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Gliese is Recruiting! [Paid/Unpaid]

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2013 3:27 pm
by Greeny
Gliese Productions, here to single-handedly fix the economy by offering everyone a job!
For some jobs we might even pay you!

But first, I'm guessing you'll want to know what we're working on that you'd be helping with.
Right now we're in the early stages of two projects: (further information is classified)
"Be careful when venturing into the darkest corners of the subconscious...
You might not find your way out again..."

Sequel to "The Loop"
Type: Point-and-click puzzler
Themes: Psychological Horror, Mindfuck

"Dr. Evelyn Williams enjoys her quiet life in the pathology lab.
So, when she suddenly finds herself abducted by an alien race, it's a bit too much to take...
But when they look and act just like humans, where do you draw the line?"

Type: Visual Novel
Themes: Romance, Sci-fi, GxG

Right, now let's get to the positions that are open.
I should note that while I'm ready to start recruiting for these positions, you may not be able to actually get started until the results from another position are in, or if otherwise delays occur, so please only apply if you're a regular.
Another reason for this is that I value communication far more than keeping to a deadline. For paid positions I always ask to keep in touch at least once a week. For unpaid positions, you don't owe me anything, but it would obviously be appreciated.

Payment is negotiable for all paid positions. Nonpayment is not negotiable for unpaid positions.
You must provide adequate credentials for your position of choice.

Advisory Roles
Editor-in-chief for In Orbit: [unpaid]
While I don't really require any actual writing, I need a reliable general advisor for the project.
I do have faith in my abilities as a writer, but a reliable individual has informed me of some problems
in the story that could use work. Basically, I need an objective source of critique to keep me posted
on the quality of the work as well as what areas need improvement. Right now, I'm having the most
trouble with writing believable females, being a guy myself, so if you're female it's a definite plus.
It's unpaid work, but you'll only be required to read through the script and provide in-depth advice.
In addition, this will be a commercial project so you'll be entitled to free copies, and if you prove yourself
invaluable, additional compensation may yet be provided.

Editor-in-chief for The Madness: [unpaid]
While I'm not experiencing any particular issues at this stage, I've personally experienced the vast
benefits of having a trusted source of objective commentary. The Madness will be less story-oriented
and a lot more focussed on puzzles, so it's obviously a plus if you're into that. In addition, it will
feature some rather disturbing content, so be warned.

Expert Specialists: [unpaid]
While I always do my research, and I like to think I'm a fairly intelligent guy,
sometimes that's not enough. If any of the following traits or knowledge areas
apply for you, I would appreciate if you would step in to give advice on that field.
Warning: The exact span of this position is unknown, due to me not being able
to know how far off my own research is.
For In Orbit:
- Medical expertise/Pathology
- Military expertise
- Anthropology
- Female
- Lesbian
For The Madness:
- Psychology
- Batshit insane

Main Artist for The Madness: [paid]
The exact span of the workload is unknown at this point, but since the project is noncommercial,
I will be keeping it limited. Backgrounds will not be required, as I am rendering them in 3d as I did
for The Loop, but you will be required to draw certain images into backgrounds as though they were CG's.
Warning: This requires some very disturbing imagery, both in terms of gore and psychological.
Only apply if you are will to draw almost anything. (No sexually explicit images required)

Fictuous Renowed Painter for The Madness: [paid]
There will be a number of framed oil paintings in the game. I need an artist who can produce images
with such an oil-painting-like feel. High detail is not required. Some paintings will need variations on them.
Artistic freedom varies prom painting to painting, and they range from portraits to scenery.
Some "artistically explicit" content required. Resolution is 347x448.

Fictuous Amateur Photographer for The Madness: [paid]
Not actually a photography job. The game will feature a few photographs, and I need an artist to draw them.
There will be some minor specifications you must keep to, but otherwise a lot of creative freedom is granted.
I need four of images. Resolution is 446x315. Low detail requirement. No characters depicted, just scenery.

GUI designer for In Orbit: [paid]
I'm looking for someone to design the GUI for In Orbit. The story has a somewhat serious tone, so I'm aiming for
something somewhat minimalistic, but professional quality work.

Fictuous Famous Author for The Madness: [paid]
You will be required to write 8 very short passages that can pass for excerpts of larger novels.
(No more than a page... think about 2 pages of a Skyrim book)
They must incorporate certain specified themes/clues but you will be largely free otherwise.
However, this position cannot start immediately. Undetermined possibility for additional future work as well.

