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Indentation mismatch, label start:

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2014 9:42 pm
by ProxyPawaa
So... there's an indentation mismatch, but its saying that about the very beginning of my script where it says "label start:". Its all the way to the left, where I've always had it, any idea what the issue may be?

I attached a picture, could the fact that the menu's are that far to the left be causing issues? I believe I had issues when I indented them one out the other way before....

Re: Indentation mismatch, label start:

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2014 9:57 pm
by feathersnake
Do you have a different indentation for things above the start label? That might be causing that specific problem.

I'd also guess having that first menu indented like that will cause you problems too. (The menu you have under the namerepeat label) You might want to give it the same indentation as your second menu statement. (The one you have under your may209am label)

Re: Indentation mismatch, label start:

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2014 10:22 pm
by ProxyPawaa
Yeah, originally they all hugged the left line now they're all 4 spaces out. I'll try removing the indentation from all of the variable declarations.

Fixed the menu thing already.

EDIT: Fixed that, now I'm getting this. Am I supposed to have something between the " and the : here?

EDIT2: And again fixed, menus werent hard to fix. Thanks guys.