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Which ren'ai project are you most anxious to play?

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 10:54 pm
by rioka
These are for fan made projects that are still being done. ToL2 was not included as it's soon to be released - sorry Lemma. =(
There are two Love Revo's up as they are basically 2 different games. Love Revo 1 (for guys) and Lover Revo 2 (for girls).
If you choose "Other", please state the ren'ai game.

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2004 3:57 am
by Jerails
I remember Project H...That's about all I remember about it though, is that it wasn't given a proper title yet...Perhaps you should've also put up links to the sites eclipse. In case somebody like me was a bit behind on the progress of each game...

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2004 6:21 am
by Otaku Dash
Is that Kaiser: Blade of the Emperor my project!? I Can't belive it!! IThx for putting it in Eclipse *Does happy dance* :D I hope it comes out good....but since my skillz are a bit bad...its going to take some time.....

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2004 8:27 am
by Herzeleid
I'm anxious to play all of them but Elven Relations looks interesting...and I haven't heard much of the other projects...

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2004 1:11 pm
by rioka
As requested, here are links to each project:


Clear Skies aka Project Journeys site
Clear Skies thread

Elven Relations site
Elven Relations thread

Love Revo
Love Revo: Fragile Hearts

Town Heat

Project H
Project H thread

I forgot this one. I heard it's been revived but is in need of new team members: Ren'Ai

As far as updates go, there's not that many news about how each project is progressing. The only one that has news of its current state is Love Revo: Fragile Hearts.
Town Heat should be close to completion but some bumps were mentioned...

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2004 1:57 pm
by mikey
Oh, mighty Oracle of the future, tell me... what awaits us...?

The town is nearer on the map than in reality... Snowing skies will cloud your vision... A revolution might not come at all... The relations are cold... and Projects may remain projects.

Yeah, the Oracle is in a sceptical mood, most of the above are established projects, but it's the waiting that really gets to us.

Okay, let's be optimistic :D
My support goes to Town Heat. Though others may be bigger, or fancier, I really like the initial description of the story.

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2004 2:58 pm
by Grey
Hmm. Of them all I'm most interested in Elven Relations. From what's been written it looks fresh and interesting. Go Chrono :D

I'm in no hurry for a new release though, so when any of these games are released (or ToL2, or any other LemmaGames for a matter of fact) it will just be a nice suprise.

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2004 7:20 pm
by rioka
lol Hate to discredit your oracle mikey but at least part of the revolution is sure to come... a demo is in the works I've heard for the second game.

And what ever happened to asking the mighty 8 Ball? Don't tell me it's influence has waned! :o

Elven Relations does sound nice feature and story-wise - so does Kaiser for that matter, and Town Heat is not so bad too (yeah yeah I'm digressing) - but I must say that I can't wait for Love Revo #2. It's more of the classic bishoujo game - plus it'll be for girls. You know, what other projects out there will be female oriented? Most currently available and in progress projects games are for the male audience.

Not that ToL or ATP projects aren't interesting but a female chasing another female is odd at times.... O_O

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 2:30 pm
by pikatung
Hehe, you forgot Hearts on Paper. Which will be done as soon as the artist decides to finish the, errrm, art lol. :wink:

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 3:10 pm
by mikey
eclipse wrote:lol Hate to discredit your oracle mikey but at least part of the revolution is sure to come... a demo is in the works I've heard for the second game.

And what ever happened to asking the mighty 8 Ball? Don't tell me it's influence has waned! :o
:) Now that you mention it... the guy that sold me the Oracle was pretty much a bum and thinking about it more... shouldn't such a thing have cost me more than a lousy EUR 1,50?? :D

I was actually referring to the time it really takes for these projects to be completed. You know, a demo is fine, but it's only a demo - though I perfectly understand the game is a giant project and MANY people are involved - also I don't mind the waiting, but the thing is isn't it frustrating for the people around the project? I think RT took me WAY too long, and it's such a fresh feeling to be able to focus on other things WHILE having the accomplishments backing you up.

I realized this while writing my monthly story/reviews for I thought I'd quit after I have put in what I thought were my "best" ideas, but when they were materialized, I thought of another ideas, and I was really surprised how many new ones came. The point is you're not able to grow if you don't challenge yourself or if you can't make a fresh start at some point. Love Revo is in my opinion the most detailed project out there, but realistically (demo aside), if it will be completed in two years, then it will have cost the makers 4 years. That IS long, and I know some people already brought up the time issue on the forums and they have been given good answers. I know how TERRIBLY frustrating it is to wait for a set of characters or BGs - that's why I am bringing this up.

