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Nostalgic Mist [GxB][Romance][Slice of Life]

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 10:57 pm
by Tmesis
Genre: Otome, Friendship, Romance, Slice of Life, Simulation
Rating: Teen 16+ (for some minor language, sexual and crude humor)
Status: Remake of overall story, UI and general outline of Nostalgic Mist


*Multiple Endings - At least 10 good, bad, and neutral endings of friendship, romance, self discovery or loneliness
*Vast network of characters - Many obtainable and minor characters that can take shape and change the path of Kasumi
*Music Room
*CG Gallery
*Achievements Counter - Menu for all achievements unlocked as well as goals accomplished


Growing up in Emera, part of the Voski Islands (a fictional archipelago that lies hundreds of miles of the coast of Nova Scotia), Kasumi Oshida was a happy only child with two loving parents and the best of friends. It wasn't until she turned seven that her happy loving life shattered when her father was ripped from her life. The sudden death of her father left Kasumi and her mother, Nadia, feeling empty and cold. Without a man supporting her, Nadia was constantly judged and was thought of as 'useless and foolish' and couldn't survive without her husband. Nadia, a strong and stubborn woman, refused to believe the opinions of others, gathered her things and took herself and Kasumi to her birthplace in Montreal. In Montreal, Nadia and Kasumi lived their lives peacefully and quietly, managing on their own quite well. On the upcoming tenth anniversary of her husband's death, Nadia got transferred to Emera (after almost two years of pushing off) and had to move back. Something that she and Kasumi weren't too thrill about. Back in Emera, Kasumi is stoic and doesn't seem to see the bright side of anything anymore. It isn't until she meets an old childhood friend who shows her all the happiness life could offer. Through new experiences and encounters, reminiscence, newly made friendships, reconnecting of old bonds, and romance; the once cold stone of Kasumi's heart starts to melt. Only question is: can the ice completely melt and possibly lead to something more? It's all in the hands of you.

Main Characters:

Kasumi Oshida, 2nd Year, 17 years old
The short, reluctant and cold heroine who sees nothing exciting or happy about life and is constantly bored. She has a sharp tongue, temper, and happy fists that rather hit than negotiate. She excels in anything physical but sucks at team sports, for she rather be solo then be a team player. Through the death of her favorite man, Kasumi hardly bothers with guys and sees them as nothing and rather have them on the other sides of her fists then holding her hand.
Her personality can either stay the same or change throughout the story, it's all up to the choices and decisions you make.

Daiki Satou, 2nd Year, 17 years old
Once childhood friend of Kasumi, Daiki was once a short crybaby that always had the support of her by his side. After ten years, Daiki grew up to become strong and independent; taking into account all Kasumi had done for him and promised himself to never allow bullying or crying in his presence ever again. Daiki excels immensely in physical strength and endurance, but sucks at sports and is quite klutzy. Thanks to the support of Kasumi when he was younger, Daiki respects women and the helpless. He stands up for those who can't because he knows the feeling quite too well.

Leo Koizumi, 2nd Year, 18 years old
Using his fist to resolve all his problems has led Leo onto the path of regret when he has to repeat his 2nd year of high school. With harsh words and dangerous actions, Leo has never been someone to play "safe" or nice for that matter. He rather deal with his own problems and rather not deal with anyone else around him. Towering over nearly the majority of the student body, Leo gives an intimating aura around him whenever someone gets too close. As being the oldest student in his class, Leo sometimes feels distant and out of the loop with his classmates and rather take naps during class.

Nadia Oshida, 34 years old
The stubborn but oh so loving mother of Kasumi. At only 17 years old--through many arguments and the disapproval of many--Nadia gave birth to Kasumi and married her husband, Aoi, shortly after. Being a young mother, Nadia faced prejudice and was always surrounded by gossip but it never got her down. Working alongside Aoi, they both overcame any obstacle that came their way and lived together happily with their daughter. When Aoi died, Nadia raised Kasumi to be strong and independent and never hesitant to admit when she was in the wrong. Nadia believes that true strength comes from those who can realize when they are weak and has become her life philosophy.

Charlotte "Charlie" Vos, 46 years old
After many years of living, Charlie has seen the world and experienced many joys and misfortunes in her lifetime. As a retired French-Dutch pianist, Charlie enjoys listening to music and running her music store. Having a stubborn, playful and fiery nature, Charlie never fails to speak her mind or tell it like it is. Old time friend of Nadia, Charlie stuck by Nadia in her time of need after Aoi's death and helped raise Kasumi with her. Always by Kasumi's side, Charlie became a friend/mentor for Kasumi and taught her all she knew about life, relationships and the possible joy and happiness that can be achieved.

Nikki "Nik" Vos, 3rd Year, 18 years old
Being a smart, quiet, and shy young lady, Nik grew up the exact opposite of her mother, Charlie. Nik always has her head in a book and is constantly at the library reading or studying. She prefers being alone or being surrounded by a selected few of people. Having certain needs of silence and calmness at all times, Nik can go a bit overboard when faced with an issue with noise and will eventually erupt in anger. Ever since she was younger, Nik has be able to sing quite well with her powerful vocal cords that allow her to hit high notes tremendously. Her love for music has always been powerful and shows anytime she sings.

