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Re: Guestbook

#5521 Post by EnthuasticLearner »

(Account) Name: EnthuasticLearner
Location: Indonesia
Comments about Lemma Soft: Hopefully this place can help me in my Ren'Py development journey!
Trying to be civil, friendly, and helpful while not breaking the rules here. (Please don't be a jerk, future me...)

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Re: Guestbook

#5522 Post by deveamm »

My name is Alex, I am a programming student, I leave here my GitHub username Deveamm and my LinkedIn alexmartinzm. The truth is I still couldn't contribute much about Lemmasoft because I just joined at this moment but I would like to contribute my grain of sand to the community and be of use to others 😄. By the way, I'm from Mexico.

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Re: Guestbook

#5523 Post by krisisNotcover_ »

Hello, hello! A good day or night to whoever is reading this. My name is Kris and I'm a newcomer to this forum and coding VNs itself!

Name: Kris Kang
Location: Asia, Philippines
Projects: Outer Worldly Shenanigans - A romance dating sim where you can romance two aliens from another planet!
Comment: This site reminds me of the aesthetic of 2000s websites (Well, it was made in the 2000s lmao), but I still love it. And, this'll really help by asking advice from older members and my development in coding on Ren'py and other programming applications too. I hope I'll be able to achieve my dream one day with the help of others.

Thank you for reading and have a great time ahead of you.

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Re: Guestbook

#5524 Post by Vera »

Hey, irl my name is Sarah but just call me V. I think visual novels are neat and would like to participate and learn. Oh, and I like to write.

Location: US east coast.
Website: non-existent, but I do have an AO3 lol
Project: Unrelated to Ren'py but I'm working on a mod for Stardew Valley
Comments about Lemma Soft: I knew about the forum for years but never joined because I was gatekeeping myself out of it? Crazy. Anyway, I love how Lemma Soft is anything from a professional game dev forum to a hobbyist's guidebook.

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Re: Guestbook

#5525 Post by MsPsychosocial »

Name: MsPyschosocial or Alyssa to my friends
Location: US
Website: None
Comments about Lemmasoft: Well, I heard that this was the place to come to when you want to learn about renpy and others things so here I am.

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Re: Guestbook

#5526 Post by Zahdernia »

Hia! I'm Zahdernia (or May, if you prefer human names.) I like doing all the creative things — writing, drawing, composing, plus a bunch of non-VN related hobbies — and am hoping to better my understanding of Ren'py so that I can mix 'em all together into something really cool. I've been working on and off with the engine since 2014 or so, but I've yet to stick to it long enough release a game. I'm hoping to change that soon!

Location: Canada 🍁

Project: I'm working on a big ol' fictional universe called Thyne. (Yes, I'm in way over my head.) It's heavily magic-based, and its stories tend to have major themes of love, loss, and legacy. At time of writing, my current Ren'py project is best described as a weird cross between a webcomic and a stageplay.
The TLDR: At nightfall, a bunch of kids go to the nearby forest to tell spooky stories, but things go sour when they wind up stranded deep within, incessantly pursued by their fears made physical. Good luck finding a way home.

Comments about Lemmasoft:
I've had this account for literal years, and I've visited the forums to read posts others have made to troubleshoot my own issues, but I've always been too shy and nervous to contribute answers to others' issues or ask questions of my own. That said, I look forward to learning more and helping out where I can! ^^
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Re: Guestbook

#5527 Post by guimero64 »

Name: Guimero
Location: Mauritius
Website: Here it is!
Comments: Glad that this corner of the internet exists!

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Re: Guestbook

#5528 Post by writerofweird »

Hi, my name is Gareth, and my website can be found at I mostly write stories and poems and illustrate them, but I'm hoping this will provide a new outlet for my creativity.

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Re: Guestbook

#5529 Post by pantophon »

Name: pantophon
Location: Europe
Comments about Lemmasoft: I was just about to get active here about my project, and trying to find a side gig. Also the coding posts here immensely helped!

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Re: Guestbook

#5530 Post by humwawa »

name: humwawa
Location: US
website: WIP
comments: facing some renpy issues that *seem* resolvable but haven't been able to resolve them myself

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Re: Guestbook

#5531 Post by Null_sys »

Heya I'm Null I'm mainly going to list my services ^-^

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Re: Guestbook

#5532 Post by ajay1203 »

Hey Null!

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Re: Guestbook

#5533 Post by MokaKisses »

Hello everyone! Nice to meet you all. I am on here because, several times, advice about Renpy has been helpful, and I am so glad I found this place.

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Re: Guestbook

#5534 Post by Winterknight135 »

Name: Atticus
Location: U.S
Website: None
Comments about Lemma Soft: I appreciate this website a ton. Even before I was a member this site has been a huge asset to me

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Re: Guestbook

#5535 Post by BreadMaj »

Name: Hunter
Location: Latvia
Website: None
Comments about Lemma Soft: First and foremost, I'm thrilled to see that this site is still active and flourishing. I'm glad to be part of your community. Long live Lemma Soft!

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