Idea: Free(as a freedom) franchise.

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Idea: Free(as a freedom) franchise.

#1 Post by ihentai »

So, people : Can we, and most importantly, will we create a free (as in freedom) franchise in LGPL like style license ? I thing if we succeed it will be great ! And this is what many of us need !

I reading this forum, see many free games created using renpy and see many things that we all can cooperate, but currently that cooperation is actually on some low level, IMHO. Yes, people write own games, create team's etc. Thats great !
But :

* Many of us, if not all, still learning to create good VN's (and some of us games), and mostly in a beginning of they way's.

* VN especially ( and many game type actually ) is a story(or heavily relying on a story). Writing of a good story is a hard problem. AND develop a bunch of characters, is very rewarding, but a true LONG process. Especially if your creativity can create a two main characters and your have(now, I presume) a problem to develop some of the secondary's. So in a result we see in many game's that only one(or two) char's present and some invisible demons to do a tricks :)

* The power of dojinshi is not used. Yes - that power exist :). How it's work ? Simple! What dojinshi authors actually do ? They write stories using existing characters. So actually characters live not in only one main story, but get existence itself, existence of his own ! They became more ALIVE ! :)

I can describe some other benefits but, let's move to a more detailed explanation how it will work. My thoughts :

* thing of this franchise character more like a independent beings, not as a tools to describe story(that its secondary mission), but think of a story as a tool to describe them.

* Suggested franchise mostly is a characters (described in stories) + relations between them(described in stories) + generic reactions of characters and generic description.

* In general our characters should not be restricted with only one clothing. For example - authors of free chars/images that i've seen on BladeEngine server forbids image altering and using characters in different clothing. Why we need it? Example: if I create a military-type or Star Trek type story all girls will be in uniforms.

* Source files for chars pictures should be avaliable. I suggest to use vector graphics as preferable format for character designs and available additional pics. Format suggestion - SVG, using Inkscape (free GPLed vector editor). Anyway, ONLY A TRY FREE SOFTWARE MUST BE used. So all people can use it as base of its own work.
Yes, I know, vectors is someway restricting. Well - bear with it. Nothing prevents you from using project files as sketches, applying for them more advanced coloring.
And send a raster images if you like - I personally :) vectorize them !

* NO restriction should be placed for using our free characters in ecchi/hentai. :) Viva la hentai ! :)

* Some backgrounds and world can be created for convenience of all creators. But this first world probably will be (in the beginning) a simple anime styled Japan school. Simply because Japan school is a anime/manga common denominator.

* The usage license should be LGPL or GPL llke. I.e LGPL: Changes in character, their development, etc, should be available to all. So if during _you_ story using _free_ chars you create a awesome char development twist - we all can use it. But you story is you story.
GPL: if you use char in story, all of others can use that story in their works. Without asking for permission !

* The list of author's MUST be preserved - all like in GPL license . I.e in README/AUTHORS distributions file's we can see all people that created characters. Appropriate files can be placed in web site/in character distribution packages.

* A guidance/style(one or many) of graphics(manga/anime like, of couse !) should be developed for using as standart/main/general in this project.

* Commercial usage should be allowed - under GPL/LGPL styled license.

* As in all free software the initial chars is simple - all project members donate some existed own characters or develop special chars for this project.

Starting with myself - my own planned commitment , if people agree to participate:
* I can create website for project, with wiki and others modern quirks :), on a free PHP/mysql hosting.
* I can redraw raster images in vector, if some artists like to donate they works to our project.
* I can donate, not probably now, some chars that I with my friends developed when we try to create manga circle.

The general idea - think of a characters as Ryn'Py sub-programs :) We all use ren'py and we not need to ask Py'Tom permission for doing this and that - because renpy is free software !

So, what you think ? Is it good ? Bad ? Suggestions ? Any of your want to participate ? Or not interested ?

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Re: Idea: Free(as a freedom) franchise.

#2 Post by Jake »

Hmm. While I don't have anything against the idea in principle, there are some practical problems I can think of. And some other comments:
ihentai wrote: So, people : Can we, and most importantly, will we create a free (as in freedom) franchise in LGPL like style license ? I thing if we succeed it will be great ! And this is what many of us need !
Firstly: "free as in freedom" doesn't mean anything. "freedom" in itself is meaningless, we don't have "freedom", we have "the freedom to <perform activity X>". Freedom is the opposite of 'cost' in some cases and the opposite of 'restriction' in others; equally, those those two words have many different meanings (monetary costs and emotional costs are both costs, forbidding restrictions and conditional restrictions are both restrictions).