Recording Specialist for The Madness: [unpaid]
I need some footage from a running fullscreen Ren'Py project recorded and, despite my best efforts, have failed to
accomplish this. So, I will send you a Ren'Py project. You just need to run it, record the footage to a video file and
send it back to me. That's it. That's all you have to do.

That's it. Apply by any means you please, but note that I will hold standards even for unpaid work.
Deadlines will not be set, but as I mentioned, continuous communication is asked.
Thanks for your consideration!

Re: Gliese is Recruiting in All Positions! [Paid / Unpaid]

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 12:17 am
by Kessie
I'm interested in the Editor-in-chief for In Orbit role.
And yes sir, I am a female.
But I'm a little confused to what you would consider 'adequate credentials' for an Editor-in-chief?

Re: Gliese is Recruiting in All Positions! [Paid / Unpaid]

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 12:09 pm
by CSJ
Fictuous Famous Author for The Madness
I would have a ball with this. Especially if it's a little on the insane side (muahaha). I have a background in College-level Human Geography, so I could help with some of the anthropological stuff, though not as much as a dedicated advisor.

Re: Gliese is Recruiting in All Positions! [Paid / Unpaid]

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 7:12 pm
by Greeny
I'm getting some good applications in, but there are still positions open!

Re: Gliese is Recruiting in All Positions! [Paid / Unpaid]

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 11:28 pm
by jghibiki
Hey I can help with recording the footage, I have a licence for fraps and have tried recording renpy games with it before. The video comes out with more or less the same quality.

Also if you are interested, I can help with the In Orbit editing.

And questions feel free to PM

Re: Gliese is Recruiting in All Positions! [Paid / Unpaid]

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 12:14 am
by AwkwardxSilence
May I apply as a "Editor-in-chief for The Madness"

Re: Gliese is Recruiting in All Positions! [Paid / Unpaid]

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 8:18 am
by Greeny
AwkwardxSilence wrote:May I apply as a "Editor-in-chief for The Madness"
Sorry, but I'm looking for someone with a least a little reputation for that position...

Re: Gliese is Recruiting in All Positions! [Paid / Unpaid]

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 9:20 am
by Taleweaver
Consider me an expert on medical/pathology and psychology topics. I work in medical marketing.

Re: Gliese is Recruiting in All Positions! [Paid / Unpaid]

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 4:54 pm
by Greeny
Most positions are filled now, but I've still got one artist position that's just itching to get filled!

It's just four scenery images - if that's not easy money, I don't know what is! Apply now, and the photographs placed somewhere in the game world could be your art!

Re: Gliese is Recruiting in All Positions! [Paid / Unpaid]

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 5:43 pm
by Geckos
I'm up for drawing some photographs for you.
Feel free to take a look at my deviantart for examples.

Re: Gliese is Recruiting in All Positions! [Paid / Unpaid]

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 6:03 pm
by tiya_nofurita
I'm not medical expert or anything...but you can consider me if you're talking about drugs (though I believe Taleweaver can do much better job than me)

Re: Gliese is Recruiting in All Positions! [Paid / Unpaid]

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2013 4:23 pm
by sheetcakeghost
Hi there. I'm a writer with a game that I've gotten about 60% done. I just need a decent coder and an artist. (It has art in it, but it's placeholder art.) It's a mystery/"hidden object" game. I put hidden object in quotes there because finding the object is actually plot relevant, not just "Find these 10 irrelevant items to progress the story!" that I've seen around a lot. ... 58#p255858

I make my case in that post there.

Re: Gliese is Recruiting! [Paid/Unpaid] [Wanted: GUI artist]

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 9:17 pm
by Greeny
Just wanted to bump this back up because while progress has been stellar on both fronts, I'm still looking for a GUI artist for In Orbit.
Remember, that one's a paid job!

Also, to those who applied for the writing position: My apologies for not having actually been able to provide that job yet - it's directly linked to some art content that hasn't been done yet. But soon!

Re: Gliese is Recruiting! [Paid/Unpaid] [Wanted: GUI artist]

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 12:32 pm
by iDD
Do you possibly need a composer? I'm very interested in "The Loop" sequel.

Re: Gliese is Recruiting! [Paid/Unpaid]

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 1:05 pm
by Greeny
Unfortunately, I don't really have the budget for any custom compositions right now...