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Half Past Never

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 1:55 pm
by uluuu
Current status:
February 20, 2009: My new goal is to have this done by sometime next February, just to give myself some impetus/motivation/whatever. I am not planning to rush and end up with something lame.

December 13, 2008: This is not dead or anything, I just really dislike this post and all of the things that were in it.

...Look at me still talking when there's writing to do.

Re: Saigo no Kono Hibi (mega working title, nice Wapanese, yes?)

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 2:12 pm
by papillon
Plopped next to each other like that I think I prefer the one on the left, it has a more... distinct visual style? I'm not sure what the words I"m looking for are.

Re: Saigo no Kono Hibi (mega working title, nice Wapanese, yes?)

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 2:17 pm
by DaFool
Left also. (Is it accidentally cropped or something?)

I like
1.) black lines
2.) highlights

The flat style on the right might work for other purposes, but according to my eyes, I like the left better.

edit: I'm all for stories about individual girls, like Diamond Dust Drops, Seraphim Call, etc.

Re: Saigo no Kono Hibi (mega working title, nice Wapanese, yes?)

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 3:30 pm
by musical74
Think I'm part of the *left looks better* too, for these reasons

1) highlights
2) it looks more dynamic. The right seems more like it's part of the scenery where the left looks like its seperate

Both look OK to me.....I just like the left one better :)

Re: Saigo no Kono Hibi (mega working title, nice Wapanese, yes?)

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 5:16 pm
by rocket
Left #1

The face looks more balanced. The pose of the right is nice, but the left one works better overall.

Re: Saigo no Kono Hibi (mega working title, nice Wapanese, yes?)

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 11:01 am
by chronoluminaire
I prefer the eyes and the highlights of the girl on the left.

Re: light (working title 2)

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 10:37 am
by Sailor Kitty

Keep up the good work!

Re: light (working title 2)

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 7:36 pm
by uluuu
After a long long break (actually I don't remember how long) I've started working on this thing again. I have the first two days (out of at the most five, but there are different versions of days and stuff so it's not really a lot) written, mainly. It feels like I'm going to need another break pretty soon, though, since writing is not one of my strong points. However, my goal is to have at least one of the routes done by the end of this year. Hopefully that won't lead to my being holed up in my room on New Year's Eve writing myself to death. Hai, ganbarimasu.

Re: Kono Hibi (working title 3)

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 12:13 am
by uluuu
The good news is that my meds were switched around so I feel a lot better than I have in a while, and therefore, a real break may not be so imminent. The bad news is that I am really behind on schoolwork, so I might actually have to stop working on this project for a few days. I don't really have much to show for my efforts yet, but I'm back in the state of mind that this will actually get finished. I just need to remember to rely on myself for motivation or I will get nowhere, hehe.

Here's some pictures. My drawing skill has gotten a little better, see?

Re: Kono Hibi (working title 3)

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 5:11 pm
by Chou
This sounds like it's going to be really nice! I really like your drawing style, by the way, your characters are so pretty~ Selene is adorable :D

Re: Half Past Never (working title 4)

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 10:39 am
by Der Tor
you basicly haven't said anything about the story so far... now that's either cause it's totaly genious and allready all plant out and you don't wannna give spoilers - or your not really sure about the story yourself yet.

I think the story is the first thing to work out, and everything else get's crafted according to the needs of the story. For example, if you where to write shonen, than it should be shonen because the story requires that, and not because you just wanna write shonen and are now trying to make up a story that fits the genre.

Re: Half Past Never (working title 4)

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 6:04 pm
by DrakeNavarone
uluuu wrote:Selene: A somewhat naive girl who is staying in the same place as Elizabeth and Satomi. She's friendly enough, though she tends to keep to herself. She sleeps a lot.
While the other characters sound interesting enough, this is the one interesting me the most... just curious, but may I ask why you chose that name? It's sorta related to something I may/may not/am working on...

Re: Half Past Never (working title 4)

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 8:17 pm
by uluuu
Der Tor wrote:you basicly haven't said anything about the story so far... now that's either cause it's totaly genious and allready all plant out and you don't wannna give spoilers - or your not really sure about the story yourself yet.

I think the story is the first thing to work out, and everything else get's crafted according to the needs of the story. For example, if you where to write shonen, than it should be shonen because the story requires that, and not because you just wanna write shonen and are now trying to make up a story that fits the genre.
I agree with you about the story being most important, hehe.
I have the basic premise and storyline(s) planned out, really, and they have been for a long time. I just needed to rethink some things so they make more sense. I mean, the original inspiration was a dream I had, so there were plenty of weird, unexplained things that didn't really fit and needed to be altered (For example, one of the main characters was originally my cat in the dream, hehe). As for not saying anything about the story... I don't really know what to say. This is partially because I know what I want to happen, but I'm not completely sure yet how to set up events that make the main happenings not seem totally out there, if you know what I mean. I don't have a lot of faith in my writing or storytelling abilities, plus I am a bit of a perfectionist, so...
I'm not really writing for a particular genre. I guess it would be some kind of contemporary fantasy/mystery... thing. With elements of horror (if I can pull that off). I'm not good at categorizing things based on genre, as you can probably tell by that description.
DrakeNavarone wrote:
uluuu wrote:Selene: A somewhat naive girl who is staying in the same place as Elizabeth and Satomi. She's friendly enough, though she tends to keep to herself. She sleeps a lot.
While the other characters sound interesting enough, this is the one interesting me the most... just curious, but may I ask why you chose that name? It's sorta related to something I may/may not/am working on...
In the story's current state, if there is a "main heroine", it would probably be Selene, so it makes sense that she would seem most interesting. There's a very loose connection to the goddess in her story, but mostly I just like the name. ^ ^;;;

Re: Half Past Never (working title 4)

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 9:24 pm
by DrakeNavarone
uluuu wrote:There's a very loose connection to the goddess in her story, but mostly I just like the name. ^ ^;;;
Ahh, cool cool. So there is a connection... It just caught my attention because I'm using (a form of) that name for the heroine of my story (I chose it mostly because of its connection with the moon, an important element in my idea, but I too like the name, though not as much as its other forms, Selina being the one I chose...).

Re: Half Past Never (working title 4)

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2007 6:56 am
by Der Tor
uluuu wrote:For example, one of the main characters was originally my cat in the dream, hehe
Make it a neko-thingy.... their cuuute :mrgreen: