Infinite, Stackable Inventory/Crafting/Vendor - UPDATED v1.5

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Re: Infinite, Stackable Inventory/Crafting/Vendor - UPDATED v1.5

#76 Post by thexerox123 »

Ended up having an issue when I tried to implement crafting and recipes, but it was solved via this other thread. (thanks to _ticlock_!)

In short, I was getting the error

Code: Select all

TypeError: '>=' not supported between instances of 'NoneType' and 'int'
It's solved by making a slight change to def qty:

Code: Select all

def qty(self, item):
            for i in self.inv:
                if i[0] == item:   
                    return i[1] # returns quantity 
            return 0 # returns zero if no item in the inventory

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