Taleweaver wrote:You know what would help your point? Add an epilogue. Something that comes after the end credits; maybe just a small scene between Petunia and Jane at the late Lord Carlton's grave to point out that Jane was right but just couldn't prove it. Maybe some poetic justice in the end, or, if you don't consider that an appropriate way to end the story, at least some closing words. An additional, special scene to reward the player for getting the true ending.
Maybe it's just me. But the way it is, "The Wandering Child" just seems incomplete to me.
Sorry, but the reward is having beaten the game, that's all. I haven't said that the murderer is not going to end his/her days in a dark jail or hanged. It's not likely, but although Jane had all the evidences you can imagine, it would still be difficult for the police to believe her and Aunt Petunia, very difficult in their circumstances...
Maybe that's not enough for everyone, but that's the way it is for me. I could have added that kind of last scene, it's true. Maybe if I had more inspiration the day I wrote the ending, I would have added it. But I didn't. Jane knows is right, Aunt Petunia knows Jane is right and now that I have added a new line the player surely knows he/she has beaten the game. And that should be enough, I think. If the game is incomplete because it has not a "meaningful" special ending, I'll have to accept that that game is incomplete and it's going to remain incomplete for... let's say for a long time. Maybe if The Wandering Child was an standalone game it would be a different thing (The Silent Maiden had that kind of rewarding end, but it was only because it was thought to be really the end of the story).
Finished Projects: "Host Love", "The Silent Maiden", "The Worthy Bride" and "The Wandering Child"
Currently working on: "The Smiling Lady", "The intruder","Cassandra's Knight" and "Cinderella's choice"
Unfinished Projects: "Dear Friend, Secret Lover"