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Desperately seeking for a GUI artist & coder

Posted: Sat May 11, 2013 10:30 am
by Talann
Shooting Stars

I am desperately seeking for a GUI artist&coder, if you are interested then please PM me
Also I'm sorry but I cannot pay.

"My life makes me want to run away from this mess. It makes me want to hide from my fears... But you see, there is no place to go. No matter how hard I try; my life gets harder day by day. I feel like I am at the end. However, the end is only the beginning... This is the life I live, and that's just the half of it. Everyday, the clock ticks faster and faster... Everywhere is still and everything is restless in my heart. I hate the way this feels. Suddenly I'm scared to be apart. The days are dark when you're not around. The air is getting hard to breathe and I wish that you would just put me down I wish that I could go to sleep without crying. I keep trying to keep myself alive knowing there's a chance. But it's all too late. I heard you say you love me, that's the part i can't forget. And I wish that you come and save me because I'm standing over the edge - wishing for suicide."


Name (MC) Tay
Age 17
Personality Shy, unpopular, depressed.
Personal Life Tay is a 17 year old girl who moves her school to PLY High. She lives with her 20 year old sister since her parents had abandoned them. Unfortunately, she does not have any luck at finding new friends in her new school. But that does change. Tay has many ups and downs in her life. She discovers many new paths. Throughout her journey, she experiences unpleasant moments as well as happy moments.

Name Aya
Age 20
Personality Depressed, hopeless, Dissapointed
Personal Life Aya is Tay's older sister. She looks after Tay like daughter-and-mother. After Aya's baby dies in an accident, Aya gets too concerned and turns mute.

Name Leo
Age 17
Personality Hyper, lively, loud, popular.
Personal Life Leo is a popular guy in PLY High. He accidently bumps into Tay and his feelings grow towards her. He eventually, confesses his feelings toward Tay face-to-face. His life is a mystery... But will Tay succeed in trying to discover it?

Name Ty
Age 17
Personality Cold, mysterious, unkind, evil, badboy, evil.
Personal Life ??

Name ??
Age 42
Personality Mystery.
Personal Life Is she the mother of Tay and Aya?

Tay is a 17 year old girl who was abandoned by her parents. She now lives with her older sister, Aya. Aya has an unborn son in her stomach. However, after an incident her baby has a miscarriage. After that, she becomes mute. Tay tries her hardest to make Aya speak again. But does she succeed? A month later, Tay moves school to PLY High. She becomes the least popular student... She gets bullied. However, she bumps into the most popular guy, Leo, they start to date... But Tay didn't know that Leo was part of the bully group. He was only playing with her feelings. Suddenly, she finds herself depressed and starts to cut her self. She starts doing drugs. One day, she meets the coldest guy she ever met before, Ty. Their relationship grow after time passes. However, after Ty realizes that Tay cuts herself, he forces her to make a promise. That promise was not to cut again. Does Tay break that promise after more commitments and suffering more from pain?

Okay so basically, I have not finished my script and I have not added all the actors. If you are interested in participating then please PM me or just leave a comment below.

Thank you.

Re: Writers/Proofreaders/Voice actors NEEDED! (Unpaid sorry)

Posted: Sat May 11, 2013 7:23 pm
by Kiki
Could we have a little more information about the jobs? For the writers, what is the length of the story (aka how much writing is there to be done) and how many writers are you looking for? For the voice actors, how many characters will there be over all (since you say you haven't added all of them) and thus how many roles will be open? Adding information like this might be helpful in getting interest.

Re: Writers/Proofreaders/Voice actors NEEDED! (Unpaid sorry)

Posted: Sun May 12, 2013 4:43 am
by Talann
Voice Actors
Approximately 4 voices needed

4 or 5 voices needed

Length of the story
About 3-4 hours of play? (Not sure)

I need about 2 or 3 more writers.

Re: Writers/Proofreaders/Voice actors NEEDED! (Unpaid sorry)

Posted: Sun May 12, 2013 10:55 am
by Rikka
Hello, I'm a voice actress. :) My contact info and demo reel are in my signature. I love the art!

Re: Writers/Proofreaders/Voice actors NEEDED! (Unpaid sorry)

Posted: Mon May 13, 2013 7:47 am
by Talann
Rikka wrote:Hello, I'm a voice actress. :) My contact info and demo reel are in my signature. I love the art!
Sure, I emailed you and honestly your acting is soooo good so that means that you are obviously hired xD

Re: Writers/Proofreaders/Voice actors NEEDED! (Unpaid sorry)

Posted: Mon May 13, 2013 3:13 pm
by Kokoro Hane
This looks interesting~ I might wanna give it a go as a voice actress. there any character that will have harsh language? (aka "f" bombs, "s", "bi---"? Most of the minor words don't bother me, but those I can never say)

Re: Writers/Proofreaders/Voice actors NEEDED! (Unpaid sorry)

Posted: Tue May 14, 2013 11:57 am
by Talann
Kokoro Hane wrote:This looks interesting~ I might wanna give it a go as a voice actress. there any character that will have harsh language? (aka "f" bombs, "s", "bi---"? Most of the minor words don't bother me, but those I can never say)
I will be grateful if you could be a voice actress... And um well Tay, at first, she might like repeat what the bullies call her. Also, the bullies might swear and all that. However, there are more characters for you to have a go at. Since I have other people who wanted to be voice actors, you can maybe choose to be other characters who don't have harsh languages.

Re: Writers/Proofreaders/Voice actors NEEDED! (Unpaid sorry)

Posted: Tue May 14, 2013 2:15 pm
by CharlieTheMad256
This isn't me applying (wish I could, but I already have my own projects to be doing :( ), but i look forward to playing :)
Also, I have a question.
I Aya's info, it say's she's talkative, but then say's she's mute, which is it?
Is she talkative naturally?
Sorry, I just find it odd that someone talkative would become mute (even over the death of a baby).
Excuse me me if I'm speaking out of line here :)
(And good luck!)

Re: Writers/Proofreaders/Voice actors NEEDED! (Unpaid sorry)

Posted: Tue May 14, 2013 2:50 pm
by merdeamour
CharlieTheMad256 wrote:This isn't me applying (wish I could, but I already have my own projects to be doing :( ), but i look forward to playing :)
Also, I have a question.
I Aya's info, it say's she's talkative, but then say's she's mute, which is it?
Is she talkative naturally?
Sorry, I just find it odd that someone talkative would become mute (even over the death of a baby).
Excuse me me if I'm speaking out of line here :)
(And good luck!)
Hello, Talann... I was wondering about that, too. "Too concerned" sounds a little weak for a reason. Would you elaborate more on the circumstances that led Aya to her current condition? That might make it sound more legit to players (:

Beautiful sprites, by the way! Although Tay's looks too happy to be depressed (as you describe her)...

Re: Writers/Proofreaders/Voice actors NEEDED! (Unpaid sorry)

Posted: Tue May 14, 2013 3:18 pm
by Talann
merdeamour wrote:
CharlieTheMad256 wrote:This isn't me applying (wish I could, but I already have my own projects to be doing :( ), but i look forward to playing :)
Also, I have a question.
I Aya's info, it say's she's talkative, but then say's she's mute, which is it?
Is she talkative naturally?
Sorry, I just find it odd that someone talkative would become mute (even over the death of a baby).
Excuse me me if I'm speaking out of line here :)
(And good luck!)
Hello, Talann... I was wondering about that, too. "Too concerned" sounds a little weak for a reason. Would you elaborate more on the circumstances that led Aya to her current condition? That might make it sound more legit to players (:

Beautiful sprites, by the way! Although Tay's looks too happy to be depressed (as you describe her)...
Hi there! :D
Actually, I do agree I guess I have made a mistake... I will fix it anyways! And well the reason why Aya lost her unborn baby is because basically, she went to this party with her friends and got drunk and she just had 'it' with a random guy called Joe. About 8 months later, Joe came up to her and said that she should have an abortion because he has a girlfriend. But Aya refused so he started to kick her in the stomach and hit her. It seemed like Aya had a miscarriage. Aya went through a lot of trouble being pregnant, that's why she was too concerned especially being hit by a complete stranger who seemed to be the father of her child. By the way, in that part, it does not show the whole thing. Tay just tells the readers about it and basically there wont be too many details.

Also, the sprites unfortunately are not mine xD I gave out credit to who made it :)
Yes I do agree but, Tay used to be happy. You see, she starts telling her story to the readers from the very beginning (when she first joined PLY High). Then, that is when she becomes depressed and that is when her sister has a miscarriage. Hope this explains it a little bit more!

CharlieTheMad256 wrote:This isn't me applying (wish I could, but I already have my own projects to be doing ), but i look forward to playing
Also, I have a question.
I Aya's info, it say's she's talkative, but then say's she's mute, which is it?
Is she talkative naturally?
Sorry, I just find it odd that someone talkative would become mute (even over the death of a baby).
Excuse me me if I'm speaking out of line here
(And good luck!)
Hi there! First of all, good luck with your projects! :) And thanks for pointing that out. It really helped me and I will change that bit of mistake later. I guess I should just change her personality into like maybe she used to be a quiet girl and very unhappy with her life since she was the one who looked after Tay all that time. Anyways, thank you for correcting me, much appreciated.


Re: Writers/Proofreaders/Voice actors NEEDED! (Unpaid sorry)

Posted: Tue May 14, 2013 7:33 pm
by Kiki
It's not odd at all for someone's personality to change after such a traumatic event. I could easily see the logic in someone losing the will to talk after losing their child. The wording "too concerned" doesn't make much sense, I'd suggest saying she had become depressed or something of the like instead, but it's well within reason that she could have went to a jabberbox to someone who never said a word after something so awful.

Re: Writers/Proofreaders/Voice actors NEEDED! (Unpaid sorry)

Posted: Tue May 14, 2013 9:57 pm
by inhalance
I'm down to proofread and to pitch in some ideas for the script. ^^

Re: Writers/Proofreaders/Voice actors NEEDED! (Unpaid sorry)

Posted: Wed May 15, 2013 2:16 am
by Talann
Kiki wrote:It's not odd at all for someone's personality to change after such a traumatic event. I could easily see the logic in someone losing the will to talk after losing their child. The wording "too concerned" doesn't make much sense, I'd suggest saying she had become depressed or something of the like instead, but it's well within reason that she could have went to a jabberbox to someone who never said a word after something so awful.
I guess you are right. Actually, I used to know people who went mute after an accident. So it is possible in fact. Also, I agree with you I will as well just change it to depressed.

inhalance wrote:I'm down to proofread and to pitch in some ideas for the script. ^^
Ah I would appreciate that. I will PM you straight away :)

Re: Writers/Proofreaders/Voice actors NEEDED! (Unpaid sorry)

Posted: Wed May 15, 2013 2:39 am
by Kato
I keep meaning to upload some voice samples for this. I really only do villainous voices but gosh darn ill give 'normal' the college try! (Assuming you're still looking for voice actors)

Re: Writers/Proofreaders/Voice actors NEEDED! (Unpaid sorry)

Posted: Wed May 15, 2013 6:50 am
by TerracottaPie
I might be able to be a voice actor, but I'd prefer a smaller role over a larger one. I'll get some samples up when I have the time. No qualms with harsher language if it's a voice acting role.

I'm a grammar Nazi and would probably work well as a proofreader, though. Just be aware I'm used to Australian English so if you're from America or some place where there's a few minor differences then be sure to let me know and I'll accommodate.