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Looking for Artist (CLOSED)

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 10:50 pm
by Lucy1212
Note: I'm looking for a partner more than an employee. Which means you have to be invested in this. You'll be doing a bunch of art, and it's unpaid. Which is harsh. But I'm doing all the writing and coding, but I'm not getting payed either. So, yeah.

I tried drawing my own, but they're not exactly great. This is what I need redrawn. (I want them to look the same, just better quality.)

Demetri, the main character of the game. He's a demon. Literally. He likes to corrupt humans and is constantly bored.
I need: Him with a neutral expression
Him in his demonic form with a smile (horns, tail, no shirt, you know)
Him in his demonic form with a frown
Him blushing
Him frowning
Him smiling
Him looking sinister (you know, all >:) and stuff)
Him angry
Him confused

Alex, one of two girls you can pursue. She's a loner with a foul mouth. She likes to read.
I need: Her with a neutral expression
Her with a slight frown
Her with a big frown
Her blushing
Her smiling
Her angry

Lola, the other girl you can pursue. She seems like an air-headed popular girl, but she has a secret sadistic side. She likes ordering others around.
I need: Her with a neutral expression
Her smiling
Her frowning
Her blushing
Her looking sinister
Her angry

Harry, Demetri's partner in crime. He's full of sarcasm. He likes peace and quiet.. Too bad he never gets it.
I need: The bat, and that's all

Those are the images I need redrawn by a (hopefully) better artist.

I'll need 4 CGs, one for each "good" ending planned.
One of Demetri and Alex kissing.
One of Demetri in his demonic form and Alex hugging.
One of Lola and Demetri kissing.
One of Demetri in his demonic form and Lola hugging.

If you're interested, please give a sample of the artwork. If you want more information about what the story is about, please ask. And I think that's all.

Some examples of dialogue from the story:
I spot Alex sitting by herself in a corner, reading a book.
She looks up and glares at me.
What are you doing here?
Well I thought I'd get some reading done, but the temptation to talk with you is far greater.
How unfortunate for me.
Yes, poor you. Getting stuck with the wonderful me.
As long as you're here, make yourself useful.
I'm tired of reading. Read for me.
It would be my pleasure.
i'm just tired of reading, that's all, okay? Don't think this is permission to always bother me.
Of course.
Be quiet, my dear, this is a library.

I walk over to where one particularly pretty girl is sitting.
Hey pretty girl. Wanna hang out?
Shouldn't we introduce ourselves first?
Of course, of course. I'm the amazingly handsome and talented Demetri. You are?
The majestic and beautiful Lola, at your service.
Nice to meet you Lola. Wanna see a trick?
I reach behind her ear and pull out a rose.
Oh my god! How did you do that?
What an easy to impress girl.
It's easy with magic.
Little does she know, it's my demonic powers.
So how come I haven't seen you around before, Demetri?
I'm new here.
Wait a minute... dang it! You're the new kid I was supposed to show around!
Well, I found my classes fine. No harm, no foul.
That's good to hear.
We chat for the rest of lunch.

Uh... are you also here to grade papers?
Right then, Mr. Pumprock walks in.
Hello Alex, Demetri. Ready to start grading papers?
I'm always ready. Always.
Yes, well, that's very nice.
He puts half the papers in front of me, and half in front of the girl apparently called Alex. I start grading the papers.
My eyes keep flickering over to her. She's cute. Shy, but cute.
I finish my papers in ten minutes. She's still working on hers.
Want some help?
But'm already done. I might as well help you.
She hands half of the papers she still hasn't finished over to me. I begin grading again. Eventually it's all finished.
So... how has your day been so far? I'm Demetri, by the way.
It was great until this idiot started talking to me when I clearly didn't want to be talked to.
Now that's harsh.
Life is harsh. I'll be going, then.

I'm including what I have so far of the game. Part 1 is completed (the beginning part that decides which girl's path you go on), Part 2 is being worked on (Alex's path), and part 3 hasn't been started yet (Lola's path).

Re: Looking for Artist

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2014 12:37 pm
by ColaCat
Could you put the coded part into a code tag? It makes it easier to read.

Re: Looking for Artist

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2014 9:01 pm
by Adoxographist
How much art are you looking for exactly?
Like, uh... how many characters, and for each character how many poses/expressions/outfits. Do artists need to do backgrounds and CGs too?

EDIT: Sorry, I just noticed that each character had additional details, my bad! But still the question about backgrounds and CGs still stands.

Re: Looking for Artist

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2014 10:33 pm
by Lucy1212
No background art needed, I'm using filtered photos for those. For CGs I just edited my post to be more specific. I'l need 4, one for each good ending.

Re: Looking for Artist

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 8:42 pm
by meiri
PM Sent -- Not sure if it went through properly.