Autumn's Journey[Fantasy][Friendship][NaNo13]02/03 update

NaNoRenO is an event where creators make a game from scratch during the month of March.
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Autumn's Journey[Fantasy][Friendship][NaNo13]02/03 update

#1 Post by KittyKatStar »

What do you know, it’s Nano 13! We took a little longer! Just a bit! XD

I admit I didn’t expect to participate, but Deji approached me and we had a lot of fun brainstorming. It’ll be a simple VN focusing on friendships, growth and dragons.

Borrowing inspiration from Deji’s fantasy world of Ishtera, the story takes place there. Ishtera is populated by two races: dragonkind, who have lived there for eons, and the heavenkind who have recently appeared.

The two races have been politely aware of each other, but never intervening, only keeping to their own business. Until now.

Kerr, one of the pupil earth dragons, is cursed by his master after an incident and forced into an unfamiliar human form. He can’t return to his kin until he has atoned for his impudence while learning more about the heavenkind.

A simple VN about friendship, growth and understanding, we hope it’s as warm and comforting as apple cider.
(Which we're calling ourselves. ^_^v 2/4 still hasn't tried apple cider yet. =,) )


Auralee - the main character
file.png (103.79 KiB) Viewed 9099 times
Kind and cheerful, Auralee has a dream of honing her sword skills. She generally does guild-missions, and is very goal-driven. She does not have Kerr’s sharp tongue, but she refuses to put up with his nonsense. Likes knights and anything and everything to do with knights because they're awesome.

The haughty arrogant earth dragon who puts his interests before others. Tends to speak before thinking and lives for the moment. Never backs away from a fight. He’s stubborn and has trouble opening up to others. Likes sweet things.

The reserved, quiet, water dragon who wants to learn about the heavenkind’s culture. At first glance he seems level-headed, which he is for the most part, but even his common sense is tossed aside when he gets curious about something. Likes pretty things.

Week 1: Writing (KittyKatStar) + Sprites (Deji), Music (Nellie)Week 2: BGs (Deji) + Writing/Scripting (KittyKatStar) + Chibis (Nellie) + GUI/programming(Arowana/Nellie)
Week 3: CGs (Deji) + Writing/Scripting (KittyKatStar)
Week 4: GUI (Arowana/Nellie), Editing (Arowana/KittyKatStar),
Week 5: Wondering why it’s not March anymore and why we’re still working on this. XD
Week 6: OTZ

We can make it a VN for sure, now we just need to know if we can finish romances in time. =)

Update March 26th
The game contains 2,602 dialogue blocks, containing 31,091 words and 170,084
characters, for an average of 11.9 words and 65 characters per block.

The game contains 7 menus, 102 images, and 13 screens.

Update March 22nd
Chibis are animated~
Word count: over 25k, but need to code the last few chapters
Getting our voice samples, will announce voice actors when it's all done.
Branching/choices will now be added
Main Menu screenshot WIP

Update March 18th
Bunch of chibis ready to go~
Up to chapter 6 coded.
Word count: 23K
Think we decided on our three voice actors...?

It's definitely a light-hearted VN, but there may be potential tender moments. ^_^v
Last edited by KittyKatStar on Mon Feb 03, 2014 2:19 pm, edited 23 times in total.

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Re: Autumn's Journey [Fantasy KN][Friendship][NaNo13]

#2 Post by Deji »

If I wasn't busy enough with a bazillion projects, here I am working on this! :') I seriously couldn't resist >_<

I'm stupidly happy about this project, it's the first time I actually get to do anything related to this fantasy world/story that I've been toying with for many many years, and I hope you guys will like it when we're done with it! ^___^

(We'll try our best to finish it in time, but if we fail, we'll keep working on it until it's done! >O )
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Re: Autumn's Journey [Fantasy KN][Friendship][NaNo13]

#3 Post by sake-bento »

I am going to befriend everyone. So hard.

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Re: Autumn's Journey [Fantasy KN][Friendship][NaNo13]

#4 Post by k_arashi »

U-Uwahhh this looks really neat~!
The moment I saw this post I recognized some of the character designs, it's so great to see that Deji's Ishtera characters will finally come to life in a visual novel! I wish you guys the best of luck with the project, I bet it'll turn out fantastic~! ^^
Deji's art is so vibrant and cute as usual <333
I'm definitely looking forward to this! (:

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Re: Autumn's Journey [Fantasy KN][Friendship][NaNo13]

#5 Post by KuroKoneko »

(Also, this is Shameru from dA, so you know you can expect me to stalk the fluff out of this, Deji. :))

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Re: Autumn's Journey [Fantasy KN][Friendship][NaNo13]

#6 Post by MaiMai »

Gonna befriend the hell out of these cuties. GOOD LUCK!
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Re: Autumn's Journey [Fantasy KN][Friendship][NaNo13]

#7 Post by KittyKatStar »

Aw, thanks for the kind comments and support everyone. >///< (There'll be fluff, lots of it!)

