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Episode- Interactive Story Engine

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 1:13 pm
by verysunshine
I discovered the mobile app Episode a few weeks ago, and once I found out there is a story editor attached, I knew I had to try it. The app itself is functional, but the editor (called the Writer Portal by the devs) might be useful.

The biggest advantage to the portal appears to be ease of distribution, once you can slog through everything needed to be accepted. The second advantage is that the art is built-in.

The biggest disadvantage seems to be the audio tracks- there aren't any. Pocket Gems is a big company. They should be able to drop some money for a rudimentary sound library. Unfortunately, they don't seem to care. The second issue is that the art is rather limited, particularly when it comes to backgrounds.

The game runs on python code, but everything is worded differently from Ren'py.

Have any of you tried this? Did you like it?

Here's some coding if anyone's interested.

Code: Select all

        PC (talk_happy)
    This is it. Today's finally the day.
    After five long years of waiting and training...
    I'm finally in my first internship!
    I can't wait to find out what I'm doing.

        PC (talk_excited)
    This will be the best day of my life!

@PC exits left

@PC enters from right to screen right
@ANDI stands screen left
        PC (think)
    I think this is where I'm supposed to be...
    Maybe I should ask someone.

        ANDI (idle)
    What a nice day...

        PC (nod)
    Someone like her.

        PC (wave)
    Excuse me!

@ANDI faces right

        ANDI (surprised)
        ANDI (talk_greet)
    Oh. Hi.

        PC (talk_nervous)
    You wouldn't happen to know where Dr. Hammond's office is, would you?

        ANDI (nod)
    Yeah! I do!

        ANDI (point)
    It's right over there.

        PC (talk_happy)
    Oh, thank you.

        ANDI (talk_agree)
    It's no biggie.
    By the way, my name's Andi. What's yours?

choice (NAME)
"Amanda" continue
"Brooklyn" continue
"Grace" continue
"Katie" continue
"Lindsay" continue
"Maya" continue
"Naomi" continue
"Olivia" continue
"Rebecca" continue
"Wendy" continue

        ANDI (think)
        ANDI (talk_smile)
    That's a cool name!

        PC (talk_gossip)
    Thanks. It was my great-grandmother's name.

        ANDI (talk_greet)
    Interesting. I should let you go now...
    Dr. Hammond will be waiting for you.

        PC (cover_mouth_scared)
    Oh, right!

        PC (wave)
    See you soon.

@PC exits right and ANDI is wave

@cut to zone 2
@PC enters from left to screen left
@PC walks to screen left in zone 2

        PC (talk_excited)
    Okay! I'm ready!

        PC (primp)
    And I look good.

        PC (talk_nervous)
    But this outfit... I'm not sure if it's right for my internship.

choice (INTOUTFIT)
"Stay in this outfit." {
        PC (nod)
    I'm sure it'll be fine!
"Change into something professional."{

        PC (talk_afraid)
    This is too casual. I need to change before Dr. Hammond sees me.
@PC walks to screen left in zone 1
@PC changes into PC_pro
@PC walks to screen left in zone 2

        PC (nod)

@PROF stands screen right in zone 4

@PC walks to screen left in zone 4 AND follow PC to screen left in zone 4

        PC (talk_greet)
    Are you Dr. Hammond?

        PROF (nod)
    Dr. George Hammond, PhD in Medicine, to be exact.

        PROF (talk_happy)
    You must be [NAME].

        PC (talk_happy)
    I am!

if (INTOUTFIT is "Stay in this outfit.") {

        PROF (talk_condescending)
    How seriously do you take this internship, [NAME]?

        PC (admire_forward)
    I've been wanting to do this for years!

        PROF (talk_condescending)

        PC (talk_afraid)
    Is something wrong?

        PROF (talk_headache)
    Of course something is wrong.

        PROF (talk_retort)
    Do you really expect to be taken seriously in ripped skinny jeans?

        PC (talk_nervous)
    No, sir...
    I'll go change.

@PC walks to screen left in zone 1
@PC changes into PC_pro
@PC walks to screen left in zone 4

        PROF (admire_forward)
    Much better.

else {
        PROF (admire_forward)
    I see you're ready to work.

