Woah, so many comments! XD Thank you all, I'm glad you liked it!
azureXtwilight wrote:Gosh that mutilated cat CG, my heart is broken TT^TT
Now suddenly I feel all cat-lovers are staring at me with hatred and want to mutilate me as well.... O_O
azureXtwilight wrote:About the storyline, I think it's just left open-ended. Is it intentional? Because I really want to know about how the ??? character can
stay dead for years and suddenly she's declared to be "Recently dead".
I think it needs to be explored more. Also about that machine that is supposed to alter memories, I think we still need some more explanation there. Characterization-wise, I think you've really grasp ???'s creepy personality though. I can see Millice in a different light now.
As I said in the bonus section, any confusions are either intentional or just a biiig plot hole. XD
And hey, maybe she HAS risen from the dead like Milicent had guessed before. >D
azureXtwilight wrote:Also, I am wondering why you keep switching between NVL and ADV, is there some purpose behind that? Or was it intentional? Hmm...
It's a symbolic take on the entire thing. XD If you remember in S&H, NVL mode is only used in flashbacks, in Twin Faces, it's sort of means that
each conversation/encounter she haves with Mae is going back to the past. Sorta.
azureXtwilight wrote:Overall, it is a very nice read. I'm really glad the music fits well into the scenes and I really look forward to your games in the future. Congratulations on the release! WOOT~!
Thank you so much for reviewing! I really appreciate the time you spent on typing this up XD
saguaro wrote:First, the atmosphere is really great, very creepy and bleak. The music, the art, and the pacing all worked well together.
Thank you so much! It was quite hard to match everything together to get the right mood, so I'm very happy about it ^^
saguaro wrote:It sounds like this is an off-shoot of your other game, Soul and Heart, which I have not played. I think you broach some interesting issues that could be expanded even further. The narrator obviously has a personality disorder and extreme psychological issues, which have led to a mental break, and you conveyed her frustration and confusion very well. You didn't explicitly say so, but I got this impression this country might have forced conscription, which would help explain (to me) why person with so many psychological issues was able to get into the service in the first place.
People here get into the military by appointment, so yes, it added up into her confusion.
Twin Faces happens a couple of days after Soul and Heart. Milicent is a character only introduced in the middle of the story, and many people who played S&H were confused with her and her attitude.
The protagonist in S&H had a "guess" about Milice/Sgt. Calypso being bipolar, but it was never confirmed.
saguaro wrote:There were a lot of things that were interested that didn't really get explained, like the memory machine and whatever's going on with Sirius and the other characters (though I assume this is explained in S&H). The ending was a little confusing, but I liked the epilogue-style ending interspersed with credits. Again, the pacing--you are very good at pacing!
You might want to consider having an editor to look over the script. There are some grammatical/wording issues a good editor can fix while adding a little polish.
Congratulations on finishing this in a month. I will check out Soul and Heart sometime, too.
I honestly thought the reader knowing it's a machine that recovers memories will be enough. XD
Practically that machine is a part of the records room from S&H, used to "access" memories, data, personal records, stuff like that.
I was SUPPOSED to get an editor. The only editor I trust (and practically I want her because she's quite a good writer as well) was quite busy, and since I got a little trouble with my editors at S&H, I didn't dare post up a recruitment thread.
Thank you so much for taking your time to write a review!
StarryRainBreeze wrote:wait what happened in the end?
did she die D:
Only Mae "died". Milice didn't.
Hijiri wrote:Alright, finished now. Congrats on finishing! (Unlike some of us ;_; )
Overall, it was excellent. Art and music seemed to fit perfectly with the story. Though just one thing:
The ennding is very confusing. Like there's something missing between when Millicent enters the memory chamber and when she talks to her sister.
Other than that, there was this error:
Code: Select all
Got it after I exited the bonus menu and tried to enter it again.[/quote]
Aww, I was looking forward to your NaNo as well! D: I hope you finish it sometime in the future!
I thought there was something missing in that part as well, but I was running out of time to edit it or add anything else ^^;
I also got that error in S&H, but there was nothing I can do to fix it. Sorry D:
Thanks for reviewing again!