Ian "Fritz" Fitz, 3rd Year, 18 years old
During his early years, Ian faced many issues with his family and decided the best way to relieve some stress and anger was outwards to others. One of the poor saps who got entangled with his hectic actions and behaviors was Daiki; who was subject to his harassment and teasing. Shy and hard to explain his feelings (hence the nickname 'Fritz'), Ian was unsure how to talk to Daiki clearly and didn't know why he was so fascinated with him or why exactly he saw Kasumi as a rival. It wasn't until Kasumi's move, he began to see how much he cared for Daiki and saw his childish behavior was due to his affection towards him. He has done the best he can and made things right with Daiki and is able to stay by his side as friends--no matter how much he'd want more--but regardless of the years passed by, he still has a strong resentment towards Kasumi that he isn't shy on hiding.

Cornelius "Neil" Barrett, 3rd Year, 18 years old
As Ian's best friend, Neil knows far too well how Ian's brain works and the difficulties it has. He loves Ian like a brother, rather care less for his sexual orientation, and always has Ian's back whenever he needs it. Being a brother of 5 sisters, uncle to 4 nieces and cousin to countless of female cousins, Neil has seen the evils and weaknesses of women of all ages. He knows the problems they face and what truly lies in their hearts. With this he's strongly sensitive to others feelings' and carefully tries not to overstep any boundaries, but isn't to be taken lightly when angered; for he would do anything to help out those he cares for.

Minor Characters:

Keena Gile, 3rd Year, 17 years old
Small and bubbly Keena, Nik's best friend, is always one to make a person laugh. If she isn't trying to make someone laugh, she's laughing herself. Keena enjoys laughing the days away rather than being upset or depressed and is constantly getting in trouble for her pranks or jokes. Sometimes when having too much fun--being the jokester she is--Keena can overstep certain boundaries unintentionally and hurt someone without meaning to. But that isn't the person she means to be and always tries her best to do good and apologize. Having a strong friendship with Nik for about 5 years, Keena has grown to love music and plays her violin anytime she can. She also loves playing her violin to Nik's singing.

More characters to come

The attachment main_menu_zpsf246ca64.png is no longer available

Backgrounds: 0%
Event CG: 0%
Character Art: 0%
Sprites: 0%

Story: 10%
Prologue: 25%
Script: 14%
Paths: 0%

Music: 5%
GUI: 90%
Extras: 10%

Overall Entire Progress: 13% (Just throwing something out there)


*07.09* Tweaked background info on Kasumi (changed hometown) and changed Risa into Nadia.
*07.13* Changed overall menu layout and coded prologue
*07.25* Added more of my characters
*08.05* Added more characters and tweaked more of the information and progress
*08.29* Gained character/sprites artist for NM
*09.01* Remade Main Menu and worked out some errors
*09.23* Gained sketch of Kasumi thanks to CuppieKeyk
*09.24* Now have CuppieKeyk as my new partner in crime :mrgreen:
*10.05* Edited the GUI for save/load screen, changed main menu and finished bonus screens
*10.20* Changed Hikaru Chiba to Leo Koizumi (thought it might be better)
*12.27* Remaking of Nostalgic Mist

*03.23* Completely finished new GUI of Nostalgic Mist


*Story, GUI, and Coding - Tmesis
*Music - Hen-Hen, Rye

Statistics -- Updated April 3rd

Code: Select all

The game contains 175 screens of dialogue.
These screens contain a total of 1,709 words,
for an average of 9.8 words per screen.
The game contains 4 menus.

Well this is my first VN and I'm fairly new to this so I hope to get some tips on how to improve my VN as well as get some opinions of you all out there ^^

*Does the story make sense to you all?
*Do you have any comments/questions on any of the characters?
*Which one is your favorite?

Re: Nostalgic Spirits [GxB][Romance]

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 7:06 am
by gekiganwing
It sounds like you've spent a lot of time thinking about your characters and their roles. But regarding the "friends reunited" theme, two questions... 1) Have these people kept in touch at all? 2) Did one of them forget about the others?
Tmesis wrote:*Kasumi Oshida
2nd year, 17 years old
Bio: The reluctant and cold heroine who sees nothing exciting or happy about life and is constantly bored. She has a sharp tongue, temper, and happy fists that rather hit than negotiate. She excels in anything physical but sucks at team sports, for she rather be solo then be a team player. Through the death of her favorite man, Kasumi hardly bothers with guys and sees them as nothing and rather have them on the other sides of her fists then holding her hand.
I presume this is the way she starts out. She's a distinct character, different from the "average girls" who are often the leads in GxB stories. I wonder if she begins the story with any friends, male or female. She would probably benefit from any friend or mentor, even if their relationship was strictly platonic.

Re: Nostalgic Spirits [GxB][Romance]

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 11:13 am
by Tmesis
gekiganwing wrote:It sounds like you've spent a lot of time thinking about your characters and their roles. But regarding the "friends reunited" theme, two questions... 1) Have these people kept in touch at all? 2) Did one of them forget about the others?

I presume this is the way she starts out. She's a distinct character, different from the "average girls" who are often the leads in GxB stories. I wonder if she begins the story with any friends, male or female. She would probably benefit from any friend or mentor, even if their relationship was strictly platonic.
gekiganwing Ha ha I have actually and still am working on them a bit ^^
On your questions, they haven't really stayed in touch because Kasumi and her mother abandoned their previous life, meaning no contact with anyone before. So they are quite a few who have forgotten about her. In Hokkaido she did have a very close friend that meant the world to her and it tore her to leave them. But I really like the idea of a mentor, someone older and wiser who cares and watches out for her.

Thanks so much for the questions and comments :)

Re: Nostalgic Spirits [GxB][Romance]

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 12:12 pm
by gekiganwing
Your character has at least one friend = A Good Thing. The more family and people she can rely on, the better her mental health will be.

One question I should have asked earlier... Setting your story in current day Hokkaido and Tokyo is fine, assuming you do the research. But is there anything keeping your story from taking place elsewhere? Could it just as easily happen in Montreal? Could it happen in Pisa, Italy? Or how about Bangkok, Thailand? Would the premise work in the recent or distant past? In the near future?

Re: Nostalgic Spirits [GxB][Romance]

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 3:11 pm
by Tmesis
Mhm yes. I would hate to give her any more mental stress :lol:

Don't worry I always make sure I have all my research done well, so there isn't any problems ^^
Well I never really thought about the setting. It's just that I felt Hokkaido would seem a great place for Risa to have been growing up. Seemed nice on her psyche...
But then again. I could always look for some place else...maybe even a made up place...

With that I wouldn't worry with making any mistakes or have any misinterpretations.

Re: Nostalgic Spirits [GxB][Romance][Slice of Life] -- UPDAT

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 11:49 am
by Tmesis
Is there anyone willing to throw an opinion in?
Right now I'm really hoping to get the Demo out before the end of November (maybe December), so I was hoping to get some input first :D

Re: Nostalgic Spirits [GxB][Romance][Slice of Life] -- UPDAT

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 1:12 pm
by myapple
Loving the idea of a strong female protagonist~ (weak females are usually the reason why I don't like shoujo stuff XD)

The GUI looks really nice so far as well ^_^

Re: Nostalgic Spirits [GxB][Romance][Slice of Life] -- UPDAT

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 1:15 pm
by Tmesis
Why thank you :)
She was fun to come up with. Just had to think about myself a bit, minus the fists since I'm a pacifist ^^'

Thanks. The GUI was a bit tricky for me. I had to make sure it was completely pink, girly, and everything.
The complete opposite of the main lead XD

Re: Nostalgic Mist [GxB][Romance][Slice of Life]

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 12:44 am
by CuppieKeyk
Ohh, hi Marx =3
How are you ?
Sorry for being unable to draw some sketches of the characters this month, You see, my mom is still in the hospital so I wasn't able to do any work. [I also wasn't able to attend school because of that =(]
Even so, I've already sketched it to the paper(there are 4 characters), and maybe.. soon enough, I'll be able to capture them in my cam >w< ! -Or even sketch one of them-
So hows the progress ? XD. I think, the character art must be drawn to gain/attract more views =3.
I'm hoping next week that things will get more better so I could go back sketching/Painting again.

But not now. REALLY xDDD. I hope you understand and I know you will ~
Have a nice day, and I'm very sorry ! -Hey, I'm still ur artist, I'm just kinda busy rightt now ~! Thanks *w* :D-

~Cuppie :mrgreen:

Re: Nostalgic Mist [GxB][Romance][Slice of Life]

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 3:48 am
by michi 18
The game seems interesting =) Will be watching this=)

Re: Nostalgic Mist [GxB][Romance][Slice of Life]

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 11:55 pm
by Tmesis
Cuppie Hey Cuppie~
I'm fine, happy that you are too ^^
Sorry I didn't check this earlier, I haven't gotten time to visit this thread :oops:
But I'm here and focused again \^O^/
Well I got to finish the entire demo/prologue scrip. WOOT.
It was a lot of work and annoyed me at times but I completed it with happiness :D
I see. Well whatever you think is best I will agree with~

And, YES, you are still my artist. Nothing has changed :3

michi 18 Well I'm glad to hear that~
Hopefully I can have it done well for you ^^

Re: Nostalgic Mist [GxB][Romance][Slice of Life]

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2012 4:19 am
by michi 18
Thank you but take your time so that the game would be at it's best !

Re: Nostalgic Mist [GxB][Romance][Slice of Life]

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2012 8:35 pm
by Tmesis
You're very welcome :)
And I will. Make sure it's the bestest :mrgreen: