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Top Anime Movies?

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 4:44 pm
by silverpikachu99
i'm just curious to know what your favourite anime movies are!

Re: Top Anime Movies?

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 5:00 pm
by MaiMai
Millennium Actress directed by Satoshi Kon. Just. It's an amazing movie.

I think more people need to see it if they haven't already since I feel like when people think of anime movies, they automatically think Hayao Miyazaki and/or Ghibli, and while yes, those are great, Satoshi Kon's works are wonderful, Millennium Actress being my favorite and personally I think is his best. I should watch Tokyo Godfathers though, I heard that one was pretty good too.

Re: Top Anime Movies?

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 3:49 am
by gekiganwing
A standalone movie (not a sidestory or a compilation) that's genuinely enjoyable is a rare thing. I liked Summer Wars, though its plot is kind of a mess. I had some positive things to say about King of Thorn, but it should have remained a "survive and escape" story.

I need to make time to watch Horus: Prince of the Sun. A part of it was shown before closing ceremonies at Anime Weekend Atlanta 2009, and it held my attention.

Re: Top Anime Movies?

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 11:37 am
by hikaa212
everything from ghilbi studios! and also The Girl Who Leapt Through Time :D

Re: Top Anime Movies?

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 11:45 am
by myapple
Ookami Kodomo no Ame to Yuki and Sword of the Stranger are my top two that aren't Ghibli/Satoshi Kon.

Shinkai Makoto's movies are visually stunning, but I find the stories hard to relate to...

Re: Top Anime Movies?

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 8:11 pm
by Dream
Studio Ghibli. Specially Porco Rosso.

Re: Top Anime Movies?

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2013 5:38 am
by Arelune
The Girl Who Leapt Through Time, They were Eleven, Windaria and Brave Story.

Coincidentally, two from 2006 and two from 1986. :)

Re: Top Anime Movies?

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2013 2:19 pm
by lemonscent
Studio Ghibli stuff.

Ironically, I didn't like Girl Who Leapt Through Time... (then again, the last time I watched it was in like 2nd grade lol) It's like everyone loves the anime movie, but doesn't like the original (novel), but I loved the original to the point that the anime movie was a major disappointment. I think it was just the generic "amg the anime doesn't match the manga/light novel i'm gonna ragequit and rant kthixbi" though

Re: Top Anime Movies?

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2013 4:14 am
by ZeroExistence009
Well, I like The Girl Who Leapt Through Time too :D

The other best anime movies for me are:
*Standalone Movies
-Wolf Childen Ame and Yuki -- too much drama in this movie. Fantasy + slice of life.
-Spirited Away -- this movie is cute. And the story is good too.
*Side Story
-Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works -- I'm a big fan of Typemoon works :D
-Sora no Otoshimono: Tokeijikake no Angeloid -- this is side story but as good as the main anime.
-K-On! Movie -- as light hearted as the main anime. It's fun.
-Crayon Shin-chan - I only watched one movie and I really enjoy it. Planning to watch the other movies :lol:

Still waiting for the movie of Ano Hana :P

Re: Top Anime Movies?

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2013 10:55 am
by Kensela
The Cat Returns, all day, everyday. Can't think of other anime films that I like that are not Studio Ghibli. I just think that tv studios that try to make movies out of their shows can't pull off the same spark as Studio Ghibli or are not up to par.

Re: Top Anime Movies?

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2013 1:20 am
by Fenrir34
Akira-It's a little weird and is different from the manga but I enjoyed the movie. It was one of my first anime movies and, even though it scared me, kept me excited the whole time

Spirited Away-Has to be my favorite movie ever created. It's almost to perfect. I wish there was some more romance though but then again Chihiro is only about twelve

Arashi No Yoru Ni-I don't know if many people know this movie but it's great. It's about a goat and wolf who become friends and must overcome the trials of that friendship since there species hate each other.
I will warn you that Mei's gender is confusing. He's a guy but acts a bit like a woman. Still cute though.

Paprika-A movie about dreams and weird creatures. It's by the same guy who directed Paranoia Agent. It's a but strange but a great movie. Kind of wish it was a series.

Inuyasha Movie 1-I know many people won't agree with me but I just have to love this movie and the series. The others are okay but our not as good as the first one

These are my top 5 movies. I have more but these beat them :D

Re: Top Anime Movies?

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2013 10:40 am
by Amy
I'm surprised nobody's mentioned Kara no Kyoukai yet.
It's a series of 7 movies, adding up to about 10 hours, and in that time it tells a memorable tale of tragedy, romance, and the best and worst of humanity.
It has beautiful visuals (courtesy of ufotable, which you may have heard of from Fate/zero), a beautiful soundtrack (Kajiura <3), a beautiful story (by Nasu, in his early days - some fans think it's his best work, even better than Fate/stay night), compelling characters (Ryougi Shiki keeps winning, or at least scoring well on the Type-MOON popularity polls for a very good reason)...
Oh, and it has ending themes by Kalafina, fancy knife and magical battles, and a very interesting style of storytelling that makes it confusing at first - it's non-chronological until the 5th movie (which, as it happens, is the best part) - but soon fits together, with a satisfying ending.

...Yes, I'm very surprised nobody has mentioned Kara no Kyoukai yet, especially on a VN forum where everyone knows about Type-MOON. It's worth watching just for the animation, or just for the soundtrack, or just for the story or characters, but with all of those together...
...With all of those together, it's quite close to perfection.

Re: Top Anime Movies?

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2013 10:50 am
by latte
Ookami Kodomo no Ame to Yuki. The funny thing is that I disliked it at first and only watched half of it since I was incredibly skeptical of the whole wolf thing, but once you embrace that it's a powerful, moving tale.

Also, I don't usually like Makoto Shinkai movies and 5cm/s literally made me sleep, but I loved Kotonoha no Niwa/Garden of Words. I can't say what I love the most about it without spoilers, but it's the most visually stunning of his movies to date and the story is quiet and beautiful. What I don't like is Kana Hanazawa playing a woman on her late 20s... As for Ghibli, I don't care a lot for their movies except for Spirited Away, which I really like. *prepares to be stoned*

The K-On movie was surprisingly enjoyable too, they absolutely nailed the feeling of traveling with girl friends. For some reason I loved the hotel room scenes the best.