The LGPL is far from absolutely free, it still has a number of important restrictions (e.g. that derivative libraries must also be placed under the LGPL), so what exactly are you aiming for, here? As I understand it, an absolutely-free character would need no license, only to be placed in the public domain by the creator.

I gather by the LGPL reference and the rest of your comments that you mean a character which is absolutely legally-free to use, but restricted when modifying, such that any modifications you make to the character fall under the same license? Whatever it is you mean, it would need firming up and laying out in specific black and white terms before it meant anything.
ihentai wrote: * VN especially ( and many game type actually ) is a story(or heavily relying on a story). Writing of a good story is a hard problem. AND develop a bunch of characters, is very rewarding, but a true LONG process. [...]

* The power of dojinshi is not used. Yes - that power exist :). How it's work ? Simple! What dojinshi authors actually do ? They write stories using existing characters. So actually characters live not in only one main story, but get existence itself, existence of his own ! They became more ALIVE ! :)
The problem I see here is that as you note, in the majority of cases, doujinshi works use characters which have already been established. There's an uncountable number of Type-Moon-based doujinshi manga, but they all use the characters which were established in a series of ultimately-commercial original stories. The Touhou games have spawned a massive volume of fan work, but again - the characters were all established in a series of original works. All the fan stuff plays on the details set up by the original creator.

The word 'character' means that set of traits and habits and quirks which makes a person unique, and this is also what it means when referring to characters in fiction. So where does that definition come from, if we create them from scratch specifically for the purpose of using them all over the place? Memorable characters work well because of their dynamic with other characters; Touhou's Sakuya is defined as much by her blind devotion to her vampire mistress as she is by the fact that she's a maid - so where does this come from, if we're planning to make the characters re-usable? I worry that by creating personalities specifically for the purpose of being used in a number of different VNs, we would end up with flat, bland, forgettable characters which nobody really cares for.

It's a fine idea, and if this fundamental problem could be worked around I probably wouldn't mind donating effort to such a cause, but I think that what we would be left with wasn't a set of 'characters' as used by doujinshi authors, but a set of 'sprites'. And while character-reuse can be compelling because the reader already has an emotional attachment to that character stemming from the original work, sprite-reuse often just annoys most people.
ihentai wrote: Anyway, ONLY A TRY FREE SOFTWARE MUST BE used. So all people can use it as base of its own work.
This is kind of silly. Save in open formats, sure - but if I create a PNG in Photoshop you can open it in the GIMP just fine, it's a known format that everyone can read, so there's no reason to restrict the software it comes from. Especially since - frankly - most FSF-free software is notably harder to use than commercial best-of-breed equivalents. I know I for one would rather "just not get involved" than "use the GIMP for any protracted period of time".
ihentai wrote: * Some backgrounds and world can be created for convenience of all creators. But this first world probably will be (in the beginning) a simple anime styled Japan school. Simply because Japan school is a anime/manga common denominator.
To me, this is integral to the definition of 'character', as I mentioned above. And remember that this also seriously restricts the number of things that you can do with the character.
This in turn makes works within this franchise less interesting to anyone who isn't directly involved with its creation, because they are less likely to see something new, and they have zero emotional attachment to the characters - they're not characters they recognise from that awesome anime series that was on last year or that great game they played last week. It also makes it less interesting to creators, because there's less space to assert their creativity without breaking the canon which has already been established. Again, I'm pretty sure most doujinshi authors write fan works because they already have an attachment to the characters rather than because they have trouble coming up with their own. Outside of a story, a character is just costume design.

Basically, we come to a catch-22 situation - we would need a critical mass of established, powerful fiction concerning those characters before enough people would be interested in using them, and we'd need people interested in using them in order to establish the critical mass of fiction.

(Not to mention that often, once people have written and defined and fleshed out their characters to that extent, they're less willing to let them be used by other people because other people will necessarily have differing ideas about their babies. Which makes it harder to persuade someone to establish that critical mass in the first place.)