Although we'll be focusing on the KN part first, we also hope to expand and open up some choices/more branches i.e. a romantic option if desired. ^_^

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Re: Autumn's Journey [Fantasy KN][Friendship][NaNo13]

#8 Post by Miyuki »

This looks really nice! I'm excited to see how this goes. A friendship KN sounds like a nice change of pace.

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Re: Autumn's Journey [Fantasy KN][Friendship][NaNo13]

#9 Post by Deji »

Progress! :D
I just finished Auralee's sprite! :)
Screen Shot 2013-03-05 at 1.20.17 PM.png
Also, in case you didn't see the edit on the OP, Nellie and Arowana have joined the team to help out with programming, GUI, editing and music! We're already having lots of fun in our online meetings <3
I'm so happy I could explode ;v;
Also thanks for the support! We'll do our best with this! >O

I'll work on Kerr tomorrow, since I get home late tonight. Hopefully, I'll have time to add extra poses to everybody, though I highly doubt so :'D

Oh, right, Kitty never put Auralee's more complete design up!
Here it is, I designed her down to her thighs, at least x'D
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Re: Autumn's Journey [Fantasy KN][Friendship][NaNo13]

#10 Post by mugenjohncel »

Wah!... No fair!!!!... I want to work with a team too!!!... :mrgreen:

Why must I be condemned to be the "Forever Alone" dev?... (envy much here... sitting in some corner)

But this is a pretty solid looking team... am definitely looking forward to the outcome...

"POOF" (I almost forgot that despite the friendly nature of NaNoRenO... it's actually a thinly veiled competition on who gets to finish a project in a month... :mrgreen: )

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Re: Autumn's Journey [Fantasy KN][Friendship][NaNo13]

#11 Post by Arowana »

Yeaaahhh, go team go! I feel so honored to be working with these awesome girls! :D

Don't be alone, Uncle Mugen...we want to be your friend... ;_;
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Re: Autumn's Journey [Fantasy KN][Friendship][NaNo13]

#12 Post by gogospirit »

I really love Auralee's sprite~! Beautiful shading as usual, Deji! <3333
All the characters designs are so lovely and unique! I'm really looking forward to this!!
Good luck to you all with the project! I'll be following this thread~! ^^

Oh yeah, adding choices sounds like a good idea! I really want to romance Ilmari //shot ;v;

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Re: Autumn's Journey [Fantasy KN][Friendship][NaNo13]

#13 Post by klonki »

Adhsalhslahsd Dejiiii, Auralee's sprite looks so beautiful!! I really love the way you colored it, and her color palette was chosen nicely. Even the details on her clothes look great! ;A;

It's actually funny because when I first saw the sprites on your tumblr (the one without the tags), I immediately thought that it would be Ishtera-related! I was happy when I realized I wasn't so far off with my guess. xD

Good luck on this! This game has such a powerhouse team, I'm sure it'll come out great. And I'll make sure to friend Ilmari so hard when the game's released~ /shameless

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Re: Autumn's Journey [Fantasy KN][Friendship][NaNo13]

#14 Post by teacup »

Whoa, how did I miss this?
I'm biased towards anything with Deji art so I'm automatically looking forward to this just because of that.
The story sounds interesting... I don't know what Ishtera is, but it sounds cool. I'm sure the programming will be top notch considering who you have on your team!
I like Auralee's design a lot. Her clothes remind me of Rune Factory.
Also apple cider is delicious. (^v^)

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Re: Autumn's Journey [Fantasy KN][Friendship][NaNo13]

#15 Post by Deji »

Glad you like Aura's sprite so far! ^_____^
And OMG klonki you win extra love points for guessing it was Ishtera without the tags ;v;

I'm glad Ilmari has fans too ;v; But hey, what about jerkface Kerr? He's adorable in his own stupid tsundere way :'D
I just finished his sprite (:
Screen Shot 2013-03-07 at 11.17.04 AM.png
We'll work on a test build of the 1st chapter with a placeholder bg so you can get a screenshot soon! :')
( I love the work Kitty has done with script and can't wait to see things on screen with the characters >w<!! )

I'll start work on Ilmari's sprite tonight! And then, the BGs! :)
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