Artist For Hire <3

For recruitment of team members to help create visual novels and story-based games, and for people who want to offer their services to create the same.
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Artist For Hire <3

#1 Post by Clockworkjoker »

As this is my first time to this site, please be gentle lol, I hope I read all of the rules correctly, a good friend of mine referred me here to try my hand at getting people to commission me for character concept art. I only accept Paypal. Am such a noob. If you would like to talk more privately go ahead and pm me.

Complete change in character's pose will be considered an additional character

Thigh up= $15(per character)

Full body= $25

Extra Outfit and Hair: $10

Headshot / Expression Palette: $5.50

I know there are no male sprites because I haven't drawn them as such. I do draw male character they are just not sprites, but I have a few sketches already laid out and will upload them once the art is done. So Here's just a few pictures to show my coloring style.
what my sketches sometimes look like
what my sketches sometimes look like
This is last year.
This is last year.
This was last year.
This was last year.
Hear Speak See1.jpg

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