On this note, look at Magical Boutique. Monele demonstrated how people could write new events for that, and asked people if they wanted to contribute, but generally the response wasn't that great. People prefer to work on their own projects. In the end, it turned out just being the work of two people, himself and DaFool.
ihentai wrote: * The usage license should be LGPL or GPL llke. I.e LGPL: Changes in character, their development, etc, should be available to all. So if during _you_ story using _free_ chars you create a awesome char development twist - we all can use it. But you story is you story.
I think this just won't work. As I mentioned before, the character development is the story is the character development. You could apply such rules to new sprites, but you'd have trouble separating what in a story constitutes 'character development' and what in a story constitutes 'just the story'.

If I write a story about character X getting pregnant, and the troubles she faces as a result of this, then it's pretty obvious that 'getting pregnant' is a fundamental and pivotal part of my story. But it's not like it's something that she's going to forget a couple of weeks later, whatever the outcome - it's going to deeply affect her for the rest of her life, so it's also character development. So are other authors using the same character supposed to totally ignore the fact that she was once pregnant because it's part of my story and the LGPL-esque approach means that that part belongs to me, or are they supposed to be able to use that notion freely, along with any new character traits she picked up as a result, because it's part of the character?

"Hey, Sakura, I've been meaning to ask - when I knew you a year ago you were happy and bubbly, and now you're all melancholy and brooding. What's up?"

"Oh, something that I can't mention due to licensing constraints happened to me last year that deeply affected me."

"Aww. Well, if you ever want to not talk about it, you know I'm here for you, OK?"

Bear in mind that the vast majority of doujinshi works explicitly do not obey copyright/trademark/etc. law, which is how they get around this problem. Licenses such as the GPL and LGPL are based in copyright law.
ihentai wrote: * A guidance/style(one or many) of graphics(manga/anime like, of couse !) should be developed for using as standart/main/general in this project.
A technical problem rather than a theoretical one - different sprites by different people will look different, regardless of whether you have a style guide. It takes a more skilled artist to imitate someone else's style than it does to draw the same character in their own. So a style guide is more or less pointless, really - no two representations of the same character are going to look similar enough that they could be used alongside each other without looking odd.
ihentai wrote: * Commercial usage should be allowed - under GPL/LGPL styled license.
. . . commercial usage and the GPL don't typically mix. GPLed software can be sold, sure, but since the vendor is required to give away the source code for free nobody would buy it, so nobody is really going to try for any length of time. What sells in GPL-software-land are things like services based on the software, support contracts and custom development, which are pretty meaningless for a VN. The LGPL has the previously-described problem of separating character from story, only with the added problem that if the story part is a commercial interest the copyright holder is likely to be more difficult about sharing.

Realistically, I think you'll find that:
  • People will be pretty reluctant to let you use any previously-established characters from previous games, for artistic-integrity reasons.
  • People in this community will be less inclined to create new stories with existing characters than new stories with new characters of their own.
  • Characters created specifically for the purpose of being reused will be dull compared to characters created for specific stories.
  • Realistically, a better model - and one for which it's far more simple to define the boundaries of licenses - would just be a repository of free-to-use artwork... which everyone has known would be a Good Thing To Have for some time, but still few examples exist.
  • People will be reluctant to get involved in such a project without seeing some evidence that it's feasible. (I know I'm in this boat myself.)
But, you know - good luck, if you carry on with it. It's a nice idea, I just suspect it needs a lot of fiddling before it's that feasible.
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Re: Idea: Free(as a freedom) franchise.

#3 Post by Adorya »

If I remember well, ZUN the Touhou's creator didn't set a copyright tag on his works until some fans reverse engineered his game to take graphics and use to their own work and claim as their. That is why now he explicitly say "doujin about Touhou is fine as long as you don't use directly my work" and add a copyright tag to every work he have.

Also from the OP the only benefit gained would be the shared data (graphics, characters, scenarii, code...) to save time, but as suggested just above it won't work because the western idea of "property" is still very strong.

Also about doujin I would say that doujin is only possible when the doujin subject has a strong popularity and so need a strong fanbase, which is lacking here atm. To resolve this there is only one thing : release more originals VNs (though there are already some easter eggs/reference possible/fanwork for a few characters *hint*).

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Re: Idea: Free(as a freedom) franchise.

#4 Post by Jake »

Adorya wrote:If I remember well, ZUN the Touhou's creator didn't set a copyright tag on his works until some fans reverse engineered his game to take graphics and use to their own work and claim as their.
It shouldn't matter a bit - Japan is a signatory to all the major international copyright conventions, including the ones which make copyright legally assigned regardless of whether the creator explicitly claims it, and they've had more than enough time since then to pass the relevant measures into law. There's no reason to believe that the situation isn't the same in Japan as in the UK or the US - if you create a thing, you have copyright over that thing, regardless of whether or not you bother to tell people that when you publish it.

On the other hand, there is a distinct cultural difference over there; major publishers seem to be perfectly happy to turn a blind eye to copyright infringement in fan works [within reason], and thus this using-characters-from-existing-works-in-our-fan-manga thing has sprung up apparently mostly unopposed. A sharp contrast to the Disney-will-sue-you-if-you-so-much-as-look-at-three-circles-slung-together approach we see over here...
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Re: Idea: Free(as a freedom) franchise.

#5 Post by Adorya »

Yes, I wanted to argue a bit about the doujin system described by the OP which was not completely accurate for his purpose, even if it's "copyright free", it's still bound by some restrictive regulations (with a more adult tag regulation now).

Also I wanted to point out by my example that even if you can use someone else idea, you can't use someone else material if he doesn't agree, even in Japan. By the way, a newcomer mangaka was recently kicked out by Kodansha for stealing material from famous other manga like Death Note, etc...he was called Megabaka so I guess that fit him well now :lol:

Edit: However, we have a great example of sharing under python and it's called Battle for Wesnoth. It's a free open source STG like, the UI is python typical and Ren'py "doable" though many developers contributed and worked a lot on it. The most interesting aspect is its huge community, submitting mods, maps and pixel made character based from the officials ones.

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Re: Idea: Free(as a freedom) franchise.

#6 Post by chronoluminaire »

I, on the other hand, think this could actually be quite a nice idea.

I think I have two reasons for thinking this. One is that I like fanfiction, if it's good. Specifically, I think the amount of good Evangelion fanfiction that's out there is worth the existence of the bad Evangelion fanfiction. I first discovered Asuka, Shinji and the rest in their original setting - high school kids piloting mecha against bizarre pseudo-aliens. But I've read good fanfiction which focuses just on their high-school lives; I've read good fics which retell the story with one or two fundamental assumptions changed; and I've seen a good piece which takes the characters and puts them in a completely different setting, but preserves the characters and their broad relationships with each other.

The second reason is that my characters have already done this. Tohko, Yurika, Takuya, Kei and Makoto from Elven Relations were originally Japanese high school students in a military academy, in a planned game that never got off the ground. But they made the transition to their fantasy world pretty well. I periodically consider making that original planned game, Beautiful Days; one of these days I probably will. The characters and their fundamental relationships can be the same, even if the setting is different.

I'd want anyone who tries to use the characters to agree to *try* to keep the characterisation consistent with the original work, whatever that was. But this could be quite cool. I like the way that Eileen, Lucy, Mary, and a few other Lemmasoft characters have strong recognisability; I think these characters could achieve this too.
I released 3 VNs, many moons ago: Elven Relations (IntRenAiMo 2007), When I Rule The World (NaNoRenO 2005), and Cloud Fairy (the Cute Light & Fluffy Project, 2009).
More recently I designed the board game Steam Works (published in 2015), available from a local gaming store near you!

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Re: Idea: Free(as a freedom) franchise.

#7 Post by Deji »

I feel the way of exposing the idea isn't quite the right one, but the idea itself is pretty nice.
You take a bunch of characters, with defined looks and personality, and make a base setting with a base background story for them. This would be approved as everybody as Canon, and a Vn with their basic story could be made.
After that, the characters are up to other people to play with them, either making them go into alternative universes,"what if" worlds, different settings, or exploring their past or their future.
Every story would be listed down and other people could elaborate on them.

Like for example, we have a non-canon story involving the past of the characters, then another person would like to create an alternative present story following the events on that non-canon story, etc...
so we'd end up having a huge compilation of stories, all of them starring the same characters and exploring their posiblities =P
I sorta think of Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni, where you have the same characters all the time, but the stories told each time are different.
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Re: Idea: Free(as a freedom) franchise.