However I don't mean to criticise - I am more the person who is satisfied with less, but finished. I'll tell you completely honestly, if I hadn't gotten music within the extended time deadline, RT would be released without music. The same was for the young characters - there'd be none, and the same would go for BGs - the paths would be completely identical. The game was basically 2 months delayed (of course no one knew), but I was already very uncomfortable about the fact, that it STILL is an open issue within my projects. I was able to use that extra time for additional features, but it was really slowing me down.

I know this is a huge dilemma and I don't want to sound like the smartass who completed two short games and now knows everything about making them. I'll refer to BL's game-making rules, the part about a decent progress and the announcement - Black Pencil II was 50% finished when I scrapped it and it will NEVER be used again, because I already transformed the idea into a completely different project. But no one knew, no one got disappointed and I DO have the sense of accomplishment, although not in the form of a game. All I want to say is - we, the players can wait, but can the makers afford to take TOO long?

OMG, look at the size of the text. Let's stop this.

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 1:12 pm
by BlackSpider
Unfortunately what Mikey's "mighty Oracle of the future" said might actually be true. At least when it comes to Town Heat. I mean I've only done 25% of the whole game. That's the demo (or the so called part 1). Anyway, the demo alone has 3 girl characters you can interact with (and even make them your GF). It's size is about 75 up to 90min depending on the chosen path. But honestly, right now when I test the game I find it rather stupid. Perhaps I'm no longer addicted to ren'ai VN and dating sims or more likely I can't really write stories in english. Only problem is that I've already made my project known to the ren'ai internet community, so I have no choice but to release it. I'll be out soon. I only need to convert and put into the game those music tracks I made a few months ago. LOL if I weren't so addicted to Wolfenstein ET, Town Heat (demo) would have been out already.

Now when it comes to other projects. I really 'd like to see LoveRevo out. I can only hope I'll be able to play the demo this year :).

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 3:42 pm
by rioka
Wow, I wasn't expecting a long response. O_O Anyways, I'll try to make mine brief...

I think game-makers shouldn't take too long especially those with big projects. Time wears on team members dedication, focus, and basically becomes a deterrant. What's key in long projects is dedication from at least one artist, programmer, and writer. You can make-do without the
music but it's a plus. Extra team members will disperse the work load but at least one each of these three is a must - and they have to be focused. If one of these three slack off or at least not pull their own weight at any time, they'll set back the project - mayhap even considerably.

I think it's just a matter of finding someone who's as focused, psyched, and dedicated to the project as you are. If you're going solo - you're better off finishing it as soon as possible before you loose interest. Even though it is not as good as you thought it would be when you first conceived the idea, at least it doesn't become another scrapped project.

I think many become frustrated because they may have bitten off more than they can chew or have lost focus. Lost focus because of their life or just plain lost interest or don't have time - or can't manage their time. There's quite a number of members in the first Love Revo team but very few are active team members. I think that's what set back the project considerably.

And I must say, I understand most people would class the first and second game of Love Revo under the same banner and consider them one big team but I see them more of seperate entities. I must clarify that Love Revo team 1 has been over 2 years planning but Love Revo team 2 just got on its feet several months ago. Considering Team 2 is on course for a demo already is quite an achievement. To put the two teams together as being 2 years in the making is unfair to the second team.

...Well, so much for being brief!

BlackSpider, hopefully you can buckle up a bit and get that demo out. I know people would love to play another bishoujo game, myself included! *hint hint*

lol I'm with you on the Love Revo demo. The demo script is done and the artwork is underway so maybe it just may come before the end of the year! ;D

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 4:27 pm
by mikey
eclipse>> I totally agree. A dedicated team member might very well be more valuable than a skilled team member. (phew, a short answer indeed... :D

BlackSpider>> I think if you could wrap up the demo so that it leaves no real loose ends regarding the story, you could make a self-contained game out of it. My suggestion would be to rename it, so it doesn't carry the legacy of the early publicity and release it as a "new" game. Playtime of 90 minutes is MORE than enough...

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 6:18 pm
by rioka
lol Next time, I'll remain mum!

Nice idea about BlackSpider's demo, btw. 90 minutes is more than enough, you think? How long are the average bishoujo games or at least VN's anyway?

re Pikatung: Sorry about that, Pika. Most of the ones I listed had a thread in this forum. Glad to hear you're almost done. It will definitely be a good year if all these demo's and finished games come out by the years end. =)

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 7:28 pm
by BlackSpider
Actually I can't make a self-contained game out of it because the existing script is written is such a way that it's only part of the story. Changing this would take too much time. Besides I might want to write "Town Heat part 2" someday :) In fact part 1 is rather boring when compared to what I had in mind for part 2, but I shouldn't write about it now.

BTW it's good to hear that "Hearts on paper" project is still alive. I remember there were so many people eager to help when it was discussed on MT... Well, anyway, I'd like to play that too someday :).