware of them, she cannot yet control them, often accidentally glimpsing the minds and memories of the people around her, quite often making conversations rather uncomfortable. As a result, she's always a bit nervous and wary of being around new people for too long.

Personal quote:
Everyone has good in them. It may be locked away in the deepest part of their mind, hiding from their demons, but it's there.
James Barstow:
Jim's... Jim. There's no other way to put it. A US Army liaison officer, he's not quite as you'd expect one in his position to be; he treats the assignment as paid leave, and, with the addition of administration and managerial duties, it is. As such, he's usually rather laid-back, serving more as a mentor and combat trainer than anything else.

Personal quote:
Hey, don't look at me, I just work here.
Jonathan Tate:
When he was six, Tate's family moved into the house next door to Christina. Two years later, he was 'adopted' by Christina's family by way of his family having to move overseas for a few months to handle the death of a relative. Some years later, his parents divorced, and his mother married her long-time friend, who just happened to be Christina's uncle. From the beginning, the two were family, her seeing him as an older brother to look up to, and him seeing her as a younger sister to protect. And protect he does, joining the fight after Christina's attack with the intent of obliterating anyone or anything that had a hand in the events, and anyone aligned with them. He's stern, serious, and very good at what he does.

Personal quote:
One day, you'll find something worth protecting, and when you do, Hell itself won't be able to come between you two.
Erika Stanmore:
The daughter of a well-off engineer father and nurse mother in upper-middle-class English society, Erika learned to be 'proper' from an early age, including having hobbies such as sports shooting, fencing, and archery, as well as inheriting her grandfather's pension for the occult, which ultimately led her to seek to use her knowledge to aid in the fight. As a result of her upbringing, she is, in most cases, soft-spoken and reserved in her voicing of opinions, but, if need be (or if she's having a REALLY bad day), she is fully capable of holding her own in a fight of any sort. However, Erika is, above all else, the motherly type, caring for all those around her and abhoring violence, only using it when necessary to protect others, and even then never using lethal force.

Personal quote:
I know it's harder to protect someone, particularly in a world like this, if you're not willing to risk taking a life. It just means that my skills have to be that much better than everyone elses.
Shannon Moriarty:
Shannon's personality is best described as righteous indignation. Her entire life has been a series of paranormal events mixed in with psychiatric treatment at the demand of her parnets, who thought her to be obviously disturbed. This left her with a deep inability to believe in the altruism of others, and ultimately lead her to join the fight so as to cause as much trouble for the abominations as they had caused for her. Her near single-minded obsession with the fight has allowed her to train her psychokinesis to be on par with that of most of the extra-dimensional entities she fights. However, she often tends to misuse them, commiting non-violent crimes as a means to pass the time.

Personal quote:
It's not, 'life sucks and then you die.' That's BS self-serving defeatism for people who don't know any better. Life sucks until you kick some ass and earn your happines. Then it gets good.
So there you are, the intrepid venturers. The writing on the story is about 75% done, and there's one hidden scene which you'll have to find on your own (If you play through the game and explore more than one option, you'll find it easy enough, but if you don't want to, an RPYC decompiler will do the job nicely. I mean, I can't just give it to you. There's no fun in that!). I've also started laying out the logical structure for the subsequent games; how to integrate the next parts of the story into the game and all that. As I see it now, it'll probably come in the form of patches and global variables to control access to added content. However, that's a bridge to cross when we come to it.

Re: Chronicles of a Timetraveler's Wars [NaNo 2012]

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 7:20 pm
by leon
It's great to see this nearing completion. The story sounds very interesting. And Maltagliati's art is as cute as always.