#8 Post by Jake »

Adorya wrote:Edit: However, we have a great example of sharing under python and it's called Battle for Wesnoth. It's a free open source STG like, the UI is python typical and Ren'py "doable" though many developers contributed and worked a lot on it. The most interesting aspect is its huge community, submitting mods, maps and pixel made character based from the officials ones.
However, it's not quite the same as the idea presented here - Wesnoth is distributed under the GPL, which means:

* No option if you contribute to the project to retain parts of your work as not-shared - if you contribute at all, your contributions are under the GPL as well.
* No commercial viability
* No option to distribute under any other license
* Everything in the game is distributed under the same terms, so there's no question of what you can or cannot use in your own contributions

(Also: JOOI, I thought 'STG' meant 'shooting game' - what are you meaning here?)
chronoluminaire wrote:I, on the other hand, think this could actually be quite a nice idea.
Don't get me wrong. I think it would be a nice idea; I just don't think it's a particularly feasible idea, with the size and nature of the community which we have, with the particular details which iHentai suggested, and with the vague parts left undefined in the original suggestion.
chronoluminaire wrote:I'd want anyone who tries to use the characters to agree to *try* to keep the characterisation consistent with the original work, whatever that was.
This is, unfortuantely, another uncontrollable thing. Sticking with the Evangelion example, one person might think it's entirely reasonable for Asuka to force Shinji into kinky bondage sex; others think it's quite out of character for her to do anything of the sort. Either you would have to have the original character designer holding a veto over every use of the character (unfeasible and makes the whole 'franchise' idea less enticing for other creators) or you have to resign yourself to the fact that different people will do vastly different things with your characters and they won't really be the same characters in any two works.
chronoluminaire wrote:But this could be quite cool. I like the way that Eileen, Lucy, Mary, and a few other Lemmasoft characters have strong recognisability; I think these characters could achieve this too.
I still think you'd have the same critical-mass problem. Eileen, Lucy and Mary are recognisable and have well-understood characters because nearly everyone in the community has seen the Ren'Py demo and Moonlight Walks; they're typically the first two VNs from the community that a newcomer will see.

Taking the top three threads from Completed Games by number-of-views, for a quick measure of popularity, you get Black Pencil, Garden Society Kykuit and Ori, Ochi, Onoe. Straight away, it's practically impossible to use characters from two of those (the two ATP ones) in another game without notably changing the characters, due to the conditions those stories impose. Kykuit's cast could probably be used in this manner, but I think we'd need more information about Eclipse's intentions for some of the characters (particularly the protagonist) if we wanted to actually stay in keeping with them...
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Re: Idea: Free(as a freedom) franchise.

#9 Post by JQuartz »

My views are pretty much the same as Jake. I've already experimented with something similar to this ( ... =16&t=2834 ) and the results weren't so encouraging. Still if you want to try it I'll be willing contribute some short (and most likely absurd) stories for the project.
Jake wrote:Also: JOOI, I thought 'STG' meant 'shooting game' - what are you meaning here?)
StraTegy Game?
I suspect somebody is stealing my internet identity so don't believe everything I tell you via messages. I don't post or send messages anymore so don't believe anything I tell you via messages or posts.

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Re: Idea: Free(as a freedom) franchise.

#10 Post by Adorya »

Strategy by Turn Game (opposite of Real Time Strategy) or TBSG but I don't like this one :)

I know that Wesnoth fall under GPL with its limits, but I was pointing the creativity process and the amount of work available for this game. There are many players toying with sprite or map editing, it's quite impressive even though the coding is not so easy. They use the base material and make their own with small but significant differences (there is even a total conversion campaign in the official game).

To be able to fanwork on the "official Ren'py character", we would have to have the original story first to make it canon (which we don't). On the other hand, freeing the character can allow some original idea to pop for him, and there are some cases where some fanwork meme are recognized by the original author and make them canon as a reference or an easter egg in official sequel.

We also still wait for the first official H-VN exemple (maybe in 6.5.0?), it can also be a potential source of fandom-ism depending on how it turn out to be ;)

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Re: Idea: Free(as a freedom) franchise.

