Spring 2013

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Re: Spring 2013

#16 Post by suikojay »

Ok... finally recently finished the Spring shows! But I actually thoroughly enjoyed a lot of them, though.

I think Chihayafuru 2 and its Karuta madness was my favorite, and WOW, the way it ended, too!!! I was incredibly happy with how it ended that I was cheering! The OVA should be coming (I think) on Sept. 13; hopefully CR will pick this up; If u loved the first season, then u need to watch the 2nd, lol!!

I think my next favorite was Gargantia. The characters in this were very much likeable. I especially loved Ledo, Amy, Chamber, and Bellows. The character growth of Ledo and Chamber, I thought, was exceptional. I was a bit disappointed with ep 6 because I thought the "dancing" scenes were a bit in poor taste. Aside from that, I very much enjoyed this series. There were a lot of nice and touching moments in this one, too. IMO, though, it really needed to be a 2 cour season in order to really maximize its potential. But for a 1 cour, I think it did well enough.

I think Oreimo 2 would be my 3rd fave. It turned out to be a lot better than I thought it would be. Just a lot of wacky and amusing comedy tidbits in this one, and a lot of shocking/jaw dropping and sweet moments as well. However, when the 3 OVAs air this August on CR, I have a bad feeling about how this series will finally end...

4th fave I'll have to go with The Devil is a Part-Timer; Just a lot of craziness and amusing antics by the main characters. The drama was pretty good, but I wish they had more action in this one, and didn't give all the epic beatdowns to a certain Maou. :P Was it just me, or did Emelia the "Hero" not seem too much like a "Hero"? :p Nevertheless, I still liked her character.

5th place will have to go Date a Live. I was actually surprised there wasn't a whole lot of fan service in this one aside from the beginning scenes of ep 1. Then, (for the most part) it became pretty much non-existent :eek: Anyway, I thought it was a pretty good show with some laughable/amusing moments and decent action scenes, too, especially by the end of the series. But if a person really enjoyed The World God Only Knows, then I think they will enjoy this one, too.

6th place I'll award to The Severing Crime Edge. All I can say is, those fetishes man, those fetishes!!! The drama was pretty gripping, at times, and I will say that there were parts that I thought were really sweet, especially between the 2 main characters, Iwai-chan and Kiri, especially in ep 6. However, there were parts that were down-right creepy and distasteful with the fetishes. Including some that I thought really crossed the line.

7th place I'll have to give to Flowers of Evil. I thought all 3 of the main characters had more than a few screws loose, especially Nakamura. xP The rotoscoping, I think, worked great for this series as it seemed to make it even creepier and more realistic than if were to have a traditional anime look. All-in-all, it was a pretty decent show. I really liked the 1st 5 or so eps since it's a bit on the bizarre-side that I wasn’t used to seeing, but after a while, I think its "bizarre-ness" started to lose its hold on me and interest in the show, and I just continued watching it just to see how things would resolve. I know a lot of people seem to think this is the greatest show since sliced bread, so I prolly would recommend it to those that are looking for a dark and disturbing show. Definitely not a kid-friendly show, I must say.

8th place is Majestic Prince. I could only muster watching the 1st 4 eps on this one. Just couldn't get into it enough, and I needed to drop some shows at the time, lol. But from what I've been hearing from other people who are now 13 eps into it (as I believe it's a 24 ep series), it's still very much a "meh" kind of show.

I'm not counting Attack on Titan (since that's still on-going), but WOW, that show is unbelievably gripping, and intense! So many surprises and cliff-hangars at the end of each ep that it's ridiculous, lol! Really deserves every bit of attention that its getting, imo.

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