        PC (shy)
    Thank you.

        PROF (talk)
    You probably think that you'll be here to save people's lives.

        PROF (talk)
    You are.

        PROF (talk_disagree)
    But you won't start out as a superhero.

        PROF (talk_condescending)
    You will start out by going over the data in this chart.

        PROF (nod)
    I expect you have that done by 9:00pm.

        PROF (talk)
    Good luck.

@PROF walks to screen right in zone 5

        PC (read_paper)
    Let's see...

        PC (read_paper)
    Looks like these are statistics talking about the flu.

        PC (read_paper)
    If I just have to put the statistics in order, this should be easy.

    You work for the next several hours, combing over each point of data.
    Eventually, you get the data points into a neat line.

        PC (tired_eye_rub)
    There. Finally finished.

        PC (tired)
    And it's almost 9:00!

@PROF walks to screen right in zone 4

        PROF (talk_shrug)
    Oh. You're still here. Have you finished your work?

        PC (nod)
    I have.

        PROF (talk)
    Leave it on the table. I'll look at it tomorrow.

        PC (talk_happy)
    I will, sir.

        PROF (talking1_happy)

        PROF (fingersnap)
    I'll see you tomorrow, then.

        PC (talk_tired)
    Right. See you tomorrow.

@PROF exits right

        PC (shy)
    Did he just wink at me?

        PC (talk_disagree)
    I must have been imagining things...

@PC exits left

@ANDI stands screen left
@ANDI faces right
@PC enters from right to screen right

        PC (talk_startled)

        ANDI (talk_shrug)

        PC (talk_afraid)
    You're still waiting out here? It's really late.

        ANDI (talk_happy)
    I'm waiting for my father. He'll pick me up here soon.

        ANDI (talk_nervous)
    Is there something wrong with that?

"Your dad doesn't seem too responsible." {
        PC (talk_condescending)
    Your dad doesn't seem too responsible.
    He left you here on your own at night.

        ANDI (talk_disagree)
    No, I'm fine. And I won't be out here much longer.
"Are you cold?" {
        PC (talk_condescending)
    You've been out here a long time. Are you cold?

        ANDI (talk_happy)
    I'm not cold.
"Why do you call him \"father\"?" {
        PC (talk_afraid)
    Why do you call him \"father\"?

        ANDI (talk_shrug)
    I don't know. I always have.

@DOC enters from right to upscreen right

        DOC (talk_happy)
    There you are, Andi!

        ANDI (talk_excited)
    Hi, Dad! How was work?

        DOC (talk_shrug2)
    The same as always.

        DOC (talking1_happy)
    Who's this, Andi?

        ANDI (talk_excited)
    Her name is [NAME] and she is Doctor Hammond's new intern.

        PC (talk_nervous)
    That's right!

if (INTOUTFIT is "Change into something professional.") {

        DOC (admire_forward)
    You look like you can handle whatever he throws at you.

        PC (shy)
    You really think so?

        DOC (nod)
    Of course. And I don't say things like that lightly.

else {}

        ANDI (talk_agree)
    Doctor Hammond is very difficult to work with. You're the fifth intern.

        PC (talk_afraid)
    The fifth intern?

        DOC (present_to_user)
    He's had four other interns this year. They've all quit for some reason.

        ANDI (talking_forward)
    They've all said they quit for personal reasons. That could mean anything.

        PC (panic)
    And I'm supposed to outlast them all?

        ANDI (talk_happy)
    You've got the smarts for it. I can tell.

        DOC (talk_happy)
    She's right. Doctor Hammond only takes some getting used to.

        PC (talk_nervous)
    Are you sure?

        DOC (nod)
    I'm sure. I did my graduate degree with him. Trust me, he's a good guy.
    You'll work well with him.

        PC (talk_tired)
    That's good to know.

        ANDI (shy)
    Father, it's 9:23pm. We should get going.

@DOC walks to screen center
@DOC faces right

        DOC (talk_shrug)
    Have a good night, [NAME].

        PC (talk_tired)
    Good night.

@DOC exits left and ANDI exits left