#11 Post by ihentai »

Sorry people, i became sick and not able reply fast :(
I gather by the LGPL reference and the rest of your comments that you mean a character which is absolutely legally-free to use, but restricted when modifying, such that any modifications you make to the character fall under the same license?
Whatever it is you mean, it would need firming up and laying out in specific black and white terms before it meant anything.
Yes, that's right. But if people do not like the idea in general it was not worth to put into it so much efforts. AND the community input is very important - without it, the clear black and white terms will be pure theorization.
... <skipped> ...
It's a fine idea, and if this fundamental problem could be worked around I probably wouldn't mind donating effort to such a cause, but I think that what we would be left with wasn't a set of 'characters' as used by doujinshi authors, but a set of 'sprites'. And while character-reuse can be compelling because the reader already has an emotional attachment to that character stemming from the original work, sprite-reuse often just annoys most people.
Yes, I am partially aware of the hardships of that way. I'm somehow optimistically see the future because some way or another it should happen in future : I see shining FOSS/LInux example before my eyes. :) Yes, it is a different area, but I have a _very_ good memory of "Linux is a pure toy, _cannot_ be any serious stuff in it". When I start to use Linux nobody around me is believe that it can and should be used for some practical purpose. And now - many people still don't believe ... and using Linux every day for serious tasks without ever noticing it :)
This is kind of silly.
There is a method in this madness.
Save in open formats, sure - but if I create a PNG in Photoshop you can open it in the GIMP just fine, it's a known format that everyone can read, so there's no reason to restrict the software it comes from. Especially since - frankly - most FSF-free software is notably harder to use than commercial best-of-breed equivalents.
The availability of sources for any participator is the main idea in it. You should not post only PNG, but a original PSD with layers, etc. So people can learn, change/fix. And if you post such format - people without Photoshop cannot use it.
That's why I actiually suggest a vector format/tools as a base. It can be compressed very efficiently and can be easily edited for additional value. And the possibility of reuse is much more high, IMHO.
I know I for one would rather "just not get involved" than "use the GIMP for any protracted period of time".
I think that should be more a direction than the definitive restriction. :) "Make what you can" should be our motto ( as in FOSS world, mostly) . I personally :) convert your works in appropriate formats if you have joined that efforts :)
... <skipped> ...
Outside of a story, a character is just costume design.

Basically, we come to a catch-22 situation - we would need a critical mass of established, powerful fiction concerning those characters before enough people would be interested in using them, and we'd need people interested in using them in order to establish the critical mass of fiction.
Yes critical mass is very important. But in the beginning we not need _many_ characters, we need just 5-6 and people using them :)
(Not to mention that often, once people have written and defined and fleshed out their characters to that extent, they're less willing to let them be used by other people because other people will necessarily have differing ideas about their babies. Which makes it harder to persuade someone to establish that critical mass in the first place.)
Yes, that's should be a problem. Because of it I said "develop some chars for that project".
On this note, look at Magical Boutique. Monele demonstrated how people could write new events for that, and asked people if they wanted to contribute, but generally the response wasn't that great. People prefer to work on their own projects. In the end, it turned out just being the work of two people, himself and DaFool.
Thats understandable. What I propose actually not "add some to my game" it is "get char from my game and write your story (probably in different world with different here and there)".
Example : I am now try with my friends write some VN. I have character "Older sister of main hero". I really not want my writer develop a unique character with great internal world. We have other three chars thats need our attention. But if I can get , for example, Monele main hero to participate as older sister , and write dialogs having her personality in mind, thats would be great. The game became more "alive" . And we make a set of clothing and dialogs(our setting is modern world) that can be used if Monele use this character in modern variant of his "Boutic", or not use.

Part 1 of reply....

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Re: Idea: Free(as a freedom) franchise.

#12 Post by ihentai »

The next bunch of suggested details:

This project should not be restricted in scope of ren'py. The franchise should be general - so can be used in manga, anime (yes, thats crazy), and most importantly in other free games. But renpy community will be one of the big parts in all picture - I hope.

Some charters can be (probably) get from here: (
And here ... e_stendhal
Not to mention browsing for apporpriate licensed games and see if authors agree to use their chars in project.

