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help-a-noob: which script file to use for an in-game menu

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 11:52 pm
by bani
I'm fairly new to Ren'py and coding in general, and although I've found most of the tasks I've attempted and neat tricks I've tried out from here while lurking have been relatively surmountable, recently I'm running into allll sorts of confusions (つ﹏╰) it doesn't help that my brain feels denser than osmium today and everything I've learned has just completely fallen out of my head and isn't coming together at all.
I've recently started using the DSE because it's got what I'm looking for in terms of game creation but all of its script files are confusing this little newbie.

Basically I gave myself a customised Main Menu screen without much hassle (thanks to all the tutorials by you guys for custom menus, imagemapping and imagebuttons!♥(ˆ⌣ˆԅ)) by changing it in the Screens.rpy file. But I'd really like my game's main interface screen - that is, where the player controls most elements of the game, progresses the game and therefore sees the it Home Turf - to be a kind of oohfaaancy customised imagemapped menu screen also. Now the coding part of that is a bridge I know I must timidly cross when I come to it. But first I was wondering where I actually place the coding for that, in which script file? after "label start" in main.rpy? (as DSE and my frail attempts at using its foundations use that like a kind of script.rpy)? ಠ_ಠ

Thanks for looking at my help-a-newbie call for aid, and if I'm making no sense please excuse me - I can only blame my aforementioned blank headspace today ( ⌣́,⌣̀)ヽ

Re: help-a-noob: which script file to use for an in-game men

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 12:14 am
by Showsni
Technically, it doesn't really matter which .rpy file you put any of the coding in - Ren'Py will run code from any and all .rpy files it finds in your game directory. It's probably best to try and keep each bit of code somewhere sensible, though, so you can remember where to find it.

Re: help-a-noob: which script file to use for an in-game men

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 12:30 am
by bani
Thank you for your reply! Duly noted, the script files have no ordering/priority and is just one big tasty meal for ren'py, and the whole "name file put somewhere" is just for us silly humans. I'm sorry you had to repeat that for me, I really am just having a blank day considering that is mentioned at least once in the tutorials, you are a good soul for not just calling me a fool =^.^= many thanks =^.^=