Currently the person(persons) mostly need is not a original authors but diplomats who can negotiate with free games developers about this. And with DeviantArt people that sometimes draw commissions free of charge.

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Re: Idea: Free(as a freedom) franchise.

#13 Post by Jake »

ihentai wrote:Example : I am now try with my friends write some VN. I have character "Older sister of main hero". I really not want my writer develop a unique character with great internal world. We have other three chars thats need our attention. But if I can get , for example, Monele main hero to participate as older sister , and write dialogs having her personality in mind, thats would be great. The game became more "alive" . And we make a set of clothing and dialogs(our setting is modern world) that can be used if Monele use this character in modern variant of his "Boutic", or not use.
This is the kind of problematic thing that I was talking about before, though. The setting and the relationships with other people are as much a part of a 'character' as hair and eye colour and name and 'personality'. If I took Touhou's Sakuya and stuffed her as a checkout girl in a supermarket with none of her usual relationships intact, then she's just not the same character any more. The same applies to characters from any other medium, of course - Harry Potter isn't the same Harry Potter if he's a well-paid executive at an accountancy firm with no Ron, no Voldemort and no whatever-her-name-was-the-love-interest; Coleridge's mariner isn't the same character if he's someone's shut-in older brother with no habit of harrassing wedding guests; Framboise isn't the same character if she's suddenly teleported out of her magical fantasy world with no Pom, no Dalmarion and turned into someone's studious older sister. Harry is defined partly by his dynamic with Voldemort, the mariner by his curse and Framboise by her relationship to Dalmarion.

Seriously - without sticking to enough of that original canon, you are not using a character, you're using a sprite, and/or a visual design, and/or a name. It's not the same thing at all, and it doesn't carry the same emotional attachment. And that's basically the fundamental problem I see with this project. You can't establish a canon that people care about without stories, you can't write stories without closing off a lot of the generic usability of the characters.

(Now, admittedly you can change some of that from story to story. Harry Potter is still Harry Potter if he's a crazy genius scientist-kid who uses jury-rigged technology to defeat his arch-nemesis Voll d'Mort who was kicked out of the Royal Society 'cause he believed that people who didn't apply the Scientific Method to every facet of life deserved to be killed - it's still the same dynamics, the same relationships, in a different setting. And Harry Potter is probably more or less still Harry Potter if you have him a student at Hogwarts struggling to prove himself to a sceptical and tyrannical headmaster who remembers how awesome his father was and expects him to measure up, because you can preserve most of the characters and mostly just alter the archplot. But there's a point where the line has been crossed, and - for example - having a crazy genius scientist-kid trying to prove himself to a tyrannical headmaster is across that line. You're not using the character Harry Potter, you're using the name and the appearance.)
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Re: Idea: Free(as a freedom) franchise.

#14 Post by Jake »

OK, so I thought about this a bit more, and here's my conclusion on the most practical way to make something like this work:
  • Instead of trying to write a new license, use an existing one - for example, there are lots of pretty good Creative Commons licenses which are written exactly for this kind of thing.
  • License an explicit character design and maybe some example sprites, rather than trying to work out which bits are or aren't part of a particular character or trying to define a set of things that are needed for the licensed product. Like this, the same character design can trivially be used in any medium.
And give up on:
  • Commercial use (unless you want to use a license which doesn't require the user to give back any changes or extensions to the character design).
  • Compelling anyone to keep 'in character' in any sense of the word (because it's impossible to license).
  • Expecting a thriving doujinshi-style community who loves and adores these characters (because frankly, that kind of thing cannot be manufactured).
So by way of example, I'd expect a typical submission for such use to be something like this:


And here's a sprite, under the same license.
(Personally, I tend to favour MIT-style licenses for stuff I'm giving away, which would correspond to CC-BY and a) allow free commercial use by way of b) not restricting the license of any derivative work at all. But for the sake of the example, I'll go with one of those horrible GPL-style licenses for now. :P)

Also: Merry Christmas! ;-)
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Re: Idea: Free(as a freedom) franchise.

#15 Post by PyTom »

I would allow commercial use. Commercial use != people profiting off the use. For example, hosting a game on a site with ads probably counts as commercial use. I think you would want to allow commercial use, under a viral/share-alike license, so the game could be hoster on ad-supported hosting sites.
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